Friday, April 2, 2010

Fwd: Releases..........pt1

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Date: Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 2:16 PM
Subject: Releases..........pt1

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Wholesale Price Indices for Primary Articles and Fuel, Power, Light &
Lubricants in India (Base: 1993-94=100)
Review for the week ended 20th March, 2010 (29 Phalguna, 1931, 1926 Saka)
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

The WPI for the week ended 20th March, 2010 in respect of 'Primary
Articles and 'Fuel, Power, Light & Lubricants' is given below:

PRIMARY ARTICLES (Weight 22.02%)
The WPI for the week ended 20th March, 2010 rose by 0.4 percent to
283.4 (Provisional) from 282.3 (Provisional) for the previous week.

The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point to point basis,
stood at 13.86 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 20/03/2010
(over 21/03/2009) as compared to 13.88 percent (Provisional) for the
previous week (ended 13/03/2010) and 5.20 percent during the
corresponding week (ended 21/03/2009) of the previous year.

The groups and items for which the index showed variations during the
week are as follows:-

The index for 'Food Articles' group rose by 0.6 percent to 284.7
(Provisional) from 283.0 (Provisional) for the previous week due to
higher prices of barley and milk (3% each), moong and condiments &
spices (2 % each) and urad and arhar (1% each).  However, the prices
of tea (10%), fish-marine (2%) and wheat, fish-inland, masur and gram
(1% each) declined.

The index for 'Non-Food Articles' group declined by 0.1 percent to
254.3 (Provisional) from 254.6 (Provisional) for the previous week due
to lower prices of groundnut seed, linseed and copra (1% each).
However, the prices of raw rubber (4%), mesta (2%) and fodder,
gingelly seed and raw silk (1% each) moved up.

The index for this major group rose marginally to 361.8 (Provisional)
from 361.7 (Provisional) for the previous week due to higher prices of
aviation turbine fuel (3%).

The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point to point basis,
stood at 12.75 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 20/03/2010
(over 21/03/2009) as compared to 12.68 percent (Provisional) for the
previous week (ended 13/03/2010) and (-) 6.11 percent during the
corresponding week (ended 21/03/2009) of the previous year.

Build up inflation over the week, financial year end and over the year
is given below for some important items.
Next date of press release: 08/04/2010 for the week ending 27/03/2010
Wholesale Price Index and Rates of Inflation
                                       Week Ending 20th March, 2010
Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups      Weight  WPI Mar. 20,
2010    Latest week over week   Build up from end March Year on year    52
week Average
                       2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10
Primary Articles        22.03   283.4   0.40    0.39    5.11    13.82   5.20    13.86   10.33
Food Articles   15.40   284.7   0.49    0.60    7.23    16.63   7.56    16.35   14.27
Cereals 4.41    270.6   0.20    -0.33   11.47   10.72   12.13   10.04   13.50
Rice    2.45    251.0   0.26    0.20    16.43   8.75    17.43   7.36    14.52
Wheat   1.38    277.5   -0.04   -1.39   4.53    13.54   4.89    13.54   10.18
Pulses  0.60    359.4   0.89    0.79    9.94    32.23   10.74   31.55   28.02
Vegetables      1.46    196.3   2.90    -1.51   -5.06   0.77    -6.74   0.62    18.35
Potatoes        0.26    176.3   0.80    -16.21  -11.39  -17.85  -12.66  -12.20  59.75
Onions  0.09    255.8   6.49    -1.20   72.19   -6.30   73.09   -13.38  22.35
Fruits  1.46    321.6   1.32    0.41    6.56    10.78   9.27    10.06   5.68
Milk    4.37    280.0   0.00    2.98    7.04    18.74   7.04    18.74   10.69
Non-Food Articles       6.14    254.3   0.31    -0.12   -0.57   11.78   -1.05   12.57   3.47
Fibres  1.52    235.8   0.51    -0.17   0.98    18.55   0.20    20.18   0.25
Oil Seeds       2.67    259.4   0.30    -0.57   -2.14   8.58    -2.70   9.13    3.53
Minerals        0.48    610.4   0.03    0.00    7.19    -9.62   7.19    -9.62   -4.71
Fuel, Power, Light &
Lubricants      14.23   361.8   -0.03   0.03    -6.11   12.71   -6.11   12.75   -2.70
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1.84    354.0   0.00    0.00    5.26    0.45    5.26    0.45    -4.44
Petrol  0.89    261.9   0.00    0.00    -10.96  16.82   -10.96  16.82   -7.59
High Speed Diesel Oil   2.02    520.0   0.00    0.00    -2.92   14.99   -2.92   14.99   -2.55
GROUPS & SUB-GROUPS (BASE: 1993-94=100)
 MAJOR GROUP/GROUP  |             W E E K   E N D I N G            |% CHANGE
    & SUB-GROUP    |----------------------------------------------|  DURING
                   |20.03.2010|13.03.10|20.02.10|23.01.10|21.03.09| THE WEEK
                   |         PROVISIONAL        |      FINAL      |
         1.              2.        3.       4.       5.       6.        7.
 I  PRIMARY             283.4    282.3    283.7     285.7    248.9    0.4
(A)  Food Articles       284.7    283.0    285.0     287.2    244.7    0.6
 a.  Food                281.3    281.7    284.1     289.0    249.2   -0.1
 a1. Cereals             270.6    271.5    272.6     276.2    245.9   -0.3
 a2. Pulses              359.4    356.6    367.7     382.5    273.2    0.8
 b.  Fruits &            258.9    259.8    267.1     274.9    243.6   -0.3
 b1. Vegetables          196.3    199.3    216.0     230.4    195.1   -1.5
 b2. Fruits              321.6    320.3    318.3     319.4    292.2    0.4
 c.  Milk                280.0    271.9    269.4     266.8    235.8    3.0
 d.  Eggs,Meat &         325.6    327.6    328.8     325.9    249.7   -0.6
 e.  Condiments &        349.6    344.3    351.6     356.0    277.0    1.5
 f.  Other Food          202.1    213.3    220.0     226.2    192.1   -5.3
(B)  Non-Food            254.3    254.6    256.2     256.3    225.9   -0.1
 a.  Fibres              235.8    236.2    231.8     236.6    196.2   -0.2
 b.  Oil Seeds           259.4    260.9    268.0     265.3    237.7   -0.6
 c.  Other Non-Food      261.9    260.3    259.0     259.4    233.0    0.6
(C)  Minerals            610.4    610.4    591.6     610.4    675.4    -
 a.  Metallic            912.1    912.1    878.7     912.1   1024.2    -
 b.  Other Minerals      133.9    133.9    138.2     133.9    124.5    -
 II  FUEL,POWER,         361.8    361.7    355.4     356.1    320.9    -
 A.  Coal Mining         285.7    285.7    285.7     285.7    251.8    -
 B.  Minerals Oil        443.5    443.3    430.5     431.9    378.7    -
 C.  Electricity         281.9    281.9    281.9     281.9    269.2    -

rj/mrs/dk/kol/14:07 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Presidents Secretariat
Enumeration of President of India signals launch of Census Operations
and preparation of first ever National Population Register
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

The enumeration of the President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh
Patil at Rashtrapati Bhavan today, by the staff of the Office of the
Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, marked the launch
of the Decennial Census Operation and the preparation of the first
ever National Population Register. The preparation of the first ever
National Population Register is one of the biggest processes of its
kind attempted anywhere in the world so far.

The President requested all residents of the country to wholeheartedly
take part in the preparation of the first ever National Population
Register and also the Decennial Census Operation, so as to make it a
resounding success. She said by taking part wholeheartedly in this
effort, the Nation will be benefited as well as each individual.

For immediate release.

This released issued at hrs.

(archana datta) osd (pr) to the president 01.04.2010/dk/kol/14:08 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Address to the Nation on The Fundamental Right of
Children to Elementary Education
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh's
Address to the Nation on The Fundamental Right of Children to
Elementary Education:

"About a hundred years ago a great son of India, Gopal Krishna
Gokhale, urged the Imperial Legislative Assembly to confer on the
Indian people the Right to Education.

About ninety years later the Constitution of India was amended to
enshrine the Right to Education as a fundamental right.

Today, our Government comes before you to redeem the pledge of giving
all our children the right to elementary education. The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, enacted by Parliament
in August 2009, has come into force today.

The Fundamental Right to Education, as incorporated in our
Constitution under Article 21 A, has also become operative from today.
This demonstrates our national commitment to the education of our
children and to the future of India.

We are a Nation of young people. The health, education and creative
abilities of our children and young people will determine the
wellbeing and strength of our Nation.

Education is the key to progress. It empowers the individual. It
enables a nation.

It is the belief of our government that if we nurture our children and
young people with the right education, India's future as a strong and
prosperous country is secure.

We are committed to ensuring that all children, irrespective of gender
and social category, have access to education. An education that
enables them to acquire the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes
necessary to become responsible and active citizens of India.

To realise the Right to Education the government at the Centre, in the
States and Union Territories, and at the district and village level
must work together as part of a common national endeavour. I call upon
all the State Governments to join in this national effort with full
resolve and determination. Our government, in partnership with the
State governments will ensure that financial constraints do not hamper
the implementation of the Right to Education Act.

The success of any educational endeavour is based on the ability and
motivation of teachers. The implementation of the Right to Education
is no exception. I call upon all our teachers across the country to
become partners in this effort. It is also incumbent upon all of us to
work together to improve the working conditions of our teachers and
enable them to teach with dignity, giving full expression to their
talent and creativity.

Parents and guardians too have a critical role to play having been
assigned school management responsibilities under the Act.

The needs of every disadvantaged section of our society, particularly
girls, dalits, adivasis and minorities must be of particular focus as
we implement this Act.

I was born to a family of modest means. In my childhood I had to walk
a long distance to go to school. I read under the dim light of a
kerosene lamp. I am what I am today because of education.

I want every Indian child, girl and boy, to be so touched by the light
of education. I want every Indian to dream of a better future and live
that dream.

Let us together pledge this Act to the children of India. To our young
men and women. To the future of our Nation."

ad/hs/dk/kol/14:08 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Mechanism for efficient & simple financial management system and
Online transfer & tracking of funds
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has worked out a mechanism for
efficient management of programmes, funds, and planning functions. The
mechanism is based on switch over from the present system of 'Advances
and Disbursement' to a system of 'Authorization'. In this framework,
each IE would be given an 'Authorization' for up to a certain amount
based on their entitlement as per the programme guidelines, MoPR has
also developed 'Plan Plus' software which facilitates integrated
(cross-sectoral) District/Sub-District planning and seamless
convergence of plethora of schemes and resources. This application
will integrate with the new mechanism for fund transfer and provide an
unified Planning, Accounting and MIS system.

In addition, to enable final payments to the beneficiaries, the
Business Correspondents (BCs) option is being tried under various
schemes. With the use of Electronic Benefit Transfer system and
biometric based smart-card technology, the new mechanism is capable of
integrating the BC model for the disbursal purposes. In fact Govt. of
India has mooted BC model for the 97 unbanked Blocks (86 in NE alone)
in the country for extending Banking services.

The objective of this entire exercise is to Reflect the changed
content of programmes; Enable tracking of actual expenditure (not
merely the releases) with necessary details. Provide timely and
reliable Management Information, out of the huge magnitude and
complexity of transactions, which is useful for monitoring and
decision making; Eliminate the large float in the system, due to the
Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) created purportedly for efficient
transfer of funds and Bring SPEs into the formal structure of
accountability, including audit by CAG.

st/dk/kol/14:08 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Finance
Committee constituted to review the acquisition procedure of the
security features for currency notes submits its report to the finance
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

The committee constituted to review the acquisition procedure of the
security features for currency notes; review the relevant procurement
manuals and suggest a roadmap for progressive indigenization of
various inputs including high end machinery and security features
submitted its report to the Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee in
his North Block Office in New Delhi today. A presentation was also
made highlighting the main issues and recommendations thereof. Main
recommendations of the Committee are as under:

Directorate of Currency to be created under Ministry of Finance to
coordinate & oversee acquisition and R&D efforts of security features
for currency notes and other security products. This Directorate to be
headed by an officer of the rank of Special Secretary to Govt. of
India; ć Suggested new acquisition procedure for the security
features of currency notes for increased levels of transparency and
accountability; ć Emphasis on indigenisation of manufacture of bank
note paper, security inks, security features, related equipments and
coin plating. ć Setting up of National Level R&D centre under the
proposed Directorate of Currency for R&D in the field of raw
materials, security features and machinery required for the production
of Indian bank notes and other security sensitive items. ć Security
paper manufactured in India to be exempted from Excise duty. Further
financial incentives like waiver of the customs duty on imported
machinery for the production of the bank note paper and printing to be
provided. ć Single national level coordinating agency for
intelligence, law enforcement and investigation to tackle the menace
of Fake Indian Currency Notes. ć RBI to launch a sustained a
widespread multimedia campaign for educating the public to distinguish
genuine bank note from the fake ones. ć Modifications in the
Procurement Manuals to encourage indigenisation and level playing

The Finance Minister appreciated the work done by the Committee and
emphasized the early implementation of the recommendations by the
Ministry. It may be noted that counterfeiting of currency is a crime
that is as old as the introduction of money itself. As it also
adversely affects India, a need has arisen to streamline the procedure
of acquisition of security features as well as procurement of
machinery and raw-materials to combat this menace. Further,
indigenisation of items required for production of bank notes also
needs to be encouraged to ensure uninterrupted supply of raw materials
with cost efficiency as another important measure to contain the

Accordingly the Finance Ministry constituted a Committee to review the
matter under the chairmanship of Shri Shilabhadra Banerjee, IAS
(Retired), ex-Secretary to Government of India, Chairman of the
Committee. Since, the Committee was tasked to complete its work in two
months from the date of its constitution; it convened eight meetings
at regular intervals and prepared its report within the stipulated
time frame. Committee consisted of the following members:- (i) Dr.
Thomas Mathews, IAS, Deputy Director General, Institute for Defence
Studies and Analyses. (ii) Sh. M.S. Rana, Chairman and Managing
Director, Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
(SPMCIL). (iii) Sh.V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) (iv) Sh. B.S. Rawat, Deputy Secretary, Department of
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. (v) Sh S.C.Agrawal, Managing
Director, BRBNMPL. (vi) Sh. Prabodh Kumar, Joint Director and Head of
Zone, CBI, New Delhi (vii) Sh. Arvind Kumar, Deputy Director,
Intelligence Bureau (IB) (viii) Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Inspector
General, NIA.

bsc/by/st/db/dk/kol/14:09 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Oil ministers approve enhancing IEF framework for mitigating energy
market volatility12TH IEF ministerial meet adopts cancun declaration
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

The Oil Ministers from over 60 countries representing both oil
producers and consumers adopted a declaration at the 12th
International Energy Forum (IEF) Ministerial Meet today at Cancun,
Mexico (India time) which aims at proposing means to mitigate energy
market volatility. Expressing satisfaction about the outcome, Shri
Murli Deora, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas who is leading
Indian delegation said that the declaration endorses India´s position
that high is not in the interest of either oil producer countries or
the oil importing nations. He added that India has been for long
pursuing a dialogue between them. Shri Deora had earlier put forward
India´s concerns at meets at Jeddah, Vienna and London saying that
high volatility affects new investments in exploration and production
projects besides being a drain on the resources of the importing

The Ministerial declaration was issued on the final day of the two-day
deliberations of oil producer and consumer nations. It calls for an
enhanced dialogue between global producer-consumer countries. The
declaration approved an enhanced IEF framework to sustain and
reinforce the commitment of producer and consumer states to the
informal dialogue. It was decided to establish a new High Level
Steering Group of participating countries with a mandate to draft the
IEF Charter.

With regards to volatility in the energy markets, the declaration
said, ´´ energy markets should be as transparent as possible to enable
their efficient and effective operation and timely and improved market
related data should facilitate better understanding of market price
behaviour and appropriate regulatory responses.´´ The neutral status
of IEF has also been emphasised with an enhanced role in providing
improved and expanded market data and compiling relevant analytical
reports with respect to both the physical and paper oil market.
Further ,it proposes greater cooperation between the IEF, the
International Energy Agency and OPEC sharing analysis of market trends
and outlook. It also recongnised that regulations have important
effects on market functioning and participants´ behaviour.

Various milestone has been proposed as part of Implementation Plan for
drafting and approving the IEF Charter before March 2011 and
implementing the new organisational setting by March 2011 and beyond.

In addition, the Indian delegation met more delegations from other
countries on the sidelines of the meet to explore greater
opportunities for cooperation in the hydrocarbon sector. These include
the meetings with delegations of Qatar, Iran, Angola, Russia among

rcj/ ief declaration/dk/kol/14:09 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Defence
Air Marshal Arup Raha takes over as Senior Air Staff Officer, Western
Air Command
New Delhi: April 1, 2010

Air Marshal Arup Raha takes over as the Senior Air Staff Officer at
Western Air Command, New Delhi today.

An alumnus of National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, he was
commissioned into the fighter stream of the Indian Air Force on 14 Dec
1974. Air Marshal Raha has approximately 3400 hours of flying to his
credit. A Fighter Combat Leader and an experienced Flying Instructor,
he is an alumnus of the prestigious Tri-Services Defence Services
Staff College (DSSC) and National Defence College (NDC).

He has held various important field and staff appointments besides
serving as a Directing Staff at Flying Instructors School (FIS),
Tambaram and Tactics and Air Combat Development Establishment (TACDE),

He has also functioned as an Inspector in the Directorate of Air Staff
Inspection (DASI), at Air Head Quarters, Military and Air Attaché in
Embassy of India, Kyiv, Ukraine and Deputy Commandant at Air Force
Academy, Hyderabad. He has commanded a MiG-29 Squadron and two
frontline bases in the Western Air Command and is the Commodore
Commandant of 47 Squadron,a Mig- 29 Squadron known as the 'Black
Archers'. Prior to the present appointment he was Commanding the
Advance Head Quarters, Western Air Command, Chandimandir.

For his distinguished service Air Marshal Raha was awarded the Vayu
Sena Medal in 1995 and Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 2009.

pj/bps/ks/dk/kol/14:10 hrs.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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