Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fwd: [PMARC] Planning Meeting May 2, 2010- Women Karwan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shabnam Hashmi <>
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:18 AM
Subject: [PMARC] Planning Meeting May 2, 2010- Women Karwan
To: Dalits Media Watch <>

Dear All,
Most of you must have got the first e-mail regarding the proposed All India Women Karwan in support of the Women Reservation Bill. Three karwan's on different routes to start on May 20th. (Please see attached map and route).

Anhad has only taken the initiative of proposing the tentative plan. We request all democratic, secular, groups, movements, women's groups, political formations, parties to join this effort.

A planning meeting is being held in Delhi on May 2, 2010 from 11 am to 5pm at the IWPC ( Indian Women's Press Club) , 5, Windsor Place, situated on the Meridian Hotel round about between Ashoka Road and Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001
  • We invite all concerned groups to send representatives for the meeting. Anhad cannot arrange for travel or stay. Those who cannot come please send your suggestions.
  • These are tentative routes and are open to change .
  • We are inviting groups to endorse/ support / co-organise this Journey
  • To host the karwans in different cities
  • To organize one public meeting, one press conference and host the karwan members for one night- food and stay.
  • To send members of your group to be part of the karwan who are good speakers/ organizers and can rough it out- not more than 15 women per karwan.
  • To plan especially designed posters, banners, songs etc
  • Anhad is trying to mobilize resources for travel of all the three karwans from different organizations. We will need a lot more financial support to be mobilized/ contributed.

23, Canning Lane
New Delhi-110001
Ph: 23070722/23070740

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