Wednesday, April 28, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Triaka Smith <>
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:42 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Triaka Smith
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:57 PM

The attached report from Richard Boylan that the U.S. is operating a military Aero Space Command with the U.K. and Canada prompted the  following question to him - on what Constitutional and Congressional authority is this authorized with the spending of "trillions" of tax dollars?

Boylan did not answer the question and, instead, accused  me of going  "over to the dark side" and that he would now place me on his Blocked Senders list which prevents any follow-up email correspondence such as a question regarding space-based warfare.

Does Boylan believe that my soul work for the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY based on our God-given Rights of Freewill, asking questions and informing the world, is the "dark side" or in the Light?

In the Spirit of Aloha,
Triaka-Don Smith

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:40 AM
Subject: [DrRichBoylanReports] Digest Number 1519

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Bob Dean reveals Aerospace Command exists with headquarters in space
   From: DrBoylan

1. Bob Dean reveals Aerospace Command exists with headquarters in space
   Posted by: "DrBoylan" richardboylanphdllc
   Date: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:39 am ((PDT))


   My friend, Command Sergeant-Major Robert O. Dean, US Army/NATO (ret.),
has been the source of some of my insider information.
   Bob recently revealed some "leaks" which follow, and which provide some
information about the extent to which the U.S.Government .has a presence in
   Previously the U.S. had an Army Space Command, a Naval Space Command and
an Air Force Space Command. These were described as having to do with
satellite communications, missile defense, and other non-exotic matters such
as space surveillance, described as looking for incoming ballistic missile
or wandering asteroids, (not UFOs). :-)
   In 1985 these commands were unified into the U.S. Space Command.
   Seven years later, in 2002, the U.S. Space Command was absorbed into the
United States Strategic Command, which is described as conducting warfare
using satellite surveillance, launching and intercepting missiles, and other
elements of modern warfare conducted on the ground and in the atmosphere.
   It seems puzzling that a space-oriented command would be absorbed by a
combatant command like US Strategic Command until Bob Dean provided some
missing pieces of the puzzle.
   Apparently in 2002 U.S. Space Command's space-oriented operations were
taken over by an Aerospace Command.
This Aerospace Command, Dean says, no longer has its headquarters in
Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs or even at Peterson Air Force Base,
Colorado Springs. Instead the headquarters of the Aerospace Command has
moved into space!
   This Aerospace Command is staffed by Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine
Corps personnel from the U.S., United Kingdom, and Canada. The Command has a
budget in the trillions, Dean reveals.
   Aerospace Command is headed by four-star General Lance Lord, who
supposedly "retired" from the Air Force Space Command in 2006.  Instead Gen.
Lord "went black" and remains active but with a new assignment up into space
at Aerospace Command headquarters as its commanding general, Dean says.
   Gen. Lance Lord has the energy signature of a Star Seed, I have
discovered. This is appropriate since the Aerospace Command does not deal
with ballistic missiles and war, but rather with space-based operations,
evidently including providing guidance for incoming Star Visitor craft,
transporting generals, admirals and government VIPs up into space, and
excursions to the Moon and beyond, etc.
   While the Cabal have been interdicted by Star Nations from any further
travel into deep space, that embargo does not apply to the White Hats within
government, who clearly continue space-based operations.
   So now we know a bit more about "our tax dollars at work".

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009 USA

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Messages in this topic (1)


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