Friday, April 23, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Vibrant Energy

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From: Jan Slama <>
Date: Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 8:31 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Vibrant Energy
To: Jan Slama <>


Vibrant Energy

   Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.   We all have needs to be met.

 April 21, 2010


Are the stresses of daily life getting you down?

Family pressures got you on the ropes?

Financial worries choking the life out of you?

Suffering with chronic pain?





                                   Stop the stress!  Feel FREE again!


Hi Friends,


Agnes came to me with two big issues.  She was scheduled for stress tests at the doctor's office the next day which would mean, among other unpleasant things, walking on a treadmill.  Her hips were aching.  She waddled as she walked, shifting weight from one hip to the other, instead of the swinging stride that most of us use.  On a scale of 1-10, she put the pain at 6 for her hips.  Besides that, the tops of her feet were burning, which she attributed to a B deficiency, because she had been on a trip to visit her seriously ill daughter and away from her usual supplement regimen.  She was afraid that would affect her tests adversely.


Most of all, she was afraid of the test.  Her biggest fear was that the doctor would find something wrong.  She was terribly afraid that she would be diagnosed with "something with a name" that meant she was sick.  When doctors put labels on people, it nails that disease or condition to them and their brain accepts it as truth, and she didn't want to be sick and have to have treatments. 


But she also told me how she hated the smell of the office—it reminded her of sickness and death.  Also, the sick people, waiting to be seen by the doctor, depressed her.  She was afraid she'd end up like them, in a walker or with a breathing apparatus.  There was just nothing about going to that appointment that she wanted to experience.  Her stress level was at a 10, and since she was going in for a stress test, she thought that would impact negatively on her results, which would also indicate to the doctor that "something with a name" is afflicting her, which also added to her fear and stress load. 


I had explained to her previously that "something with a name" is just a label the doctors use to lump together a group of symptoms so they can treat it, but that it is our brain which actually controls all that goes on in our body, and we don't have to accept labels.  We can realign our energy and bring peace and calm to our over stressed brain and symptoms disappear -- to which the doctors reply, "Oh, we must have misread the test."  (They have so little understanding of how the brain works.  In fact, they think the Placebo Effect is a bad thing.  That's absolutely backwards!  When the brain believes something, it shows in the body.  People get well, if they believe, which is just another word for bringing the brain and energy into alignment with what you want.  Therefore, how can that be bad?  But the doctors have always maintained that it is!)   What the brain believes, it manifests in the body.  We get WELL, if we believe we've been given a reason to—such as a medicine or a treatment.  But once we know this, we can use it to help the brain to believe—thus HEAL – the body! I've attached a link below to an article below from Natural News that you may want to read about the Placebo Effect.)


On top of everything else, the nurse had told Agnes that they would inject her with some radio active material to test the stress on her heart. That increased her fear, since she suspected that the radiation would get into her thyroid and cause other problems.   The more she talked, the more worried she became!


We worked on her many issues, each one in turn, and some others that surfaced as we worked on these.   By the time she left, her issues had all reduced to zero stress, and she was walking normally.  No more waddling!   No pain.  She repeatedly got up and walked around the room to test it.  The pain didn't return, and the fear left.  Her feet no longer had that the burning sensation.  She was actually jovial as she departed.  I was delighted to see that her change in attitude was markedly different from the way she had come to me.


The next morning she cheerfully called me to tell me that she had done all the tests.  She had walked on the treadmill, until she was breathing hard and tired, but her hips didn't ache at all and her feet were not burning.  Her stress level was still zero, and she wasn't at all worried about the results or the doctor finding something wrong.  The waiting room didn't bother her and she was looking forward to getting the results of her tests in a week.


I was so pleased and happy for her.  From a stressed out and worried 10 down to a zero on all of her issues, and peace about the test results!  She had so many issues to work in, it took almost an hour and a half to resolve them all, but just think of that.  So many issues, including pain, laid to rest permanently, in just a few minutes.  Where else can you find such relief so quickly!? 


Isn't it time you laid to rest some of your fears and worries?  You can do this every day with every worry and every fear!  You don't have to experience the stress and anxiety that haunts our daily lives over so many issues.  Worry and fear add nothing positive to your life.  They only exhaust and depress you.  Stress actually physically sickens you.  Agnes' hips and feet are a case in point.  It was her stressed brain, causing her to feel physical pain, because her emotional stress/pain was so strong.  Her brain suffered, so it caused her physical body to suffer.


What pains are YOU suffering?  Do you believe it is ONLY physical?  Let me assure you, your brain controls ALL that goes on in your body.  When it suffers, you suffer in the physical body.  Learn this wonderful energy healing technique and lay your fears and pains to rest, once and for all! 


Yes, I'm sure the doctor has told you there is a Name for your Pain—Fibromyalgia, or asthma or bone-on-bone, or whatever label they've attached to you.  And your brain accepted that.  But no matter what label you have accepted as the CAUSE for your pain or stress, your brain still controls all that goes on in your body.  We can realign your energy and help your stressed brain to relax and the pain stops.  Doesn't matter what the label, we just need to restore peace to your brain.  Then, your body will change and your life will change.


Love and blessings,






Placebo treatments much stronger than previously thought
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the British medical journal, Lancet, has found that placebo, or fake, medical treatments exhibit a noticeable biological effect on patients. A panel of international researchers pored through a series of...



STANDING OFFER:  3 FREE lessons.   We owe our wonderful men and women who are now serving or have ever served in the military a huge debt of gratitude.  If you are suffering from Post Traumatic stress, Gulf War Syndrome or similar military duty related maladies, injuries or injection reactions, or you suspect that these are the problems, I want to help you be totally FREE of those debilitating issues.  Just mention that you are serving or have served.  Let me show you how to quiet and relax your jangled nerves!  This offer includes military spouses and their children living in their home. 





You'll be surprised at the peace this simple energy healing technique can bring,

and you can learn to do it for yourself, anytime, anywhere, in just a few minutes.


So simple a child can (and has!) used it effectively.


Please don't give up hope.  Don't give in to the "Why Bother" syndrome!  The stresses in your life can be dismissed in a few minutes. 


Why struggle day after day with the same old problems, which only cause stress and worry and fear -- which wrecks havoc with your heart and blood pressure, when with just a few minutes with this technique can bring you results beyond imagining!  WAY better and so much faster than Yoga or Hypnosis or Acupuncture or any of the conventional therapies.  Much simpler.  Pain FREE.  And with lasting results. 


This simple relaxation technique involves no drugs or supplements, no counseling, no painful rehashing of traumatic past events, no forcing yourself to "be brave and face your fears!" 


Yet, it has consistently demonstrated that it can bring personal peace to those suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, and even chronic pain!  Results are, across the board, impressive and highly rewarding to the sufferers of these debilitating problems. 


Check out the web page and then call me or email me for your appointment.  You can use every day of your life to relax your stressors and calm your brain and body.  Life can be joyous again!




You are receiving this because you have at some time in the past inquired about this wonderful healing technique.  If you would prefer NOT to receive this info, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line. 


Thank you. 







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Palash Biswas
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