Monday, April 26, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: TTS Apr 25 Headlines...Depleted Uranium Weapons are slow acting WMDs: at least 320 tons of DU were exploded in Iraq so far......

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: 2010/4/26
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: TTS Apr 25 Headlines...Depleted Uranium Weapons are slow acting WMDs: at least 320 tons of DU were exploded in Iraq so far......
To: "A. Moussa" <>




Subject: TTS Apr 25 Headlines...Depleted Uranium Weapons are slow acting WMDs: at least 320 tons of DU were exploded in Iraq so far......

Zionist Israel -created by terrorism, a barbaric ruthless gangster state genociding Palestine off the map 

The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists- It all began with Harvard Prof Don Wiley's murder.... 

Jesus-Yeshua-Issa was not a Jew: The word "Jew" was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century 

'Alleged Holocaust' tax-dodger jailed for hiding funds in a Swiss bank 

EXTREME INSANITY OF THE CURRENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM BRIEFLY EXPOSED! Less than 5% has to do with exchanging real goods...... 

VIDEO: Congressman Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke Video 

Flashback Col. E. M. House: Philip Dru Administrator, Agenda for 20th,21st century: Mark of The Beast Enslavement and OPIUM WARS FOR THE ELITES' PROFITS 

Video shows London bombings were an inside Job 

Video: Madrid bombings exposed as inside job 

Depleted Uranium Weapons are slow acting WMDs: at least 320 tons of DU were exploded in Iraq so far...... 

Banking in the World, This is how their fraud works when Banksters create money as a ledger entry at no liability to themselves 

If these corporate tax-cheating havens are not closed down, the only people left to tax will be the middle class and employees. 

America Hijacked by Zionists: How US Could be Helpful with regard to the Israeli Invasion/Occupation of Palestine 

America Hijacked by Zionists: Israel Lobby and War on Iran 

Pew Research Center Shows Elites Have Destroyed America's Middle-Class, i.e. Feudal Fascism 

Video: US/NATO finally admit murdering 5 Afghan civilians 




From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:18 PM
Subject: TTS Apr 24 Headlines...Video: Invisible Empire - An absolutely amazing expose' of power brokers of world: No criminal tyrant left behind.




From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 1:22 AM
Subject: TTS Apr 23 Headlines...The War on WIKILEAKS: CIA & State Department apparently Planning to Destroy "Wikileaks"

Video shows that alleged "Hamas Rocketeers" are fired by Zionists or by their collaborators 

Gaza: scouring for grazing grounds; Palestinian Child Reveals Abuse, Torture By Israeli soldiers 

The War on WIKILEAKS: CIA & State Department apparently Planning to Destroy "Wikileaks" 

Truth TV Video: 9/11 Was an inside job, JFK assassination was an inside job, etc. etc. 

Video: Gambling with taxpayer money : Jamie "Derivatives" Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Vikram "Zombie King" Pandit (Citigroup), Lloyd "Goldfinger" Blankfein (Goldman Sachs) 

Video: 9/11, The Unconventional Demolition 

CIA recycling dead folks, e.g. Osama Binladen, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, etc. all thought dead, captured, released and re-killed, and re-killed, .... 

Is Israel Wiretapping America? By Rev. Ted Pike with Aaron and Harmony Daws 

MUST SEE Video-- Police State 4 - The Rise of Fema - by Alex Jones of 

U.S. /allied special forces in Afghanistan kill civilians at a baby shower and coverup their crime 

Video: Elderly Man demonstrates by himself to inform people that Zionists Staged 9/11; The Odigo/ICQ evidence...... 

Minnesota EVENT on What Really Happened on 9/11: Theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin Saturday, April 24, 2010 

The list of over 200 Failed Banks so far, i.e. swallowed up by the BIGGER BANKTSERS..... 

"Israelis" directed Boston police to arrest Vets for Peace member protesting Zionist pro-war "Holocaust Commemoration" - David Rolde 

Subversive Conspirators Surrounding the U.S. Military are Preparing to Disarm the American People.<Fwd> 

Jews were upset that Polish President Kaczynski had "anti-Semites" in his ruling coalition. 

ACTION: Demand an exit date from Afghanistan. 

Video: The Oklahoma City bombing fraud: it was an inside job like 9/11 

Jewish man from Florida is charged with $880 million Ponzi that bilked New Jersey investors 


Israel's Deadly Cluster Bomb Legacy Still Lurks In Lebanon 

Forgotten Genocide: brutal "ethnic cleansing" of Germans in aftermath of WWII in which some 12 million people, mostly women, children and elderly, were forcibly expelled from centuries-old homelands in eastern and central Europe. 

Kathleen Christison: Zionism Laid Bare 

The `Jewish Soap' Fable on holocaust 

AIPAC SPONSORED BAN ON ARAB SATELLITE TV CHANNELS IN US: HR 2278: A Clear and Present Danger to Our Freedom of the Press 

Mr. President: I Need My Money Back! the part that you keep giving to Zionists to genocide Palestine 

10 Year Old Rape Victim Forced to Have Baby | Religious Right vs. Tea Parties | Jon Stewart: Fox Like Lupus 

When 76 ZIONIST senators says it all...........puke!........Israel Support Letter Unsupported by Reality and Truth 

Malta is Blackwater's operational base: 'Giovanni Claudio Fava/Malta 'is Blackwater's operational base' Blackwater-Knights of Malta in Iraq 

Former Regulator William Black Testimony: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York knew that Lehman was engaged in fraud designed to overstate its liquidity,"


MUST READ: Zionist John Hagee, Christians United for Israel: "50 million evangelical Christians unite with 5 million American Jews,....The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against [Zionism] Israel invites the wrath of God" 

VIDEO: exposes the secret plans of the Elite's One World Communist Government 

The National Security Agency Spies On Us All, And Conceals The Crimes Of Goldman Sachs 

[TheTruthSoldiersClub] Income tax is a Feudal Fraud 

videos - Monsanto - Contamination - GM Associated issues - 

John Jiggens: The Afghan War - "No Blood for Opium": The Hidden Military Agenda is to Protect the Drug Trade, flashback to the OPIUM WARS 

AWLESS JUDGES A few Comments on the Fourteent Amendment 

Tyranny: Imminent Domain enables gov to confiscate people's real estate to transfer ownership to another person for "public good.", FAT tax, etc. 

HOW do corporations avoid paying taxes by using shell companies off shore...they adjust their pricing so as to take all their profits in these tax-free enclaves 

Blackwater Chief Joseph E. Schmitz/Connections thru Bush to Blackwater to Enron and on and on and on 

John P. Schmitz, George H.W. Bush's former deputy counsel during the elder Bush's presidency connected to many issues surrounding Enron, Mayer Brown, and Deutsche Bank. 

Sinister Sites - St. John The Divine Cathedral: in 1997, The 9/11 Destruction of WTC Twin Towers was sculpted in one of its columns 

The Masonic/Occult Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music 

Bill Moyers: 6 Banks Control 60% of Economy: Is U.S./World at Mercy of Unstoppable Oligarchy? 

Anomalies of the Human Genome: modern humans acquired an extra 223 genes, a sideways insertion of genetic material! HOW?????? 

Videos: Fort Hood soldiers breaking the silence and speaking out against War; 

Videos of How Rothschild Gained Control of World, Their Planned New World Order Government Tyranny, etc. 

Debbie Menon: End Israel lobbies' pervasive and damaging influence in US politics 

Israel Shahak confirms the thesis by Will Newman (Jewish): Is Lucifer the god of Judaism? and yes, it is....... 

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program For The 20th Century (1912) quoted by Congressman Abernathy, Congressional Record (1957), p. 8559 

comments regarding Video: "I was never fully American, I was Jewish", now coming to brainwash Christians to support extermination of Palestine 

Every PD chief in every little town is NSA deputized with immunity, authorized to cover up evidence and kill or frame witnesses, or entrap them. 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 1:04 AM
Subject: TTS Apr 21 Headlines...Alex Jones' latest film: Police State 4: Resistance Is Not Futile, THE POLICE STATE ISN'T COMING, IT'S HERE!...

Protection from toxic chemical exposure: Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced the "Safe Chemicals Act of 2010" 

Save the Earth, End the Zionist Occupation! stop environmental destruction of Palestine, phosphorous shells, bulldozers, greenwashing occupation, etc... 

Video: "I was never fully American, I was Jewish", now coming to brainwash Christians to support extermination of Palestine 

CNN and SPLC Attempt to Demonize, Blackball Patriots 

Zionist Israeli Mossad operation threatened against whistleblowing journalist treated as a fugitive felon 

Zionists, Nature's Parasites, Wagging the American Dog 

Senator Sanders: Disgusted with Wall Street, Bankers' Brigrades of 1500 Lobbyists to influence legislation 

Baruch Obama's revival of Baruch Plan for Rothschild world domination includes private monopoly of nukes for atomic energy? 

Goldman Sachs scam, John Paulson links to 9/11 

Tax-exempt Status Approved for Engineers & Architects for 9/11 Truth 

Obama now pushing Perpetual Bailouts for his Corporate Masters 

Globalzionation - A Must read 

Proposal for George Galloway free speech action on April 26 as Zionized Canadian Government wants to stop his entry to Canada 

Zionist Israel's stooges battle for British votes 

US Army Spc. Marc Hall sat in military brig at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, facing imminent court-martial for challenging US military's stop-loss policy in a song 

ex British Prime Minister Tony Blair invited to Malaysia as honoured guest of NGO when he stands accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity 


Video: Louis 'Farrakhan's 9/11 truth speech' questioning the official stories 

Prof. J. Fred Rippy, University of Chicago, department of history letter on Corrupt Foundations read into the Congressional record. 

Jailed banker Bradley Birkenfeld explains why banks still run the world 

Obama was/is a CIA agent, here is his true background 

Wikipedia is involved in Child-Pornography, Related Law-Suit alleges Clergy Abuse; "WikiPedophilia" 

Prefabricated Fascists: the FBI's Assembly-Line Provocateurs 

author who filmed video of shots fired at the Polish plane crash now has been stabbed to death 

Alex Jones' latest film: Police State 4: Resistance Is Not Futile, THE POLICE STATE ISN'T COMING, IT'S HERE! 

Two US Soliders Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video while stating that this footage only begins to depict suffering inflicted upon innocent Iraqis under occupation 

Was the Polish President killed over landmark gas deal with Russia's Gazprom?... 

JUST WHAT IS ZIONIST ETHNIC CLEANSING? wiping Palestine off the map 

Orthodox Jews stage rally against Zionism in Jerusalem Al-Quds 

Must Read: OPP Raids Home of webmaster who exposes Zionist attempts to stage 9/11 False Flag in Canada


Philip Zelikow, Israeli dual-citizen, was in charge of 9/11 Cover up Commission 


Video on the staged plane crash to kill Polish leadership, no bodies at the site and other inconsistencies 


The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake, it was a CON 


The Nuclear Threat from Zionist Israeli Submarines (The Samson Option) 


Only 22% of Americans Trust the government; Balfour Declaration as a means of bringing US into war for Zionism; Is Elie Wiesel an Imposter? 


Must Watch 10 Minutes Video by David Duke on ISRAELI TERRORISM AGAINST US 


Audio of Sword Brethren Radio: The Holohoax - Six Million Lies 


OKC Murrah bombing survivor Jane Graham says Feds involved in this inside job false flag to demonize anti-NWO militias 


Daryl Gates, Ruthless L.A. Police Chief Who Ran an International Spying Operation on the Side including 35 undercover who intimidated LA residents 


Kleptocracy: Fears of Socialism/Fascism Distractions from Naked Theft of Trillions 


Goldman Sachs et al: Fraud and profit 


Can you imagine what would have been the outcome if Gandhi or King compromised their principles? What would have happened in 1776 if Americans decided to relent in the face of incredible adversity? Every progressive must ask themselves this question: 


Speak out against right-wing ideologues' changes to the Texas social studies curriculum. 


Call Sen. John Kerry: Don't sell out the Clean Air Act 


Simon Johnson: Wall Street's Stranglehold on Our Democracy Must Be Broken 


The Financial Terrorists Who Destroyed Our Economy Will Pay Zero in Taxes -- and Get $33 Billion in Refunds, looting us with Government help.....doing better than ever 


Who REALLY Owns The World's Media In 2010? ZION of course 


USPCN: Berkeley divestment struggle continues! + Musical Tour and USSF News 


Sugar, This Addictive Commonly Used Food Feeds Cancer Cells, Triggers Weight Gain, and Promotes Premature Aging 


Crocodile Tears on Wall Street; Glen Greenwald: Is NSA whistleblower prosecution Worst Step Obama Admin Has Taken Yet? 


President, first lady report more than $5.5 million in income ... 


Bush insider reveals that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others knew early on that hundreds of people detained at Guantanamo were not terrorists but innocents. 


[REALITY REPORT] - SHOCKING Video - Tea-o-cons Partys EXPOSED 


GREANVILLEPOST.COM: Goldman-Sachs / SEC farce; What US taxes get us; Looting main street to pay interest to Wall Street; Vietnam syndrome is dead 


Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East expose Zionist crimes 


Take action against Sneak attack on food labeling to avoid disclosing that they are genetically modified 


Goldman Accused of Cutting the Brakes, The SEC vs. Goldman: The Kitty has Claws, Will the Real Tea Party Movement Please Stand Up? 


Zionized SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List includes Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Devvy Kidd, Andrew Napolitano, Michel Bachmann, Edwin Vieira, Ted Gunderson, etc... 


Guantanamo at Home in Manhattan: Solitary confinement of Fahad Hashmi since 3 years in violation of law prohibiting torture/human rights abuses 


Huge Protests planned to Demand Financial Reform: Slave labor planet, Billions for Bankers, trillions in debts for People...SEC ignores Goldman Sachs' racially discriminatory practices


German Magazine Reveals Drug Companies' Influence to Engineer Swine Flu Fake Pandemic 


Cosmetics Laced with Asbestos-Like Ingredients;Obamacare Creates Windfall for Drug Companies 


MAJOR PAEDOPHILE CASE IN DALLAS at the AW Brown Fellowship Charter School (in 


4 days to Stop Food Fascism: Stop Fake "Food Safety" Bill S.510 


National Association for Gun Rights: Help fight gun control 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 12:59 AM
Subject: TTS Apr 19 Headlines..Anat Kam: I stole IDF documents to expose [Zionist] West Bank War Crimes.....


Reply from Congressman Emanuel Cleaver regarding Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) 


China Documents US Human Rights abuses after US issues 2009 Human Rights Report 


British Bishop Convicted of holy `Holocaust Denial' by German Court; The Holocaust hoax Won't Protect Israel Forever; German Holocaust Revisionism 


Anat Kam: I stole IDF documents to expose [Israeli] West Bank war crimes; Israel must denuclearize, Erdogan says;Preparing For Ethnic Cleansing? New Law Could Deport Thousands of West Bank Palestinians 


Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines without future by Eric V. Encina 




UPDATE: New deadline to save net neutrality freedom. FCC has extended the net neutrality comment period 


Letter to Fed Judge regarding Attorney "Lynn Stewart", who was Lawlessly Imprisoned for Defending Framed/Falsely Accused 9/11 Conspirator 


Must Read: Understanding Zionist corporate network linking 9/11 and the financial crisis 


Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew 


Mossad's Obvious Connection to 9/11 


Memo to U.S. Congress: prima facie evidence that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld committed treason on 9/11] 


Wall Street's Stranglehold on Our Democracy Must Be Broken 


Koch family, America's biggest financial backers of Tea Party, would not be billionaires were it not for the empire of the USSR 


FDA Shuts Down Common Infant Vaccine After Testing reveals "substantial" presence of potentially cancer-causing animal viruses in 3 common vaccines 


Zionist Israel and 9/11 


Osama Bin Laden and 9/11: The Evidence, Mossad stole and planted usual..... 


Pictures & :Dr. Albert Pastore's Independent Investigation of 9\/11 and its Zionist Crime Factory Connection 


Pilotless planes and Raytheon and 9/11: One has to wonder if these Raytheon employees were knowingly taking part in some sort of drill on 9/11-- and then were killed because of their knowledge 


Bollyn "Israel Did 9/11" - U.S. Military Expert Dr. Alan Ned Sabrosky Supports Bollyn Thesis 


EXILED 9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public ! 


No Record of Passenger Service for 3 of the 4 Hijacked 9/11 Jets 


audio - Christopher Bollyn | 9/11 Mossad/Zionist involvement 


"The 5 Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11" 


Report on Beth Israel vigil 11-28-09 exposing Zionist genocide of Gaza


Zionists in Israel and US Did 9/11 


Understanding the 9/11 Bombing of WTC 6, NYFD and NYPD gagged on what caused the WTC 6 Crater 


More 9/11: State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) [...usually accompanied by SCAH; State Crimes Against Humanity, i.e. 9/11 


9/11: The Highest Treason Substantiated By Dick Eastman 


U.S. Recants Claims that Repeatedly Tortured Detainee Who Was One of Main Sources for 9/11 Report Was Involved in 9/11 or Even Al Qaeda. 


Israel did 9/11 -- FRAME THIS ONE. WHEN THE TIME COMES.... 


Flashback: 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests? by Jeremy R. Hammond 


Murderers Inc continue their work: NATO troops kill Afghan civilians, sparking protest; Civilians Killed as U.S. Troops Fire on Afghan Bus; 


Video: Invisible Empire: Elite rule via CFR, United Nations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg group, which were born out of Round Tablegroups first set up by Cecil Rhodes. 


9/11 & Zionist-run al-Qaeda in IsraHell, The Zionist Yoke (Zionist Cartels); Ehud Olmert the 'prime suspect' in Holyland bribery case 


Estimate $3.3 Trillion Missing From U.S. Treasury, going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? Where are the checks and balances? How much more has gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer? 


Video: Catherine Austin Fitts supports 9/11 Truth movement: TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11 


Audio: Hear Seymour Hersh's entire speech regarding US CIA Death Squads...+Cheney Death Squad behind Benazir Bhutto assassination 


Flashback Sep 2001: Mohamed Atta's father says he's still alive, blames Mossad for 9/11 (plus more 9/11 material from 2001-2002) 


Flashback 2006, THE TEA PARTY WAS FOR 9/11 TRUTH until it was infiltrated by Neocons 


how military doctors purposely torturing/misdiagnosing soldiers wounded in combat as having pre-existing mental illness 


"Constitutional Carry" of Guns Enacted in Arizona 


IF AMERICANS KNEW . ORG: "Nakba Packs" & NEW Map Cards to educate your community on Zionist Genocide of Palestine 


Mossad, co-conspirator of 9/11 attacks, blackmailing US into funding invasions to create ERETZ ZIONLAND 


Iran engages the U.N. on 9/11 Truth 


What Shell oil doesn't want you to know 


Interview: Dudley Brown on UN gun ban 


Jewish writer raises a storm in America with his report from a 'tolerant' Iran and criticism of Gaza genocide 


Looting Main Street - Is Fed Helping Big Banks to Cook the Books - Ahmadinejad urges to probe 9/11 attacks - Preparing For Ethnic Cleansing 


Full text of Iran's letter of complaint to the UN over US threats of nuclear attack 




From: Alex James []
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:19 PM
Subject: TTS Apr 15 Headlines...IDF order Enables Mass DEPORTATIONS from WEST BANK, i.e. the Zionists' Demonic Final Solution.....

C.I.A. Document Details Destruction of Tapes; AMERIKAN REICH: Afghans 'abused at secret prison' at Bagram airbase; 

SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud, but will Goldman be let off the hook with a presidential pardon even if found guilty? 

Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges For Giving Citizens Free Water in a stand against water privatization 

Tell Zionist Lieberman: Don't be a warhead (a warmongering head, a warprofiteering head, a warcrimes head, etc....) 

Army Report Says Christians Threaten US Foreign Policy because they do not, and will not, accept push toward global government being orchestrated by institutions such as the UN, the EU, et al 

The Wood Report: Trilateral Origin of NAFTA 

Sign Petition to Fire CEO for miner tragedy 

Was Polish President Murdered in Staged Plane Crash? POLAND'S SUSPICIOUS SECOND KATYN MASSACRE TRAGEDY 

Video: Making A Killing: The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging 

Veteran of "Collateral Murder" confirms video was real. 

In Italy, Man Sentenced for publishing the 'Jewish Lobby' List; Lawsuit Challenges Israel's Discriminatory Citizenship Definition 

Zionists & Israel are the Largest Crime Syndicate in Human History 

More Holocaust Tales in the New York Times 

States are closing prisons, juvenile detention schools, and public schools while the FED waste money on murderous war crimes and bankers and zionists...... 

Videos: Must Watch/Read Huge Resources of Proofs on 9/11 Inside Job, eyewitness quotes, etc.. 

Bogdan Dzakovic, Former Team Leader, FAA: "The truth is, they [Enterprize] did know [about the 9-11 attacks]." 

$1.6 Trillion Disbursed to Prop Up Mortgage Market Yet 367,056 Properties Foreclosed in March, the Worst Month Since 2005 

U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel calling for official commission to study role neoconservatives may have played in 9/11 

Campaing for Liberty needs help from people 

Israeli murderous Raid Called Off After Soldier Discloses Details On Facebook 

FeedBurner: BBC Documentary: Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons (Banned Censored); Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order; 

8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on to make $$$$$$$$$$$ 

How Bubble Barons Protected Their Influence While the Economy Tanked 


Memo to U.S. Congress: prima facie evidence that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld committed treason on 9/11 

Why did George Bush let Henry Lee Lucas (Satanic Cult) off? If reducing the population is indeed their aim, it makes sense, eh? 


Video: WikiLeaks released classified US military video depicting ROUTINE indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad 

Video: Once again you have gotta watch this/RFK's murder inside job/one hour 20 mins. 

Video: Are Iran Election Protests U.S. Orchestrated? Another CIA "color revolution"? 

Video from Restore The Republic FALSE FLAG TERROR ALERT and history of false flag operations 

Rachel Madow Blows Fox News Hannity's Fake ACORN Story Wide Open! Without lies and deception, there is no Right Wing .. 

Video: PASS FAR & WIDE/YouTube - America's abused Forgotten Children with disabilities 


Israel and the question of legitimacy 

Matt Taibbi: How Wall Street Made a Fortune off Alabama Sewers \ The Wild West of Medical Pot | Ronald McDonald Brainwashing Kids | Taibbi: Wall Street's Sewer Greed 

9/11 Attacks and Proof of the Real Culprits: Israel 

Synagogue of Satan: Links to some crimes committed by Zionists, including Slave Trade, and Jewish organizations who protect them 

Video: Israel Black Ops Revealed: cold blood murders by Zionists.... 

Must Watch Video: Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz: Oklahoma Bombing FBI inside job 


Absolute Must Watch: How Bankers are looting American Cities, Billions for the Bankers, depressions/unemployment/eternal debt....... 

US Campaign to End Zionist Occupation: Take Action NOW: Support Divestment at UC Berkeley 

Jeff Gates: Was Israel Ever Legitimate? 

IDF order Enables Mass DEPORTATIONS from WEST BANK, i.e. the Zionists' Demonic Final Solution..... 

IDF order will enable mass deportation from West Bank : Occupation is executing Tomorrow a "Transfer" from the West Bank: ا 

Kenyan official: Obama born here 

Christian Zionism Will Kill Populist Revolt by Rev. Ted Pike 

Zionist Israeli plan to steal land east of Jerusalem's Old City and plan to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque 

Video: Small-City Mayor: War Spending Should Be Spent on helping Americans, Not on Killing Afghans[ and Iraqis and Palestinians and Pakistanis] 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:59 PM
Subject: TTS Apr 13 Headlines...Hidden Kosher Taxes that Americans are forced to pay (that's in addition to the over $Trillion to Israel, Zionist Banker bailouts, etc.....)

Showing of `Holocaust Debate' Film Stirs Passions in Montana Town, Michael Shermer and Mark Weber Debate `The Holocaust', Journalist on the Run From Israel is Hiding in Britain 

Brian D. McLaren: Why Do Zionized Evangelicals Dislike Me So Much? 

Polish Plane Crash a Katyn Massacre II? Rabbis absent themselves from flight at last moment because they say they could not fly to say prayers on the Sabbath 

Chemtrails Crime-The Man-Made Techonology That Causes Drought by Eric V. Encina 

Tell Sen. Kerry: Don't sell out the Clean Air Act 

The More You Use Google, the More Google Knows About You | Rich Folks' Secret Flights | Inside the Drug War 

U.S. Census Bureau Sued for Racial Discrimination in Temporary Hiring 

GOP=Animal House Frats Boys | Financial Reporters Hide Wall St. Scams 

Wolves in sheeps' clothing: Assault on liberties continues with Obama 

There Were 88 Media Companies… Now There Are 6 , plus 3 more, all controlled by Zionists Elite, GLOBALZIONIZATION 

video: 9/11 Commissioner slips up, says missile hit Pentagon 

Wall Street's Jobs Program: hire lobbyists, over 5 per Congressman 

Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Real Dangers of Indemnifying Vaccine Manufacturers Against Lawsuits 

Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary 

America is fast losing the fundamental principles of liberty upon which our once-great country was established, Saving Souls--Losing Freedom by Chuck Baldwin, April 9, 2010 

ARREST WARRANTS AWAITING SCORES OF TOP-RANKING ISRAELI OFFICIALS; Bilderberg Group to meet in Sitges, Spain, Jun 3-6, behind wall of armed guards secrecy 

Stop big food monopolies, Fix our broken food system, sign the petition 

CMD Releases Bailout Tally, $4.6 Trillion in Federal Funds Disbursed 

Glen Greenwald: Media Feeds Americans Fake News About Afghanistan 

comprehensive bailout accounting puts taxpayers $2 trillion in the red from bankers bailout so far 

Death and Taxes: Unfortunately, in the case of U.S. military aid to Israel, the two are inextricably linked. 

Video - DHS Builds Super Fortress, What does the UN have in store for American gun owners? 

Anna Baltzer, Jewish American Lady to Give Talk in Nashville exposing Zionist Crimes 

Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar 

Kyrgyzstan Another Soros "Color" Revolution: Roza Otunbayeva allows US base at Manas to continue 

A Homosexual's Quest for Self-Knowledge 

Sarah Palin - Is Tea Party Mascot New World Orderly MK Ultra mind controlled slave? 

Links to some of the Zionist Conspiracies Crimes 

Links to some of the Zionist War Crimes.... 

Hidden Kosher Taxes that Americans are forced to pay (that's in addition to the over $Trillion to Israel, Zionist Banker bailouts, etc.....)

Links to 9/11 Zionist Inside Job websites 

You Tube Top 1,000 Channels exposing Zionism, Federal Reserve System Banks, Neocons, Elite, NWO, CFR, AIPAC 

Links to Holocaust Research sites 

Israel has been an elite-driven experiment in human degradation from day one 

UK's BAE Systems tops ranking of biggest arms maker: followed by Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheion, EADS, Finmeccanica, L-3 Communications, Thales,.... 

Intelligence Agencies Allegedly Going to Extremes to Suppress Video Confirming Pentagon Massacre Cover-up 

US bombed Afghan Dam/Power Plant in 2007: some of the hidden history of US/UK imperialism in Afghanistan 

Jayne Gardener on Why Jews were expelled from at least 79 countries......Holocaust movies veiled attempts to garner support for Zionist imperialism & extort billions.... 

Hospitals Fail to Improve Patient Safety and Injure and Kill Thousands Every Day 

Collateral Murder Videos: WIse Words from a 22 year old Warrior Turned Conscientious Objector 

Video: CNN Larry King Live where Jesse Ventura interviews Congressman Ron Paul 

Craig Murray, ex-UK Ambassador exposes NWO in his blog.....Naxalites rebellion of impoverished castes against landowners; Anti-Israel Protests Not Anti-Semitic 

The Coming European Debt Wars - EU Countries sinking into Depression 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:19 PM
Subject: TTS Apr 10 Headlines...Shocking Censorship at Google News and the uncertain Future of InterNet Freedom

Absolute Must Watch MSNBC Exposing one of the Frauds of the Private "Federal Reserve" Banksters 


Iraq War Vet: "We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us" ; Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians 

Must Read: Memoirs of an Ex - Jew 


Absolute Must Read by Will Newman (Jewish): Is Lucifer the god of Judaism? and yet, it is....... 


Empowering people against War For Profiteering Corporations 

If Americans Knew: Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines: e.g. Pentagon opposed support for Zionist Israel, Israel's Blood Diamonds, etc.... 

How Americans are propagandized about Afghanistan 

Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume 

Totalitarian State where political bosses and their army of managers control slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude 

Tea Parties Bring Back Social Darwinism; How Elites Keep Their Private Planes Off the Radars; 

Preposterous Reality: 25 Hedge Fund Managers (neo-Lords) Are Worth 680,000 Teachers (Who Teach 13 Million Students) 

Does Rush Limbaugh Matter? Should any serious person take time to rebut those who are allergic to facts? 

a la Larry Silverstein before 9/11, Massey Energy Bought Workers Comp Insurance Coverage Shortly Before Mine Explosion 


U.S. Military: We Killed Afghan Women | Glenn Greenwald on Chilling Iraq Video: "The Only Thing That's Rare About This Is That We Know About It" 


YouTube - European Gay Teen Commercial: propaganda by homosexuals to turn young kids into their pleasure pets 

Iraq War Vet: "We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us" ; Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 12:56 AM
Subject: TTS Apr 8 Headlines...Shocking Censorship at Google News and the uncertain Future of InterNet Freedom

CNBC Reality Check: Let the Short Sales (Foreclosure Profiteering) Begin...... 

U.S. Approves Targeted Killings of American Citizens without trial; 

Video from 1906 from a cable car moving at 9.2 mph in San Francisco, 4 days before the major earthquake.... 

Shocking Censorship at Google News and the uncertain Future of InterNet Freedom 

Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty 

BBC News - Turkish PM Erdogan says [Zionist] Israel is 'threat to peace' 

Israeli minister threatens to cut off water supplies to West Bank: well, Zionists are already stealing all of Palestine's waters 

Request to withdraw from CPCCA which is a scam to criminalize criticism of Zionists in Canada: Zionists always blame their victims 

Must Listen: Kevin Trudeau, Illuminati Shill or Freedom Fighter? will challenge him to explain his relationship to Bilderbergers & other NWO Secretive Societies April 11 


Congressman Ron Paul asks you to sign a petition against National ID card of freedom-stealing statists Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), 

ZDNET: Death of Internet Freedom as a US Federal Appeals Court allows COMCAST ISP to shape/filter Internet Traffic 





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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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