Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fwd: Releases............pt1

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From: Press Information Bureau Ministry of I&B <>
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Community Radio Station to Start at Indore, M.P.
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India has signed
a Grant of Permission Agreement for establishing, maintaining and
operating a Community Radio Station at Central India Institute of
Science and Technology, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Letter of Intent had
been issued to the Institute after recommendations of Inter
Ministerial Committee and seeking requisite clearances from various
Ministries. The Community Radio Station is expected to be operational
within three months as per the agreement. With this, the number of CRS
will increase to 67 in the country.

The focus of the Community Radio Station would be to encourage the
community members to speak out their needs and ideas, to create
knowledge content for students and to act as a medium for teachers to
develop knowledge content relevant to their subjects. It will also
ensure that the community is literate and enabled to absorb
information through media including radio. Regular information on
child health, pregnancy, local health issues and seasonal precautions
for women's related programmes will benefit the community.

The Ministry encourages setting up of community radio stations as it
promises to provide an opportunity to the local communities to express
themselves, share their views and particularly empower the women,
youth and the marginalized group to take part in local self governance
and overall socio economic and cultural development of the area.
Community Radio Station also better informs the society about the
developmental initiatives of government and promote transparency in
the implementation of the schemes.

sbs/rs/dk/kol/13:53 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
STC plans to enter new areas of trade
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

The State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC) has signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Commerce for
the year 2010-11 here last week. The MOU was signed by Mr. N.K.
Mathur, Chairman & Managing Director on behalf of STC and Shri Rahul
Khullar, Commerce Secretary on behalf of the Department of Commerce.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mathur informed that during 2010-11, the
total turnover of STC has been projected to reach Rs.21,000/-crore.
Increases have been projected in all the three segments of trade viz.
exports, imports and domestic trade. The profit after tax has also
been projected to increase by about 40%.

With a view to achieving the stated projections of turnover and
profitability, the Corporation plans to enter into many new areas of
trade such as overseas contract farming in pulses, development of
infrastructure at port areas, expansion of tea operations in
domestic/export markets and shall also lay added emphasis to
strengthen the business of bullion, hydrocarbons, edible oils,
petrochemicals and agricultural commodities.

rj/mrs/dk/kol/13:53 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                                           RAJYA SABHA
Status of access to essential medicines
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

The Central Government only supplements the efforts of States in
procurement of medicines. However, the Common Review Mission of NRHM
in December 2009 had observed the practice of prescribing branded
drugs even when generic alternatives were available.
Unsatisfactory system of procurement and logistics, low per capita
drug budget and practice of prescribing branded drugs, are some
factors responsible for lack of access.
NRHM provides for reforms in procurement and logistics to ensure
access to essential drugs. NRHM promotes development of Essential Drug
list of generic drugs and rational drug use.
This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare,
Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Rajya
Sabha today.

ds/gk/dk/kol/13:53 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                                           RAJYA SABHA
Treatment for depression and other mental illness
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

As per latest report of NCRB 7% of suicides in India are attributable
to Mental Illness. The largest cause of suicide being Family Problems
(23.8 %).
To detect and treat Depression and other Mental Illness Government
Mental Hospitals, Psychiatry Wings of Medical Colleges/ General
Hospitals are run by the State Governments and Government of India.
Licenses are also issued to Private Mental Hospitals/ Psychiatric
Nursing Homes by the concerned licensing authorities of the State
Governments to provide mental health services.
Government of India is implementing National Mental Health Programme
with the objectives of augmenting the mental health care capacity of
the States/UTs detect and treat depression and other mental illness.
This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare,
Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Rajya
Sabha today.

ds/gk/dk/kol/13:54 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                                           RAJYA SABHA
HIV Positive Prisoners at Tihar Jail in Delhi
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

A total number of 33,886 people have been found positive for HIV
infection in different Integrated Counseling & Testing Centres (ICTC)
in Delhi from 2002- Dec. 2009. Out of these 23,946 have been
registered in HIV care at 9 Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) centres in
Delhi. On basis of clinical examination and investigation, 10,770
eligible PLHA were started on ART. Currently 6707 People Living with
HIV-AIDS (PLHA )are alive and on regular treatment.
In Tihar jail since June, 2008 to Feb. 2010, 2540 inmates have been
tested and out of them, 201 have been found to be HIV positive.
At present 55 inmates infected from HIV/AIDS are lodged in Delhi jails
out of which 14 inmates are on Anti- Retroviral Therapy.
All inmates on their first entry to jail are screened for the risk
factor for HIV infection like intravenous drug abuse, drug addiction,
sexual promiscuity, history of blood transfusions and infections like
T.B. fungal infection etc. these inmates are tested for HIV in ICTC as
per NACO protocol. Regular education and counseling of inmates
suffering from HIV negative are informed about the causes of spread of
HIV and they are counseled to reduce risks and remain HIV negative.
The inmates who are found HIV positive are provided treatment and
Oral substitution therapy for opioid addicts especially for
intravenous drug users was started in central jail in Nov. 2007. It
has shown good results in improving physical and mental health,
psycho-social functioning and normalizing the lives of HIV infected
drug users. Further, this has been linked to OST centres run by AIIMS.
So that inmates on OST after release can continue their treatment.
Oral substitution therapy is known to be effective in not only
reducing risk of HIV infection, improving physical and mental health,
reducing mortality, improving psycho-social functioning reducing
criminality and stabilizing and normalizing the lives of drugs users.
This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare,
Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Rajya
Sabha today.

ds/gk/dk/kol/13:54 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                                           RAJYA SABHA
Prohibition on doctors from accepting gifts
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

The Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and
Ethics) Regulations, 2002 were amended by Medical Council of India
with the prior approval of Government of India by inserting a new
Clause 6.8 which states that a medical practitioner shall not endorse
any drug or product of the industry publically. Any study conducted on
the efficacy or other wise of such products shall be presented to
and/or through appropriate scientific bodies or published on
appropriate scientific journals in a proper way.

Although some preliminary observations have been made by the MCI,
however, there is no specific proposal to take up the matter with
Department of Pharmaceuticals at this stage.

This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare,
Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Rajya
Sabha today.

ds/gk/dk/kol/13:55 hrs.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Ministry of Rural Development                                                   Rajya  Sabha
Implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGs through Lok Sevak
New Delhi: March 16, 2010

The progress of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in Kerala is
relatively slow.  Out of 953 road works sanctioned, the number of
roads works completed upto January, 2010 is 455.  Some of the reasons
for slow progress of PMGSY in the State are as follows: -

(i)     weak institutional structure at the State and District levels;

(ii)    non-availability of technical officers at senior levels for
supervision and professional implementation of the program;

(iii)   non-availability of land for proper geometrics; and

(iv)    non-availability of local suitable soil along with the alignment
of proposed road are the other factors responsible for slow progress.

The details of roads sanctioned under PMGSY for the State of Kerala is
as under:-

Value of projects sanctioned     -      718.74 crore

No. of roads works sanctioned    -      953

Length sanctioned                -      2089.03 km.

This was informed by Union Minister Of State Shri Pradeep Jain Aditya
in reply to a    written question in Rajya Sabha today. The Empowered
Committee has accorded 'in principle' approval for 420 road works of
Phase-VII under PMGSY in its meeting held on 20th November, 2008. Out
of 420 road works, clearance has been accorded for 200 road works
under Bharat Nirman. The balance 220 road works are part of PMGSY
beyond Bharat Nirman.

The house was also informed that the State Government has suggested
relaxation of norms with regard to permissible road width and
gradient. The Government of Kerala has been intimated that the roadway
width of six metres can be permitted when there are constraints on
availability of land and the projected traffic is less than 100
motorized vehicles per day.  As regards gradient, exceptional gradient
has been permitted up to 10% for rural road as per the recommendation
of an Expert Committee constituted by Ministry of Rural Development.
However, this exceptional gradient should be limited to 100 metres at
a stretch and should be used sparingly.  In ghat sections, the
recommended limiting gradient is 7% and the exceptional gradient
remains at 10%.

The Minister also informed the house that an Expert Committee had been
constituted to review the standards and specifications under PMGSY.
The Committee considered the representations received from the States
for making recommendations. The interim recommendations of the
Committee on geometric parameters which include Carriageway width,
Roadway width and Road land width have been circulated to all the
States for adoption of the recommendations with immediate effect.

akt/sak/dk/kol/13:55 hrs.

Palash Biswas
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