Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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From: <>
Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 7:34 AM

It has been 12 days since my previous post was published on this weblog. For 12 days I did not complain against the torture of my daughter, of my son and of myself by the zionist Gestapo here in Australia, nor did I complain against the hostile silence imposed by Raji Sourani on Palestinians, with the tacit approval of all the Palestinian leaders of our torture. Yet the torture has continued unabated, and so did the treacherous silence by the Palestinians, thus signalling the zionist enemy to continue our torture till our death.

This tacit approval by the Palestinian leaders of our torture by the zionist Gestapo has been a manifestation the Avnery-Chomsky cabals' decisive influence over the Palestinian society both inside and outside occupied Palestine. A similar influence was pointed out in my previous post on this weblog regarding the collaboration with the zionist enemy by the Barenboim-Said Foundation. However, PACBI, which was attacked by the vice-president of the Foundation for exposing and opposing this collaboration, confined its defensive reply only to the activities of the foundation's orchestra (West-Eastern Divan Orchestra - WEDO), without any mention of the Foundation. The reason is obvious : avoiding any criticism of Prof. Edward Said who created this Foundation in collaboration with the zionist conductor, Daniel Barenboim. The very name, WEDO, sounds like a derivative of wed, which is Uri Avnery's idea, namely, wedding the Palestinian cause to zionism, as the emblem of Gush Shalom demonstrate by the Palestinian flag joined to the zionist flag.

The PACBI reply, defending itself against the Foundation's attack, states as follows (see : :

"Furthermore, the WEDO website states that, "The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra has proved time and again that music can break down barriers previously considered insurmountable.... Through its work and existence the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra demonstrates that bridges can be built to encourage people to listen to one another."

In other words, the orchestra's self-definition turns occupation and colonial oppression into a mere "problem" or "barrier" to be discussed between "traditional rivals" who hope to settle their "differences" and build "bridges" of understanding through music and dialogue to encourage "listening to one another" and to set "a good example of democracy and civilized living."

Yet, at the same time, in this same article, PACBI describes Edward Said as "our late cultural giant". A few more cultural "giants" like him would get the Palestinian leaders to completely capitulate to the zionist enemy, thus wedding the Palestinian people to zionism forever, excactly as Uri Avnery and Noam Chomsky have been pushing for many years now ! All of which proves once more that the treachery of Raji Sourani, and its approval of our ongoing torture by the zionist Gestapo are part of a very dangerous pattern which is prevailing now amongst the Palestinians.

Obviously, with every passing day of Palestinian betrayal of my daughter, of my son and of myself to the zionist Gestapo; and with every passing day of the zionist Gestapo's ongoing deadly torture of us; and with every passing day of treachery by Raji Sourani and his cronies the Palestinian cause is diminished, the international solidarity with it is shrinking, and the Palestinian self inflicted disasters would multiply.

Under such circumstances the only hope left for us is the solidarity protests by all people of good will around the world.

I therefore ask again every reader to send immediately protest messages to the following email addresses, and with a copy to my email address ( or ).

1. to the Australian government (email; a message along the following lines :

" I protest the continuous torture of the Australian citizen Benjamin Merhav by sleep deprivation and his daughter and son by psychiatric torture in Melbourne, Australia.

This torture is perpetrated against Benjamin Merhav directly by the clandestine arm of the State of Israel (the zionist Gestapo), and indirectly by the same culprit against Benjamin's daughter and son.

I demand that the Australian government instruct ASIO to protect these Australian citizens, and stop these terrorist crimes by a foreign government on Australian soil immediately !"

2. to ICJ-Australia and ICJ Secretariat (email,,,,
) a message along the following lines :

"I protest your refusal to investigate Benjamin Merhav's complaint against the Australian government's approval of ASIO's violation of the rule of law in Australia, regarding the continuous torture in Melbourne of himself, his daughter and his son , all Australian citizens, by the clandestine arm of the State of Israel (the zionist Gestapo).

I demand your immediate intervention to protect these Australian citizens, to stop the perpetration of these terrorist crimes In Australia, and to end these violations of the rule of law by the Australian government in Australia."

3. to the PCHR and to all the Palestinian leaders in occupied Palestine ( email ;
) message along the following
lines :

"I protest the betrayal of Benjamin Merhav by Raji Sourani to the zionist Gestapo's torture. I demand Sourani's replacement on the ICJ and on FIDH with a honest Palestinian patriot who would initiate protest action against the torture of Benjamin Merhav, his daughter, and his son by the zionist Gestapo in Australia.

I demand that the Palestinian leaders encourage Palestinians and their supporters to protest this ongoing terrorist torture by the zionist Gestapo, and to demand that it should stop immediately."

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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