Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Nepali Maoists: Internet Will Help Scrutiny of Revolutionary State

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 1:06 AM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Nepali Maoists: Internet Will Help Scrutiny of Revolutionary State


The following appeared prominently on a new website created by the
Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

Nepali Maoists: Internet Will Help Scrutiny of Revolutionary State

"People should have easy access to information and their right to
information should always be protected."

* * * * *

Twenty first century is the century of information revolution.
Globalization of information, thanks to the internet technology, has
reduced the entire globe into a small rural unit. And, due to this, any
positive or negative development in any corner of the earth can have its
impact on the whole world in the blink of an eye.

The time we are living in is–as Lenin pointed out– the era of
imperialism and proletarian revolution. But, because of internet
technology and the globalization, some features of imperialism—its
mode of hegemony—are not, needless to say, the same as they were in
the 19th century.

It's obvious and logical consequence is that this very change can
have a generous say upon the characteristic of contemporary proletarian
revolution, into which the historical document of our party's second
national conference `Great Leap Forward : The Inevitable necessity
of history' delves lucidly.

What can be the role of media in the establishment, defense and
development of People's Democracy?

How the media can be one of the weapons of people's scrutiny and
control upon the state in the system of democracy in the 21st century?

These questions, by the way, demand more time and effort to be answered.

We've launched <> hoping that
the website would provide easy access to the information about our
party, Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and our movement to
all. Our party believes in no `conspiracy theory' but mass line.
`From the people, to the people' is the basic premise of Maoist
mass line. People should have easy access to information and their right
to information should always be protected. And, is an attempt
in this direction from our side. The feedbacks, critiques and comments
from our readers and viewers are always the most precious asset for us
and our party.


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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