Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] May Day 2010 (Maoist Communists in Britain to form contingent)


MAY DAY 2010


May Day is an occasion for celebrating and renewing international solidarity among workers and other oppressed and exploited people.  It is important that communists are present and active on this day.


Some Maoist communists in the North Midlands have decided to put out a call for comrades to attend the May Day Rally to be held in Chesterfield, Derbyshire on Monday, 3rd. May.  This is one of the few remaining vibrant May Day celebrations in Britain which attracts mass support from the people in this town and surrounding area.  There will be a march, a rally, stalls, music and dancing.


We will form a Maoist contingent on the march carrying banners and placards,  Also we will run a stall with books and leaflets.  This is an occasion when we can present our politics to and make contact with radical and revolutionary minded people.  It is likely that there will be a general election on 6th. May so this is an opportunity to expose the fraud of parliamentary "democracy".  The more of us present, the greater the impact we can have.


The march assembles at 10.00 and the rally begins at 12.00.  Chesterfield is near the M1 and M18 and so is fairly accessible for comrades further away.


For further details contact


Workers and oppressed people of all countries, Unite!


Palash Biswas
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