Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] There will be no peace in the region unless the Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved. "Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) COMMENTS"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Awatar S. Sekhon <>
Date: Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 6:46 PM


On 3/28/10 1:20 AM, "Habib Yousafzai" <> wrote:


The Brahmin-putra or a son of Brahmin (literal meaning is the Chor, Dakku, Oochakka or Scoundrel, based on Persian and Arabic dictionaries), whether you write to Mr, or any turbaned/Dastaardhari  'Brahmins-Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity', your uncle Manmohan Sinh, who is the Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi administration, the person who lied before the United Nations Commission for Human Rights, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 24th August, 1993, that "the Sikhs' Human Rights have 'not' been violated, the Sikhs have not been persecuted, killed in fake encounters by the 'Butcher State armed personnel in the Sikh Nation, Khalistan, PUNJAB, since 15th August, 1947, and more so since the massacre of Sikhs in Amritsar, 'Genocide of Sikhs in 1984, An undeclared war on the Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan, in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, and killed more than 260,000 innocent Sikhs in Punjab, more than 2-million Sikhs eliminated in the decades of 1980 and 1990 in the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland, PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, Khalistan (under the alleged Indian autocracy's occupation, since 15th August, 1947), or to any other your 'Brahmin-Hindu' grandfather', you are totally a blind person as far as the 'History of the Sikhs from the Sikh point of view is concerned. Your statement (below) reflects that your uppermost portion of your anatomy is totally blank of the 'Sikh History from the Sikh point of view'; leaving aside your knowledge of the Sikhs' Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib ji. You will find out how dwarf you are when you will find in Asa Mahalla Pahila (first Nanak), "Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kakhaii Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai," the teaching of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib. Whether you write to your 'Brahmin-Hindu' father, uncle Manmohan Sinh or any other Brahmin-Hindu father, grandfather or uncle, you will not and cannot change the hard truth of the Sikhs' history. You are a lost creature living outside the border (formerly the part of the Sikh Raj, when Sikh General Bhagel Singh and his Sikhs 'flurried' the flag (Nishan Sahib) of Sikh Raj, the First Sovereign and Secular State of South Asia, 1799 to 14th March, 1849. It is highly unfortunate that you the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the deceitful, divisive, devious and apartheid practicing alleged Indian autocracy/democracy have forgotten the History of the Sikhs from the Sikh point of view.

You are the one, Brahmin-Hindu putra, who has been engaged in distorting his own history since 15th August, 1947. Highly unfortunate, indeed. If you have guts, try to go through the following and answer about the persecution, terrorism, massacre, cultural, social, education and political genocide of Sikhs in particular, and of non-Brahmins-Hindus minorities in general since 15th August, 1947. Prove it wrong if you can that "States of Faridkot (Punjab), Bikaner (Rajasthan) and Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) did sign the 'Document of Accession to the Brahmins-Hindu India', on or after 15th August, 1947.

You need to go back to an institution of post-university education and brush up your knowledge
of the Sikhs' History from the Sikhs' point of view, and not what the 'Brahmins-Hindus Educational system' has been destroying and destructing.

May the Khudawand Bakhshinda bless you, the Brahmin-Hindu putra

Awatar Singh Sekhon, Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases CANADA
Managing Editor and Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435
Try to DIGEST the Following:

Dal Khalsa Alliance

Suite 303 1700 Schttuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709

Parmjit Singh Sekhon
E-mail: <>


The Hon N. Pillay
High Commissioner  
United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council
Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva 10
12th March, 2010

Your Excellency Mrs Pillay,


We, the Sikhs of Switzerland, European countries and North America, would like to apprise you, your Excellency, of human rights abuses of the Sikhs and other non-Hindu minorities in India which have taken place since 15th August, 1947. This was the day when the British India authorities transferred political power to the 'unelected' Hindu leadership and left the non-Hindu minorities, especially the Sikhs, at the mercy of the majority, the Hindus. Since receiving political power from the British Empire, despite the protest of the Sikhs at large and their leadership for not returning their first sovereign and independent Sikh Raj of South Asia, of their forefathers and monarch, Ranjit Singh (1799-1849). The predominantly Hindu India has exterminated more than 1.4 to 2.3 million Sikhs, more than one million in the decade of 1981-91 (Singh S 1995 The Sikhs in History ISBN 0-96475555-0-5; Dilgeer HS and Sekhon AS 1992 The Sikhs' Struggle for Sovereignty An Historical Perspective (ed) A T Kerr ISBN 0-9695964-1-3 University of Alberta P O, Edmonton, AB T6G 2S5, Canada; Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS 1999 A White Paper On Khalistan (A True Story) The Sikh Nation (ed) AT Kerr ISBN 0-9695964-8-0; Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS 2002 India Kills the Sikhs, 3rd Ed, ISBN 0-9695964-9-9; Sekhon AS 2005 India's Genocides of Sikhs, 1981-1991: History Revisited Int J Sikh Affairs 15(2), 28, 2005 (Chief Guest Editor: AT Kerr) ISSN 1481-5435). Since the brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, more than 260,000 Sikh infants, children, youth, male and female folks have been slaughtered [Int J Sikh Affairs 10(2): 27-29, 2000 ISSN 1481-5435; Sekhon AS 2000 Proc 8th Sikh Edu Conf, Toronto, ON, Sept 23; Walia AS Sudan TS 2001 Genesis of State Terrorism in Punjab. Released by Justice A S Bains,; July 14, 2001; Kumar RN et al.2003 Reduced To Ashes: The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab ISBN 99933-53-57-4 < < <> < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  ;> ; Sekhon AS 2005 in Authentic Voices of South Asia India's Broken Promises & Suppression of Dalits (ed) U Khalid ISBN 0-9548929-0-9]. Likewise, Hindu India has systematically killed other non-Hindu minorities (more than 500,000 Muslims; over 110,000 Kashmiri Muslims of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir since 1988; more than 312,500 Christians; hundreds of thousands of Dalits, adivaasis (aboriginals or Moolnivasi of India), in numerous genocides, pogroms, massacres and staged encounters (25 Years After 1984 Assault on Durbar Sahib Laying Foundation of Khalistan (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, June 2009, ISBN 0-9548929-4-1, a publication of London Institute of South Asia). The most recent examples of state sponsored pogroms are the killings of Sikhs in Chitisinghpora in Kashmir in February, 2000; killings of 6 Sikhs in Kashmir in February, 2001; beheading of a Sikh in Kashmir in March, 2001; destruction of 6 Mosques in Kanpur, U P, and Bhilwara (Asind), Rajasthan ( <> < <> < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  >; 2001; The Hon Edolphus Towns, Member of Congress (MC). Indian Government Found Responsible for Burning Sikh Homes and Temple in Kashmir. The US House of Representatives, June 27, 2001; The Hon Dan Burton, MC and Chairman, US House Government Committee. Indian Duplicity and Hypocrisy Exposed, House of Representatives, 31st July, 2001; The Hon Edolphus Towns, MC Indian Minorities Seeking Their Own States. The US House of Representatives, 107th Congress, July 11, 2001; The Hon Cynthia A McKinney, MC Self-Determination For Sikh Homeland Discussed on Capitol Hill, The US House of Representatives, June 28, 2001); slaughtering of 16 Muslims by the police; burning of the Muslim holy scripture, The Quran Shariff, in New Delhi, Patiala, and Amritsar, Punjab (March 24, 2000 <post #4279 & 4314, ( <>

< <> < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  < >  >. Addressing the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States, the Hon Edolphus Towns, Member of Congress, said on 28th March, 2006 "Sikh activists Kanwarpal Singh Dhami and Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan (now deceased) were arrested by the Indian Government on charges of sedition. Their crime was to speak in support of a sovereign Khalistan . Dr. Chohan also flur the Khalistan's flag from his residence. When did free speech become a crime in a democracy? The Sikh homeland of Khalistan declared itself independent from India on October 7, 1987." On 21st March, 2006, in a press release, Dr Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, Washington Dc, said, "What kind of democracy watches people for demanding freedom? Why don't they watch the Black Cats who have killed thousands of Sikhs under the protection of the Indian government?''
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: satbir singh <>
Date: Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Janshakti] There will be no peace in the region unless the  Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved.

Mr. Habib Yusufzai is propagating lies on the internet. He is giving fictitious figures and facts and is trying to create a wedge between Hindus and Sikhs and seems to be an ISI agent who is trying to destabilise India. Govt. of India should urgently take action against him and other such agents.

Satbir Singh Bedi, BH(Poorvi) 682, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088
--- On Sun, 3/28/10, Habib Yousafzai <> wrote:

From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Subject: Re: [Janshakti] There will be no peace in the region unless the Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved.
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 7:04 AM

  Namaskar to all of you,
I am sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for your comments they are very valuable.  First of all, let us decide if Khalistan and Kashmir is the problem. You will certainly agree that if these are the problems then we should try to solve them because inaction is giving more harm to all three nations.  You can analyze the facts given in the article by Sudha Ramachandran (copy of article enclosed) and the information provided by the writer. Spreading the truth is also an act of bravery and it is important to note that what the other person is saying.  It is actually irrelevant who is saying it. International communities should take notice that ever since August 15th 1947 (the day India got freedom from Britain) there have been many atrocities done against the minorities living in India and in particular on the people of Khalistan as well as the people of Jammu and  Kashmir.
The atrocities of the Indian forces committed on the Kashmiris cannot be forgotten, e. g., more than 192685 killings, 215877 arrests, 110000 disappearances, 115665 home demolitions, by Indian Security Forces, leaving 122675 widows and 207218 orphans. Indian forces have been committing crimes such as rapes, torture, atrocities and gross human rights violations of the Kashmiri people. Nobody is there to listen to their agony for the last 63 years. 

Likewise, India has murdered over 260,000 innocent Sikhs since 1984, according to figures compiled by various human-rights monitoring groups (The Politics of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh Jaijee; press releases of the Council of Khalistan,( <> ). It has also killed more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947; more than 500,000 Muslims in general; more than 12,000 Assamese, Bodos, tens of thousands of Dalits ("Untouchables," the dark-skinned or aboriginal people of South Asia), Manipuris, more than 15,000 Tamils since the 1990s, and other minorities.  The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than genocide."

According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR), 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial.  Some have been in illegal custody since 1984, the time when India waged 'An Undeclared war on the Sikh Homeland, Punjab'. Similarly as per the report of the Association of Disappeared  Persons 110000 people from Jammu and Kashmir have disappeared.  Instead of telling the fate of these people Indian authorities are claiming that these people have crossed the LOC for arms training.  But in fact these innocent people either have been killed and their dead bodies have been disposed of secretly, or they are being kept in Indian jails in remote areas other than Jammu and Kashmir without any notice to their family members.  Amnesty International reported that tens of thousands of other minorities are also being held as political prisoners.

Keeping view of the fact that when the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India in 1947, the then Governor-General Lord Mountbatten suggested that in view of India and Pakistan's competing claims for the state, the accession should be confirmed by a "referendum, plebiscite, election". As a matter of fact, both  Nations (the Sikh Nation and the citizens of the Indian occupied territory of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, ever since 15th August, 1947) have been struggling to regain their land, occupied by the tyrant's forces against their wishes.  Pakistan and India have already fought three wars on the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir.  Both countries continuously spend money on ammunition instead of spending that money on their poor masses.  Furthermore, if these disputes are solved they do not need a large army as well as they can gain by increasing their business with each other.  Indian government should note that if they are not able to suppress the freedom movements in the past 63 years, they should not hope that they will ever be able to do it.  Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims are three different nations they can live as brothers in three different countries but will not be ready to accept  one of them as a superior.  Therefore, I am of the opinion that the plebiscite be done in both territories (Khalistan and Kashmir) in order to avoid any further destruction of human beings. 


Habib Yousafzai  
Hungry for justice in India
By Sudha Ramachandran 

BANGALORE - Indian authorities this month released and then re-arrested political activist Irom Sharmila for attempting to commit suicide - it was the sixteenth time in the past decade. 

Sharmila's is no ordinary suicide attempt. She has been on hunger strike for almost 10 years, protesting a draconian piece of legislation, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), that is in effect in parts of India's northeast. Not a morsel of food has passed through her mouth since November 2000. 

Pitted against the physically frail but steely Sharmila is the mighty Indian state, ever willing to use force to ensure India's

territorial integrity. Sharmila is no secessionist, she simply demands that the Indian state repeal the AFSPA. 

The AFSPA gives India's armed forces the power to shoot-at-sight and arrest without a warrant. It empowers even non-commissioned officers or jawans to shoot to kill on the basis of mere suspicion, as well as the right to destroy property where suspects are thought to be hiding. 

The act provides the armed forces with legal immunity. Section 6 saying, "no prosecution, suit or other legal proceeding shall be instituted ... against any person in respect of anything done or purported to be done in exercise of the powers conferred by this  act". 

The anti-AFSPA movement say the act has enabled the armed forces to engage in gross human-rights violations in the northeast and Jammu and Kashmir, in the name of fighting insurgencies. They say it is a virtual license to kill. 

Sharmila's epic fast-unto death began on November 4, 2000, three days after 10 people were gunned down near Imphal in Manipur by the Assam Rifles, a paramilitary force engaged in counter-insurgency operations in the strife-torn northeast. Sharmila was a witness. 

The army has since kept her alive by feeding her through a painful nasal drip

Fasting-unto- death as a strategy of peaceful protest was used by Mahatma Gandhi to end British colonial rule - India gained its  independence in 1947. The strategy continues to be used by Indian politicians and activists. 

But skeptics say that the "hunger strike" most Indian politicians take on begins after a hearty breakfast and is broken before dinner. More often than not, the government concedes to their demands. 

This is not the case with Sharmila - the government shows no signs of relenting. Though she says it is not her intention to die, her hunger strike has been declared an "attempted suicide" - a crime. Under Indian law, attempted suicide carries a maximum punishment of one year in jail. Consequently, she is held in judicial custody for a year and released, after which she is re-arrested within a day. 

This ritual of arresting, releasing and re-arresting Sharmila has been going on for the past decade. This year, the ritual was enacted for  the sixteenth time. Sharmila was freed from judicial custody on Monday and re-arrested on Wednesday. Now she is back on her nasal drip in a prison hospital. 

Sharmila is not alone in her protest. The campaign against the AFSPA is spearheaded by the Abunba Lup, an umbrella grouping of around 32 organizations, the Meira Paibi - a grassroots movement of tens of thousands of Manipuri village women - and rights activists. The overwhelming majority of the people in the northeast and the state of Jammu and Kashmir want to see the act repealed. 

Modeled on the Armed Forces Special Powers Ordinance that was promulgated by the British colonial government on 15 August 1942 to suppress the Quit India Movement, the AFSPA was enacted by the Indian Parliament in September 1958 to tackle the insurgency in "disturbed areas" of the northeast. It was supposed to be in operation for a year but almost 52 years on, the AFSPA is still in effect in  "disturbed areas" across all seven northeastern states. All of Manipur came under the AFSPA in 1980. The legislation was extended to Jammu and Kashmir in July 1990. 

The protest movement against the AFSPA is several decades old now. In July 2004, 12 Imas (mothers) of the Meira Paibi movement stripped in front of the Kangla Fort, then headquarters of the Assam Rifles, hoping to draw international attention to alleged atrocities being carried out by the Indian armed forces in the northeast. 

"Indian Army come and rape us all," shouted the 12 naked women outside the Kangla Fort gate, protesting the alleged rape and subsequent killing of the 32-year-old Thangjam Manorama Devi by personnel of the Assam Rifles. They demanded that AFSPA be repealed. 

Since July last year Manipur has seen mass protests after 28-year-old Chongkham Sanjit was shot dead by an armed detachment of Manipur's Rapid Action Police  Force. The killing was captured on camera, in what is known in India as a "fake encounter" killing - a staged shootout. 

Rights groups say the AFSPA violates the basic tenets of India's criminal justice system as well as individual rights guaranteed under Indian and international law. Human Rights Watch has described it as a "tool of state abuse, oppression and discrimination". 

But the military says the law is necessary. "The armed forces are called in when the law-and-order situation is beyond the control of local law enforcement authorities. It is natural for the armed forces to expect protection from prosecution when they operate in these circumstances," said Lieutenant General (retired) V K Nayar, former governor of Manipur and Nagaland. 

Defense Minister A K Antony has said that the armed forces "cannot function without special powers". 

There is  little evidence to suggest that the AFSPA has helped quell the insurgency in northeast India. Fifty-eight years after its was enacted, the areas where the AFSPA is needed have only expanded. There were four insurgent groups active in Manipur in 1980 when AFSPA was imposed, today there are some 24 groups in the area. 

After the furor over the killing of Manorama Devi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promised Manipuri activists that "a more humane act" would be put in place. He set up the Justice B P Jeevan Reddy Committee to review the AFSPA - it recommended that the act be repealed. 

"The act, for whatever reason, has become a symbol of oppression, an object of hate and an instrument of discrimination and high-handedness," said the committee, which felt that tackling insurgency and terrorism could be better met by changing to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. 

The government has neither accepted nor  rejected the report. It has been silent. And AFSPA remains in force. 

Observers say that while government has conceded to the demands of politicians who use hunger strikes as blackmail, it is refusing to heed the call of activists like Sharmila who articulate their demands quite differently. Officials say the government is working on amending the AFSPA. But half-measures are unlikely to satisfy Sharmila or the people of Manipur and other "disturbed areas". 

Sudha Ramachandran is an independent journalist/research er based in Bangalore. 

 On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Sujeet Sinha <sujeet10@hotmail. com <> > wrote:
Dear members,
We should stop playing the religion game and treat everybody as human [Because the 'Brahmins-Hindus' are exposed; adds Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki). The moderator should check mails which may contain hate and divisive messages.


To: janshakti@yahoogrou <>

From: rkchitrapu@hotmail. com <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 14:22:02 +0000
Subject: RE: [Janshakti] There will be no peace in the region unless the Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved.

Mr Habib,
I am sorry o read your outburst on Hindu Brahmins. I doubt whether you really know the meaning Brahmin. Your message gives an impression as though you are trying to bring out Hindu Sikh split. particularily. I think you are refering to Mr Jawaharlal Nehru when you said JLNehru. If so you are sadly mistaken. Mr Nehru was a brahmin.. rather a Kashmiri Pundit only in name. His acts prove him otherwise.
I appeal to you not to throw out venom without any reason. Who said Internationally disputed Kashmir. It is Pakistan which created the problem. Kashmir acceded to India and it became an integral part of India. you are talking of atrocities committed in  Kashmir .. can you count how many Hindus were btuchered in Pakistan? Please do not talk loose. Let us not loose our decency.
I appaeal to you not to create misunderstanding between Sikhs and Hindus. Every sensible Indian condemned the murder of Sikhs  after the assassination Of Mrs Indira Gandhi.
Best wishes 


To: manmohan@sansad. <> ; soniagandhi@ sansad.nic. in <> ; kapilsibal@hotmail. com <> ; supremecourt@ <> ; Issuesonline_ worldwide@ yahoogroups. com <> ; janshakti@yahoogrou <> ; contribute@yahoogro <> ; eGovIndia@yahoogrou <> ; Branded_Indian@ yahoogroups. com <> ; political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com <> ; rjdal@rediffmail. com <> ; contact@samajwadipa rtyindia. com <> ; <>

From: habibyousafzai@ <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 03:59:11 -0400
Subject: [Janshakti] There will be no peace in the region unless the Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved.


There will be no peace in the region unless the Khalistan and Kashmir issue is solved.
 Habib Yousafzai

Life threatening challenges motivate and stimulate creative thinking of the human brain. There is a popular Arabic proverb, "the need is the mother of Invention". The scarcity of the resources has caused vital problems to human life. Real breakthroughs can be done by setting priorities. It should always be remembered that chronic problems, if not resolved at the right time and with suitable means, will create and develop crisis and violence amongst groups. Hence, solutions must fully recognize, consider and include measures to tackle the roots of problems based on principle of scarcity.  There is no doubt that there is an issue of the Punjabi language, terrorism, infiltration in each other's countries, misuse of funds, murder of Benazir Bhutto, liberation of Kashmir and liberation of Khalistan, but it is impossible to tackle these all at once.  Everyone  however will agree that Khalistan and Kashmir are the core issues.  Once these issues are solved it will be easier to solve the other minor problems as these are byproducts of the root causes.  These problems were initiated by Hindu-Brahmins, and not anyone else.  The writer is of the opinion that if not Muslims, but at least the Sikhs should be treated differently by the Hindus because they have sacrificed a lot for the Hindus since the beginning (meaning since the inception of the Sikh religion). 
On the 26th January, 1950, the Sikhs' elected representatives, Sardar Hukam Singh and Sardar Bhupinder Singh Mann,'Rejected' the Indian Constitution 1950, its draft and final adopted forms.  This was the day when the apartheid practicing alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' , headed by JL Nehru alias Mobarak Ali, declared India a republic; despite the 'rejections' by the Sikhs' in1948', the 26th November, 1949 and on 26th January, 1950. These three times were not only the 'rejections' by the Sikhs, because the 'Brahmins-Hindus' betrayed The Sikh Nation, from all its promises of pre-15th August, 1947 era. More recently and at the fourth time, the Sikhs' National Professor of Sikhism, Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS (Indian Civil Service, now the Indian administrative Service), Member of Parliament, and MLA, the  Sikhs' elected representative to the parliament, 'REJECTED' the Indian Constitution 1950 on the 6th day of September, 1965 and called it curate's egg. Since then, the Sikh Nation has told the world bluntly that the Indian Constitution 1950 is not worth the paper written on it.Reasons to Reject the Indian Constitution, in its draft and Final Forms: (i) Broken promises, (ii) to make the Sikhs 'slaves of the Brahmins-Hindus' , the people who had been 'subservient' for more than 3,500 years to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, and Portuguese, etc. On 15th August, 1947, the unelected 'Brahmins-Hindus' leadership 'robbed' the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, The Sikh Nation, and made them a 'Nation of Landless People'. A Hindu convert to the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib', Nanak Chand Malhotra, became Tara Singh, the leader of the Sikhs'  political party, the Akali Dal and betrayed his Sikh followers of the Sikh Nation (see "Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power 1947 written and compiled by Ram Singh (U K), Second Edition, August 2009, ISBN 978-0-9811360- 6-6," (iii) just 7-week after the 'Hindus-Brahmins' independence, the Sikhs were made the 'Lawless people dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus-Brahmins, (iv) when the 'Brahmins-Hindus' democratic tricks, so to speak, did not work, the 'Hindus-Brahmins' administration divided the Sikh Homeland into Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh states, to dilute the Sikhs. In other words to 'Imbalance' the Sikhs:Hindus- Brahmins ratio'.
Both Nations (the Sikh Nation and the citizens of the Indian occupied territory of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, ever since 15th August, 1947) have been struggling to regain their land, occupied by the tyrant's forces against their wishes. Nobody can forget the atrocities of the Indian forces committed on the Kashmiris, e. g., more than 192685 killings, 215877 arrests, 115665 home demolitions, by Indian Security Forces, leaving 122675 widows and 207218 orphans. Indian forces have been committing the crimes, like rapes, torture, atrocities and gross human rights violations of the Kashmiri people. Nobody is there to listen to their agony. Similarly, India has murdered over 260,000 innocent Sikhs since 1984, according to figures compiled by various human-rights monitoring groups (The Politics of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh Jaijee; press releases of the Council of  Khalistan,www.khalistannews. com <> ). It has also killed more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947; more than 500,000 Muslims in general; more than 12,000 Assamese, Bodos, tens of thousands of Dalits ("Untouchables," the dark-skinned or aboriginal people of South Asia),  Manipuris, more than 15,000 Tamils since 1990s, and other minorities.  The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than genocide."
According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR), 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial.  Some have been in illegal custody since 1984, the time when India waged 'An Undeclared war on the Sikh Homeland, Punjab'. Amnesty International reported that tens of thousands of other minorities are also being held as political prisoners.The Indian police arrested human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra, who exposed the policy of mass cremation of Sikhs by the alleged 'Brahmins-Hindus' democracy. His report submitted to the judicial authorities cited over 50,000 Sikhs arrested, tortured, murdered, and then their bodies declared unidentified and then secretly cremated.  Mr Khalra, a Human Rights Activist of the Akali Dal-Badal faction was murdered in the police custody.  His body was also not given to his family.   The police never released the body of former Jacking Custodian/jathedar (Gurdev Singh Kaunke) of the Akal Takht, the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, situated in the premises of the Darbar Sahib Complex, Amritsar. The party under the supervision of Senior Superintendent of Police Ajit Singh Sandhu (now living in Canada, according to a published report in www.rozanaspokesman .com
<>   has killed Mr Khalra (Sekhon AS and Dilgeer HS 1999A White Paper On Khalistan (A True Story) The Sikh Nation (ed) AT Kerr ISBN 0-9695964-8- 0).  Ghotna, who tortured and murdered in cold blood Jathedar Gurdev Singh Kaunke has never been brought to trial. No one has been brought to justice for the kidnapping, torture and murder of Jaswant Singh Khalra  either.
The Sikh nation is fighting for freedom following the fall of the Sikh Kingdom of Monarch Ranjit Singh in 1849.  It has been noted that out of 2,175 the Indian martyrs for freedom, 1,557 or 75% were Sikhs.  Out of 2,646 Indians sent to the Andaman for life imprisonment 2,147, or 80%, were Sikhs.  Out 127 Indians who were hanged, 92, or 80%, were Sikhs. In reality, they were the citizens of the 'Motherland Punjab' 'annexed' by the British Empire on 29th March, 1849. Since then, the Sikhs have been continuing their 'Struggle to regain their Sovereignty, by peaceful means. The Sikhs comprise of the 2% of India's total population of more than 1.2 billion hungry mouths.Indian government is keeping more than 400,000 troops in Punjab and more than 700,000 troops in Kashmir in order to suppress and oppress the movement for freedom of these two  nationalities. 
Setting aside all internal and external implications, Indian military troops are using inhuman tactics of ethnic cleansing to disturb the majority population of the Kashmir, which had been practiced by the Serb forces on Bosnian Muslims in the past and recently by Israel on the Palestinians. New Delhi must understand that if in the last five decades, it could not reduce the strong determination of the people of the Kashmir Valley, calling for freedom of their land, how could it do so now? Meanwhile, in the past, 'composite dialogue' between India and Pakistan took place on a number of occasions, but produced no results, prolonging the agony of the subjugated people of the occupied valley due to Indian intransigence. India has been acting on a deliberate policy of delaying tactics to find the solution of Kashmir and other non-Hindus and non-Brahmins. Delay in denying their resolution is the denial of  justice as well. It may well be towards the policy of assimilation of these people into the 'Hindus and their –ism. It must be understood that the 'Hindus-Brahmins' are neither a religion nor a culture, according to Sir VT Rajshekar, the Editor in Chief, Dalit Voice. India very well is implementing a strategy of 'terrorism' under the pretext of Mumbai carnage and 'Genocide of Muslims in Gujarat State (2002-2003). Despite Islamabad's insistence, New Delhi wants to talk on the issue of terrorism alone and refuses to discuss any other issue. While the world is rapidly advancing towards modern trends such as renunciation of war as a state policy, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development, India continues its suppressive policies in Kashmir.
The founder of the Sikh religion (now the 5th largest religion of our world), Baba Guru Nanak Sahib, in the 15th Century defined the Hindus as the 'butcher of mankind', as inscribed in the Asa Mahalla in Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy scripture of Sikhs. The founder of the Sikh faith said: "Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kahai Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai." Its meaning in English is that the Hindus (an elite class Brahmin) has painted his forehead, has a white piece of cloth around his waist, has a lethal weapon (Chhurri) in his hand and he is the butcher of mankind.  The Sikhs political, economic and social situation is continuously deteriorating because of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' domination in civil and other administrations under the provincial/state and federal levels. As the 10th Master of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib said, nobody brings you power on a  platter, whoever wants to attain authority/rights has to achieve it by their sincere struggle. As such, when all peaceful means fails to fight for your rights, then you have to get your rights if you would like to survive as a 'sovereign' people, the sovereignty which is the ornament of the Sikhs and other peace loving people.
The Kashmir issue can be solved if Security Council implement its resolution 39 (1948) of 20 January and 47 (1948) of 21 April 1948; that the State of Jammu and Kashmir be decided in accordance with the will of the people through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite. What a pity that the Sikhs have to beg for permission from their 'Brahmins-Hindus' missions, who have been occupying their Holy and historic homeland and control it with heavy handedness, maliciously, and deceitfully by the alleged Indian administration and its foreign missions, even to pay their respect to their Holiest and religious places, The Darbar Sahib Complex, Amritsar, and other places in Punjab. The question is why should they take permission from the Brahmins-Hindus India abroad? This is the time for the Sikhs, Kashmiris and other nationalities to 'Break the Chains of Slavery'. The Sikhs must not forget  their daily prayers, before their Guru, "Raj Kare Ga Khalsa"; or the Khalsa Bagi is Yan Badshah. Freedom is the birthright of every Nation. Whenever a third country after seeing the severity of the case offers mediation, India replies that this is a bilateral issue which it will solve with Pakistan only.  More than 63 years have already gone by, yet there is no change in the status quo.  Therefore in order to create permanent peace in the region the international community should intervene and force India to get its forces out from occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir. 


Palash Biswas
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