Monday, March 29, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project By Amaresh Misra [1 Attachment]

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Date: Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 5:26 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project By Amaresh Misra [1 Attachment]

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Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 14:33:41 +0300
Subject: Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project By Amaresh Misra

Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project

With the row over India getting access to David Headley growing acrimonious each day, the CIA's double agent saga seems all set to open up a can of incredible worms.

First, the case unmasks the pro-US face of the Indian English media. When the Headley saga first came to light, Vir Sanghavi of the Hindustan Times carried an editorial piece claiming that if 'Headley is CIA, and knew about 26/11, the CIA knew about the attack.' In other words, Sanghavi accepted the 'conspiracy theory'–which in the eyes of the English media was 'peddled' by Aziz Burney and this author during the terrible aftermath of 26/11–that the event was a CIA/Mossad/RSS/ISI plot.

In November-December 2008, Vir Sanghavi and his cohorts in the English media attacked both Aziz Burney and this author for spelling forth the 'conspiracy theory'. Then after Headley's name surfaced, they changed tune, without of course admitting their debt to Mr. Burney or this author.

Mumbai Attack, 26/11, Terrorism, Politics, Communalism, Minorities, Human Rights, Minority Rights, Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar, Ashok Kamte, Batala House encounter, fakeThe fact of the matter is that in the 2009 Parliamentary elections, the English media was all set to project Lal Krishna Advani as India's next Prime Minister. It was the feverish anti-RSS, anti-Mossad work done by Aziz Burney and this author that went a long way in ensuring the victory of Congress and secular forces.

Now when the CIA hand behind 26/11 is slowly being unraveled, the English media is seeing red. It is again trying to portray Headley merely as a Lashkar operative, severing thus his links with the CIA.

This highlights the second point, that basically Headley and the CIA cannot be de-linked. Thank God the government of India put into place the NIA, a new National Investigative Agency. The NIA was set up, as the IB and other Indian agencies, especially the IB, had not only gone anti-Muslim-they had gone anti-India. This was proved in the case of Azamgarh boys picked up in and around the Batla House encounter on various bomb blasts charges. Most of the boys were products not of madarsas, but modern schools. They were youngsters in their teens; they had made a mark for themselves in professional courses and were holding jobs in the new, professional sector of the economy.

When Shri Digvijay Singh, the General Secretary AICC and the most secular leader of the India, went to Sanjarpur (under the banner of Anti-Communal Front) in Azamgarh to find out the facts for himself, he was shocked to find that Zeeshan, a boy from Azamgarh who on the fateful day of the Batala House encounter was giving his exams, had more than 50 cases slapped over him in more than three states–which meant that his parents could go on fighting cases for more than 100 years and yet Zeeshan would be in jail.

There are dozens and hundreds of Zeeshans from Azamgarh and other districts of UP, Gujarat and Maharashtra languishing in various Indian jails on unsubstantiated charges. This in fact is India's Guantanamo Bay story–that right here in the world's largest democracy the Indian security services like the IB have secret detention and torture centres where innocent Muslim youths are tortured and put to death. The IB today has been infiltrated heavily by
RSS, Mossad and CIA. In fact, this one agency is an anti-national agency—it is obstructing the work of NIA and secular Indians like Shri Digvijay Singh. Soon, in India's interest, the IB will have to be closed down. All its communal officers will be hunted down and tried in a court of just law.

The IB knew about Headley—this is proved by the fact that the SIM cards used by the ten 26/11 terrorists were purchased by an
Intelligence Bureau (India) (IB) informer. Till date, the investigations into the 26/11 case, which the IB is handling, have been unable to state as to how the ten terrorists got hold of the SIM cards.

The State IB chief of Maharashtra told a very senior Mumbai Police Officer just after 26/11 that he was 'entirely in the dark about 26/11 investigations as Delhi (meaning the chief IB office) was handling it'. Basic information about 26/11 was not shared with secular Indian officers. The Headley lead would never have come to the fore had the NIA not stepped in.

IB training criminals [
read here Charge-sheet against IB]
Now comes the news that the IB has set-up training camps in Gorakhpur, where it trains criminals–and then uses them to kill Muslim under-trials. The name of Chota Rajan is used as a convenient scapegoat. It is in this manner that dozens of accused in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, several other such accused in other cases, Muslim businessmen and men of influence have been eliminated on a systematic basis in Maharashtra. The latest in the long list of victims killed allegedly by IB is Shahid Azmi, the lawyer defending the accused of the 2006 Mumbai train blasts. Shahid had hit upon evidence which proved the innocence of the accused-and that is why he was bumped off, again by criminals with Nepal–Gorakhpur links!

In fact, the state of Maharashtra holds the dubious distinction of almost institutionalizing the extra-judicial killing of Muslim youth and personalities. Headley was in India months and years before the 26/11 attack; he even surveyed Pune where a blast took place as late as February 2010. It beats one's imagination as to how the IB did not know about Headley and his movements. There can only be two scenarios: that the IB is totally incompetent–or that the IB is heavily infiltrated by CIA and Mossad: the agency knew about 26/11 and did nothing to stop it.

This places the IB at par with Headley, as executioners of 26/11 and mass murderers. There can be no other honest conclusion.

Headley holds the key to the fact that 26/11 was not just a mere Lashkar operation–that it was a joint Mossad-CIA operation, conducted with possible ISI and
RSS help.

If the charge-sheet against Raj Kumar Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya, accused in the Malegaon and other blasts, is read, it is clear that there was always some sort of collusion between the RSS and the ISI. The so-called nationalists, the Hindutva forces, took money to the tune of crores of rupees from the ISI! The IB knows about this transaction but is keeping quiet!

The Headley saga has links to Abhinav Bharat and pro-
Hindutva terror groups. The pro-Hindutva terror groups are widely believed to be behind the Pune blasts where a combination of RDX and Ammonium Nitrate was used. Right after the visit of Shri Digvijay Singh to Maharashtra in February 2010, the state home secretary spoke of the possibility of the involvement of Hindutva groups in the Pune blasts. Other officers, including the ATS chief Raghuvanshi, purported to be an RSS/opportunist also spoke of this possibility. But then RR Patil, the Maharashtra Home Minister whose role during 26/11 was disastrous and who was removed from his post in the wake of the attack on Mumbai (but who was restored after the 2009 assembly elections), made amazing statements 'that those who take the name of Hindu organizations in the Pune blasts will be punished'!

How can a Home Minister make such a statement? Now we hear that Rakesh Maria, a notorious anti-Muslim officer, with pro-Israeli links, a man who has killed and tortured innocents, has been made the new ATS chief and Raguvanshi has been promoted! Secular organizations in Maharashtra were demanding that Raghuvanshi be removed and that an honest, secular officer be made the ATS chief so that
Hemant Karkare's seminal work in cracking the shell of Hindutva communalism could be promoted!.

But Rakesh Maria is even worse than Raghuvanshi. It seems that the NCP in Maharashtra has taken a clear anti-Congress, anti-national line. RR Patil, who is a third grade, uncouth, thoroughly communal, NCP leader should be removed from his post. The Maharashtra chief minister should act, because if the NIA gets access to Headley, the latter's links with Hindutva organizations–and the whole
RSS-Mossad-CIA-ISI-IB nexus–will be exposed. This nexus is working overtime to destabilize the Congress government and undo the commendable work done by the party under the secular leadership of Sonia Gandhi.

Amaresh Misra is a famed historian and chief of the Anti-Communal Front of the All India Congress Committee (AICC)


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"I was standing next to Jafri sahab. When I asked him what happened he said 'I called on the chief minister of Gujarat to help save us and he has only abuses for me. Don't expect anybody to come and save us"
'Is Narendra Modi sahab a coward?'
March 26, 2010
It's more than eight years now but the victims who survived the Gulbarg Society and Naroda Patiya massacre are still awaiting justice. They believe that the state government of Gujarat, and the man who heads it, have a moral responsibility towards providing justice to those who were killed in the riots that followed the burning of Sabarmati Express on February 27 in which 58 kar sevaks were killed.
In a meet-the-press organised by a non-government organisation Prashant and Citizens for Justice and Peace in Ahmedabad on March 22 those who survived the massacres made a fervent plea to Chief Minister Narendra Modi to come before the Special Investigating Team (appointed by the Supreme Court to answer) and answer the criminal charges leveled against him by the victims.
While reports suggest that Narendra Modi is likely to appear before SIT on March 27 there was controversy over his appearance before SIT on March 21 which turned out to be a no-show.
Here are three voices of victims who survived the Gulbarg Society and Naroda Patiya massacre pleading to and accusing the Gujarat chief minister of various criminal charges to appear before SIT.
Ijaz Pathan, resident of Gulbarg Society: Why is Modi sahab scared to appear before the SIT
I was in Gulbarg Society, bungalow number 18. When the rioters set fire to the building in February 2002 the police did not support us. Former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri called all the top police officers in the state and as last resort had also called Narendra Modiji. The only thing he got from Modiji were abuses and bad words.
I was standing next to Jafri sahab. When I asked him what happened he said 'I called on the chief minister of Gujarat to help save us and he has only abuses for me. Don't expect anybody to come and save us. And after that he became very disappointed and went into the kitchen.
After that the rioters took him out and slaughtered him.
Now that the SIT has issued summons to Narendra Modiji when he himself proclaims in his speeches, in front of the media that terrorists had plans to assassinate him then why is Modi sahab scared to appear before the SIT. Has he turned kaayar (coward)?
Now that the truth (about Narendra Modi's complicity in the post Godhra riots) is about to be revealed why is he getting scared? We urge him to come before and cooperate with SIT. If he is not involved then he must go before SIT.

In NHRC records, Batla encounter 'fake'

Saturday , Mar 27, 2010
  Residents seek judicial probe of Batla House encounter

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) might have given a clean chit to the Delhi Police in July last year over the Batla House police encounter, but the official data released by the agency has included the incident in the list of fake encounters of the last 16 years.

The data was released in response to a query under the Right to Information (RTI) Act filed in September 2008 by RTI activist Afroze Alam, a student at Jamia Millia Islamia. Two suspected Indian Mujahideen militants were killed along with Mohan Chand Sharma, an inspector of the Delhi police, on September 19, 2008.

The High Court had directed the NHRC in May 2009 to conduct an inquiry and in its report filed two months later, the agency had said there was no violation of human rights by the police during the encounter. The official website of the NHRC reports the status of the case as "closed". About the discrepancy, an NHRC official clarified that the list had been made on the basis of complaints. That, however, did not mean these were proven cases of fake encounters, he said.

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"I was told by a Gujarat Government official that Mr. Bachchan wanted tax exemption in Gujarat, free land for his film city and a Rajyasabha seat for his wife Jaya Bachchan, who may not be able to represent Uttar Pradesh with the change in political equations there,"  
- Mallika Sarabhai 

Sarabhai criticizes Bachchan's endorsement of Gujarat

Staff Reporter
Dancer and activist Mallika Sarabhai has said she was told that actor Amitabh Bachchan had his own personal interests in becoming the brand ambassador for the State of Gujarat
AP Dancer and activist Mallika Sarabhai has said she was told that actor Amitabh Bachchan had his own personal interests in becoming the brand ambassador for the State of Gujarat


Dancer and activist Mallika Sarabhai has said she was told that actor Amitabh Bachchan had his own personal interests in becoming the brand ambassador for the State of Gujarat.
Speaking at a meet-the-press programme here on Tuesday, Ms. Sarabhai, who was here to perform on the inaugural day of the Malabar Mahotsavam, said Mr. Bachchan had three specific reasons. "I was told by a Gujarat Government official that Mr. Bachchan wanted tax exemption in Gujarat, free land for his film city and a Rajyasabha seat for his wife Jaya Bachchan, who may not be able to represent Uttar Pradesh with the change in political equations there," she said. "The Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi appointed Mr. Bachchan, who is not a Gujarati, probably because there was nobody worthy enough in the State to be its brand ambassador."
She said she had a great time contesting the last Lok Sabha polls against L.K. Advani at Gandhinagar. "I could make both Mr. Modi and his Congress rival (Suresh Patil) campaign harder," she said. "I saw the candidates making a mockery of the modal code of conduct on several occasions, but my complaints were ignored."
Ms. Sarabhai said art was the greatest tool for social activism.
"From my experience, I have learnt that it is art that could bring about the greatest impact in people's minds," she said. "People do not like to be preached, but they would care to watch any programme that would entertain them. With those programmes, we could send our messages to them, as I have often done."
She said Kerala should seriously look into the issue of its young women being married off to men in Haryana. "There is dire shortage of brides in Haryana because of female foeticide there, so the men come to Kerala and marry a girl, who often would be the wife of three or more men in the family," she said. "It is slavery. The Kerala women are forced to marry a man who does not speak her language because her family does not have the money to get her a husband in her own State. I do not know why Kerala has copied the dowry system from Northern India."

Palash Biswas
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