Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Catholic Church reformers have second thoughts about Mr. Pope Ratzinger

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From: nathaniel x vance <>
Date: Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:56 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Catholic Church reformers have second thoughts about Mr. Pope Ratzinger


Catholic Church reformers have second thoughts about Mr. Pope Ratzinger

Mar. 30, 2010  By Jeff Diamant, Religion News Service [Catholic National Reporter]

To many advocates of reform in the Catholic Church, the election of conservative Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as pope in April 2005 was a blow to hopes the Vatican would change positions on gender, sexuality, divorce, and the church hierarchy.

Yet the result encouraged three prominent reformers who were appointed to a U.S. bishops' National Review Board. The three American Catholics -- a judge, an attorney and a newspaper publisher -- were concerned mainly with the clergy sex scandal.

They had met with Ratzinger in his Vatican office in 2004 for an extensive discussion on the cover-ups of clergy sex abuse of children, and came to view Ratzinger as the best churchman anywhere on the issue. A year later, when he became Pope Benedict XVI, they were often quoted praising him in American news articles.

But that was then.


Why is this sickening news occurring all of a sudden to Pope Ratzzinger?
 Is this not the Last Judgment Day moment of the greedy bloody warmongering wicked??

"The worst has not yet been revealed,  " (SOON) according to the space Zeta people.


The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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