Monday, February 8, 2010

JATS Identifying with MULNIVASI India Seized New Delhi only to Be LATHICHARGED and Blacked Out by Media while Brahmin Front Government in West Bengal Enhanced the OBC quota from Seven Percent to Seventeen percent with the Provision of TEN Percent quo

JATS Identifying with MULNIVASI India Seized New Delhi only to Be LATHICHARGED and Blacked Out by Media while Brahmin Front Government in West Bengal Enhanced the OBC quota from Seven Percent to Seventeen percent with the Provision of TEN Percent quota for the Muslim backwards. At the same time it is clarified that the OBC status would not be implemented for the CREAMY Layer! As Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down job reservation for Muslims!

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time- Two Hundred Eighty Three

Palash Biswas

Protests against 'Veer'

Members of Nav Yuvak Rajput Sanghathan demand ban on Salman Khan' film 'Veer', in Delhi. (PTI)

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The ToI Group and Jang Group come together to energize the process of Indo-Pak peace.


The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved setting up Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) in Indian missions in 17 countries to meet contingency expenses for welfare of overseas Indian citizens who are in distress.

India Inc presents eight-point West Bengal revival plan to Mamata

2 Feb 2010, 1546 hrs IST, C L Manoj, ET Bureau
NEW DELHI: With the winds of political change blowing across West Bengal in the run up to next year's assembly polls, India Inc has submitted a

blueprint for West Bengal's industrial revival to none other than Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, currently riding the crest of an unprecedented anti-Left political wave in the state. The authors of the document do not want to be identified though, for understandable reasons.

The document, handed over to Ms Banerjee, who is also the railway minister, recently, was the result of discussions she initiated with industry representatives in Kolkata five months ago aimed at finding a credible roadmap for the overall development of West Bengal.

The 'post-Left action-plan' focuses on energising the administrative stance to tap the potential of six key sectors: jute, steel & mining, food processing, power, tourism and exports. The blue-print also spells out two key targets: improve labour situation and aggressively back unorganised sector enterprises by providing infrastructure and credit to create a conducive industrial climate.

The India Inc action-plan seeks to repair eight areas of concern' that have come up come up during the 33-year Left rule. They are: failed governance (in government services and delivery mechanism), labour unrest (between 2001 and 2007, the state lost around 2.9 cr man-days ), crisis stricken education (high drop-outs , poor infrastructure, low-quality teaching), deepening unemployment (resulting in mass migration), a poor health sector (substandard government hospitals, shortage of hospital beds, paramedics and medical colleges), bad macroeconomics management (state share in national industrial output dropped from 9.8% in 1980-81 to 4.3% in 2004-05. Share of state factories to all-India level has slipped from 16% in 1980-81 to 4.5% in 2004-05.

From the 1960 state share of 13.5% of net value added in food-processing at the national level, it has come down to a mere 2.8% in 1999. In the case of chemicals, the state share fell from 16.4 to 0.7% and in plastic and petroleum products declined from 43.2% to 1.7% during the same period).And bad water management (utilisable water as a proportion to total available water resources in the state is less than 40% against the national average of 60%)

The action-plan says for industrial revival, development and employment generation in West Bengal, the (new) state government should, to start with, focus on some key areas. It feels the jute industry should revise its present annual production of almost 18 lakh tonnes to 100 lakh tonnes especially since ban on plastic would make jute the main packaging material. This revised annual target could employ three crore people. To make it happen, the jute industry should be shifted from the trade union-dominated' labour department to industry department.

US economic problems may hurt dollar

8 Feb 2010, 2216 hrs IST, REUTERS

US economic problems are too big to ignore and may undermine the greenback in the medium term. Check out top gainers, losers and recommendations from analysts

Politics / Nation

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Labourers work at a construction site in Chennai January 21, 2010. REUTERS/Babu/Files

Growth f'cast points to rate rise, less stimulus

Government forecast says the economy could grow 7.2 percent this fiscal year, underlining expectations that the Reserve Bank will raise rates in coming months.  Full Article

On a day when the Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down job reservation for Muslims, the West Bengal government on Monday announced 10 per cent quota in employment for the community under the OBC category.On the other hand, Jat Community identifying themselves with Indigenous Aboriginal India for the first time seized Indian capital New Delhi as Police baton charge unruly protesters demanding  OBC quota for Jat Community without any State barrier and in central Jobs. They also demanded OBC head Counting and declared that Unified SC, ST, OBC and Converted Minority Resistance only would Liberate Indigenous Aboriginal India from the Grip of Foreign Origin Brahmin Zionist Manusmriti Rule and hegemony.West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has announced that ten percent reservation in jobs would be given to Muslims socially, educationally and economically backward.The state government has taken this step just after the conclusion of the central committee meeting.It has been declared that Muslims reservation would be under the OBC category and those with an annual income of 4.5 lakhs will not be benefited under this act.With this effect, the quota for Muslims in Bengal would be 17 percent compared to seven percent quota at present.

The Media in New Delhi, which always used to highlight any Jat agitation in the Past, just Remeber the Kisan Union Movement of MS Tikait, did Blacked out the Mulnivasi Jat Demonstration and Never did Mentioned it throughout the day even in SCROLLING and Highlighted the Shivsena Rahul Shahrukh WWF Triangle and the CRICKET Debacle with interruption like the Stabbing of Rathore. I had been in touch with the Jat leaders and I knew well what followed up. It was impossible to get Godara or Jaspal Malik  on Cell Phone during the Rally, I called my Friends in Delhi to get regular updates while browsing every News channel and News Website on TV and Computer!Police fired tear gas shells, used water cannons and resorted to baton charge to disperse hundreds of protesters from the Jat community demanding reservation here Monday evening.The protesters had gathered at the Ramlila Ground in old Delhi and were joined by politicians from neighbouring states.The crowd turned unruly forcing the police to use batons, water cannons, and fire tear gas at the mob.There were unconfirmed reports of the crowd pelting stones at the police.


Last day only I visited down only Forty Two KM DAKSHIN BARASAT in  south 24 Pargana district. Recently I visited ULBERIA, represented by Central Minister Sultan Ahmed known for his Lavish Life Style. I have also visited JANGIPUR, represented by the Keernahar Brahmin, the De facto Prime Minister of Ethnic Economic Genocide Culture Brahaminical zionists. I do visit regularly the Muslim Areas in Bengal in different areas including North 24 Pgs, Nadia, Murshidabad and Maldah. ULUBERIA, Jangipur, South 24 Pargana , Murshidaba, North 24 Pgs or Kolkata, every where the Muslim area remais GHETTOS deprived of Civil Rights . These areas, specially the Rural Muslim areas and Border areas where only SC, ST and OBC are the other DOMICILES, do NEVER Never look like mainstream India. Nothing has been done all over SIX decades! Muslims in Rural India are as much as persecuted and deprived as are the SC, ST and OBC communities. But Mulnivasi identity lacking , the Black Untouchables remined Divided and Enslaved and kept on INDULGING Themselves in Brahmincal COMMUNALISM to be used by the Ruling hegemony only. I have seen this for more than SIX years in Meerut where the SC communities were made to ASSULT on the Muslims with SUSTAINED Brahaminical PROVOCATION! Muslims being ENGAGED to fight for their SURVIVAL as the Partition Victims across the Political Borders had been, were led by the Communal Elements who aligned with the BRAHAMINICAL zionist Rulers!

It is the same story about the Developed OBC Communities specially in Bengal and Maharashtra. MARATHAS and Jats had been considering themselves HIGH Castes as the Bengali SHUDRAS do. These are the RDX Bombs always used by the Ruling Hegemony everywhere countrywide and as they are , the majority of Indian Population, about FORTY Percent, MANUSMRITI Rule sustained. Hindutav forces are also led by OBC swamies and leaders who never realise the MULNIVASI Identity.

For the First time the JAT Rally is BLAKED out and I hardly get any matter browsing Net and TV Channels, Just Because the Jat Community has returned to the ROOTS and with their INHERENT Militant Mulnivasi Identity they have every potential not only to lead Indian Peasntry but also the Liberate India from Brahaminical system!

Congratulations Mr Godara! Mr. jaspal Malik and the Jat Community Awakened and United ! It would herald the New dawn!

West Bengla government declared the quota for the Muslims who were educationally, socially and economically backward in the state. But the sate government did with rather a TRICK to deprive Forty Two Percent OBC Communities as they used to get only Seven Percent OBC quota without getting any caste Certificate from anywhere. Non Bengali SC candidates also Never get Caste Certificate in Bengal. Dilip mandal has exposed the Quota status in Highest level recently but the Bengali Brhaminical RACIAL Scientific technology of Hegemony and Genocide culture is rather much more Sophisticated from Rest of India. The Brahmin Front Government Enhanced the OBC quota from Seven Percent to Seventeen percent with the Provision of TEN Percent quota for the Muslim backwards. At the same time it is clarified that the OBC status would not be implemented for the CREAMY Layer!

FOR THE MINORITY: Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee wants the Centre to follow suit.

West Bengal's Brahmin Front government on Monday decided to adopt the Ranganath Mishra Commission's recommendations for the betterment of economically, socially and educationally backward minority Muslims in the state.

"We have decided to accept the recommendations of the Ranganath Mishra Commission and will take steps to implement it," chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee told newsmen at the state secretariat without waiting for the Centre's decision on the report.

He said like other states there was reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs in the state. The government, he said, had begun the process of identifying Muslims who were educationally, socially and economically backward. There was 7 per cent reservation for OBCs in the state.The question remains UNANSWERED why the Brahamin Front Government Never considered the Twenty seven Muslim Population while they remained Solid Vote bank for the Left. Now the Left is not EXPECTED to come back to the Writers once again, who would IMPLEMENT the Quota!

It has been well proved that the Constitutional RESERVATION has been reduced to Political Co Option to accommodate the Agents of the SC, ST, OBC and Minorities to fill the quota with most UNWORTHY candidates who have NO SPINE at all. Getting those CREEPERS in so called democratic Brahmin Bania Corporate Zionist system the Ruling Hegemony consisting of UPA, NDA and the Left cooperated by the Power sharing Ambedkarites,may Accomplish the Global Agenda of Ethnic Cleansing and SUSTAIN Manusmriti Apartheid Rule with genocide culture ably supported by the World Bank backed Intelligentsia, Civil Society and Media Brahamin!

As far as RESERVATION is concerned , it has never been near to equality, Social Justice or Equal opportunity or the Representation of the backward communities as Dr Ambedkar thought to ensure the Constitutional safeguards. those who Benefited from this Reservation do COMPLY most the Ruling Hegemony and cooperate to KILL the Masses Aboriginal Indigenous, the constitution, the Judiciary, the Administration, Education system, Health, Production System, Livelihood, Peasantry, Democratic institutions and the Republic not to mention Civil and Human Rights. Thus, the Gujjars were Pitted against the Meenas. The SC Bengalies Never do get Reservation. Santhals in Assam have to be stripped off. Ghatwars and so many Tribes never get reservation. DNT tribes and Tribes like Buksha and Tharu whose villages are not registered as revenue villages, reservation has been Nullified for them. Unique Identity Number Project has Targeted no less than Fifty Crore Slumdogs and the Most of the Slum dwellers are Refugees form abroad and within or Only MUSLIMS. What GOOD we may expect from a new version of Reservation  and quota depriving and Cheating our Brothers and sisters in other communities!

Reservation is always STRATEGIC based on regional demography to adjust and readjust the Demography for Vote Bank interests. Bengali SC, STand OBC communities stand divided. Meen and Gujjars are also Divided. Tribals and refugees have to face State Barriers to get the quota. While the Jat Community is sharply divided with State barrier!

"After identification, we will provide reservation to them under the OBC category," the chief minister of West Bengal, leader of the Brahmin Front, the Elite Brahamin Buddhadeb Bhattachary said.

Earlier in the day, a Constitution bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down a state law providing 4 per cent reservation in educational institutions and jobs to 15 groups belonging to the Muslim community.

Soon after the court's order, Andhra chief minister K Rosaiah directed the state advocate general D S R Murthy to file a special leave petition in the Supreme Court challenging the verdict.

Now, Muslim Dalits may get quota

CNN-IBN reports:

QUOTA ROW: Only Dalits among Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs get reservation under the SC category.

New Delhi: A fresh debate on the reservation issue may be waiting to be sparked off.

A report submitted to the Prime Minister on Monday recommends that Dalits among Muslims and Christians should be considered for reservation under the Scheduled Caste category.

The National Commission for Religious And Linguistic Minorities, headed by former Chief Justice of India Ranganath Mishra prepared the report and the recommendation was opposed by only one member of the commission.

Until now only Dalits among the Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs get reservation under the scheduled caste category, but now there has been a growing demand to include Muslim Dalits and Christian Dalits in the reserved category too.

Andhra High Court quashes quota for Muslims

TRYING TO APPEASE: Andhra government gave four per cent quota in education and jobs to Muslims.

Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh High Court on Monday quashed the four per cent reservation for Muslims saying the reservation was not sustainable and could not be implemented.

"The recommendations of the backward caste community is not sustainable so the enactment is also not sustainable," the seven-member bench observed.

The Congress government in the state had passed an Act on July 23, 2007 giving four per cent reservations in education and government jobs to 15 backward groups among Muslims.

Many petitions were filed in the High Court challenging the constitutional and legal validity of the the Andhra Pradesh Reservation in Favour of Socially and Educational Backward Classes of Muslims Act-2007.

A five-judge bench started hearing the case in 2007 but it was transferred to a seven-member bench in January 2008.

The Supreme Court had earlier refused to stay admissions to educational institutions under the quota, and asked the Andhra High Court to give the final verdict.

The YS Rajasekhara Reddy government had attempted to give five per cent reservations through an executive order, but it was quashed by the High Court in 2005.

BJP slams Congress, Left for reservation to Muslims

New Delhi, Feb 8 (PTI) Welcoming Andhra Pradesh High Court order quashing 5 per cent reservation for Muslims in jobs, BJP today said Congress had tried to fool the minority community for vote-bank politics.

The main opposition party also condemned the West Bengal government for toeing the Congress line on the issue.

"BJP welcomes the High Court decision. The act of the Andhra Pradesh government was against the Constitution and politically motivated. The Congress government in the state has breached the sanctity of the Constitution," party spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said.

He asserted that Congress had tried to fool the Muslims by giving them reservation on religious lines. "We hope Muslims will also understand how Congress tries to fool them.
 As food inflation spiralled to over 17 per cent, the government today said that the price situation is being reviewed regularly and surge in prices of essential items would be controlled soon.

"The process is on to control the price rise. I am hopeful that the prices of essential items will be in control soon," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said after receiving the Indira Gandhi Gold Plaque at the Asiatic Society here.

"There is an imbalance between the demand and supply and the Centre has taken notice of it. Some people were taking advantage. The government has taken the initiative to increase the supply line so that there is a balance with the demand ratio," he added said.

He said that a committee has been formed and the price situation was being reviewed.

The Centre on Saturday announced setting up of a committee, comprising chief ministers of 10 states, along with the Finance Minister, Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia to suggest various ways to tame rising prices, including revamping of public distribution system.

"The Centre has taken some concrete steps like liberalising imports and removal of duties. The PDS has been totally revamped so that people can get the benefit of steps taken by the government," Mukherjee, who is Chairman of the planning board of Asiatic Society, said.

The wholesale price-based general inflation, from sub-zero level last year, crossed 7 per cent in December and is estimated to climb to 8.5 per cent by March.

Maoists trigger explosion in Howrah-Mumbai train route

Suspected Maoists blew away a portion of railway tracks in the wee hours today near here causing derailment of a goods train and disruption of train services on the Howrah-Mumbai route. A portion of the railway track at a place between Bhalulata and Jareikela, about 30 km from here, was blown up by suspected Maoists at 1 am leading to derailment of two wagons of a goods train, Rourkela railway station manager S K Panda told PTI. However, there have been no reports of injury or casualty in the incident.

Following the blast, all trains on the Howrah-Mumbai route have been held up at different stations, Panda said, adding that explosives might also have been planted on the up-line of the route. Maoists had yesterday called a 72-hour bandh in Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh to protest against a proposed all-out offensive "Operation Green Hunt" against them by the Centre.

JSW Bengal Steel to start work in six months

JSW Steel-promoted JSW Bengal Steel will begin construction work at its Salboni plant in West Bengal within six months, Chairman of JSW group Sajjan Jindal said. "I have come to meet Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee to review the project which is already delayed by 18 months.

We have also discussed the Maoist and Naxalite problem existing in the region," Jindal told reporters here today. He said the CM had assured that the state government would take adequate security measures to ensure that the project takes off.

Jindal said the delay had taken place primarily due to economic slowdown. He said that work on the first phases of the steel and 800-MW plant would start concurrently.

In the first phase, the steel plant would have a capacity of three million tonnes involving a cost of Rs 12,000 crore. Responding to a query, Jindal said the extent of Japan''s JFE holdings'' equity participation in the project had not been decided as of yet.

"It could be in the range of between 26 per cent to 40 per cent," he said adding that financial closure of the project was achieved two years ago.

UPA Govt's wrong economic policies caused price rise, says Gadkari

Bharatiya Janata Party on Monday slammed Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for the price rise of commodities and held its wrong economic policies as the reason for the prevailing condition.

Speaking in the national capital, BJP President Nitin Gadkari said whenever Congress party came into power, the inflation increased.

"Whenever Congress has come into power, inflation has increased. Inflation stands at 10 percent and food inflation stands at 20 percent. And this is because of wrong economic policies," said Gadkari.

Though blaming Union Minister for Agriculture and Food Sharad Pawar for his failure to curb price rise, Gadkari opted to slam the Central leadership in totality.

"This is a failure of Sharad Pawar. However, having said this, UPA is also responsible for the price rise. This is the total failure of the UPA. The prime minister, the group of ministers, and the UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi, are also responsible. The others, cannot escape by blaming Pawar," said Gadkari.

India's food price index rose an annual 17.56 percent in late January, just ahead of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) setting the stage for rate hikes by raising banks' cash reserve requirements more than what markets had been expecting.

As persistently high food prices spill over into broader inflation and stoke public anger, government officials and the RBI are walking a fine line between controlling prices and nurturing the recovering economy.

The government is expected to issue the latest crop estimates next week.

In November 2009, the government said the country's summer-sown rice output would fall by 18 percent, while the sugarcane production would drop 9 percent-a forecast that is believed to have raised the spectre of higher food prices and large imports of sugar and rice.

The government has also claimed of having initiated a series of measures to control sugar prices.

Jharkhand witnesses partial response to Maoist bandh

Jharkhand witnessed partial response to the Maoists'' 72-hour bandh on the second day today. Offices, markets, schools and colleges remained open in the state capital and other district towns, official sources said.

However, vehicles, especially trucks, did not ply on the national highways disrupting transport of minerals in East and West Singhbum and Gumla districts, the sources said. Normal life in rural Gumla, Khunti and Chatra was largely affected with shops keeping their shutters down.

Several trains have been re-routed in the central industrial chords since midnight on Saturday when the CPI (Maoist) began their shutdown in protest against anti-naxal drive by the Centre. The bandh, however, affected the state''s industrial belts, mostly located outside the towns.

"A day''s bandh incurs a loss of approximately Rs 100 crore, and pushes back the progress by two months. The bandh affects the traders, daily wagers, transporters and other small shops.

Therefore, they should stop calling bandhs," said the Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Anchal Kinger. Maoists yesterday blew up railway tracks in Bihar''s Jamui district and killed an alleged police informer in Orissa''s Sundergarh district to enforce the bandh in five states.

Per capita income rises to Rs 43,749 this fiscal

The average income of an Indian is expected to rise to Rs 43,749 during the current fiscal, 9 per cent more than the per capita income a year ago, with the economy growing 7 per cent plus in 2009-10. The per capita income, an indicator of collective prosperity, was Rs 40,141 in 2008-09, higher by 13.3 per cent recorded in the year ago period, according to the Central Statistical Organisation''s (CSO) advance estimates.

The lower growth rate in 2009-10 is partly because of poor exports as outward shipments add to the net national income while imports reduce it. Contribution of exports to the economy during 2009-10 is estimated to fall to 18.6 per cent from 23.5 per cent a year ago.

The global financial crisis pulled down India''s economic growth to 6.7 per cent in 2008-09 from over nine per cent a year ago. However, during the current fiscal the growth rate, driven by fiscal and monetary stimulus, is likely to be 7.2 per cent.

As regards the population, the CSO estimates that it would go up from 1.15 billion to 1.17 billion during 2009-10, registering an annual increase of 1.38 per cent. After taking inflation into account, per capita income is estimated to grow by 5.4 per cent at Rs 33,540 this fiscal against Rs 31,821 during 2008-09.

Last fiscal, it grew by 5 per cent.

Farmers concerned over land acquisition in Gujarat

Over 3,000 farmers have voiced their concern against land acquisition for industrial purpose at a public hearing here. "In last couple of months, resistance is also building up at Mithivradi in Bhavnagar district against a proposed nuclear power plant, at Mocha in Porbandar district against illegal mining of lime stone and against acquisition of grazing land at Jharpara in Kutch where Adani group has set up a SEZ and port," said veteran Gandhian Chunibhai Vaidhya.

Vaidhya along with other social activists organised the hearing for affected farmers in the city yesterday. "The government, the industry and the people differ on the issue.

For people, it is a matter of life and death," said Syeda Hameed, a member of the Planning Commission, who attended the hearing. On Thursday, around 1,000 farmers from Mahuva in Bhavnagar district took to streets in Ahmedabad and courted arrest, for opposing the land allotment to Nirma group for setting up a cement factory.

The protest by Mahuva farmers was led by ruling BJP MLA Dr Kanubhai Kalsaria. Mahuva is not an isolated case where farmers have opposed their land to be taken away for industry in the state.

RJD demands scrapping of archaic land acquisition law

 Demanding the scrapping of an archaic law on land acquisition, the Rashtriya Lok Dal today claimed it has garnered the support of some Opposition parties including the Left to pressurise the Centre over the issue.

"We have prepared a draft proposal in which there are checks and balances akin to those required when acquiring forest land," RLD chief Ajit Singh told PTI today. He said the original Land Acquisition Act 1894 does not have enough provisions in matter of acquiring cultivable land.

Singh said his party's seeks to make rules for acquiring cultivable land more stringent so that it can be done only if reasons for such an acquisition are well defined.

"I had met CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat a couple of days back and held a meeting with CPI general secretary AB Bardhan this morning. Both the leaders are unanimous about changing the archaic law," Singh said.

The Jat leader, who had spearheaded the campaign on sugarcane prices late last year by stalling Parliament and with the help of a unified opposition had forced the UPA to amend the ordinance on sugarcane prices, said if the need arises he may again take the same route to get the law scrapped.

Singh alleged the UP government has acquired land citing certain provisions in the existing law which allow acquisition of land on an "emergency" basis.

"I would like to know what kind of an emergency situation had arisen which prompted the state government to use such provisions for acquiring land of villagers," he said.

"The Uttar Pradesh government is acquiring thousand of acres of land around Yamuna basin for constructing the Yamuna Expressway and also for setting up hi-tech cities. The state government plans to acquire land from 2,000 villages around Noida, Ghaziabad and Bulandshahar for the purpose," he said.

The MP from Baghpat said most of the land which has been and is being acquired by UP government for its projects, is cultivable land and contributes to around 25 per cent of the country's total potato produce.

The RLD leader said he would be meeting JD(U) chief Sharad Yadav, Orissa chief minister Naveen Patnaik and even TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu in the next few days for building greater consensus over the issue.

Pawar meets Thackeray on IPL, wants threat against Australian players to be dropped

The Congress-NCP battle of wits appears to have shifted from centre to state. Almost 48 hours after the Congress Working Committee (CWC) rapped union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar for his faulty policies, the latter made his countermoves.

On Sunday, he met Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray to make the
Indian Premier League (IPL) a success by not opposing the inclusion of Australian players in it. Earlier, at a party conclave in Aurangabad, Pawar took potshots at this Congress detractors (Vilasrao Deshmukh, Prithviraj Chauhan and others) and appealed to friend and foe alike not to mix politics and food policies.

Soon after the CWC meeting, the Congress state unit joined the chorus, demanding Pawar should be divested of the portfolios of food and civil supplies and consumer affairs, in view of his insensitive comments on rising sugar prices. A senior Congress minister said: "What justification can we give when the in-house NCP magazine writes: 'Nobody will die if they stop eating sugar.' Instead of reassuring the people, they are ridiculing the public outcry against price rise."

Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) chief Manikrao Thakre said: "It is indeed a matter of concern as the steep escalation in sugar prices cannot be justified. The common man cannot be subjected to endless sufferings on the pretext of shortage of products." AICC secretary Prakash Mohan demanded that Pawar should be divested of food and civil supplies as there could be clashes of interest while formulating policy with his main portfolio of agriculture.

That the NCP was gearing up to counter the Congress' assault was clear when civil aviation minister Praful Patel warned of a "a sinister design to malign the image of Pawar." Pawar's masterstroke, though, was his Sunday night tryst with Bal Thackeray's home at Matoshree. Observers said this was Pawar's way of sending a message to the Congress that he had options, and they shouldn't be paying games with him.

Insiders in the NCP said: "Rahul Gandhi's successful visit to Mumbai has already unnerved the Sena. The NCP, which is at the receiving end from the Congress, is using the opportunity to tame the Congress bosses in Delhi."

The NCP wants to send a signal to the Congress not to cross the Lakshman Rekha by trying to undercut Pawar. The numbers game in the Maharashtra assembly suggest that the NCP (62) and the Sena (45) cannot by themselves form a government in the state, but with independents and others accounting for 40 seats, it is not impossible to touch the half-way mark of 144.

Home minister RR Patil told the party conclave: "A befitting reply will be given to those trying to curtail the stature of Pawar saheb. The NCP may be a smaller party compared to the Congress but our leader stands tallest among the others." Against the backdrop of the CWC criticism, he said: "If anybody is trying to humiliate him we will not hesitate to submit our resignations in the state."The tough posture of the state NCP clearly indicates how angry the cadre was over what the CWC did.

The Congress, however, appears to be in no mood to lower its guard against Pawar as prime minister Manmohan Singh has taken it upon himself to lead the central core committee on inflation. The overall mood in the Congress is that Pawar's bold predictions and justifications on the price rise have badly-affected the image of the ruling coalition at the centre and state among the "aam aadmi".

The moot point is how far both parties will go in trying to score points against the other. According to political managers in the Congress, the bottomline is simple: "Notwithstanding our differences, we cannot afford to destabilise our alliance in Maharashtra."

Government will strive to get 100% enrolment in IX, Xth classes: Delhi CM

The Delhi cabinet today decided to implement centrally-sponsored Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) under which the city government will strive to achieve 100% enrolment in ninth and tenth classes in secondary schools within next five years.

Chief minister Sheila Dikshit, after the Cabinet meeting, said although RMSA aims to achieve a General Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 75 per cent in classes IX and X in the country, the GER for Delhi is already 83 for class-IX and her government will now strive hard to make it 100%.

"The city government will strive hard to achieve cent per cent GER by the end of 11th Five Year Plan to become a role model for other states and Union territories," Dikshit said.

Apart from achieving higher GER, the RMSA also aims to establish a secondary school within a reasonable distance of every habitation and improve the quality of education imparted at the secondary level.

The Centre plans to invest a whopping Rs 20,000 crore during the 11th Plan to implement the scheme. After Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, the RMSA is considered to be a major programme for secondary education.

The GER at national level as per data available for 2005-06 is 52.26%.

The Cabinet has also given its nod for setting up of an institutional framework to implement RMSA in the national capital. Officials said a state mission on RMSA will be constituted under the chairmanship of Dikshit.

VHP calls for boycott of SRK film, differs with Sena

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Monday appeared to back the Shiv Sena by calling for a nationwide boycott of Shah Rukh Khan's 'My Name is Khan' but took objection to the Sena's Mumbai-for-Marathis stand and said every inch of India belonged to all Indians.

'People of India must boycott 'My Name is Khan' as Shah Rukh Khan is a traitor,' VHP general secretary Pravin Togadia told journalists here.

'My Name is Khan', starring Shah Rukh and Kajol, is set to be released Friday.

But the star is mired in a blazing row over his recent comments advocating the cause of Pakistani cricket players who were not picked by any team for IPL.

Togadia threatened that posters of the film would be torn down.

Interestingly, the radical VHP leader locked horns with the Shiv Sena that had also objected to Shah Rukh's comments by saying Mumbai could not be only for Marathis.

'The VHP's stand is very clear and we differ on the Shiv Sena's position. According to us, every inch of India belongs to all Indians and every Indian has the right to stay with dignity in any part of the country... Mumbai, Delhi, and even Kashmir is for all Indians,' the VHP leader said.

'If we try to stay that Mumbai is for Marathis and outsiders have to leave Mumbai, then I would say India would not survive.'

84' riots cases: Delhi HC directs completetion of trial in 6 months

The Delhi high court today directed the lower court to complete the trial of all pending cases of 1984 anti-Sikh riots cases, including that of Congress leaders Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler, within six months.

"We direct that the trial will be conducted as expeditiously as possible and will be completed within six months," a bench headed by chief justice AP Shah said.

Within a week after being pulled up for being insensitive in handling riot cases as "routine" exercises and for not appointing senior advocates to handle them, CBI and Delhi government appointed Special Public Prosecutors for it on the line of post-Godhra riot cases in Gujarat.

The investigating agency and the government informed the bench that they have appointed senior advocates as public prosecutors to handle the cases of 84' riots in which more 2700 people were killed.

There are four cases pending in the trial court, out of which two relating to Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler are being handled by CBI and in the rest two by Delhi Police.

The advocate appearing for CBI submitted that senior advocate R S Cheema and advocate YK Saxena have been appointed as special public prosecutor to handle trial court cases while additional solicitor general, AS Chandhiok will be handling 84'riots cases in the high court.

Similarly, the Delhi government submitted that senior advocate BS Joon will be handling its trial court cases while senior advocate HJS Ahluwalia, cases pending in the high court.

The high court passed the order on a petition filed by aggreived family members of the riot through an NGO 'November-84 Carnage Justice Committee' seeking its direction to appoint special law officers and to monitor the cases on a day-to-day basis.

Earlier the court had on February 3 asked the prosecuting agencies to respect the feeling of a particular community which bore the brunt of the riots following the assassination of the then prime minister Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984.

"You should respect the sentiments of sufferers. You tell your director to appoint a senior lawyer as a public prosecutor to handle the cases. This is a legitimate demand. Don't treat these cases as routine cases," a Bench had said.

"See the historical background and sensitivity involved in these cases. Don't you think like Gujarat riot cases, special public prosecutors should be appointed to handle these cases?" the court had said, asking the agencies not to be insensitive.

Advocate HS Phulka, appearing for the NGO, referred to Zahira Sheikh case in Gujarat and pleaded a special public prosecutor be appointed in consultation with the victims to handle the riot cases as "Delhi Police and CBI are handling the case in a casual and slipshod manner".

Centre will deal with diversion of forest land: Jairam Ramesh

 The Centre would take action if there was any diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose in the hill station of Munnar in Kerala, Union environment minister Jairam Ramesh today said.

"Law of the land is supreme and if there is any encroachment on forest land they will be dealt with. If there is diversion of forest land, it calls for our intervention because Forest Conservation Act is a Central Act," he told reporters here.

Replying to a specific query on the encroachments in Munnar, he said,"I do not know the facts of the case. But all I can tell you is that if there is an encroachment on forest land they will be dealt with. Law of the land is supreme. Forest Conservation Act of 1980 for me is the Bible," he said. Kerala cabinet had last week decided to intensify its efforts to clear all encroachments in Munnar.

Ramesh said his objective in Munnar would be to preserve its ecological sanctity. "I do not want one form of construction to be replaced by another form of construction. My priority in Munnar is to protect its ecological wealth."

Replying to a question, Ramesh said Kerala has a unique ecology, a unique geography and population density.

"These three factors makes it necessary for us to look at Kerala as a special case from the point of view of Coastal Zone Management," he said.

On the ban on new constructions in coastal zone for eight months, he said no fresh environmental approval would be given till the state governments came up with a credible action plan.

He said there was a moratorium on all fresh ports till the Institute of Ocean Management, Chennai, submitted its report on comprehensive impact assessment study on the ports.

The report was expected in October or November this year, he said. 'The MoEF is not giving any new approval for ports, till we get a comprehensive impact assessment study report on all the ports that have already been sanctioned in different states in the country', he said.

Not just Pawar but UPA Cabinet responsible for inflation: BJP

BJP President Nitin Gadkari on Monday held the 'wrong economic policies of the government' responsible for price rise and asserted that not just the Agriculture Minister but the entire cabinet of the Manmohan Singh government is to be blamed for food inflation.

"The origin of inflation and price rise is the wrong economic policies of the Congress and the UPA government", Gadkari said in a press conference on price rise here. Gadkari, who many felt was soft on Agriculture and Food Minister Sharad Pawar as he hails from his native state of Maharashtra, was more vocal against him on price rise. "UPA is fully responsible for price rise. This is the total failure of the UPA, including Sharad Pawar. Pawar is responsible but not solely responsible....The Prime Minister, the Group of Ministers, UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi are also responsible. Others cannot escape by blaming Pawar", he said.

The BJP has launched a nation-wide three-phase agitation against price rise which will culminate in the gherao of Parliament in March. Gadkari stated that Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj was in touch with the NDA partners and like-minded opposition parties for chalking out a strategy to take on the government during the forthcoming budget session of Parliament.

"Through the media, I would also like to invite the Left parties to build a consensus on cornering the government on the issue of price rise", he said Expressing his ire against the government's 'clearcut failure' to control food inflation, Gadkari said its wrong policies were only leading to profits for speculators, corporates, multinationals and black-marketeers.

However, when asked if politicians in power were hand-in-glove with these beneficiaries, Gadkari said he knew who all were profiteering but would not name them now. "You check out the commodities exchange where some companies have made upto 300 per cent profit", he said.

The BJP President insisted that lack of co-ordination between the Commerce, Food and Civil Supplies and the Finance Ministries was also contributing to the present crisis. After the second consecutive Lok Sabha poll defeat, a down-and-out BJP smells an opportunity in the agitation against price rise - which affects its core votebank of middle class and traders - to rejuvenate its party cadre.

Taking a dig at the Congress slogan, Gadkari said, "It is very unfortunate that Congress' hand is not with the poor. It is now reaching for their neck." He maintained that the BJP had started the agitation against inflation as 'renowned economist Manmohan Singh' had failed all expectations. He said while Singh had promised that the GDP will grow at double digits, it is food inflation that has grown at double digits and the 'credit' for this goes to the PM.

Using cricket analogy, Gadkari said, "Sugar prices have hit a half century while dal has hit a century. Soon, they will leave Sachin Tendulkar, Virendra Sehwag and M S Dhoni behind." In his tirade against the UPA regime, Gadkari rattled off

RBI data and figures from other government-affiliated agencies and said food inflation has risen by 20 per cent from 12 per cent in the last six months. He named wheat, rice, sugar and pulses as the main essential commodities that have seen a jump in prices recently.

"This is an incompetent government as far as food economy is concerned when the sugar prices were less and farmers were burning their crop and there was surplus, the government failed to create a buffer stock and instead exported it", Gadkari said. He said despite the end consumer paying three times more for essential commodities, the farmers were not getting their due. "How can the Government say that the farmers are benefiting?" he asked.

He accused the government of importing poor quality 'red wheat' and said even it failed to check the rising prices. The BJP president asked the government to study how commodity exchanges are manipulated to jack up food prices. "The record of last year's transactions on forward exchange in essential commodities clearly establishes that it is 99 per cent speculation and one per cent deliveries", he added.

NCP justifies Pawar's meeting with Sena chief

Despite the meeting sparking a controversy, NCP on Monday justified party chief Sharad Pawar's discussion with Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on the IPL tournament contending that in a democracy dialogue and discussion are important.

NCP spokesman D P Tripathi said Pawar had met Thackeray along with BCCI chief Shashank Manohar to convince the Sena supremo about holding of the IPL matches in Mumbai and there was no political import to the meeting.

"In democracy we persuade people through discussion and dialogue," Tripathi said.

At the same time he agreed with Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan that there was no extra-constitutional authority.

Tripathi also insisted that persuasion is far more important than coercion in a democratic state.

Chavan criticises Pawar

Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan disapproved of Union Minister Sharad Pawar's meeting with Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray making it clear that his government was "competent enough" to give adequate security to IPL matches.

"I do not think there is need to take permission from any other authority in the state... There cannot be an extra-constitutional authority," Chavan told reporters adding that "...government is competent, it is the authority and there can not be two authorities in state."

Declaring that his government was "competent enough" to handle any law and order problem in the state, Chavan, however, refused to comment on why Pawar met Thackeray on the issue.

He, however, insisted that there cannot be "any other power centre" and that democratically elected government will do its work.

Reports said Pawar, who is also president of the Mumbai Cricket Association, requested Thackeray to withdraw his threat against Australian cricketers' participation in the IPL cricket tourney.

"Don't ask me. It will be better you ask Pawar, who is a senior leader, about his motive behind meeting Thackeray," he said adding that "democratically elected" government will perform its duty "as expected".

In a strong message to the Shiv Sena, the Chief Minister said all security will be provided and "any body who will try to take law in hands, try to perpetrate any violent incident, state government will take stern view and initiate legal action."

Maya's gift to MLAs, ministers: Salary hike, more perks

Chief Minister Mayawati on Monday announced a substantial hike in the salaries and perks of MLAs/MLCs and members of council of ministers. She also announced increase in the pension payable to legislators. Chief Minister said with this increase in salaries the public representatives would serve the people better. Chief Minister said total salary and perks of MLAs and MLC would go up from Rs 30,000 to Rs 50,000 per month. Chief Minister made the announcement in Vidhan Sabha during question hour here this morning. Giving a break up of the increase in the salary and perks of legislators chief minister said the salary of the legislators would go up from Rs 3000 per month to Rs 8000 per month. The constituency allowance would go up from Rs 15000 to Rs 22000 per month while medical allowance would go up from Rs 6000 per month to Rs 10,000 per month. The allowance for secretary would also be increased from Rs 6000 per month to Rs 10000 per month, she said. About her council of ministers Chief Minister said the salary of the cabinet minister and the minister of state would go up from Rs 5000 to Rs 120000 per month. The salary of the deputy minister would be increased from Rs 4000 to Rs 10000 per month, she said. Chief Minister also announced hike in salary of Speaker, Deputy Speaker of Vidhan Sabha and Chairman of Vidhan Parishad. As per announcement the salary of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Vidhan Sabha and Chairman of Vidhan Parishad will go up from Rs 5000 to Rs 12000 now. The house maintenance allowance in the home district of Speaker had been increased from Rs 10000 to Rs 15000, she said. The salary of the leader of Opposition in Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad has also been increased from Rs 5000 to Rs 12000 per month, she said.

Chief Minister said another important decision had been taken about the payment of pension to the spouse in case of death of members. The spouse of the legislators and former legislators would be entitled to get 50 percent of the payable pension in case of death of members, she said.
Hindustan Times

Northeast chief ministers urge stricter vigil along borders

India's northeastern states have called for stricter vigil along the international borders they share with Bangladesh and Myanmar and early completion of border fencing to check terrorist movement, infiltration and security threats from across the border.

The chief ministers of northeastern state stressed the importance of tightening security along the borders at the internal security meeting held in New Delhi Sunday.

Only 250 km out of the northeast's 5,552-km outer perimeter touches India. The remaining 5,302-km represents international boundaries with China (1,080 km), Myanmar (1,643 km), Bhutan (699 km) and Bangladesh (1,880 km).

Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said: 'The insurgent infrastructure and camps continue to be intact in Bangladesh and need to be immediately dismantled.'

'Arrest of the extremists belonging to other states in Tripura again confirmed the symbiotic nexus between the various insurgent outfits of northeast,' Sarkar said.

Emphasizing the need for completing the border fencing expeditiously, he added: 'Floodlighting of the border along the border fencing is very much needed for deriving effective benefits of fencing at the earliest.'

Sarkar has also urged the central government to set up more border outposts and deploy more Border Security Force (BSF) troopers. 'Joint operations of BSF and Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) are also urgently necessary to deal with terrorism and border menace.'

Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh in his speech pointed out that the almost unchecked trans-border movement of Indian insurgent groups and the continued existence of their camps in Myanmar posed threats to the internal security of Manipur and other northeastern states.

'It is no secret that most arms and ammunition used against our security forces are smuggled in from Myanmar. It is also known that whenever our army, Assam Rifles and the state police launch operations, the militant groups took shelter in neighbouring areas of Myanmar,' Singh told the meeting.

'Insurgent outfits are also smuggling huge quantities of narcotics like heroin. The proceeds are being used to finance the procurement of sophisticated weapons and maintaining their leaders in foreign countries and their cadres in India.'

Highlighting the positive outcome of the home secretary level talks Jan 19-21 at Yangon, the Manipur chief minister asked the central government to consult Myanmar authorities for ascertaining the dates convenient for the first meeting of the proposed series of meetings between the border liaison officers.

Meghalaya Chief Minister D.D. Lapang suggested the constitution of a 'high powered body' to go into the various aspects of fencing on the border and to resolve the problems faced by farmers and villagers residing in border areas.

'In many cases the border fencing had been constructed much beyond the 150 metres from the 'Zero Line' and there was apprehension among the bordering villagers that they would not be able to harvest their crop that falls on the other side of the fence,' Lapang said.

'The apprehension of the Indian farmers and villagers are genuine and these need to be solved at the earliest,' Lapang said at the meeting that was also addressed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and by Home Minister P. Chidambaram.

Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla urged the central government to maintain a strict watch along the international borders with both Myanmar and Bangladesh to ensure internal security.

'Although Mizoram was relatively peaceful with no insurgency, the porous borders - 318 km along Bangladesh and 404 km along Myanmar - were causes for concern,' he said.

OUTLOOK - India cotton prices seen under pressure on arrivals


India's cotton prices are seen coming under pressure this week on continuing healthy arrivals of the commodity in the domestic market, but soaring exports may limit the losses, analysts and traders said.

"Arrivals are very good.... prices in the short-term are seen under pressure...but if the exports continue it may support prices in the long term," said Chowda Reddy, an analyst with JRG Wealth Management.

Arrivals stood at 17.53 million bales (of 170 kg each) as on January 30, up from 17.48 million bales a year ago, data from Cotton Corporation of India showed.

The daily average arrivals stood at 180,000 bales.

"Arrivals are very good in Gujarat ....prices are down by almost 10 percent since the beginning of February," said Bipin Shah, a trader in Rajkot, Gujarat.

Arrivals rose about 42 percent to 6.1 million bales in Gujarat, while they were down 19 percent to 3.35 million bales in Maharashtra. The two states are India's top cotton producers.

Spot prices of popular medium staple Shankar-6 variety traded in the range of 3,225 rupees and 3,250 rupees per 100 kg, two traders said.

The healthy arrivals may, however, not dampen prices significantly thanks to exports, they said.

India's cotton export in the first four months of 2009/10 jumped by 245 percent to 2.79 million bales, data on textile ministry's website showed.

In Oct-Jan the country shipped 2.79 million bales, compared to 809,969 bales a year ago, data showed.

India's cotton exports are expected to jump by 57 percent to 5.5 million bales in 2009/10, A.B. Joshi, textile commissioner and chairman of Cotton Advisory Board (CAB), had earlier said.

(Editing by Sunil Nair)
Sourav Mishra

GLOBAL MARKETS - Greece haunts investors, European shares reverse

Worries about Greek sovereign debt and a potential spillover elsewhere rattled financial markets again on Monday, squelching a tentative recovery by both European shares and the euro.

Stock markets were generally lower, the euro lost its early gains and Wall Street looked set to open flat to lower down.

World equities as measured by MSCI were down 0.2 percent, with emerging markets off half a percent. Japan's Nikkei earlier lost 1.1 percent.

The falls came despite efforts on European bourses to buck a three-day losing streak that culminated on Friday with a loss of 2.1 percent on Friday, the FTSEurofirst 300's largest daily fall in 11 months.

The European index was down 0.2 percent.

Investors have been generally shifting out of riskier assets as concern builds over Greece's financial woes and its potential to spread to other euro zone countries and even further out.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch encapsulated the concern in a note about Asia.

"(Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) aren't big enough to affect the outlook for Asia," it said. "However, rising sovereign risk could become a more widespread issue, affecting market volatility and countries' ability to maintain supportive fiscal policy."

Monday's market losses came despite attempts by authorities to persuade markets that all will be well.

At a weekend G7 meeting, European finance ministers said they would make sure Greece delivered on its promises to slash its budget deficit by the end of 2012.

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was later quoted in a newspaper article on Monday saying that members of the Group of Seven industrialised nations were confident that the European Union will sort out Greece's debt problems.

The premium investors demand to hold Greek sovereign debt over core German paper rose after a Greek union said it could call a further strike.

The yield spread between 10-year Greek government bonds and benchmark German Bunds spiked to as much as 365 basis points, up from Friday's settlement close of 350 bps, before returning to stand little changed on the day.


The euro gyrated against the dollar after earlier gaining. It was trading around at multi-month lows.

"As long as EMU fears still loom and there is no strong signal from EU authorities that they will do something to tackle the situation in Greece, Spain and Portugal then euro downside potential will remain," said Roberto Mialich, currency strategist at Unicredit in Milan.

The euro was flat at $1.3664, down 4.5 percent for 2010.

Benchmark euro zone government debt yields were flat to slightly higher.

(Additional reporting by Jessica Mortimer; Editing by Andy Bruce)

(For more news on Reuters Money visit
Jeremy Gaunt, European Investment Correspondent

PRECIOUS - Gold cuts gains as dollar recovers


Gold gave up gains that took it above $1,070 an ounce in Europe on Monday, as the dollar's recovery versus the euro dented the metal's appeal as an alternative asset.

Spot gold was at $1,064.75 an ounce at 1347 GMT versus $1,065.55 late in New York on Friday, having earlier touched a high of $1,073.50.

In the last session it slid to $1,043.75, its lowest since Nov. 2, as the euro fell on fears over the outlook for some euro zone economies. Those fears re-emerged on Monday, pulling the euro back from early highs and consequently knocking gold.

"We are probably not out of the woods yet," said Saxo Bank senior manager Ole Hansen. "We are not ready to de-couple from the dollar, so we continue to keep an eye on that."

U.S. gold futures for April delivery on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange rose $10.60 to $1,062.80 an ounce.

A two-day meeting of the Group of Seven ministers and central bank governors in northern Canada this weekend was capped by reassurances about debt-strapped Greece and agreement that banks should pay for future rescue funds.

But dealers said investors were disappointed the meeting did not result in concrete action to tackle sovereign debt issues in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Spain.

Concern over the outlook for smaller euro zone economies was a major driver of the sharp rise in risk aversion late last week, which saw hefty selling of the euro and assets perceived as higher risk, such as equities and commodities.


Gold's price drop prompted some fresh interest in the metal, however, with the world's biggest gold-backed exchange-traded fund, New York's SPDR Gold Trust , reporting its first inflow since December on Friday.

"There has been a bit of bargain hunting," said Credit Agricole analyst Robin Bhar. "We fell to nearly $1,040 on Friday, so that has seen a bit of trade interest and investor positioning emerging, which has given a boost to the market."

From a technical perspective, resistance near the $1,050 level held on Friday, preventing a move down towards the 200-day moving average near $1,020 an ounce. A breach of this area would lead to a sharper sell-off, analysts said.

"Copper, WTI (U.S. crude futures) and gold have all come down to look at the 200-day moving average, which is quite an influential level," said Bhar.

"The 200-day and 100-day moving averages are often targeted by longer-term players -- funds, hedge funds -- as an indicator of whether to buy or sell, so that could be influential going forward," he added.

For graphic showing key technical levels for gold, click

Among other precious metals, silver slid to $14.95 an ounce from $15.11 an ounce, platinum dipped to $1,474.50 an ounce from $1,479.50 and palladium eased to $400 from $402.50.

While all precious metals are to an extent tied to the dollar, platinum group metals' greater exposure to the economic cycle means they could be better supported than gold.

"With the complex largely held hostage to EUR-USD movements, the near-term outlook looks shaky," said Morgan Stanley in note. "We do expect, however, platinum and palladium to continue to outperform."

(Editing by Sue Thomas)

Al Qaeda now more 'agile' and creative, says Clinton

Washington, Feb.8 (ANI): US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday that Al Qaeda has grown more "creative and flexible" since 2001.

"I don't see them as stronger. I see that they are more creative, more flexible, more agile. They evolve," said Clinton while appearing as the first guest of Candy Crowley, the new host of CNN's "State of the Union.

"The biggest nightmare that any of us have, is that one of these terrorist member organizations within this syndicate of terror will get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction," she added.

She also said nuclear-armed countries like North Korea or Iran, pose both a real or a potential threat to the world and the United States in particular.

She said that Iran's behavior in the recent past was certainly evident of their intention to launch a missile test or a missile at their perceived enemies.

Asked if Iran and North Korea have responded to Obama's offer to "extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist," Clinton flatly said "no."

But, she said, "engagement has brought us a lot in the last year," and that Obama's "election, and his persona combined with the approach we took of seeking to find the basis for engagement on mutual respect, and mutual interest has really created a much more open, receptive atmosphere."

Clinton also gave a tepid endorsement to Afghan president Hamid Karzai, saying that the United States works with leaders it does not agree with all the time, based on what's in America's best interest.

On two personal questions at the end of the interview, Clinton said she doesn't follow football and can't predict the winner of the Super Bowl today, and that Chelsea Clinton, who recently got engaged, doesn't yet have a dress picked out for the wedding. (ANI)

Minority quota doubtful, studying options, says Khursheed

December 21st, 2009 - 5:59 pm ICT by IANS
Posted On: 08-Feb-2010 06:54:47 By: Ch. Narendra

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Opposing reservations to Muslims, Dr Pravin Togadia VHP Secretary General criticized, "Andhra HC quashed Andhra Government's unconstitutional move to give 4% quota to Muslims in Education, jobs & so on. Yet today West Bengal announced 10% reservations to Muslims. For an eye-wash WB govt has shown that these reservations would be for socially, educationally & economically backward Muslims & OBCs in Muslims.

This is all twisting the constitution & exploiting the hard working Hindus. Majority Hindus from middle class, higher middle class & other working / business class work hard & pay taxes. Instead of giving benefit of this money to the poor Hindus, Hindu Scheduled castes, Hindu OBCs & Tribes, government is all out to use this money to subsidize Muslims who do not even limit number of children quoting religion. This is not only unfair to Hindus but also it is a criminal looting of Hindus."

Dr Togadia termed the Sachhar & Rangnath Mishra reports as "Preparation for Criminal Looting of Hindus". He further added, "Andhra 4% quota, Sachhar & Rangnath reports & now West Bengal giving 10% reservations to Muslims are not sporadic isolated incidents. They are well connected & are a part of a larger conspiracy against Hindus. This criminal conspiracy of looting Hindus is being hatched to please & appease Muslim vote bank. Today Union government also announced that youth from POK would be encouraged to come to J&K & would be given special facilities. At this moment 78% Hindu youth in Bharat are unemployed, 79% Hindu farmers have already lost their lands / crops & most are about to commit suicides, 68% Hindu children are mal nourished. Yet, instead of helping them, governments are showering favours on Muslims. This is not acceptable to Hindus."

Dr Togadia expressed, "Hindu majority is being exploited in every field like education, employment, bank loans, trade facilities, housing & so on. From Inheritance Act to Marriage Act, all laws are only to trouble Hindus. Essential food costs have gone so high that even well to do middle class families are no more able to feed their children even a cup of milk daily & now there is Muslim reservation burden on the Hindus."

"Hindus have reached their limit of patience & without waiting for anyone to lead; Hindus would hit the streets any moment against this continued injustice. Muslims claim that they are no more just a simple minority; but they are 'the second largest majority in India (as Jamait-e-ulema- e-Hind Maulana Madani says) & yet governments are bent on giving them facilities & reservations snatching education, employment, loans & lives of Hindus."

Dr Togadia termed this move unconstitutional & expressed the concern that this would encourage not just conversions but also Jehadi incidents. He said, "Those who argue that Muslims are poor in Bharat & therefore they turn to Jehad, are living in a fool's paradise. Pilots, Engineers, professionals from well to do families are following Jehad as a life style based on Madarsa preaching. If they are poor they do Jehad by bomb & when they get rich or educated they use planes, computers against Bharat.

"Therefore, it will help governments to get all Hindus to avail of education, employment, trade facilities instead of wasting Hindu Tax payer's money on inspiring Jehad. When majority develops, the nation automatically develops. Those who do not even follow Bharat's constitution should not be given an opportunity to misuse Bharat's democracy & constitution for increasing their population to 'minoratize' Hindus."

Dr Togadia suggested that if Muslim reservation moves continue then VHP would have to seriously look into the option of a democratic nation wide agitation soon.

Reservation will not help Muslims, will only open Pandora's box (Comment)

December 20th, 2009 - 3:07 pm ICT by IANS Tell a Friend -

By Firoz Bakht Ahmed
The way to hell, we are told, is paved with good intentions.

The Ranganath Mishra Commission report, tabled in the winter session of parliament, recommends 15 percent reservation for all minorities in government jobs, education and welfare schemes, of which 10 percent quota is for Muslims - the largest minority in the country.

Be it Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Muslim Dalits or other so-called minorities for that matter, reservations are a menace for the entire system. On the otherwise secular and composite fabric of India, reservations are a thorn in the neck.

Reservations will not help Muslims.

Rather they must tell the government to open more schools in their areas than police stations. Instead of fighting over smaller slices of a small pie of the national income, what is needed is the expansion of the national pie which would help everyone to get their rightful and bigger share. The oppressed and the marginalized people need expansion of opportunities rather than favours from the state.

As a law abiding Indian Muslim, I feel that words such as reservation, minority, majority be deleted from the Indian Constitution in the context of quotas based on caste or religion. Umpteen reservations including the minorities, SC/ST, Kashmiri migrants and army personnel have already affected the consideration for going in for merit.

I want the minorities to have an honourable place by having to stop looking at charity in the form of quota and accept the challenge of a competitive life.

That some politically motivated scholars are in favour of reservations is shocking in the sense that they want the Indian Muslim community to go in for the begging bowl rather than to compete and make a dent in the field of merit.

Those advocating Muslims' reservations must note that ostrich mentality is never going to help Muslims. If they accept quotas, whatever merit we see today, too will wane as nobody would like to work hard and compete. They have to perform or perish!

It would be worth examining as to what the founding fathers say about reservations. Interestingly, both Sardar Patel and C. Rajgopalachari did vehemently support the charter of providing political safeguards to the minorities according to articles 292 and 294 of the 1949 draft constitution, but five leaders out of seven, namely Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Hifzur Rehman, Begum Aizaz Rasul, Hussainbhoy Laljee and Tajammul Hussain opposed it.

Fact remains and history has proved it that reservations on communal lines are not in the interest of national unity and integrity as it might start a chain reaction among other religious groups as well. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, while addressing on democratization in an important session of the Constituent Assembly on May 26, 1949, said, "If you seek to give safeguards to a minority, you isolate it… Maybe, you protect it to a slight extent but at what cost - at the cost of isolating and keeping it away from the main current."

The problem with this kind of lop-sided reservation is that the real beneficiaries of reservation may be the economically well-off "backward community" members who generation after generation reap the benefits at the expense of the real needy from the general sections as has been seen in the case of the 22.5 percent quotas in the institutions of higher education like the IIMs, IITs etc. The government needs to put a stop to such abuses.

Opines lawyer Meenakshi Lekhi, "I am not against reservation but I am against this type of reservation. Reservations should not be based on caste. Indeed government has a duty to provide education equally to everybody but when the government is asking for reservation in education, it is actually showing its inability to give education to everybody within the present educational infrastructure."

K.R. Malkani, former BJP vice president, wrote in his treatise on Indian Muslims that according to the United Nations, the group that's identified as a minority is one that by religion, language, ethnicity or culture constitutes less than 10 percent of the population of a state.

As per this statute, the Muslims were a minority decades ago but now they are not. In fact, they are the second majority. Malkani also states that nowhere in the 52-odd Muslim countries or, for that matter, anywhere in the world where Muslims are a majority, do non-Muslims have the privileges, protection and rights that India offers to the minorities.

It is time that we Indians give up this ghettoized minority-majority mindset. Voices of reason demand that educational standards and qualifications should be uniform, whatever the language, religion or region.

So far as the Muslim community is concerned, the reservations' process will be wrought with imperfections as the community is divided into umpteen castes and sub-castes, a system that has percolated in them through their Hindu neighbourhoods.

Muslims have four major caste divisions, namely - Ashraf at the top (Syed, Sheikh, Mughal and Pathan), Atraj, the second rung (Rajput, Tyagi, Thakur, Jaat etc), Azrab, the third rung (Julahe, Kunjre, Darzi, Mirasi, Qasab, Naiee, Mahigir etc), and Azlab, at the lowest rung (Halalkhor, Chamar, Lalbezi etc).

If the Muslims as a minority, are given the reservations, the Ashraf and Atraj would be deprived of it, which would again create a virtual pandemonium. Fact is that in many cases amongst Muslims, as also in Hindus, the lower rung people are fairly well placed in comparison to the ones belonging to higher castes!

My suggestion is that financial aid be granted on the basis of performance instead of seat reservation.

More at : Reservation will not help Muslims, will only open Pandora's box (Comment)

SC: Are there castes among Muslims?

NEW DELHI: After Christian groups, a Muslim organisation has joined the quota race by challenging in Supreme Court validity of the 1950

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Presidential Order limiting reservations to scheduled castes in Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, and sought reservation benefit for Dalit Muslims.

Though both Christianity and Islam prohibit practice of caste-system and consider everyone equal, the petitioners have hinged their demand on the recommendations of central government appointed commissions headed by Justice Ranganath Misra and Justice Rajinder Sachar.

A PIL filed by Akhil Maharashtra Muslim Khatik Samaj on Friday stated that there were Dalits within Muslim community who needed reservation, a benefit extended to similarly placed persons in Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism.

The petitioner said though Hindu Khatiks (those who slaughter animals) were included in the SC category, the Muslim Khatiks were not, despite being in the same social strata and facing similar discrimination. Muslim Khatiks are generally considered as 'Ajlaf' (the base strata of society), it said.

Though the Bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan issued notice to the Centre seeking its response on the issue, it asked the petitioner whether Islam permitted caste-system.

"Since when have the Muslims have started following caste-system? It is surprising. We thought that it had only rich and poor divide. The assertion that caste system is practised in Islam and that certain sections need reservation is new to us," the Bench said.

Referring to the strict dictats of Quran prohibiting practice of any forms of caste system within Islam, Justice Balakrishnan said there was no such discrimination on the basis of caste among Muslims in Kerala, his home state.
On Tuesday, the apex court had given six weeks time to the Centre to file its response to similar petitions filed by Christian organisations and individuals seeking extension of reservation benefit to Dalits within their community.

Mayawati extends 10% job quota to private sector

LUCKNOW: After directing all private organizations and industries in Uttar Pradesh subsidized by the state government to voluntarily implement

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10% job reservation in August last year, chief minister Mayawati widened the scope of her reservation policy by announcing the same measure for private firms under the principle of public-private partnership.

Job quota in such firms, too, would now be extended to Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Castes and the economically weaker sections among the upper castes.

The decision was taken at a cabinet meeting on Thursday and announced during a press conference here on Friday. The step ensures reservation in all outsourcing firms and on individuals who employ staff for carrying out jobs in government and semi-government departments and agencies.

The decision, Mayawati said, was taken to ensure all-round development of society. It's a first-of-its-kind government policy in the country, and Mayawati said the need for it arose from the fact that government jobs were shrinking due to increasing privatization.

In such a situation, Dalits and oppressed sections were being left behind, she said, and added, unless reservation for them was extended in the private sector firms chosen as service providers by the government, social justice would remain a pipedream.

Mayawati said her government had, on December 24 last year, decided to implement reservation norms for private sector firms carrying out projects in association with the government under public-private partnership formula.

Quota Politics

Quota Politics

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Beneficiaries of reservations get a move up in life. Once they catch up with the more privileged in income and status, they join the ranks of a

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''creamy layer'' and no longer need quotas. This is sensible logic, and to be kept in mind when framing policy. But try telling that to the political class. The annual income cut-off for OBC quota eligibility was fixed at Rs 2.5 lakh per annum. The UPA recently hiked it to Rs 4.5 lakh. Its move is being interpreted as a counter to the Supreme Court's directive that unfilled reserved seats in state-backed educational institutions be opened to general category applicants. Thwarted in its bid to accumulate these seats over three years, the Centre dealt its sleight of hand. Not only can more OBCs access quotas for jobs and education, they can be seriously wealthy too.

The government has chosen an undesirable path of confrontation with the apex court. The latter now says the new creamy layer cut-off, if challenged in court, is open to judicial scrutiny. So the Centre is merely inviting litigation. It should have remembered that the judiciary had earlier upheld 27 per cent quotas for OBCs in state-supported educational institutions with a caveat: the better-off among them had to be kept out. Also, in 2007, it had overturned Kerala's decision to raise the creamy layer benchmark to Rs 3 lakh.

Moreover, the court directive on unfilled seats is welcome. If there aren't enough OBC candidates for reserved seats in premier institutions such as IITs, IIMs, medical colleges and the like, why keep these vacant rather than fill them on a merit basis? The demand-supply equation for quality higher education is skewed. There are too few centres of excellence and too many aspirants in the competitive category. The judiciary has consistently tried to strike a balance whereby positive discrimination and merit can coexist. The Centre shouldn't pose as an adversary, blind to prevailing concern over academic mediocrity and brain drain of students and faculty.

Finally, the quota system's perpetuation signals institutional failure to create a genuine level playing field. Focus should have long shifted to providing quality primary and secondary education to all. Sadly, manipulation of the affirmative action framework is occurring across the political board. Had education reform been prioritised over populism as an enabling instrument, the quota debate may well have been academic by now.

29 lakh fake ration cards seized last year
The state government last year weeded out 29 lakh bogus ration cards across Maharashtra, according to information obtained under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The highest number of bogus rations cards were found in Mumbai (6.5 lakh), followed by Pune (3 lakh), Nashik 1.5 lakh, Nagpur and Ahmednagar 1.1 lakh respectively.

Congress for special court to fast-track Azamgarh terror cases

Anita Joshua

The Congress plans to approach the government with a plea to set up a special court to fast-track all terrorism cases involving youngsters from Azamgarh which in recent years has been dubbed as a "nursery of terror."

Unfazed by the criticism of his Azamgarh visit last week, Congress general secretary in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, Digvijay Singh, told reporters here on Monday that he would be submitting his report to party president Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday or Wednesday.

"We want a free, fair and speedy trial," Mr. Singh said; making it amply clear that he had visited Azamgarh with the full knowledge of Ms. Gandhi and after discussing the issue with fellow general secretary Rahul Gandhi.

Unsure about whether the visit had the sanction of the Congress high command, party spokespersons last week had hemmed and hawed on the issue. It was only when Mr. Singh went on record stating that he had discussed the visit with Ms. Gandhi and Mr. Gandhi that the Congress began defending him.

His report will summarise each of the cases in which youngsters from Azamgarh and adjoining areas were charged with involvement in terrorism cases. Some of the youngsters are facing multiple cases in as many as four States. About 25 to 30 families from the area are affected by this. Not only do they have to live with the taboo, fighting the cases in various courts was proving to be a harrowing experience for the lower middle class families, Mr. Singh said.

'Best option'

As to whether the families wanted a judicial probe into these cases including the Batla House encounter, Mr. Singh said during the visit he had managed to convince the families that a fresh investigation could mean further delay and the best option would be a speedy trial.

Referring to the criticism he has drawn from the Ulema Council and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad – Mr. Singh said: "This should not be seen as minorityism. If these boys – most of them products of Shibli Inter College — feel alienated because of injustice, it could lead to a problem."

Keywords: CongressAzamgarhterror casesBatla House encounterUlema CouncilVHP

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Jamaat-e-Islami, students hold massive meetings for Telangana

2010-02-07 22:20:00
Last Updated: 2010-02-08 03:07:12

Hyderabad: Telangana on Sunday witnessed two massive public meetings organised by a Muslim organisation and students to press the demand for statehood to the region.

Speakers at both the meetings made it clear that the protests for Telangana would continue if the terms of reference of Srikrishna Committee were not favourable to formation of Telangana state.

The central government on February 3 announced a five-member committee to deliberate on a mechanism for a separate Telangana state to be carved out of Andhra Pradesh.

The move is vehemently opposed by people in the two other regions of the state - Rayalaseema and Andhra.

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While Muslim group Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) held a massive public meeting here, students' Joint Action Committee organised a meeting at Kaktiya University in Warangal town.

JIH at its meeting declared support to the demand for statehood to Telangana. Thousands of Muslims, including burqa-clad women and girls, attended the meet.

Addressing the meeting, Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao promised that Muslims would be provided 12 percent reservation in proportion to their population in the proposed Telangana state.

Even as Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM), the key Muslim political party in the region is keeping mum on the issue, the JIH joined the movement for separate state by holding the meeting at Nizam College Grounds here.

The Andhra Pradesh and Orissa unit of JIH and its frontal organisations like Movement for Peace and Justice (MPJ), Students Islamic Organisation (SIO) and Girls Islamic Organisation (GIO) held the meeting attended by thousands of Muslims from Hyderabad and nine other districts of the region.

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Burqa-clad women and girls in large numbers attended the meeting, addressed by leaders of various political parties and groups fighting for Telangana state.

This is the first time that a Muslim group has come out to organise a public meeting for Telangana. Various pro-Telangana Muslim organisations supported the JIH.

Addressing the meeting, Jamaat leaders said they decided to support the Telangana movement as it was a movement for rights and justice neglected ever since the region was merged with Andhra in 1956 to form Andhra Pradesh.

JIH Andhra Pradesh and Orissa zone president Malik Moatasim Khan said successive governments neglected the region in basic sectors like education, employment, irrigation and industries though many promises were made for its development at the time of merger.

He, however, said the Jamaat was for a peaceful movement and wanted lives and properties of people of all the regions to be protected.

"After seeing burqa-clad Muslim sisters coming out in such large numbers, I have no doubt that Telangana will become a reality," revolutionary balladeer Gaddar said.

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Congress MP from Nizamabad, Madhu Yashki Goud said no force could stop formation of Telangana state. Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader N. Janardhan Reddy said his party had taken a clear stand on the issue.

MIM, which has one parliamentarian and seven legislators in Hyderabad, has not spelt out its stand on the demand for Telangana state. The party said it would express its opinion during the consultation process to be launched by the government.

Muslims constitute about 13 percent of nearly 35 million population of Telangana. They are nine percent of Andhra Pradesh's total population of about 80 million.

Meanwhile, the massive meeting at Kakatiya University in Warangal town was disrupted by a group of students. They were protesting some remarks made by Manda Krishna Madiga, a Scheduled Caste leader. Two groups clashed during the meeting forcing the organisers to end the meeting abruptly.

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Demand for reservation, political blackmailing?

The scene: A man dressed as Lord Parshuram appears on the dais displaying his angry

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The venue: The reservation rally organised by Brahmins at Jaipur.

The Brahmins call themselves the sons of Lord Parshuram, who could shake the universe with his anger. The person impersonating as Lord Parshuram was symbolic of the Brahmin unity.

The Brahmins, like Jats, have started thinking that might is right and are of the belief that unless the community compels the political parties, they would never get the coveted reservation.

The demands of not only the Brahmins, but other communities as well for reservation are nothing less than political blackmailing.

The rally which was funded by industrialist R.D.Sharma, itself was lacklustre with a meagre presence of less than 10,000 persons. But the earlier rally organised at Sikar and Bikaner was very well attended.

The Brahmins who alongwith the Baniya community have been principal backers of the BJP are now demanding their pound of flesh. They have pressed home the point that poor Brahmins should also get reservation.

The Gujjar community which enjoys the status of the "Other Backward Classes" has gone a step further and have demanded the status of Scheduled Tribe. They feel that because of the presence of one particular community in the OBC list, they would never be able to reap the benefits of reservation if they remain a part of OBC.

Social Justice Front which has been launched by BJP MLA Devi Singh Bhati, firebrand leader Lokendra Singh Kalvi and former bureaucrat Satyanarayan Singh have identified Rajputs, Vaishyas, Sindhis, Kayasthas, Jatsikhs and Rajpurohits for providing them redressals. It is a demand for reservation for all those communities which have been ignored until now.

The Social Justice Front has started a movement to counter the impact of reservation given to the Other Backward Classes by the Gehlot government. The movement is basically targetting the Jats, the new beneficiaries who are called new OBCs.

"We are demanding reservations on the basis of poor economic conditions for all those castes which were left out when new castes were included under the OBC, " says Satyanarayan Singh.

Kalvi lamented that under the garb of poor peasants, rich farmers managed to get reservations while those who were really poor were left out.

Kalvi's grouse is against the rising influence of the Jat community and he has enough evidence to prove that the Jat community cornered most of the posts which were reserved for the OBCs in the Panchayat Raj elections.

"All other castes which could have been benefitted under the reservations are now forced to become backbenchers because of the domination of one caste in the OBC category. It's a very dangerous situation and may result in class conflict," says Kalvi.

He said under the name of poor farmers, while Jats were given the benefits, poor farmers belonging to Rajput, Brahmin, Kayastha, Rajpurohit were left behind.

He said the Rajputs were in the forefront during the freedom movement and fought not only the Moghuls, but also the British, yet the poor community was left behind.

He said states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Haryana, Karnataka have identified OBCs under two categories. One category is of the backward people and the other economically very backward castes.

He demanded the same formula to be adopted in the state and very backward castes be covered under the new provisions.
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