Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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  1. [PDF]

    Genetic Imprints of Pleistocene Origin of Indian Populations: A ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by R Trivedi - 2008 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    haplogroups H, R1a1, O2a and R2 portrayed for approximately 70% of the Indian ...... Median-Joining network of R1a1 haplogroup individuals, based on seven ...
  2. palashscape: Re: aryans etc.

    6 Feb 2010 ... For r1a1 facts and r2dna facts reliable anthropologist or ... even if you have some fovorable data like the namasudras ( chandals) you will ... - Cached
  3. palashscape: Fwd: aryans etc.

    4 Feb 2010 ... some people demanded that r1a1 % among brahmins is 72% .their was ... you have some fovorable data like the namasudras ( chandals) you will ... - Cached
  4. Y Chromosome Frequency in India-77 Groups

  5. Supporting Table 2 & 3

    R1a1 R1b3. R2. Population. Language Province. Socio- cultural. Affiliation Region. Caste/. Tribe. Sample size. M11 M27 ... 21 NAMASUDRA ...
  6. 1471-2350-7-37 1471-2350 Research article Deletions in the Y ...

    ... Nil Kayasth Caste 103 Nil Mahishya Caste 60 Nil Namasudra Caste 55 Nil Bauri Caste .... R1a1 (19%) and R2 (16%) haplogroups in their Y-chromosomes 19 . ... - Cached
  7. | Deletions in the Y-derived amelogenin gene fragment in ...

    Namasudra, Caste, 55, Nil. Bauri, Caste, 54, Nil. Maheli, Tribe, 49, Nil .... R1a1 (19%) and R2 (16%) haplogroups in their Y-chromosomes [19]. ...
  8. RJ's R2 Blog: September 2009

    Namasudra - 23% Maheli - 15.5% Orissa Khandayat - 46% Karan - 22% ..... R1a1 and R2 haplogroups indicate demographic complexity that is inconsistent with a ...
  9. India Discussion Forum - Indian History, Culture, Politics, News ...

    For example R1a1 is highest in 1 found in 2 but rare in most of 3; R2 -same; ... case in example being nAmasUdra-s of va~Nga and muNDa-s of jhArakhaNDa. ...
  10. Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog: Indian IQ, Part 1: Diaspora Demographics

    The so called Aryan Y marker is M17 also called R1A1 ...... ( these muslims are dalit Namasudra converts , 85-10 = 75 ) Dalits = 25% @ 80 IQ Avg = 89.75IQ ... - Cached - Similar


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Whatever happened to 'Western' science? The Aryan Invasion Theory is not backed by any evidence whatsoever.  That is because there never was and there will never be any evidence - it never happened in the first place.

'Aryans' are not a group of people - it's just the definition of a word used to describe a 'noble person' in Sanskrit, the language of ancient Vedic India. Aryans are not a race, but just for the sake of simplicity lets refer to the Ancient North Indians
as Aryans because the word was used by people who inhabited the area . Here are a few links on the unnecessarily controversial subject:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RECONSTRUCTIONS .                                                        

It was a peaceful village. Most of the people adapted to cultivation. They have been outcast for centuries. The survey of the then Governor's Administration, found the presence of three clans, namely kashyap, bhardwaj and goutam. To the first of the Seven- Santos as well as to the First Adi-Santo-Guru, it was revealed that they should neither be known as sudras nor as chandals, not only that no community should be so named, but as the revelation is they should be known as Namassejas.


                  To them religion meant breaking of all family ties and to become a monk to study and cultivate scriptures. Very few of them could read or write. One of the reasons might be the caste-based Hinduism which did not give them the sanction for any kind of learning .Naturally they were uneducated .They were very poor as well. And till now in the twenty first century their economic condition is miserable.


                    But he was different. Inspired by the divine power he migrated to another village .There he changed his name and got education in a village school which was actually prohibited for them .He was depressed with himself as he had to hide everything and to lie for to get education .Then ,Verhudt , the messenger-in-dream of Parameshwar,Parambrahma appeared in his dream and told that they are Namassejas and so it be .He returned to his own village and started preaching the Revelations . He also told them that thenceforth they al would be known as a single clan, or Gotra, kashyap: they were monistic and believer in Parambrahma Parameshwar.They asked him about the revelation and asked him to tell them whether he had meditated for to know the truth. Although he had a revelation but he had never meditated to know the truth.


                    So for long years he remained silent and self-absorbed. He was lost in the mystery of creation. He passed his days with eyes closed in deep thought and speaking to him as if he was in a day-dream. But if any one called him, he would immediately speak in a normal voice.


                     The Namassejas of that village thought him to be a psychic.


                                        He went to other villages and told of the revelation to the Namassejas. He told them of Prameshwar Parambrahma. But the Ssejas or Namassejas did not believe him .They thought him to be a mad. He roamed here and there .And Parameshwar gave him another revelation. Verhudt came in his dream. He told him that they would have to meditate for hundreds of years and that the revelation would be written down within hundred years and that one Santo Guru would be born among the Namassejas or Ssejas who would transform their society. Then in his dream appeared one man , the first Adi-Santo-Guru .He told him that he would be coming and that he should leave for the truth as the revelations would have to be written down in hundred years .It will be the Ssejsantokotha , the light of their path to Parameshwar.


                        He came back and studied all the scriptures. After three decades, in one winter, on the 7th of Poush the man handed over some papers to one member of the Ssej or Namassej people. He told that that was the day of Verhudt.The Brinha Festival would start from the day. On the papers the revelations were being scripted. But that was not complete. He also told the person to meditate, and not to read the writings till the proper time came and that he would leave for the truth. The Ssej or Namassej people for some unknown reasons, believed him at that time. No longer had they thought him to be a psychic. Thus began the story of the First Ssej Santo.


                                              But his father and mother was very anxious of his future. They got him married. Hardly six months had passed after that, The First Santo called that person, told him that he would be the Second Ssej Santo; his duty was to meditate for knowledge and protect the revelations written on the papers and after that when the proper time would come he should hand over all the papers to the Third Ssej Santo whom he would meet in course of time.


                         Then the First Ssej Santo performed the fire rituals and both together vowed to protect and hand over the revelations through the Ssej/Namassej Santos to Parameshwar's chosen Ssej/Namassej people.


                          The second Santo promised so and The First Santo left the village before dawn.


                          Twenty years later the Second Santo left the village to go to town for studies and stayed there for long time .Time passed on. After thirty years he felt, first Santo must have left the world. He read the writings .It was the revelation of Sristitatto (The Creation Theory). It was divided into three parts , namely Adi , the beginning ; Madhya , The middle ; Anto , The end and a small episode of Satan was also revealed after the Madhya.


                          It engulfed his whole being. He came to know that .He came to know that in the remote past Ssej/Namassej people knew these things and followed those rituals. Then things went wrong .The First Santo is the first person after ages to understand the revelation .He came to know again that Verhudt ,the messenger-in-dream of Prameshwar ,Parambrahma appears in everyone's dream .He comes in Deala in our childhood and then occasionally in our dreams .He only discloses the truths in our dreams .Someone forgets , someone not. It is our earnest desire and meditation that prepares us for the Revelation .And that we should prepare ourselves for Him.


                                                     The Second Santo became self-absorbed and started meditation and performing fire rituals and then one day 'Lokachar' or 'Social customs' was revealed to him. But Verhudt warned him that he should not preach anything in his own name and that all these should be taken as premonitions for His beloved Ssej or Namassej people , which if they failed to obey , would bring down to their own destruction.


                            Few days later he met the Third Santo and there was premonition that he should hand over all the writings to him .The Third Santo was about leave the place .He was to set out for the place where The Adi-Santo-Guru was busy with his missionary works. At that time there came a messenger. He handed over one envelope addressed to both of them.


                             That was a letter written by the First Santo. He had written that he had been in Amarnath Hills. The Holy place and the river he had seen .There in one winter in a stormy day   unbelievable things had happened .Two lightening crisscrossed on a snow covered mountain top   and the symbol of Brinha , as was reveled in his dream ,appeared with a glow all around and then everything reduced to a silver-colored star and vanished within a moment . He also sent one hand drawn Brinha symbol. It was absolute peace on earth. It was divinity .All that they were writing down were the parts of all that were revealed, the part they could remember only .So they should not claim any right on who the writer of Ssejsantokotha would be. The Second Santo should hand over those writings to the Third Santo and so on till all those revelations had been written down and compiled together. That should be called Ssejsantokotha and each part should be named as Smritokotha (that which was retained in memory) or sat-santo-kotha or adi-bidhi (first revelation).


                           After reading the letter the Second Santo handed over all the writings to the Third Santo.


                             Third Santo lived there for some more years. He used to read the creation theory and obeyed the 'Lokachar'.Thus he passed his time. Then another letter was received by him requesting him to go to the village to observe the 'Great Reformation' works of Adi-Santo-Guru and to write down his prophesies .He obliged and worked a san ordinary worker in Adi-Santo-Guru's association and began to write down the underlying principles of his activities. He also noticed that he never meant himself as Avatar or prophet or incarnation of god. He told that Parameshwar, Parambrahma is in everything and everywhere and that like every human being he was also an ordinary subject of Him,


                            These writings (named as 'Siksha' or Education) and all others were handed over to the Fourth Santo. He was his associate in Adi-Santo-Guru's mission. With the observation of fire ritual they tok the oath that they would pass their life as Parameshwar's messenger by taking part in the activities of service to mankind.


                             Before the fire died of itself the Third Santo told his friend that he should prepare himself for becoming a Santo. And they went to another village.  


                             There also the Ssej/Nmassej people   were inspired by Adi-Santo-Guru. They thought that he was a saviour.There they both served in a primary school. They were satisfied with what they got and somehow they passed their life. They waited for the day when Verhudt would appear in their dreams. They obeyed the path of Adi-Santo-Guru and served the people selflessly .They knew of the premonition that before the end of twentieth century, there would be no 'Bivas' ( the typical and characteristic worshiping place of the Ssej/Namassej people: it happened to be such in the remote past ) but there will be a Math established by the descendents of Adi-Santo-Guru.This will be the guiding lighthouse for the Namassej people .And that they will have to wait and succeed   His final judgment.


                             With time, the Third Santo had grown old and stayed in the village for the rest of his life .He handed over all the writings to his friend and that very day, in the night, both were prophesied that his friend would be the Fourth Santo and the Third Santo was to leave the place soon.


                               The Fourth Ssej-Santo roamed in many villages and small towns. He found that people only obeyed some rituals, they were superstitious and cynic; mostly strained their thought with a gradation system. They supposed it to be religious and never meditated to the Almighty to know the truth. He felt sorry and became ill with the thought .Then he went to a 'Math' and there he did all types of works in day time and in the night sat against the darkness and prayed for a path to Parameshwar.He stayed in trance for hours long ; before his vision he could see the villages , the trees , the rivers , the Ssej/Namassej people .He would become drowned in super consciousness and  wrote the ' Acharaniya , Lokachar O Sampark' ( Manners , Custom and Relationship ) .He felt strongly that it's not only for the Ssejas/Namassejas ; 'BIVAS' should have to be established for all. It's A Gift from The Parameshwar To The Mankind Through The Namassejas .And The Namassejas Must Obey This For The Time Of Verhudt Begins On Earth. And That The Namassejas Don't Fall In The Hands Of Satan.


                               He forgot the premonition and started preaching everything as if he was the prophet and was refused by the Ssejas/Namassejas.So it was to be .Verhudt told thus in his dream. He only forgot the premonitions .And for he could not realize his mistakes, lost his heart and left the village to go to the town.


                                                      After few calm and morbid years, one day a saint came to the Fourth Santo. And the first time he conversed with, addressed him as Pancham (The Fifth) .The man used to come thence from. The Forth Santo being lonely and desolate discussed with him about the Ssej/Namassej people. He told him of the writings of Smritokotha of The Santos and of his effort in that respect. And that the people were reluctant to accept his preaching. He asked Pancham whether they were on the wrong path. But Pancham only smiled and said ,'Om Brahma Om Soham' then Pancham stopped for a moment and pronounced again , 'Om Bivas, Om Brinha'.He smiled again and left for the day.


                                The Fourth Santo thereafter became indifferent and passed his life in complete isolation.Pancham assured him that he would carry the unfinished work and took responsibility of all writings .He assured him that as a monk, he also roamed through different villages.Adi-Santo Gurus had come with a mission, the mission of God. They are the great servants of Brahma; the Parameshwar.In their name there will be a 'Math'. That will be the first guiding light for them. And century later the Ssej/Namassej people will establish in their lands the worshiping place ,'BIVAS'.They will be known by the name Namassej .So goes the sermons of  Adi-Santo-Gurus also .Their life is the incarnation of the ideals of Ssej /Namassej people .And that Pancham had written down his own part. That part is 'Prabeshika' or 'Introduction'.


                                                   Some years later the Fourth Santo left the world.


                              Pancham while roaming through different places, reached Puri.On the sea beach of the holy town of Kalinga he felt a sense of salvation. He decided to stay there for some time .Each day evening he would stand on the beach against the ocean and let him lost into the dream of horizon. In One such day when darkness had set on, he was looking at the sea and found that a star like light source guided a boat to its destination and thereafter it was lost into the starry-sky .It was like a dream. A Brinha-symbol came floating on the wave-crown and stood for a moment near him and vanished. He was in a trance for a long time and the part 'Self-Realization','Rules of Bivas' and 'Fire-Rituals' were revealed to him. The Fifth Santo then returned to the old city for few days where lived with the Fourth Santo in a 'Math' .From there he got a letter and an envelope.


                              The letter was written by the First Santo. It read thus. He was in Amarnath .Everything there was beautiful. The creation theory revealed to him was a great joy. In his dream he met the past Santos of thousands of years ago and also the Santo –Gurus .All of them were very happy and in joyous mood for that The Time of Verhudt would soon come on earth. One day there came another Santo to meet him .He was much younger but already had had a great revelation .He had decided not to return among the Namassejas so the First Santo had decided to send the Smritokotha to him. It was very badly written and Pancham was requested to rewrite it and name it as 'Atmasristitatwa' or 'The Becoming of Self'.


                                In spite of all premonitions Pancham made some communications, demanding that that was the essence and best of all religions. He had had a false belief and within few days Verhudt appeared in his dream and asked him to restrain and to do his true duties


                               Pancham realized his mistakes: kept himself busy in writing and rewriting and reciting the words of Smritokothas for a decade during which he was alone


                                   Once more he had had some communications with the First Santo through a letter and an envelope .First Santo in his letter wrote that in his dream he met al the past Santos and in meditation he knew of the Adi-Santo-Gurus.They also told him of the creation theory .But they told him not to write that down, asked him to meditate and know the truth in through revelation .And thereafter he meditated again and had written down the whole thing in a trance.

                                   The envelope contained the prayers of twenty three days before the Poush-Sandesh of 7th Poush and there was the premonition that all these will be lost and the Ssej/Namassejas would completely forget everything and there would be great disasters in their social life .But Adi-Santo-Gurus would be remembered through a "Math" till another hundred years later in the dream of the Seventh Santo everything would be revived and rewritten as the revelation of Seven-Santos.  


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arniban Ray <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:32 PM
Subject: supporting documents
To: palashbiswaskl <>

dear palash biswas,
                          as u have forwarded the exchanges on your blog i would like to send some documents.
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It was a peaceful village. Most of the people adapted to cultivation. They have been outcast for centuries. The survey of the then Governor's Administration, found the presence of three clans, namely kashyap, bhardwaj and goutam. To the first of the Seven- Santos as well as to the First Adi-Santo-Guru, it was revealed that they should neither be known as sudras nor as chandals, not only that no community should be so named, but as the revelation is they should be known as Namassejas.


                  To them religion meant breaking of all family ties and to become a monk to study and cultivate scriptures. Very few of them could read or write. One of the reasons might be the caste-based Hinduism which did not give them the sanction for any kind of learning .Naturally they were uneducated .They were very poor as well. And till now in the twenty first century their economic condition is miserable.


                    But he was different. Inspired by the divine power he migrated to another village .There he changed his name and got education in a village school which was actually prohibited for them .He was depressed with himself as he had to hide everything and to lie for to get education .Then ,Verhudt , the messenger-in-dream of Parameshwar,Parambrahma appeared in his dream and told that they are Namassejas and so it be .He returned to his own village and started preaching the Revelations . He also told them that thenceforth they al would be known as a single clan, or Gotra, kashyap: they were monistic and believer in Parambrahma Parameshwar.They asked him about the revelation and asked him to tell them whether he had meditated for to know the truth. Although he had a revelation but he had never meditated to know the truth.


                    So for long years he remained silent and self-absorbed. He was lost in the mystery of creation. He passed his days with eyes closed in deep thought and speaking to him as if he was in a day-dream. But if any one called him, he would immediately speak in a normal voice.


                     The Namassejas of that village thought him to be a psychic.


                                        He went to other villages and told of the revelation to the Namassejas. He told them of Prameshwar Parambrahma. But the Ssejas or Namassejas did not believe him .They thought him to be a mad. He roamed here and there .And Parameshwar gave him another revelation. Verhudt came in his dream. He told him that they would have to meditate for hundreds of years and that the revelation would be written down within hundred years and that one Santo Guru would be born among the Namassejas or Ssejas who would transform their society. Then in his dream appeared one man , the first Adi-Santo-Guru .He told him that he would be coming and that he should leave for the truth as the revelations would have to be written down in hundred years .It will be the Ssejsantokotha , the light of their path to Parameshwar.


                        He came back and studied all the scriptures. After three decades, in one winter, on the 7th of Poush the man handed over some papers to one member of the Ssej or Namassej people. He told that that was the day of Verhudt.The Brinha Festival would start from the day. On the papers the revelations were being scripted. But that was not complete. He also told the person to meditate, and not to read the writings till the proper time came and that he would leave for the truth. The Ssej or Namassej people for some unknown reasons, believed him at that time. No longer had they thought him to be a psychic. Thus began the story of the First Ssej Santo.


                                              But his father and mother was very anxious of his future. They got him married. Hardly six months had passed after that, The First Santo called that person, told him that he would be the Second Ssej Santo; his duty was to meditate for knowledge and protect the revelations written on the papers and after that when the proper time would come he should hand over all the papers to the Third Ssej Santo whom he would meet in course of time.

                         Then the First Ssej Santo performed the fire rituals and both together vowed to protect and hand over the revelations through the Ssej/Namassej Santos to Parameshwar's chosen Ssej/Namassej people.

                          The second Santo promised so and The First Santo left the village before dawn.

                          Twenty years later the Second Santo left the village to go to town for studies and stayed there for long time .Time passed on. After thirty years he felt, first Santo must have left the world. He read the writings .It was the revelation of Sristitatto (The Creation Theory). It was divided into three parts , namely Adi , the beginning ; Madhya , The middle ; Anto , The end and a small episode of Satan was also revealed after the Madhya.


                          It engulfed his whole being. He came to know that .He came to know that in the remote past Ssej/Namassej people knew these things and followed those rituals. Then things went wrong .The First Santo is the first person after ages to understand the revelation .He came to know again that Verhudt ,the messenger-in-dream of Prameshwar ,Parambrahma appears in everyone's dream .He comes in Deala in our childhood and then occasionally in our dreams .He only discloses the truths in our dreams .Someone forgets , someone not. It is our earnest desire and meditation that prepares us for the Revelation .And that we should prepare ourselves for Him.


                                                     The Second Santo became self-absorbed and started meditation and performing fire rituals and then one day 'Lokachar' or 'Social customs' was revealed to him. But Verhudt warned him that he should not preach anything in his own name and that all these should be taken as premonitions for His beloved Ssej or Namassej people , which if they failed to obey , would bring down to their own destruction.


                            Few days later he met the Third Santo and there was premonition that he should hand over all the writings to him .The Third Santo was about leave the place .He was to set out for the place where The Adi-Santo-Guru was busy with his missionary works. At that time there came a messenger. He handed over one envelope addressed to both of them.


                             That was a letter written by the First Santo. He had written that he had been in Amarnath Hills. The Holy place and the river he had seen .There in one winter in a stormy day   unbelievable things had happened .Two lightening crisscrossed on a snow covered mountain top   and the symbol of Brinha , as was reveled in his dream ,appeared with a glow all around and then everything reduced to a silver-colored star and vanished within a moment . He also sent one hand drawn Brinha symbol. It was absolute peace on earth. It was divinity .All that they were writing down were the parts of all that were revealed, the part they could remember only .So they should not claim any right on who the writer of Ssejsantokotha would be. The Second Santo should hand over those writings to the Third Santo and so on till all those revelations had been written down and compiled together. That should be called Ssejsantokotha and each part should be named as Smritokotha (that which was retained in memory) or sat-santo-kotha or adi-bidhi (first revelation).


                           After reading the letter the Second Santo handed over all the writings to the Third Santo.


                             Third Santo lived there for some more years. He used to read the creation theory and obeyed the 'Lokachar'.Thus he passed his time. Then another letter was received by him requesting him to go to the village to observe the 'Great Reformation' works of Adi-Santo-Guru and to write down his prophesies .He obliged and worked a san ordinary worker in Adi-Santo-Guru's association and began to write down the underlying principles of his activities. He also noticed that he never meant himself as Avatar or prophet or incarnation of god. He told that Parameshwar, Parambrahma is in everything and everywhere and that like every human being he was also an ordinary subject of Him,


                            These writings (named as 'Siksha' or Education) and all others were handed over to the Fourth Santo. He was his associate in Adi-Santo-Guru's mission. With the observation of fire ritual they tok the oath that they would pass their life as Parameshwar's messenger by taking part in the activities of service to mankind.


                             Before the fire died of itself the Third Santo told his friend that he should prepare himself for becoming a Santo. And they went to another village.  


                             There also the Ssej/Nmassej people   were inspired by Adi-Santo-Guru. They thought that he was a saviour.There they both served in a primary school. They were satisfied with what they got and somehow they passed their life. They waited for the day when Verhudt would appear in their dreams. They obeyed the path of Adi-Santo-Guru and served the people selflessly .They knew of the premonition that before the end of twentieth century, there would be no 'Bivas' ( the typical and characteristic worshiping place of the Ssej/Namassej people: it happened to be such in the remote past ) but there will be a Math established by the descendents of Adi-Santo-Guru.This will be the guiding lighthouse for the Namassej people .And that they will have to wait and succeed   His final judgment.


                             With time, the Third Santo had grown old and stayed in the village for the rest of his life .He handed over all the writings to his friend and that very day, in the night, both were prophesied that his friend would be the Fourth Santo and the Third Santo was to leave the place soon.


                               The Fourth Ssej-Santo roamed in many villages and small towns. He found that people only obeyed some rituals, they were superstitious and cynic; mostly strained their thought with a gradation system. They supposed it to be religious and never meditated to the Almighty to know the truth. He felt sorry and became ill with the thought .Then he went to a 'Math' and there he did all types of works in day time and in the night sat against the darkness and prayed for a path to Parameshwar.He stayed in trance for hours long ; before his vision he could see the villages , the trees , the rivers , the Ssej/Namassej people .He would become drowned in super consciousness and  wrote the ' Acharaniya , Lokachar O Sampark' ( Manners , Custom and Relationship ) .He felt strongly that it's not only for the Ssejas/Namassejas ; 'BIVAS' should have to be established for all. It's A Gift from The Parameshwar To The Mankind Through The Namassejas .And The Namassejas Must Obey This For The Time Of Verhudt Begins On Earth. And That The Namassejas Don't Fall In The Hands Of Satan.


                               He forgot the premonition and started preaching everything as if he was the prophet and was refused by the Ssejas/Namassejas.So it was to be .Verhudt told thus in his dream. He only forgot the premonitions .And for he could not realize his mistakes, lost his heart and left the village to go to the town.


                                                      After few calm and morbid years, one day a saint came to the Fourth Santo. And the first time he conversed with, addressed him as Pancham (The Fifth) .The man used to come thence from. The Forth Santo being lonely and desolate discussed with him about the Ssej/Namassej people. He told him of the writings of Smritokotha of The Santos and of his effort in that respect. And that the people were reluctant to accept his preaching. He asked Pancham whether they were on the wrong path. But Pancham only smiled and said ,'Om Brahma Om Soham' then Pancham stopped for a moment and pronounced again , 'Om Bivas, Om Brinha'.He smiled again and left for the day.


                                The Fourth Santo thereafter became indifferent and passed his life in complete isolation.Pancham assured him that he would carry the unfinished work and took responsibility of all writings .He assured him that as a monk, he also roamed through different villages.Adi-Santo Gurus had come with a mission, the mission of God. They are the great servants of Brahma; the Parameshwar.In their name there will be a 'Math'. That will be the first guiding light for them. And century later the Ssej/Namassej people will establish in their lands the worshiping place ,'BIVAS'.They will be known by the name Namassej .So goes the sermons of  Adi-Santo-Gurus also .Their life is the incarnation of the ideals of Ssej /Namassej people .And that Pancham had written down his own part. That part is 'Prabeshika' or 'Introduction'.


                                                   Some years later the Fourth Santo left the world.


                              Pancham while roaming through different places, reached Puri.On the sea beach of the holy town of Kalinga he felt a sense of salvation. He decided to stay there for some time .Each day evening he would stand on the beach against the ocean and let him lost into the dream of horizon. In One such day when darkness had set on, he was looking at the sea and found that a star like light source guided a boat to its destination and thereafter it was lost into the starry-sky .It was like a dream. A Brinha-symbol came floating on the wave-crown and stood for a moment near him and vanished. He was in a trance for a long time and the part 'Self-Realization','Rules of Bivas' and 'Fire-Rituals' were revealed to him. The Fifth Santo then returned to the old city for few days where lived with the Fourth Santo in a 'Math' .From there he got a letter and an envelope.


                              The letter was written by the First Santo. It read thus. He was in Amarnath .Everything there was beautiful. The creation theory revealed to him was a great joy. In his dream he met the past Santos of thousands of years ago and also the Santo –Gurus .All of them were very happy and in joyous mood for that The Time of Verhudt would soon come on earth. One day there came another Santo to meet him .He was much younger but already had had a great revelation .He had decided not to return among the Namassejas so the First Santo had decided to send the Smritokotha to him. It was very badly written and Pancham was requested to rewrite it and name it as 'Atmasristitatwa' or 'The Becoming of Self'.


                                In spite of all premonitions Pancham made some communications, demanding that that was the essence and best of all religions. He had had a false belief and within few days Verhudt appeared in his dream and asked him to restrain and to do his true duties


                               Pancham realized his mistakes: kept himself busy in writing and rewriting and reciting the words of Smritokothas for a decade during which he was alone


                                   Once more he had had some communications with the First Santo through a letter and an envelope .First Santo in his letter wrote that in his dream he met al the past Santos and in meditation he knew of the Adi-Santo-Gurus.They also told him of the creation theory .But they told him not to write that down, asked him to meditate and know the truth in through revelation .And thereafter he meditated again and had written down the whole thing in a trance.

                                   The envelope contained the prayers of twenty three days before the Poush-Sandesh of 7th Poush and there was the premonition that all these will be lost and the Ssej/Namassejas would completely forget everything and there would be great disasters in their social life .But Adi-Santo-Gurus would be remembered through a "Math" till another hundred years later in the dream of the Seventh Santo everything would be revived and rewritten as the revelation of Seven-Santos.  


Palash Biswas
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