Sunday, February 14, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 2:09 PM

While the torture by the zionist Gestapo of my daughter,of my son and of myself continues unabated here in Australia the big Palestinian riddle of betraying us remains unresolved. What makes Palestinian leaders collude with the zionist enemy in the torture of a 45 years long strong supporter of the Palestinian cause and of his daughter and of his son ?

There is no rational reason to justify this betrayal, nor do the Palestinians reveal any such reason. Therefore, the only remaining logical possibility is that Raji Sourani, his cronies and top Palestinian leaders keep betraying us to the zionist enemy because they are all corrupt and treacherous.

I have raised this riddle's resolution before in this series of open messages, as follows :

Raji Sourani would not have dared to betray me and my children to the zionist Gestapo's torture had he not been backed by Palestinian leaders who are collaborators with the Avnery-Chomsky cabals of zionist impostors. Although his betrayal could have been initially a mere caprice of his, he needed the full backing of those Palestinian leaders-collaborators to sustain it, and he most probably got it easily from them. They are his cronies now.

That the influence of the Chomsky-Avnery cabals has reached paralysing proportions amongst Palestinian leaders is only now beginning to be revealed. Thus, only now does Ali Abunimah, co-founder of EI and its chief editor/writer, dare to criticise Noam Chomsky for his opposition to the boycott of the zionist apartheid regime of Israel (BDS), and even now he does it very hesitantly, with still great respect for this top zionist impostor in the USA (see :

It must have been known to Ali Abunimah for many years now that Noam Chomsky opposes any sanctions against the zionist apartheid regime of Israel; opposes the return of all the Palestinian refugees ;opposes one non-racist and democratic Palestine; supports the zionist big lie of a "Jewish nation" the "homeland" of which is Palestine (Zion); and supports the zionist apartheid regime of Israel. Why then did Ali Abunimah, his brother, and most of the other Palestinian leaders keep silent, and avoided any criticism of Noam Chomsky for so many years ?

By their silence - and they still avoid criticising Chomsky for his pro-USA imperialism, while purporting to be anti-imperialist - these Palestinian leaders have caused great damage to both the Palestinian cause and to the global anti-imperialist cause. They have misled anti-imperialist leaders in Lebanon, in Cuba, in Venezuela and in Iran to trust Noam Chomsky , the top USA zionist impostor.

Yet these same Palestinian leaders have been very vocal in their condemnation of just about the entire humanity for not offering solidarity to them, never mind the torture of Benjamin Merhav and his children by the zionist Gestapo. Never mind also that their torture is "punishment" by the zionist Gestapo for his solidarity with the Palestinian cause for over 45 years !

How can the Palestinian leaders expect other people to offer them solidarity, when they themselves deny solidarity to a 45 years long strong supporter of their cause, a supporter who is "punished" by the zionist Gestapo for his solidarity with them ?

Under such circumstances the only hope left for us is the solidarity protests by all people of good will around the world.

I therefore ask again every reader to send immediately protest messages to the following email addresses, and with a copy to my email address ( or ).
1. to the Australian government (email; a message along the following lines :

" I protest the continuous torture of the Australian citizen Benjamin Merhav by sleep deprivation and his daughter and son by psychiatric torture in Melbourne, Australia.

This torture is perpetrated against Benjamin Merhav directly by the clandestine arm of the State of Israel (the zionist Gestapo), and indirectly by the same culprit against Benjamin's daughter and son.

I demand that the Australian government instruct ASIO to protect these Australian citizens, and stop these terrorist crimes by a foreign government on Australian soil immediately !"

2. to ICJ-Australia and ICJ Secretariat (,,,,
) a message along the following lines :

"I protest your refusal to investigate Benjamin Merhav's complaint against the Australian government's approval of ASIO's violation of the rule of law in Australia, regarding the continuous torture in Melbourne of himself, his daughter and his son , all Australian citizens, by the clandestine arm of the State of Israel (the zionist Gestapo).

I demand your immediate intervention to protect these Australian citizens, to stop the perpetration of these terrorist crimes In Australia, and to end these violation of the rule of law by the Australian government in Australia."

3. to the PCHR and to all the Palestinian leaders in occupied Palestine ( email ;
) message along the following
lines :

"I protest the betrayal of Benjamin Merhav by Raji Sourani to the zionist Gestapo's torture. I demand Sourani's replacement on the ICJ and on FIDH with a honest Palestinian patriot who would initiate protest action against the torture of Benjamin Merhav, his daughter, and his son by the zionist Gestapo in Australia.

I demand that the Palestinian leaders encourage Palestinians and their supporters to protest this ongoing terrorist torture by the zionist Gestapo, and to demand that it should stop immediately."

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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