Friday, February 12, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Protest rally on 15th February - London [1 Attachment]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bart Brook <>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:08 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Protest rally on 15th February - London [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Bart Brook included below]

Dear friend it is a leaflet, please see the attachment.

Nepali society UK has organized a protest programme against Indian intervention to its neighbiuring countries and War on Indian masses of People.

Venue: Traflgar Square (Near Charing Cross Tube station) North Trace
time : 12:00 Noon
Date : 15 February Monday


Call to the Indian State 15/02/2010
Stop Meddling in the Internal Affairs of Neighbouring Countries!
In recent months, the Indian state has dramatically stepped up its interference in the internal affairs of its northern neighbour, Nepal. This is especially so in the wake of its contribution to the Sri Lankan state in its total subjugation and oppression of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. While arrogantly and intransigently denying the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to national self-determination, the Indian state is also deeply involved, in collaboration with the United States, in meddling in Afghanistan¡¦s domestic affairs.
Let the Nepalese People Determine their National Destiny!
Ever since its independence from Britain, the Indian state has been imposing its dominance over Nepal. It has inherited the mantle of the British Empire in South Asia. This is particularly true when Nepal had to sign an unequal treaty with India in 1950, a heritage of British rule in India. All subsequent treaties India signed with Nepal have also worked very much to India¡¦s advantage. Indian built dams control Nepal¡¦s water and electricity needs. Indian goods flood Nepal¡¦s market today. Indeed, India dominates the Nepalese economy. Moreover, India has, in stealth and secrecy, encroached into and seized Nepalese land territories, thereby displacing large numbers of Nepalese citizens.
Recent months saw the Indian ambassador, foreign minister, chief of the Indian army and other prominent political personages from India playing a not-too-subtle role in Nepal¡¦s internal affairs, often pronouncing what and who in Nepal are acceptable to India.
Since November 2006, when the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) now Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) entered into a peace process with other political parties of Nepal, the powers-that-be in India have been up to their noses in their involvement in deciding the destiny of Nepal.
The Indian government¡¦s hand in overturning the decision of Nepal¡¦s elected government to dismiss the country¡¦s army chief is an obvious example. This has led to the toppling of a legitimate government in Nepal.
Indian State at War on the People of India
Within its borders, the Indian state has trampled underfoot its own national constitution; it has perpetuated the extremely oppressive caste system; it has torn to shreds its commitment to life, liberty and quest for a decent living of its indigenous population, the Adivasi people; it has severely curtailed the civil liberties of all classes of the people, save the few who belong to the ruling class. It has moreover, not only abandoned the fate of religious minorities to the violence, oppression and persecution of Hindu religious-political extremist mobs, but has in fact, taken new measures to suppress dissent in the name of fighting terror. In the name of combating Naxalism, meaning communism, it has carried out real terrorist attacks against, not only against the Maoist communists (or Naxalites) and revolutionary minded people, but also against helpless civilians. The citizens of India and the peoples of the neighbouring countries of India face and experience the wrath of a common enemy: the Indian state.
ľ Stop the hatching conspiracies against the Nepalese peace process!
ƒæ Defend Nepal¡¦s Unity, National Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity!
ƒæ India, Stop Interfering in Neighbouring Countries¡¦ Affairs!
ľ People of South Asia Unite!
ľ Defeat the Common Enemy of the People!
ľ Defeat Indian Expansionism!
Progressive Nepalese Society UK E-mail :


Attachment(s) from Bart Brook

1 of 1 File(s)



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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