Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Press Communiqué (Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist))

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Date: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 8:48 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Press Communiqué (Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist))


Press Communiqué


Written by cpnmintl   

Friday, 12 February 2010 16:13

The Standing Committee Meeting of our glorious party, the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), was held from January 27, 2010 to February 3, 2010. Clarifying the historical tasks before the party, movement and the Nepalese people, the meeting, which was held at a very serious and sensitive turning-point of our country, was successfully concluded by preparing guideline and plan to accomplish them. This press release has been issued to make public the important decisions of the meeting, which was chaired by Party Chairman Comrade Prachanda.

 1.       In the beginning of the meeting, emotional homage was paid to those entire martyrs, known and unknown, who laid down their lives in the course of great people's war, historical mass movement and other occasions to emancipate Nepal and the Nepalese people.  

 2.       The meeting admitted  with full seriousness the reality that the Chairman Comrade Prachanda, who as a centralized expression of collective leadership has played the main role to synthesize and determine party line (idea, line and policy) has been providing a correct and an adept leadership to the party and the revolutionary movement. Against the truth that the party has been going ahead successfully with the correct centralization of idea and leadership, the meeting has concluded that the all round attack and misinformation by detaching the line and leadership and all round attack upon the leaders including the main leadership is a well planned conspiracy, which on the part of the reactionary and opportunist forces is aimed at attacking upon party and its authentic line and dividing the party itself. The meeting, calling upon the entire party ranks and the masses to remain heedful on such conspiracies, has expressed its resolve to go ahead unitedly and firmly towards the revolutionary goal.

3.       In order to foil the conspiracies hatched by domestic and foreign elements against peace and the new constitution, a decision has been taken to focus attention on the task of making the peace-process a success consistent with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and writing people's federal republican constitution. The meeting has clarified  that people's right to rebel will remain reserved if conspired against it. For that, paying attention to the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation, entire patriotic, republican and pro-constitution forces are called upon to come forward unitedly.

4.       In our particular context, the peace process does not succeed till the new constitution has been written from the Constituent assembly, which is an inseparable part of peace process. New people's constitution is mandatory for the success of peace process. All those who are concerned on it are requested to become clear on the necessity that writing of the new constitution and army integration should go simultaneously, not separately. In this context, the opinion that the PLA cantonments should be vacated first and then the constitution could be written expresses simply the conspiracy against peace process. In fact, the meeting has decided to draw attention of all concerned towards the fact that army integration will be appropriate after the restructuring of the state and defence policy has been made clear in the new constitution.

5.       The meeting has decided to go ahead in continuation of and based on the series of tactic like national independence, civilian supremacy, peace, new constitution and national united government that our party had decided before.

6.       In order to continue with the programmes that were  carried on by emphasising national independence and In order to continue with the programmes that were carried on by emphasising national independence and civilian supremacy and keeping at centre the historic tasks, the meeting has sorted out programmes to be carried from February 13 to April 6, 2010. Along with the main slogan, "Unite the entire patriotic and republican forces, defend national independence" the previous slogans which include, Stop counter-revolutionary conspiracy, Guarantee peace and new constitution, Repeal president's unconstitutional move and establish civilian supremacy will be continued.  The main form of the movement will be countrywide campaign of mass mobilisation. The programmes of February 13, the people's war day, February 26, the sacrifice day, February 26 to March 5, the martyr's week, March 8, the centenary of working women's day, March 18, the cultural day, (Anekot massacre) and April 6, the Mass Movement day, will be carried out as part of the movement with the aforesaid slogans. Countrywide mass mobilisation and mass meetings will be organised on April 6. The programmes that include leafleting, postering, wall painting, publicity and exhibition on national independence, workshops, interactions, literary and cultural activities, marching on foot etc will be carried out in the form of a campaign. Taking up the issues of our movement including national independence, a house to house special campaign will be carried out from February 13 to April 6 all across the country. It is known to all that the indefinite general strike that was declared before had been withdrawn with the expectation of positive role and conclusion from the mechanism in such a context when, a high level political mechanism had been organised, discussion had started to break the existing political deadlock and the goal had been fixed as to build consensus in writing constitution and establishing peace. Remaining optimistic on the mechanism even today, we are in favour of making it effective and active. Nevertheless if it fails to build consensus and draw a positive conclusion it will invite an upsetting situation. In that situation party will be compelled to bring about higher forms of struggles, it has been clarified.

7.       Condemning the series of killings and brutal attacks upon our party cadres perpetrated in the districts which include Kailali, Bara, Parsa, Taplejung, Dhading and Sindhuli, the meeting has strongly demanded to take action upon the offender, declare martyr to those who are dead and provide appropriate relief to their families.

8.       Also a decision has been taken to take up concrete initiative to organise a united front comprising of the entire patriotic and republican forces.

9.       Along with division of labour, concrete decisions have been taken to systematise works of different fields, including consolidation of organisation.

10.   Paying attention to the need of continuing with movement and also the need of other organisational works, the expanded meeting of the central committee which was scheduled to start from February 13 has been suspended for now.

11.   From the standpoint of idea, policy, leadership, plan and programmes, comrade Prachanda at the last synthesised that the meeting was in total a historic one.

Date: February 4, 2010                                                                                                                                             

 Prachanda                                                                                                                                    Chairman  

 UnifiedCPN (Maoist)



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