Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fwd: Greetings of Mahashivaratri to all devotees of Lord Shiva !

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From: Rajeev Gupta <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Greetings of Mahashivaratri to all devotees of Lord Shiva !




 Chant 'Om Namaha Shivaya' on the auspicious day of Mahashivaratri  Read More on :  Mahashivaratri  This year Mahashivaratri falls on Magh Krushna Chaturdashi, that is,12th February 2010. ● On Mahashivaratri, the Shiva Principle descends onto the Earth a thousand times more        than usual. ● To obtain the full benefit of Deity Shiva's Principle, we should chant 'Om Namaha       Shivaya' as much as is possible.  ● 'Om' represents the unmanifest state beyond the three components - Sattva, Raja &            Tama. We bow to Deity Shiva, from whom 'Om' was created. ● The word 'Shiva' has been derived by reversing the letters of the word 'vash'.     'Vash' means to enlighten; thus, the one who enlightens is 'Shiva'.     He remains radiant and illuminates the Universe.  Read More Latest Videos :  Mahashivaratri This message is a part of HJS' Online 'Hindu Dharma Education' Series.  Science in the worship of Deity Shiva on Mahashivaratri  The Function of the 'Shivpindi'  Bilvapatra ( Bel Leaves )   Shiva in Meditative State  Why are swayambhu pindis situated below the ground level?                       These possess tremendous amount of energy. Hence, they are situated below the ground level. Otherwise, the devotees will not be able to tolerate the energy emitted by them. Read More         Series of Articles on Deity Shiva  What do the horizontal stripes of ash on the forehead of Deity Shiva represent?  The three horizontal stripes of ash on the forehead of Deity Shiva represent Spiritual knowledge, purity & penance, so also the three eyes of Deity Shiva. Read More What is the origin of the tandav dance?  Shiva is believed to assume two states - the superconscious state (Samadhi) and  the state of tandav or lasya dance. The former refers to the unmanifest (Nirgun) and the  latter to the manifest (Sagun) state.  Read More  If you are a true devotees of Deity Shiva, you will not tolerate anyone insulting Him. To stop denigration, please refer to the anti-defamation section on this website for participating in the ongoing protests. Current Campaign : Protest against Brown University's decision to exhibit paintings of 			             anti-Hindu painter MF Husain Stop denigration of Deity Shiva


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