Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:129 - Wednesday, February 17, 2010.

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From: Saj <>
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:06 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:129 - Wednesday, February 17, 2010.


Please forward this Newsletter to your friends and family members too.
These articles are only to read, not to copy and publish in your sites without providing a reference back to our website.
MTT - Jammu and Kashmir - The dead body of Abdul Rehman Paddar. He had been killed by Indian Army, claiming that Abdul is a Pakistani militant. He was a local carpenter.
MTT - Jammu and Kashmir - The dead body of Abdul Rehman Paddar. He had been killed by Indian Army, claiming that Abdul is a Pakistani militant. He was a local carpenter.
Following the World War-II, there has been an unremitting resistance by the people of Subcontinent against the ruling British colonial power. Under the swelling pressure of the people of subcontinent, the British Government finally had to announce the partition of the Subcontinent on June 3, 1947. However, the British Parliament formally passed "The Indian Independence Act-1947" on July 17, 1947. As per provision of Article-I of the Independence Act, India was to be partitioned into two Dominions namely "India" and "Pakistan" from 15th day of August 1947.  However, Article 7 of the Indian Independence Act very clearly states that from 15th August 1947, "the suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian states lapse and with it lapses all treaties and agreements in force at the date of the passing of this Act between His Majesty and the rulers of Indian states". Consequent upon this, all powers and functions, which were exercisable by the British Government in relation to the Princely States, also ceased.
US is facing defeat like situation in Afghanistan, which compelled top bosses at Pentagon and White House to reconsider US' Afghan strategy. The heavy toll of alien forces at the hand of Taliban since last two years, especially in the months of December 2009, January and February 2010 forced the foreign forces to pullout their troops from Afghanistan. The latest one or two odd operations against Mujahideen have been, in fact, conducted by the soldier of Afghan National Army (ANA) while the command was held by the NATO troops. This is being done with the spirit to minimize casualties of NATO forces. Fact here cannot be denied that till to-date the maximum punch has been absorbed in Afghanistan by ANA while the US and allies only perform supervisory and command roles. As per the latest plan chalked out at Pentagon, alien troops would start withdrawal from mid next year. However, many analysts have not noticed that the withdrawal has already taken place and instead of combatants as replacement, fresh groups of trainers and members of reconstruction team have already started arriving in Kabul and Islamabad. The most striking feature of the new US strategy is that a new private Army is being raised on the lines of SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams. To achieve this goal, Washington has started recruiting non-US citizens in its Army. The controversial plan of opening Recruitment Centres in Afghanistan and Pakistan is already underway and more foreigners from Asia and Arabia are being offered citizenship. The concept is not new as most of the US personnel in Afghanistan are not Americans but foreign citizens, serving as mercenaries to achieve US' objectives. By doing this, obviously, the total size of US military would be expanded to ensure presence US ground troops in most of the trouble zones of the world as well would minimize American causalities.
Dear Sajjad Ahmad
February 16th, 2010
The present ongoing debate on the appointment of the judges of the higher courts has at least left  me with a consternation beyond my comprehension. What is all this fuss in the matter of choosing between the judges? Are the judges going to be partisan in dispensing justice? Would favour one or the other against the rules, law or the constitution?
MTT - Pakistan - President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
MTT - Pakistan - President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
I have great liking for Mr. AA Zardari as a person. But, solemnly, I cannot support or vouch for his politicking style which in the mildest term is bizarre and shifty. AA Zardari has exhibited himself more like a street urchin than the father figure of a nation yearning for a redeemer for six decades now. AA Zardari possesses a mindset to sacrifice the supreme national interests for the basest personal motives. AA Zardari seems ready, for no cogent reasons, to demonstrate defiance that if shown for good causes, could have earned him the abiding gratitude of the Pakistani nation. Only a psychiatrist can figure out as to why AA Zardari has an unenviable knack to do even the harmless things in a wrong and intriguing manner. Is AA Zardari being pampered and puffed up by his imprudent and fair-weather advisers or is AA Zardari a victim of the personality disorders that impel him to move in self-chosen paths unmindful of the ground realities? AA Zardari has infamously distinguished himself to be a past master in palace intrigues and uncanny scheming that earn him more ridicule and vitriol by the already harried citizenry of Pakistan.
More Articles.

When you start, you never stop. If you stop, you may never be able to start again.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan


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