Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:126 - Sunday, February 14, 2010.

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From: Saj <>
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 6:54 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:126 - Sunday, February 14, 2010.


Please forward this Newsletter to your friends and family members too.
These articles are only to read, not to copy and publish in your sites without providing a reference back to our website.
After occupation of Afghanistan by US led coalition forces in November 2001, some of the members of Al-Qaeda fled to Pakistan, Iran and Middle Eastern countries. After occupation of Iraq by US-UK forces in May 2003, Al-Qaeda shifted its main base to Iraq. As occupation forces got more and more embroiled in war on terror in two widely apart theaters of war without achieving any tangible results, it gave greater opportunities to Al-Qaeda to keep expanding its power and influence in violent prone spots with the help of local militants. It established bases in various countries enabling its members to keep shifting from one place to the other so as to confuse its hunters.
Since the 9/11 tragedy, international community has been taking war against terrorism seriously, while there are also other forms of bloodless wars, being waged in the world and the same are like terrorism. In these terms, India has been practising water terrorism against Pakistan.
More Articles.

When you start, you never stop. If you stop, you may never be able to start again.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan


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