Friday, February 12, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:124 - Friday, February 12, 2010.

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From: Saj <>
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 5:36 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] MTT Newsletter:124 - Friday, February 12, 2010.


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MTT - Pakistan-India - Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani with his Indian counter part.
MTT - Pakistan-India - Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani with his Indian counterpart
Dear Sajjad Ahmad
February 8th, 2010
Probably it is due to Gen. Kiyani's recent candid assertion to the NATO commanders that his prime concern was defence of Pakistan's eastern borders (against India) rather than fighting the war of terror on the western front, that has prompted the international community in pressurising India to resume talks with Pakistan.
The new reintegration US plan hinges on winning over moderate Taliban which in their view form 70% of total fighters. Their supposed success with some of the former Taliban officials who had worked under Mullah Omar has led them to believe that with their help they would be able to wean away the majority and isolate hardcore Taliban. $1.5 billion has been pledged to woo the reconcilable. Only the reconcilable who will renounce militancy, surrender arms and cut off links with Al-Qaeda and Mullah Omar led hardliners would stand qualified. This kind of effort was made in the past as well in which Saudi leadership was asked to play a role to bring the reconcilable closer to Karzai regime. Meeting of some of the Taliban leaders with Saudi officials, such as Wakil Ahmed Mutawakil, M. Musa Hotal, Abdul Hakim Munib, Faiz M. Faizan and Shams-us-Safa, led to a misplaced belief that a breakthrough had been achieved. (The five have now been removed from the blacklist of UNSC). However, owing to impractical preconditions, Saudi initiative fizzled out. Saudis desired detachment of Taliban from Al-Qaeda rather than dividing the Taliban. Karzai on several occasions expressed his eagerness to meet Omar and proposed a meeting at any venue suiting him or at Kabul assuring him full security. His overtures were brushed aside since he is seen by Taliban Shura as an American puppet whose writ doesn't extend beyond his palace and whose security is dependent upon American guards.
Afghanistan is under illegal occupation of US-NATO forces since November 2001. So far occupation forces have been unable to achieve any of the professed objectives. These include capturing Osama Bin Laden dead or alive, defeating and destroying Al-Qaeda, liberation of Afghans from the cruel clutches of Taliban, introducing US model democracy, ushering in modernism and prosperity and radically improving the living conditions of Afghans. Eight years have lapsed and Osama is still untraceable. No one knows where he is and whether he is dead or alive. Utter helplessness of the sole super power and the developed world has turned Osama into a legendary figure and he is seen as a hero among the Islamists the world over.
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When you start, you never stop. If you stop, you may never be able to start again.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan



Palash Biswas
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