Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] It's Greek to Goldman Sachs

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From: Abu Zahrin Abu Bakar <>
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 8:21 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] It's Greek to Goldman Sachs


Drilling beneath the headlines DAILY.


Robert Scheer on the Greco-Goldman Disaster
"It's Greek to Goldman Sachs" -- What is this Goldman Sachs and why has it caused us so much grief? is a question they must be asking in even the most isolated of Greek villages, as they are throughout much of this economically troubled world.

Chris Hedges on the Internet
"The Information Super-Sewer" -- The Internet has become one more tool hijacked by corporate interests to accelerate our cultural, political and economic decline.

Obama and Congress  members

Bill Boyarsky on Health Reform
"Health Care Reform Can't Wait—Outside Washington" -- Those telling President Obama to ditch health reform and concentrate on employment are wrong. What's missing in such advice is a basic understanding of the grim intersection of a failing health system and rising joblessness, especially in blue-collar America.

Max Blumenthal on Immigration Policy
"Profiting From Immigration Injustice" -- Business is booming in Arizona, thanks to a disturbing federal immigration program that transfers millions of taxpayer dollars to a private prison company, parasitic attorneys and other opportunists.

Scott Ritter on Obama, Nukes and Iran
"The End of Obama's Vision of a Nuke-Free World" -- Fear of a nuclear Iran has generated irrational policies that will only hasten such an outcome. Instead of listening to his own words, the president fell for that old lure, a great power with great bombs that tells others what to do.

don't tread on me

Stuart Whatley on the Tea Party Movement
"The Tea Party Movement Is a National Embarrassment" -- At its core, the tea party movement is rife with contradiction, incoherence and a willful contempt for facts or reason. It is but a parody of the legitimate movements for which American democracy has historically been held in such high regard.


E.J. Dionne on Clinton and Obama
"Calling Dr. Clinton" -- When word went out that Bill Clinton was hospitalized, the prospect that he was in danger made me wish that President Obama had spent more time learning lessons that only Clinton can teach.

soldier and boy

Robert Fisk on the Israeli-Arab Conflict
"State of Denial: Searching for Peace in Israel" -- The Israeli-Arab conflict is about land. It is about colonies and walls and about binational states and two states and—in the end—about who has power. The Israelis with their eternal American supporters? Or the Palestinians, hopelessly divided and soaked—in Gaza, at least—in corruption and nepotism.

Amy Goodman on Obama "Going Nuclear"
"Obama's Nuclear Option" -- President Obama's publicly financed resuscitation of the nuclear power industry in the U.S. is bound to fail, another taxpayer bailout waiting to happen.

Ruth Marcus on Sen. Evan Bayh's Retirement
"What Bayh's Departure Says About the Senate" -- The Senate, with its endless holds and 60-vote points of order, may be the epitome of a place that knows neither victory nor defeat.

William Pfaff on the EU's World Status
"Europe Needs to Believe in Its Own Adequacy" -- What is this problem about Europe's standing in the world today that obsesses the Europeans and generates constant self-examination, endless academic seminars and political conferences, all permeated with inarticulate anxiety?

Eugene Robinson on Dick Cheney's Lucid Moment
"Cheney's Dose of Reality" -- Do you believe in miracles? I do, and here's the proof: Dick Cheney said something reasonable.

Keep on digging!

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