Wednesday, February 17, 2010


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From: Arniban Ray <>
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 9:31 PM
To: palashbiswaskl <>


Regarding Indian apartheid or Hindu-apartheid first person to acknowledge it internationally was Illiya Ehrenburg  , The Russian writer cum intellectual. But very few things have been written thereafter or otherwise ; everyone was interested in Indian mysticism .They lost sight of the main thing ,The Humanity. Once it was about to be an international issue.Thanks to the advocate general and the then P.M. .On the excuse of it being constitutionally banned and the political compulsions of the statesman made it a non-issue.
    North-Indian politics and the attitude of some of the most influential pressure-groups have changed thereafter .
 The issue of racial conflict or caste conflict or varna conflict is a complicated issue.The documented history of both the Marxist and non-Marxist have been grossly inconsistent.
   A vague and obscene Aryans' Theory   dominated everyone's interpretation.It has gone to such an extent that whenever someone criticizes the system , he   effectually acknowledges the fictitious racial superiority of some of the Indians due to their non-native origin.
  Although one or two Caucasoid genes ( R1a1 or R2 ) are found to be present  among the Indians  it does not support any caste line .It's not caste specific,it's  rather region specific and almost with the complete absence of any mitochondrial Caucasoid DNA .But yet there is a circle of intellectuals of India and abroad trying to formulate the so-called  Indo-Aryans and they are interested in drawing a circle of self-interest which encloses the both South and North India rather the whole of India .If some day the Viking genes are also proposed that may not be impossible. And then there must be  the great somersault. 
  In-spite of the   commonsense understanding that several fare-colored or colored  races might have entered through the  north-west ,many intellectuals are trying to bypass the actual humanitarian problem or catastrophe.
   Who are the actual Aryans of India? Even Ravan is also related to Ram by origin. The mythical peoples or the real peoples .Is the fare colored peoples .Is it another version of color apartheid ?No one knows the answer but gross violation of human rights is taking place everyday .We all have become Dritarashtra ; blind in our mind and soul. Even if there are few Judhishthirs ,they are also repeating the Ashwathama- mockery for years after years ; proposing the remedies loud ; doing nothing and speaking the truth in such an inaudible voice that they themselves can't even hear as if there is no problem .In next decade the country is reaching the moon. 
   Due to  This absence of any criteria the opportunist primarily proposed  of the color grade and a theory as they have had to ride the horse of hatred.And since Hinduism developed like an open book with conventional and age-old traditional formulations ,they inculcated the THOUGHT_VIRUS into the religion and therefrom the whole Indian population was infected .It even did not spare other religions . Some isolated tribal populations also reported to have developed caste -apartheid  among themselves.
    Thus developed the diseased practical-Hinduism.No particular caste or community should  actually be condemned for this.Whether Manu or Hanu  who ever might have drafted the Charter of Great Indian Apartheid ,the name is not important .We must realise how it came to be enacted .Definitely The One and The Only One Way Such Things Could Be Done : At The GUN POINT.You will not find the rituals in any of the scriptures.One or two rhymes here and there ,clearly shows those have been introduced later.So some people being unable to accept others , rode  the horse of hatred in the name of religion. The more they failed to justify it on the caste line , the more brute and cruel they became, although phenomenologically each community is a mixture of everything with different proportions. So clear indication like black or white was not available to   them to ride the horse.As a result everything became hidden, not-accessible to everyone ,critical ,complicated and written in an artificial language.The poverty , lack of attitude to build a talent-based society instead of the caste-based society and want of willingness to acknowledge the innovative ability made us so unsure of our future that we announced the complete  achievement  and abstinence and became Almighty .Our horse of hatred ran and ran .But alas  ! there was no Lobb or Kush.Why or how it should? He had been ostracized.The water of Malini is red, not due to the defeat of the evil ,but due to the later -days' assassination of the great poet Valmiki himself.
  Only political leader ( Late V.P.Singh) who gave the non-analytic statement that minority is ruling the majority in India ,was blacked out of the Media for long one year.After His Death also there was A Brutal Silence! The state honor means what?   
   But the inner power of this caste-apartheid is not the superiority of the superiors. The Life -line  is the size of the population in the caste hierarchy below it.It's own population only tries to destabilize the hierarchy above it.So not any particular community or caste , every population group is obeying an apartheid-philosophy and behaving likewise although initially many of the communities were forced to do so.
   The complications have some similarity with Latin-American countries in every respect although the terms are different .
    Of course the development  of extreme form of the apartheid ,The Untouchability  may be a subject of special studies but the life -line is same.
    Some self-declared sacred and tremendous scholars felt so strongly of their divinity that they thought of variety of the  human populations as similar to that of animal fauna, and came to have formulated such a Satanic, Vulgar ,Brute and anti-aesthetic philosophy of human being and their society and Blundered To Have Created The Thought -VIRUS of caste-Apartheid  , and then the Worst thing ,Some of The Opportunists among them had Committed ; they inculcated the The VIRUS into the religion.No doubt this Practical-Hinduism is a diseased religion.That is why Bengal Renaissance was attempted with the creation of  A New Religion ; The Brahmism ( Although it should not be out of place to mention that that also could not make them free of the THOUGHT _VIRUS; no religious community actually happened to be so ; A VIRUS has NO REMEDY unless it DIES of ITSELF .)
  The true Hinduism is actually The  Sannyasbadi Monistic Hinduism.All the great spiritual Leaders have adopted This PATH. 
     We all the Indians should think of seriously of reviving this path.Let not some opportunistics of  wealth-collecting Mandirs hijack an ancient civilization and it's real aesthetic treasures.The plunderers must be stopped ruining   this country.Let us Hope ,With all the well-wishers of Human civilization ,the world over ,collaborating with us ,can help give rise to the CURE of the Ailed population.
    --   Arniban ray                


Palash Biswas
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