Friday, December 25, 2009

Re: "Mumbai 26/11 Truth": Karkare's body was taken to JJ without jacket - by J. Dey / Mid-Day

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

Dear All, 

The latest drama over the Government & Police attempt to cover up the murder of Hemant Karkare is now going to far more bizarre heights. They are trying to entrap a Dalit sweeper into the sordid episode for 'misplacing' the jacket. The reality from the two stories below is that the Police Panchnama did not mention the Bullet Proof Jacket at all. The fact as we had stated a month ago was that Hemant Karkare's body was brought to the hospital 'without' the jacket. Thus the policemen who brought his body to the hospital were responsible for the disappearance of the bullet proof jacket.

The reason for the same is that, the jacket would have revealed the nature of the bullets that killed & would have ascertained both the "mm" & the distance from which the bullets were fired. We maintain that as per our information, the bullets were of "9mm" calibre & thus fired from a revolver & not from an AK47. And we were the first to state that Shri Hemant Karkare died of bullet wounds to his neck & not to his chest as was stated by the police initially.

Also do note that "Deadley Headley" is off the front pages of our newspapers. Headley who has been all over the electronic & print of media, with reports printed verbatim, without access by Indian sources, either from the media or the Police now is being brushed away. The reason for the same is that "Deadley Headley" was beginning to boomerang & as soon as articles began to appear that Headley was basically a CIA agent (& not a Double Agent) & was being in fact protected by the CIA-FBI, the Headley story was pulled out. The stories were clearly stating that the CIA-FBI could be complicit in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. This is another point or rather fact that we had stated within 24 hours of the attack on our city. We have been vindicated in our position once again.

CIA Agent Headley's task was to draw in the LeT into the 26/11 terror attack, whilst his tracks were being covered all across Mumbai & the rest of our country with co-operation from the local police stations with instructions from the Intelligence Bureau. Do recall that Headley has been provided assistance at the highest levels, right from the Indian Consulate in Chicago, as well as from our Home Ministry to enter our country to facilitate the 26/11 terror attacks.

Also there was a report that stated that the Missing File on the Bullet Proof Jacket & now been "Found".

Headley-Rana Visa files missing & now found.

Basically the files disappear for the corrections to be made, names & signatures to be changed & voila, then they reappear. Houdini couldn't have done a better job.

This is part of the cover-up of the 26/11 terror attacks, which was as we had stated, both an internal as well as an external attack.

Read On.
In Solidarity.
Feroze & Kishore


Karkare's body was taken to JJ without jacket

By: J Dey   Date:  2009-12-24   Place: Mumbai

He was taken from Bombay Hospital to JJ clad in just underwear, says panchnama, raising doubts on JJ sweeper's claim he binned jacket

A new twist has been added to the Mumbai police investigations into the missing bulletproof jacket worn by slain ATS chief Hemant Karkare on 26/11.

Piecing the jigsaw puzzle together, investigators say that Karkare, a 1982 batch IPS officer, was killed in an ambush near Cama Hospital, along with Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar during the November 26 terror attacks. Karkare and Kamte were then taken to Bombay Hospital.

According to police records, both the officers were bleeding profusely on the way to hospital, where they were declared dead.

Minutes later, senior officers in the police control room ordered that Karkare and Kamte be taken to the government JJ Hospital as part of standard procedure followed by the Mumbai police.

Senior Inspector Jayant Sarmokadam from the L T Marg police station added that he had taken Vijay Salaskar to G T Hospital.

Log records have led investigators to believe that Karkare was treated at Bombay Hospital after removing his bulletproof jacket and then, sent on to JJ Hospital, according to the panchnama, in a white vest and underwear  without his bulletproof jacket.

This in effect, say sources, disproves media reports that a sweeper at JJ Hospital had thrown the jacket in a garbage disposal bag.

Insiders disclosed that the jacket was dumped at Azad Maidan before it went missing and the needle of suspicion points to a caucus of police officers involved in buying sub-standard bulletproof jackets.

Details on the missing jacket comes in the wake of Kavita Karkare filing an RTI application, asking for information about her husband's bulletproof jacket.

It was then that the Maharashtra government told her that the jacket had been misplaced, prompting a probe.

On November 30, just days after the massacre, MiD DAY published how 110 bulletproof jackets had been accepted for use by the Mumbai police even though they were of poor quality.

"Every detail leading to the missing jacket needs to be investigated thoroughly," said former IPS officer and advocate Y P Singh, who drafted the RTI petition for petitioner Santosh Daundkar.


Karkare's case: Cops goofed up in drawing panchnama

Baljeet Parmar / DNA
Friday, December 25, 2009 3:10 IST
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Mumbai: An investigation has revealed that the police had bungled twice in the case of Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare's post mortem.

Under the norms stipulated by the criminal procedure code (CrPC), the police taking an injured or dead person to the hospital have to draw a panchnama in presence of the hospital staff, listing all the items found on the body of the victim. Not only this, these items are then to be sealed and referred to the forensic science laboratory, if needed, or kept in safe custody till the trial in the case is over.

The procedure of collecting and sealing must be followed as the items are considered vital pieces of evidence.

A patrol van of Gamdevi police station took the bodies of Karkare and Ashok Kamte to JJ hospital on the intervening night of November 26 and 27, 2008. It was the duty of the officer in charge of the police van to make a panchnama at the hospital stating that he handed over the bodies to the hospital staff. If he had made a panchnama, he would never have missed the bulletproof jacket on Karkare's body.

"It is unbelievable that any cop would leave the bodies of his seniors unattended, even for a second. When the doctors removed the belongings, the cops present should have made a list of the items," said a senior serving officer.

The second time they goofed up was when the policemen from Azad Maidan police station supervised the post mortem on November 27, 2008. While they drew their own panchnama, they did not bother to check whether they had listed all the items or not. Had they cross checked the findings with their Gamdevi counterparts, they would have found out about the jacket.

"It is gross criminal negligence on part of both the cops and the hospital staff. As it was a case of murder, the cops should have been more careful while doing the legal documentation," said MN Singh, former police commissioner.

"The hospital staff is equally to be blamed as they study the medical jurisprudence wherein they know the procedure to hand over all the items found on the body to the investigating cops."

Palash Biswas
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