Thursday, December 24, 2009

Re: Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani's treachery ? (3rd article)

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:45 AM, Benjamin Merhav <> wrote:
Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani that my daughter, my son and myself should be tortured to death by the zionist Gestapo ? (3rd article)

The hostile Palestinian silence persists. I have had no reponse from any Palestinian so far. It is as if all Palestinians consider me - not the treacherous Raji Sourani - as their enemy, but they won't tell me that much. Strange, very strange indeed !

Is the message of this hostile silence a tacit agreement with the treacherous Sourani, namely, that they all agree with Raji Sourani that I deserve to be tortured to death by the zionist Gestapo ,along with my daughter and my son ?
If so - and this is a very serious matter - why not say that openly to me or to the public, and explain why do they support the zionist Gestapo's ongoing torture to death of the three of us ?

Unnecessary secrecy, blind obedience to leaders even when they betray their own people,and betraying a genuine supporter to the enemy , at the whim of the leaders, are methods of organised crime syndicates, not of a people with a just cause who struggle for liberation !

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