Monday, December 21, 2009

Re: Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani's complicity in the zionist Gestapo torture?

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 2:38 PM, <> wrote:
Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani that my daughter , my son and myself should be tortured to death by the zionist Gestapo ?

For the three of us this is a question of life or death, literally ! The zionist Gestapo
is hell bent on torturing us to death, and unless there is a worldwide public outcry to stop our torture, the zionist Gestapo would continue our torture with the full collaboration of ASIO and of the Australian government (in secret, of course) which is also a grave violation of the rule of law. Yet Raji Sourani still refuses to initiate protest action by ICJ against the zionist Gestapo's torture of  us in Australia.

However, it is also for the good of the Palestinian cause that Raji Sourani would be made to resign all his public posts immediately, and then put on trial (together with his cronies) for collaboration with the zionist enemy. His jobs on the ICJ and on FIDH in particular should be taken over by a honest and patriotic Palestinian representative, and then a vigorous campaign against all forms of torture cases by the zionist Gestapo, including the ongoing torture of the three of us here in Australia, should be launched without delay.

At present there seem to be wide spread compliance with their leaders' backing of Raji Sourani's treachery amongst Palestinians in occupied Palestine . This is irrational because it is detrimental to the Palestiian cause, not to mention the suffering of Palestinian political prisoners as result of the systematic torture by the zionist Gestapo, and not to mention the ongoing zionist Gestapo torture of the three of us here in Australia.

Any people of good will who wish to help stop the
zionist Gestapo torture should immediately

  • demand of the Attorney-General of Australia to instruct ASIO to defend the three of us against the ongoing zionist Gestapo terrorism here in Australia;
  • demand of ICJ-Australia to protest the violations of the rule of law by ASIO ;
  • demand of the Palestinian leaders to replace Raji Sourani at the ICJ Executive Committee and at FIDH with a honest and patriotic Palestinian representative.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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