Monday, December 21, 2009

Re: Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani's treachery ? (2nd article)

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Benjamin Merhav <> wrote:
Do all the Palestinians agree with Raji Sourani that my daughter, my son and myself should be tortured to death by the zionist Gestapo ? (2nd article)

This is my 155th post on my autobiography weblogs protesting the zionist Gestapo's ongoing torture of myself by sleep deprivation, and the ongoing psychiatric torture of my daughter and of my son, all here in Australia. It is over five months now since I have been complaining about ICJ-Australia refusal to protest the grave violations of the rule of law by the Australian government via ASIO ( the Australian secret police), It is close to five months since my first appeal to Raji Sourani, as the Palestinian ICJ Executive Committee member, to initiate protest action by the ICJ, yet he betrayed us to the zionist Gestapo's torture terrorists instead.

This more than one year of protest on the Internet by myself has been made known to all my readers, hundreds of whom are Palestinians, but so far none responded. It is as if they all have accepted the hostile silence imposed by Raji Sourani and by his cronies, forbidding any Palestinian protest against the ongoing torture of my daughter, of my son, and of myself.

This is irrational, completely insane,
as we are being tortured by the zionist enemy because of my strong support for the Palestinian cause as an anti-zionist peace activist ! Do the Palestinians punish me too for supporting their cause ?

As I have pointed out repeatedly before, the Palestinian betrayal of the three of us to the zionist enemy is not only disastrous for us, it is bound to inflict a chain of disasters on the Palestinian people in occupied Palestine and to their cause too. These would be self inflicted disasters as a result of the treachery by Raji Sourani and by his cronies. He ought to be charged now by a Palestinian court for his collaboration with the zionist enemy. To let him stay in office, living in luxury with frequent travels overseas invites more disasters for the Palestinian cause !

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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