Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Re: Come Brave Crocodiles with Dr. Annu Jalais

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:35 PM, MODERN ACADEMY OF CONTINUING EDUCATION mhs <mace.mhs@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Friends,
We would be delighted if you could come on the 8th of January'10.
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours Sincerely,

Dear Friend/Colleague/Global Citizen:

Dr. Annu Jalais

will deliver a talk on

Braving Crocodiles with Kali

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              Date & Time                                                                      Venue

          5 pm, Friday                                          MACE AUDITORIUM

       8th January 2010                                     4th Floor, Modern High School for Girls

                                                                                  78, Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kol :19 


Globalisation – Has it diversified or restricted the economic options of small communities worldwide? Has it brought significant changes in the way people perceive and live out socially?

Concern voiced by the Sundarban elite on the morality of tiger prawn seed collection highlights dilemmas about what is seen as the erosion of the divisions of gender and socio- economic hierarchies. Find out what it means to be a prawn seed collector and a modern woman in 21st century Sundarbans. 

About the Speaker:

Dr. Annu Jalais is currently researching an Arts and Humanities Research Council project on the Bengali Muslim Diaspora. She is also a Post-doctoral Associate at the Agrarian Studies Programme at Yale University. She has taught at the London School of Economics, Goldsmiths' and the School of Oriental and African Studies and is the author of Forest of Tigers. 

To reserve seat(s) and a coffee please call 2281 6872 or 2287 5326/6080 ext 245/257 or email mace.mhs@gmail.com 


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(Damayanti Lahiri)


Modern Academy of Continuing Education (MACE)


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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