Saturday, December 5, 2009

Brahmins were never against Muslims when they ruled India for 700 years

Vol. 28 Dec 1st - 15th 2009

No. 23



  • A "NATION" COMMITTING SUICIDE : Living death of Advani should be a warning to all non-Brahmin leaders bum-licking Brahmins

  • Bengal paralysed today, India tomorrow
  • Turkey becomes powerful Muslim country
  • 26/11 Bombay attack was planned to kill Karkare
  • "National" media gagged
  • N.E. Mongoloid Tribals cut to size
  • Lawyers who make Rs. 5 lakhs for a 5-minute job
  • Sikhs asked to defend their Hindu enemies

  • Brahmins were never against Muslims when they ruled India for 700 years
  • Nitish bid to please BJP
  • Mandela too was a fraud like M.K. Gandhi
  • THUS SPAKE PERIYAR : Brahmin-dominated Supreme Court

Participate : Caste in IT :: SURVEY


Brahmins were never against Muslims when they ruled India for 700 years


Before discussing how much truth is there in the above contention, we must know as to who are the Brahminists who have arrogated to themselves the role of saviours of this country and Hindu religion.

The Brahminists are a very small section among the Brahmins and a microscopic percentage of highly indoctrinated non-Brahmins, who believe that the castes are by birth and that the Brahmin is the most superior caste, almost divine, and hence is destined to rule Indian society in perpetuity.

Now, the million dollar question is whether the Brahmins have been really against Muslims and if so, since when? History tells us that Brahmins had never been against Muslims; but they suddenly turned against them since 1893, which is a landmark year in the communal history of India. Let us analyse this point on the touch-stone of the medieval history.

Brahmins helped Muslims: It is a historical fact that Muslims ruled India for over 700 years. Nobody can deny it. It is also fact that the Brahmin dominance over the Indian society during that period was definitely more unchallenged than it is today. Gullible common Hindus had been totally subjugated by them and would do whatever the Brahmins wanted them to do.

Had the Brahmins been really against the Muslim rulers, they would not have allowed them to rule India even for a year.

But there is not a single example in the history of medieval India that Brahmins tried to "awaken" common Hindus against the Muslim rulers or carried out open or underground movement for overthrowing the Muslim rulers. On the other hand, medieval history is replete with examples of Brahmins having assisted Muslim rulers in managing their affairs and ensuring that their administration ran smoothly.

Muslims ruled with Brahmin support: Among the Mughal Emperor Akbar's "Navratna", there were many Brahmins; Tipu Sultan's main advisors and administrators were Brahmins; and even in the "durbar" of Aurangzeb (whose name is very liberally used by the present-day Brahmins to whip up communal frenzy), there were more than 50 % Brahmins.

It fact, it was because of Brahmins' support that Muslims could rule India comfortably or over 700 years, with the tenures of Mughal kings like Akbar and Aurangzeb extending up to 50 years each. The long and short of it is that the relation of the Brahmins with the Muslims had been cordial during the medieval period.

Golwalkar was wrong: Against this background, the claim of M.S. Golwalkar, a former chief of RSS, in his bok, We or Our Nationhood Defined, that "Ever since that evil day, when Moslems first landed in Hindustan right up to the present moment, the Hindu nation has been gallantly fighting on to take on these despoilers", appears a blatant lie, unless he meant to exclude Brahmins from the term "Hindu nation".

Even during the period of Brahmin Peshwa rulers in Pune, though the Muslim population was more than 30 per cent, there was not a single recorded incident of Hindu-Muslim conflict till the end of the Peshwa regime, i.e. till 1818. In the times of the Peshwas, while Hindu Dalits were required to hang earthen wares in their necks to spit in and to attach brooms to trail behind them so that their "unholy" footprints were wiped out, Muslims were treated with dignity. Moreover, the first war of independence of 1857 was fought by common Hindus, Brahmins and Muslims together and it were common Hindus and Brahmins who declared the titular Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar as their king. In short, relations between Muslims and Brahmins had been very cordial till the first half of the 19th century, and even after that, and the Brahmins were not against Muslims or Muslim rulers till then.

Then comes the obvious question: why did Brahminists take an anti-Muslim stance at the end of the 19th century, since 1893 to be precise, when the first of a series of communal riots which eventually resulted in the partition of the country and which continue till today, was engineered?

To understand the history of communal riots in India from 1893 till today and of terrorism, both mythical and real, during the last few years, we must know the history of the reformist movement aimed at changing, the Brahminist social order, which swept the country, especially Maharashtra and some southern states, in the later half of the 19th century.

(Who Killed Karkare?, p.13 to 15)

(See also Reports section)

Nitish bid to please BJP


Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, always keen to cultivate a pro-Muslim image, suddenly got rid of Dr. Ejaz Ali, the Rajya Sabha MP of his own party, the Janata Dal (United), because the latter had become an embarrassment of sorts — not for him — but for his alliance partner, the BJP. He was suspended from the party not only because he was repeatedly attacking BJP but also because he invited the former Union Minister and expelled BJP leader, Jaswant Singh, to Patna on No.1 to speak on the Partition of India. Dr. Ali's 2-year term as MP is ending in March.

(Milli Gazette, Nov.1, 2009).

Mandela too was a fraud like M.K. Gandhi

History is always written by the victors. In India, the Brahminical victors called Gandhi a Mahatma. Mandela is exactly like India's M.K. Gandhi, whom Dr. Ambedkar, Father of India, denounced as the Enemy No.1 of the country's Black Untouchables. It is the Brahminical media that boosted Gandhi and the zionist media that projected Mandela. The world is full of such cockroaches — EDITOR.


Brahmin-dominated Supreme Court

Broomstick: We must make our woman also protest. Tell them "Madam, take the broom in one hand, the constitution in the other. Beat the constitution with the broom. Tell them that they are also shudras — prostitutes concubines by laws and shastras. They will protest and demonstrate against the Brahmins.

It is because we have not so far reacted in any manner that the Brahmins went on gaining impudence. None came forward to champion our cause.

Just imagine what will be the reaction tomorrow after this meeting. Our people would talk high of my speech; that is all, they will not worry about the agitation. But the Brahmins won't remain silent. They would meet and discuss my speech, threadbare. They would chalk out plans to counteract. They would foresee the danger ahead of them and forewarn their wives, kith and kin.

Muslims respected: These Brahmins have the courage to say in this scientific age that by our touch the stone god gets polluted. What will a foreigner think of us if the Brahmins still brand us as shudras. Look at the Muslims. No Muslim is dubbed as a prostitute's son. They are all equals. They share food together. They move freely. Their fraternity is of a fine variety. The Christians are also like the Muslims. Why do you go so far? Even amongst Brahmins there is equality. They don't discriminate on account of subdivision amongst them. They are together in calling us shudras.

As a result of our self-respect propaganda, there is some awakening. We find changes in gradual stages. If we organise and agitate vociferously the Brahmins would retrace their steps. They will not openly come out calling us shudras. They may do so privately. So we must build up a strong opposition against the Brahmins.

Chappal attack on Brahmin gods: If Brahmins continue to drag in god, shastras or law in support of them, we will have to egg on people to beat the gods with slippers openly. Our women should take the brooms against such gods. We have ourselves demonstrated our protest in these ways already.

Because of our increasing self-respect the Brahmins are silent in many matters. Suppose Congress comes to power tomorrow, the Brahmins would come to power the day after tomorrow and wag their tails. Today all the political parties are anxious to topple the government of Tamilnadu. Let them try. I don't bother about it.

Our position is always critical. The foolishness that is glaringly incorporated in the Hindu law and the constitution is the most ignominious thing. Even the foolishness prevailing all through, the past 2,000 years is tolerable. It will be a Himalayan blunder if we continue to be the citizens of this government, without demanding the constitution to be amended. There are of course people who depend on this government for their livelihood. But they cannot lead an honest and patriotic life. You are all equals only among yourselves. But when compared with Brahmins they alone are superiors. Why this? How to change it? What other way is there except launching an agitation. The DMK Government brought in a legislation to amend the HRE Act. The objective was to enable any trained person irrespective of caste to become an archaka (priest) in the temple. This amendment was challenged in the Brahmins Court (Supreme Court - laughter). Don't laugh. There is no place for Tamilians in the court. They cannot get justice easily. Even if a Tamilian gets a place in the court, he will have to please his Brahmin companion only. He will have to give judgements based on the Hindu law.

The Supreme Court has passed the judgement that non-Brahmin archakas are not entitled to enter the sanctum snctorum of the temple. It was clearly stated that such an act would be ultravirus to the Hindu shastras.

What are those Hindu shastras?

Who wrote them? When was it written? Let any one come forward and answer. The judges write the judgement based on the Agamas. The entire court is dominated by the Brahmins. The judges are appointed by a Kashmiri Brahmin woman. They are liable to write so. But, it is our foremost duty to wipe it out. If we suffer a little today, it will be for the eternal good in the future.

So get ready now itself.

Make the agitation a success. I thank you for the patient hearing. Thank you.

Periyar's Declaration of War on Brahminism, (pp.16 to 18) revised (1st edn. 1993)
Dravidar Kazhagam Publication, 50 - EVK Sampath Road, Madras - 600 007.



Living death of Advani should be a warning to all non-Brahmin leaders bum-licking Brahmins

L.K. Advani is called the second "Iron man of Indian politics" after Sardar Patel. He actually built BJP and made it capture power in Delhi. But alas today he is the saddest man in Indian politics.

Brahmins within the Hindu terrorist party, RSS-BJP, hate him and they are bent upon getting rid of him. We have said this many times, the latest in DV Sept.16, 2009: "Brahmins demand Advani head: Caste war within BJP".

The Sindhi Khatri from Pakistan left his hometown of Karachi for Delhi on a BOAC plane immediately after the partition. He fled Muslim Pakistan because all his associates were arrested after a bomb explosion. After six tumultuous decades and dedicating his entire life to promote Brahminism, he has become the most hated man for Brahmins.

At the fag end of a long and turbulent political career, he is today deeply worried. Is he regretting for what all he has done? No. We don't think so.

Eating Brahmin shit: This is the case with all non-Brahmins (NBs meaning No-Brains) who eat the Brahmin shit. Ultimately all such shit-eating worms meet with the same fate of Advani. They are all crushed and killed.

In the beginning of his career in BJP, he was daily eating the Brahmin shit and doing everything to grow the Brahmin tree. Brahmins patted him and paraded him. And he was allowed to grow into a phantom - a menace.

Bal Thackeray rejected: The other good example is Bombay's Bal Thackeray who ate mountains of Brahmin shit. They allowed him to grow into a terrible terrorirst to be only ultimately rejected as anti-Hindu. The third example is George Fernandes now on death-bed (details in the next issue).

Advani's Rath Yatra to counter and kill the Mandal Com. Report favouring reservation to OBCs received furious support from Brahmins who with the help of their captive media mesmerised the whole lot of gullible idiots. And they all went mad in the frenzy that culminated in the Babri Masjid demolition.

BJP ruled because of Advani: Advani promoted the Brahminical cause by promoting the killing of thousands and thousands of innocent Muslims.

The Muslim blood is the soma rasa for the Brahminical terrorists.

The Vaidik Vajpayee, also on his death-bed, or his other Brahmin colleagues were simply sitting and enjoying as Advani was sweating and yelling as the Babri Masjid fell brick by brick. It was Advani that helped the Brahman Jati Party to capture power. Brahmins used him. Today, the very same Brahmins want to "kill" him.

The rise, fall and slow death of Advani will be a good book for historians to write but in Hindu India none has the courage to write facts of history.

Advani is today brooding over his past. But is he sincerely regretting for all his follies?

Gandhi fell to Brahmin bullet: That is how India's most famous Brahminical bum-licker, who ultimately fell to a Brahmin bullet, is still called the mahatma. (V.T. Rajshekar, Why Godse Killed Gandhi? DSA-1997).

Gandhi being killed like a street dog by a Chitpavan Brahmin and then distributing sweets all over India to celebrate the death of the mahatma (1948), should have warned all the non-Brahmin leaders but these no-brain (NB) leaders will never, ever realise their folly despite all the warnings given by history-making revolutionries — Phule, Periyar, Dr. Ambedkar etc.

That is how India has become a "nation committing suicide". India has no enemies. We are our own enemies.

Advani bid to become PM: What came as the last straw on the Brahmin camel's back is Advani building up a powerful non-Brahmin (NB) coterie round him with a view to becoming the PM after the last parliament election. Almost all BJP chief ministers are NBs. (DV April 1, 2009 p.9: "Brahmin revolt against Advani").

We have elaborated this in our Editorial of June 1, 2009: "Mere 2% upper caste vote swing from BJP brought spectacular Congress victory". In fact, the Congress, the original Brahminical party of India as Dr. Ambedkar said, has become a better Brahmin party than the Brahmana Jati Party.

Advani daily fed the Brahminical tiger with human flesh and turned it into a man-eater. This man-eater is today eating the Sindhi Khatri Advani himself. Doesn't he deserve the punishment?

Lessons of history: Those who do not learn from history will be the first to be crushed under the waves of history. No tears be shed over the fall and slow death of Advani. All those who helped the tiger to turn into man-eater were swallowed by the very tiger. Indian history has full of such unthinking morons.

Jagjivan Ram as worm: The best example is that of Jagjivan Ram, the Chamar leader from Bihar, who was groomed by Babasaheb. But once he "came up", he deserted the mentor and joined the enemy camp to gain quick name and fame. Ram got this in plenty. He was allowed to amass wealth and given plum posts in Union Cabinet. But when he aspired for the top post, the Brahmins kicked him. Not even the loyal dog's body was allowed to be cremated in Delhi.

Modi will follow Advani: Advani knows all this and yet he committed the same mistake. His loyal dog, the Gujarati Ghanchi (OBC) jati CM, Narendra Modi, was made to kill 2,500 innocent Muslims. The Brahminical tiger drank the Muslim blood and ate the Muslim flesh. Modi was praised and paraded. And the foolish Modi, his head swollen, also dreamt of PM throne in Delhi. He is waiting to be slaughtered next. None will be spared.

All these are part of the cruel Brahminical drama that is being played in India from time immemorial. When the ruling vaidiks are busy quarreling with their own fellow Indians, where is the time for governance?

Even if the Chinese or Pakistani army enters the Delhi Gate they will come to know it only after the damage is done.

No tears be shed on Advani "death": If today BJP or its RSS mother is surviving, it is only because of the NBs, the brainless, idiotic non-Brahmins who work as the slaves and scavengers of their vaidik masters.

Advani learnt it very late — at the fag end of his life. At this late stage he can do nothing but silently suffer — and die out of deep sorrow.

No tears be shed. Advani's problems are his own making: he did not learn from history.

Will other NBs like Modi etc. learn any lessons from their suffering? No. What a tragedy ! The tragedy of a "nation committing suicide" !

DV Sept.16, 2009 p.6: "Brahmins demand Advani head: Caste war within BJP".

DV April 1, 2009 p.9: "Brahmin revolt against Advani?"

DV Feb.1, 2009 p.8: "Advani used & thrown out?"

DV May 16, 2008 p.9: "Why L.K. Advani is hated in RSS-BJP?"

DV Edit Jan.16, 2006: "Merciless slaughter of Advani & sinking BJP: Brahmins seriously worried" and p. 4: "The man who killed Advani".

DV Oct.1, 2005 p.5: "Brahmin-nonBrahmin war in BJP & "Advani defeats Vajpayee".

DV Nov.16, 2003 p.8: "Advani-Joshi caste war continues in BJP".

DV Edit Oct.16, 2003: "Caste war within BJP hots up: All-out vaidik bid to block Advani's rise".


Bengal paralysed today, India tomorrow


Bangalore: There was once a very popular saying:

"What Bengal thinks today, the rest of India will think Tomorrow".

On a visit to Calcutta, the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, once called it a "dead city".

Not only Calcutta is dead but the whole of Bengal is dying — if not dead — if we go by the following verdict passed by the country's premier Brahminical daily, Times of India (Nov.3, 2009).

Where is the state headed? A weakened govt. trying to cling to power with a rudderless bureaucracy; an opposition out to grab power by any means; the Maoists on a bloodletting spree... And no one seems to be bothered.

Two Bengali Brahmins are fighting to complete the destruction of Bengal: Buddhadeb Bhattacharya (Marxist CPM) as Chief Minister is vying with the Trinamul Congress chief, Mamata Banerji — with the Brahmin-led Maoist party in the middle.

In 2009 alone, 123 people were killed in the Brahminical race to destroy Bengal. All those dying are our people.

Bengal may be paralysed but the Brahmins and their bum-lickers will be safe.

The so-called Maoists, who are all our people (SC/ST/BCs and Muslims), are today being used by Calcutta Kali, Mamata, but once she succeeds in toppling the ruling CPM, she will crush the Maoists.

This is what Bengal thinks today: paralysing Bengal and ultimately destroying it — tomorrow.

If the popular saying is true the paralysis of Bengal today will be the paralysis of India tomorrow. Sixty-three years of Brahminical rule has brought India to this stage. Jai Ho.

Turkey becomes powerful Muslim country


Bangalore: After years and years of our campaign, Turkey has finally heeded our Voice and turned to Islam — bidding goodbye to the White "Christian Club" (European Union) to which it will never get admission.

After embracing its Muslim neighbours Turkey has gained its stature not only among its co-religionists but even among the anti-Muslim Whites.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has raised the stature of Turkey which has started playing key role in the Islamic world.

His support to Iran and its right to nuclear power and giving full backing to the re-election of President Ahmedinejad will be a shock to the zionist Israel. Yet another big achievement is Turkey's move to embrace the Kurds with whom it had years of fierce battle.

The most important is Turkey turning against the zionist Israel with which it had a long association because of Kemal Pasha, the founder of the modern Turkey who turned it against Islam and did a lot to destroy its Muslim identity.

DV Oct.1, 2009 p.6: "Ultimatum to Turkey".

DV Sept.1, 2007 p.4: "Turkey rejects Ataturk & secularism".

DV Jan.16, 2007 p.15: "Turkey goodbye to EU".

DV Oct.16, 2006 p.19: "Turkey: DV proves right".

DV June 1, 2006 p.7: "Turkey finally heeds DV warning"


26/11 Bombay attack was planned to kill Karkare


Bangalore: S.M. Mushrif, a retired IG of police of Maharashtra, in his sensational just released book, Who killed Karkare? directly accuses the Brahminists in the Govt. of India's Intelligence Bureau (IB), (virtually taken over by the Brahminical terrorist force, RSS), for bungling in the 26/11/2008 Bombay terrorist attack. In the country's most famous terrorist attack on Bombay, he says the incident has to be divided into two parts. The CST-Cama Hospital-Rangabhavan Lane episode of the attack is mysterious because Maharashtra's most famous ATS chief, Hemant Karkare, noted for bravery, impartiality and efficiency, was shot dead here at the instance of IB to save the notorious Brahminists involved in the Malegaon bombing.

Malegaon terrorists released

All the Malegaon accused who were arrested by Karkare are about to be released and will come out as heroes — thanks to the IB complicity, he says.

The two Pakistani terrorists, Ajmal Kasab and Ismail Khan, arrested in the CST-Cama Hospital episode are not foreigners but fluent Marathi-speakers, he says giving eye-witness reports in Bombay newspaper. Karkare was led to the trap laid by the IB.

In other words, the 26/11 terrorist attack was used by the IB to solely kill Karkare.

The 320-page book tears into pieces the country's premier intelligence network IB, and says the IB is more interested in the micro-minority Brahminists but not in the 130-crore Indians and their security.

Object is to eliminate Karkare

The CST-Cama Hospital "terrorists" were not part of the terrorists from Pakistan but were local ones.

American warning suppressed

The operation was planned, directed and executed by the Brahminists under the IB with the sole objective of eliminating Karkare who had unearthed many Brahminist terrorist plots to establish Hindu Rashtra.

CST-Cama hospital part had nothing to do with the Taj-Oberoi-Nariman House attack. The Brahminical media cooperated with the IB.

Another sensational disclosure is the IB had received the warning of the terrorist attack on Bombay from the US but it deliberately suppressed the warning as it wanted to club the murder of Karkare along with the 26/11 so that the blame for the murder would go to Pakistani terrorists.

The author reveals that even top BJP leaders like L.K. Advani and Narendra Modi were not aware of the Brahminist conspiracy. This shows the Brahminists have no confidence in these two non-Brahmin leaders and even the Shiv Sena whose chief Bal Thackeray was called "a danger to Hindu community".

Abhinav Bharat becomes hero

As soon as Karkare was got rid of by the Brahminists in IB, it managed to quickly appoint a top Brahmin, K.P. Raghuvanshi, IPS, to succeed him. The new ATS chief completely changed all the records and painted the Abhinav Bharat Brahminical terrorists involved in many murder cases, in glowing colours. Soon all the Malegaon accused in jail were released. They are now free to pursue their Hindu Rashtra-building mission.

Lt. Col. Purohit, heading the Malegaon bombing and other murders, is being hailed as a great patriot who sacrificed his life to protect India from Pakistan's terrorists. Abhinav Bharat, a super RSS outfit with close connection to zionist Israel, has already resumed its "patriotic activities" with the support of the IB to rebuild the Brahminist Rashtra.The book is a fantastic documentary proof that defends all that we have so far said in Dalit Voice on this 2% micro-minority terrorist forces holding the country to ransom.

DV congratulates the author Mushrif, for his painstaking study, his bravery in exposing the IB — that too being a Muslim.

DV has proved right in all its report on the 26/11.


"National" media gagged


Bangalore: Representatives of all the national print and electronic media descended on the house of S.M. Mushriff, retd. IG of police Maharashtra, at Pune on Oct.28 as soon as they heard about the release of his sensational book, Who Killed Karkare? They spent almost the whole day interviewing him.

But nothing came out either on the TV or the "national" toilet papers the next day — because there was a gag order from their bosses. What transpired is not known but media sources in Pune and Bombay said the Intelligence Bureau threatened them in the name of "national security" — once again confirming our charge that the entire Indian media and our government machinery are controlled by the mere 2% Brahminical rulers.

It is these people who always harp on "freedom of press". What they mean by this is they need the "freedom" to vilify if not eliminate the Bahujan forces fighting for human rights.



(The real face of terrorism in India)

S.M. Mushrif, former IG, Police, Maharashtra

For the first time, it probes deep into the "Islamic terrorism" in India. Of particular interest is the book's detailed study of the 26/11 attack on Bombay during which Maharashtra ATS cheif Hemant Karkare was killed.

2009 pp.320 Rs. 300 (US$25)

Pharos Media Ltd.,
D-84, Abul Fazal Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110 025


N.E. Mongoloid Tribals cut to size


Bangalore: Mongoloid tribals of the seven North-Eastern states (called "Seven Sisters") have never compromised with the Brahminical rulers of India. After they became Christians, they became ferocious and the entire area was being treated as enemy territory.

Despite all this hostility, ruthless military rule over a vast territory, reckless killing of NE Tribals calling them anti-national, the "Seven Sisters" were still the country's most advanced part of India.

This is mainly because they were Tribals (and not Hindu) plus Christians.

But after 63-years of Brahminical war on the "enemy territory", the rulers have finally succeeded in cutting the rebellious Mongoloid Tribals to size, according to a front-page story in the country's premier Brahminical daily, the Times of India, (Nov.2, 2009).

Below national average

The North-East is on a downward spiral. Latest data shows that incomes in seven of eight north-eastern states are now below the national average. Just 15 years ago, four of these states had income levels higher than the country's average. Mizoram is the only state where per capita income has remained above the national average through the past decade and a half. Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Sikkhim had incomes 10% to 20% higher than the national average in 1993-94. All three have now crashed below it Arunachal is below the national benchmark by over 15% while Nagaland is lagging by a whopping 25%. Sikkim is fractionally below the national average by 2%.

Brave Manipur women: A major portion of the NE is under army rule. Angry but brave Manipuri women throwing away their dress, going naked before the army barracks and telling the "Hindu army" to come and rape them had sent shock waves all over the world. But the ruling upper castes were cool.

The country as a whole is getting flattened under the Brahminical road-roller.

Lawyers who make Rs. 5 lakhs for a 5-minute job


Bangalore: Who said India is a poor country? India's less than 15% elite upper castes (ruling class) are fast becoming merciless blood-suckers is proved from the astronomical income of some dozen Supreme Court lawyers.

New Delhi: The handful of India's elite lawyers are probably the country's highest paid professionals. Harish Salve, Mukul Rohatgi, Ashok Desai, K.K. Venugopal and Abhishek Singhvi are the notables in this essentially boys' club. They charge around Rs. 3-5 lakh for a five-minute appearance, and can manage up to 10 such appearances per day. For outstation cases, the rate is even higher: from Rs. 10-30 lakh, plus expenses.

Some of India's top 10-15 advocates earn over Rs. 50 crore a year by way of legal fees.

Soli Sorabjee, Shanti Bhushan and Fali Nariman are said to be in the same income bracket. But they like former law minister Ram Jethmalani representing the Anil Ambani group in the Reliance case, take cases selectively. (Economic Times, Nov.31, 2009).

Are these lawyers paying income tax? Doubtful.

Sikhs asked to defend their Hindu enemies


Bangalore: The head of the country's premier gurdwara at Nanded (MS) has asked the Sikhs, the sworn enemies of Hinduism, "to work unitedly for the protection of Hinduism".

His speech is reported in the Hindu terrorist RSS journal, Organiser (Nov.1, 2009, p.17):

Pramukh Granthi of Gurudwara Hujurtaksal, Nanded, Sardar Gyani Hardip Singh inaugurated the all-India meeting of VHP's Dharma Prasar Samiti at Nanded and said:

Guru Govind Singh founded the Khalsa for the protection of the Hindu society from the atrocities of Mughals and such atrocities continue even today.

The Sikh community is not only divided into different castes and sects but all of them think and act like Hindus.

Palash Biswas
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