Monday, November 23, 2009

Recognizing & Diffusing Brahminist Traps in Our struggle !

Recognizing & Diffusing Brahminist Traps in Our struggle !

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Recognizing & Diffusing

Brahminist Traps In Our Struggle !

[Extracts from Copyright-free Hindi Book "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans Part II]

Edited and Synthesized by

Sheetal Markam (Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India)

Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal

Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)

Chapters of the E-book

About This E-Book

This copyright-free E-Book is extracted from our Hindi awareness book "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhwans Part II and is a synthesis of material that we had downloaded from internet and information collected from various periodicals and books. The E-Book aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends and their deceiving techniques so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.

We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this E-Book in their native language either in full or in parts (booklets) and sell it at the price of their own choice as this E-book like our every published literature is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.

We also request websites to post this E-Book as one of their web page. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the E-book on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this E-Book as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail.  — Sheetal Markam

The rules applied in synthesizing the information

1) Exploiters suppress or distort any information that go against their exploitation system and preach that strengthen it. Exploiters have distorted teachings of social, religious warriors against exploitation and oppression. They even implanted fake information. Since our liberation warriors fought against exploitation and oppression of the exploiters, while reading it is important to analyze whether the information helps exploitation system and what could be the original information of our liberation warriors. Every material or ideological fact must perfectly fit in to the overall pattern in which it belongs and must be in harmony with the other related facts. Anything that does not fit perfectly in the total picture, contradicts it and does not support the interest of the exploited masses, then most likely it favors enemy interest. Anything that goes against basic intentions and striving of our liberation warriors is rejected outright.

2) Every action and preaching of our religious, social and political liberation warriors is appropriate considering i) prevailing situation at that time ii) mentality of people and the exploiters and iii) available resources with our liberation warriors. Therefore, our warriors against exploitation and oppression can not be 100% correct in present context in the same form. Remember, nothing comes in complete form. The vegetables have to be cleaned, covers of fruits have to be removed before consuming them. Therefore, we must take useful information from each warrior that fulfills the needs of our struggle against exploitation and oppression and leave that do not help.

3) To lead masses astray some baits of facts that go against exploiters are presented by lackeys of exploiters in the role of pseudo-revolutionaries with the intention to hook the masses away from real struggle. We must be skilled enough to avoid the hook and pick such facts that enhance the clarity of the whole picture.

Chapter I :

The hallucinating Techniques of Exploiters

Table of Contents

NGOs the Imperialist Fed Hallucinators
The Arya-Brahmin led movements aim to oppress Indigenous Masses
Beware of pretenders !
Provocative Actions
Different Commissions are only Hallucinating Traps
Any escape from dependency on leaders ?
Fraud of Indirect Activities !

1. NGOs the Imperialist Fed Hallucinators

The globalization was imposed first time in the countries of South America resulting in increased exploitation and oppression. As a result, in these countries, a strong opposition to globalization developed and anti-imperialist struggles had intensified. This situation was handled by imperialist countries by spread a network of non-governmental organizations in large number in these countries with the purpose :-

1) to hallucinate masses with the thought that everything possible is being done to improve condition of the masses by the world agencies and governments so that anger of masses is always expressed in peaceful ways and make them busy whole year in such activities. Thus these organizations acted as safety valves of imperialism. 2) to divide masses in divisions such as men-women, educated-uneducated, bonded laborers and other laborers, and so on so that they do not collectively encounter imperialist evil schemes. 3) to remove chances of revolutionary struggle by allowing the same exploiter class members in these organizations responsible for the calamity on the masses. 4) to develop the understanding in masses that there is no alternative than capitalism hence instead of destroying capitalism they should try to reform it. 5) to open the ways for exploitation of masses by imperialists countries and create illusions and hallucinations in the mind of people with their shallow revolutionary talks to make this exploitation easy. 6) to pose themselves as an alternative to the political organizations and weaken the struggle of genuine revolutionary organizations. 7) to implement programs of imperialist countries to create favorable conditions for extending foreign capital market in backward countries and benefiting the imperialists. 8) to develop worldwide network of intelligence, to destroy struggle of exploited masses using "Sam-Dam-Dand-Bhed" techniques of Brahmanism and bring capitalism in socialist countries by hiding their own character under the language and jargon of revolutionary organizations.

Imperialist countries also use these non-governmental organizations against their rival imperialist country. Therefore, it creates illusion that these non-governmental organizations are anti-imperialists. This perception help them to befool common masses. These non-governmental organizations welcome the persons involved in struggle with revolutionary slogans and jargons. They advice masses to remain away from all political organizations and solve their all problems with self-help and cooperation. Since last 30 years these non-governmental organizations have corrupted and removed intelligent youths from the path of genuine revolutionary struggle.

Thousands of non-governmental organizations are formed who are basically dissociated from the masses. In spite of that, they pose themselves doing work for the masses. Liberal intellectuals, so called upper middle class progressives who do not find any alternative of capitalism, and who want to improve capitalism within itself are influenced by the slogans of these non-governmental organizations.

Therefore, all kinds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are created and funded heavily by imperialist countries and their agencies which claim enforcement of women, children, and other sections; urban societies, human rights, social justice, identity movements, self-service movements, collective development, promoting democracy, protecting environment, spreading literacy, health awareness, libraries, adult education, primary education, technical education, land reforms women awareness and so on.

Imperialist forces while surpassing limits of cruelty on masses, also pretend to help the targeted masses by their so called relief works. America killed and unleashed every kind of terror upon the masses to exploit their resources and labor. The same united nations that was empowering America and its allies to destroy Afghanistan, Kosovo and Iraq in cruelest possible bombarding was also providing relief agencies to provide food, water, medicine etc. for the victims. Their relief agencies also perform the role of spies.

The world bank which grand aid to erect enormous dams to benefit MNCs from water and electricity and displace natives and deprive millions of people from their bread, also raise organizations that demand compensation and rehabilitation of these displaced so that their struggle should never become real threat.

Multinational companies cut forests on large scale. Pollute environment with their industrial releases and also raise aid organizations which claim to fight for environmental protection with intention to deceive masses that they are striving to protect environment.

Ford foundation is one of such major organization that aids NGOs. American industrialist Ford had organized his own secret service and Dr. Harris Hutan was made its chief who was earlier in American secret Service. (Albert Kahn & Michael Sayers, p.163)

Ford foundation provided the aid of 32800 Dollars (one crore 47 lack and 60 thousand rupee) to NGO's forum to organize their first and second meets. The estimated expenditure of the third annual conference of forum was 35 lacks Dollars. Two governments of Brazil province gave 6 lack Dollars. Ford foundation gave 5 lack Dollars, Bank of Brazil and petrogas oil company gave 7 lack Dollars.

World summit of Global people's forum (World Summit on Sustainable Development – Global Peoples Forum) were aided by multinational companies such as Coca Cola. The same Coca-cola company is extracting underground water of India in several places to such extent that masses around its plants are deprived of water and became victim of various diseases from the waste products of those plants. ( / ILPS Online South-Central Asia India The Struggle against Coca Cola in Kerala.htm)

In Bolevia there were 100 non-governmental organizations till 1980. Till 1991 their number raised to 530. In 1991 they received 7380 lacks Dollars from world bank and other imperialist countries. According to the OECD which is the organization of 24 developed countries, approximately 4000 non-governmental organizations were active and received and spent Rs. 15000 crores each year. In year 2000 in Asia, Africa and South America 50,000 non-governmental organizations were active. Their yearly budget was 40,000 crore rupees. This figure is very reduced one because In India alone up to 31st March 2001 non-governmental organizations registered under FERA were 22924 which is far less than the actual number. They received 4535.23 Crores this year, from foreign fund which was 15% more than the previous year. In this fund largest amount come from America followed by Britain and Germany.

Since last decade, World bank and other agencies of united nations are exerting force on countries that government money should be spent through the non-governmental organizations alone. In one authorized document of World Bank known as "World Bank and Civil Society" (September 2000) it is mentioned that in the 70% of schemes sanctioned in 1999 and aided by world bank have been participated by the non-governmental organizations and civil society in some form. Indian government also pays huge amount every year to non-governmental organizations as provided in its five year plans. Indian government kept 380 crores Rupee for non-governmental organizations. Every year large amount goes to the non-governmental organizations run by RSS family of organizations. State governments are also following the center.

"World Social Forum" is an umbrella organization of these non governmental organizations. According to ninth point of world social forum, neither political leaders nor militant organizations can participate in the forum. However, government leaders and member of parliaments who agree the clauses of declaration of world social forum, they can participate in forum in their individual capacity. In this way, place is ensured for governing section and representatives of imperialism. On the other hand revolutionary organizations and organizations indulged in armed resistance are banned from participating. This reveals its real pro-exploiter character. They want to unarm masses to retain exploitation system. These organization at the level of madness oppose the possible violence against the violence of exploiter class. According to its 13th point, world social forum declare to answer cruelty of imperialist countries by nonviolent means. Can one remove the violence committed by Israel on people of occupied Palestine territory, state terrorism in Kashmir, American terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq by nonviolence ? These non-governmental organizations promote non-class ideology and hide all existing class differences. (Nitin : WSF Virodh Ya Dikhava (world social forum opposition or pretension))

On 16-17, February 2004 a conference was organized at Harglia in Israel to decide war strategy to encounter terrorism. In this conference highest level officers of America, Israel and India participated. "As a result of the conference, the American, Israeli and Indian delegations agreed to a multifaceted action plan to be carried out jointly by the sponsoring organizations and allied agencies as well as independently within the three countries. The plan calls for fostering cooperation between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to exchange experience and share relevant technologies, increase counter-terrorism cooperation among military and security related agencies in the three countries as well as in research and the development of enhanced counter-terrorism techniques, and establish frameworks to encourage the monitoring of possible radical Wahabbi-Khomeinist infiltration into scientific organizations relating to weapons of mass destruction. ( Online — Second Annual U_S_-India-Israel Conference on Counter Terrorism.htm) This makes it clear that the NGOs are part and parcel of the imperialist spy network.

The communist party (M.L.) of Kanu Sanyal participated in world social forum conference on pretext of opposing world social forum within it. In one committee of world social forum CPI, CPM, CPI(ML), Ms. Medha Patkar, Gandhist Sarva Seva Sangh, and NGOs fed on imperialist money all found shelter.

2. The Arya-Brahmin led

movements aim to oppress Indigenous Masses

In the agitations launched at the instigation and guidance of Arya-Brahmins, buses are set to fire, government (public) property is destroyed so that 1) new buses and vehicles are bought from the Arya-Brahmin capitalists, 2) construction work may be given to Arya-Brahmin contractors, 3) More taxes should be imposed on common masses as everybody's tax paying capacity comes from the labor of the toiling masses alone, 3) Arya-Brahmin get opportunities to take vengeance on indigenous masses by ordering beating indigenous Bahujans in police caning and killing them in police firing.

In all the agitations led by Arya-Brahmins only indigenous Bahujans are victimized. No Arya-Brahmin ever died. In bringing his aspired "Brahman-Raj" by his so called nonviolent movement Gandhi caused killings of hundreds of indigenous Bahujans in the hands of police.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar never claimed nonviolence. He believed that it is better to die while protecting one's self-respect than living a life of humiliation. In spite of this, only one person died in the movements led by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Because, in his eyes life of every Bahujan was precious. He could not tolerate shedding even a single drop of Bahujan blood unnecessarily.

We must remember that if any movement that results in the destruction of government property, or shedding the blood of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans, while the Arya-Brahmins remain safe, it should be understood that such movements are conducted at the instigation of Arya-Brahmins.

No matter how great violence and destruction is engineered by Arya-Brahmins, the police do not take action against them. On the contrary, indigenous masses are killed in police firing without any provocation.

The 8 year old son of Mr. Jeet Paswan, a citizen of village central town Mauda of Zarkhand was killed by a "Tantrik sage" and his men in a rituals of Brahmin religion. Angry mob protesting in front of "Anath & Viklang Ashram (Ashram of Orphan and disabled) alleged that police has safely taken away the killer Tantrik and demanded to hand him over to them. The crowd destroyed the Ashram and set fire car of the Tantrik. Police opened fire and killed one person and injured seven. People alleged that police disappeared the dead body of person killed in police firing. Angry people encircled the police station. Police again unleashed firing on indigenous Bahujans. (Bhaskar, 12th December 2003) Police without any hesitation unleashed firing because the protestors belonged to indigenous Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins consider the protest of Bahujans no different from the body jerks of the animals being slain.

On the contrary in another incident at Devgaon police station area Jaunpur Area of Azamgarh district, in Uttar Pradesh (India), Arya-Brahmin mob protesting the killing of two merchants, Gopal Gupta and Ravikant Kamalapuri in Paidaha villege set fire the police station. All documents, material kept in police station, dozens of motor cycles belonging to policemen, their bedings and bedsteads were burnt. Not only that, angry mob opened fire in air. District collector and top officers reached the spot and fire was extinguished with the help of fire brigade. (Nav Bharat, 4th June 2004) In yet another incident, at Tarava Bazar of Azamgarh district Rajendra Mishra of BJP was killed by unidentified assassins. The angry Savarna mob set fire the Tarava police station as well as police jeep parked outside. All records kept in police stations got destroyed in this fire. (Bhaskar, 9th October 2004) In yet another incidence, Two days after so called "Shahi bath" at Sinhasth of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India the sages violating all rules erected huts and took electric directly from high voltage electric line. The sparking set fire the huts which cold be extinguished after the efforts of one hour. Sages attacked collector and other police officers who had come to inspect the site. District collector was severely beaten. He was dragged in to wet mud. Wet mud was thrown to his cloths. During this "collector-beating" by the sages, highest police officers were begging apologies to the sages. (Saptahik Loklahar, 2nd May 2004) Because the crowd belonged to sages of Arya-Brahmin religion, police did not dare to unleash even simple caning.

In yet another incidence, In Conought place of Delhi, police squad killed two traders in firing because one of the trader's face resembled a terrorist. Traders belonged to Arya-Brahmin community. Hence, the higher police officers not only immediately suspended whole squad, but the police commissioner also had to loose his position.

Similarly Arya-Brahmins in their anti-Mandal agitation burned more than 500 buses in Delhi alone. In spite of that all care was taken that not a single Arya-Brahmin should be killed.

To protest cricket team of Pakistan, the pitch at Firojshah Kotala cricket ground at Delhi was dug by 4-5 Arya-Brahminists. Police reached the spot 30 minutes after it received the information. Meanwhile, reporters and T.V. Channel persons freely took pictures and a film of whole digging process. Nobody touched these Arya-Brahminists. When a Baniya Mr. M.K. Gandhi was killed by Brahmin Natthu Godse, it was ensured that not a single Brahmin be killed, on the contrary when Brahmin Indira Gandhi was killed by her Sikh body guard to avenge demolition of Golden Temple of Amritsar, thousands of Sikhs (men, women and children) were killed under state sponsored massacres.

To rescue the Arya-Brahmin passengers of hijacked air plane which was carried to Afghanistan, Mr. Jaswant Singh the foreign minister of Vajpei government carried jailed terrorist Ajahar to Kandhar. Latter on to demand same Ajhar from Pakistan Vajpei government installed Indian forces on border and was determined to sacrifice life of lacs of Bahujan soldiers in Indo-Pak war. Vajpeyi government would have declared open war if there was not the fear of nuclear war resulting in the deaths of Arya-Brahmins in crores. Therefore Vajpei government killed hundreds of Bahujans in firing skirmishes between forces of India and Pakistan.

All Arya-Brahmins no matter what they pose themselves, are hard-core enemies of Bahujan interests. Brahmin Ms. Medha Patker is popularized by Manu-media as well wisher of indigenous masses. The same Medha Patkar in a statement said that "reservation to Bahujans has created dangerous casteism. It is unfortunate that reservation is still continued." (Nav-Bharat, 11th April 2005) Medha Patkar and other Arya-Brahmins knowing fully that the erected dam is going to irrigate lands of their own caste Arya-Brahmins, pretended to oppose Narmada dam simply to deceive masses and ensure that the anger of displaced indigenous families do not fall on Arya-Brahminists and their exploitation system. Medha Patkar threatened to get drowned in the dam water but she did not enter the deep water. On the contrary many innocent indigenous Bahujans were pushed in to deep water. Poor farmers have alleged that the Medha Patkar and her Arya-Brahmins are stopping farmers in getting compensation for rehabilitation. Arya-Brahmins have also ensured that the compensation issued by union carbide for Bhopal gas victims should not reach to indigenous victims. Medha Patkar, Amte, Bahuguna etc. Brahmins with their pretensions are ensuring destruction of Bahujans. ( Dalit Voice, 16-30 November 2000)

In Khargaun (Madhya Pradesh) to save their land from Upperveda Dam project, 124 among protesting farmers were jailed by Vajpei government. Ramkibai is among the arrested. Her 8 month's daughter omits milk if fed forcefully with bottle. Her father continuously since last three days begged jail authorities to allow her mother to breast-feed the child. But no authority has agreed to his request. The child is deprived of milk since last three days. Her father too did not take food. Ramkibai has started hunger strike in jail. (Bhashkar, 27th May 2004)

All so called Brahmin "free women" are silent as they are always silent about sanction of Brahmin religion to the prostitution of Bahujan girls in the temples of Brahmin-religion. These women victims of Brahmanism who have no alternative but to become prostitutes in temples. They are always silent about country-wine shops being run in the area of toiling masses and spoiling their family life. They are always silent about the sufferings of women whose husbands and sons are died and daughters are raped in riots engineered by Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations. But they only shout and shade hypocritically shed tears about the state of Muslim women to spread communal hatred. These so called "free Brahmin women" instead of conciliating between husband and wife widen the differences between then and break Bahujan families to avenge Bahujans as per the agenda of RSS organizations.

Brahminists know that Bahujans who keep false hope that the Manuist parties will solve their problems participate in their agitation and such Bahujans under illusion of Arya-Brahmin spell can send no harm to Brahmanism. Therefore Arya-Brahmin governments without any hesitation kill Bahujans in the very hands of Bahujan police, break their heads in police caning. The same happened in Soviet union when priests singing praise of Tsar took procession to beg for their human rights and government responded by brutal police firing. But when Stalin took armed procession and threatened exploiter class worse possible consequences if applied force, Tsar did not dare to use force. This proves beyond doubt that only innocent disarmed people under illusion  can be victimized by exploiter class riding government.

Similarly, when the Bahujans negate all these Arya-Brahmin parties, these parties fearing loss of power themselves are forced to fulfill people's demand and create Zarkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal etc. states, even in the absence of mass agitation. This proves that negating Arya-Brahmin parties is the only way to force them to concede.

3. Beware of pretenders !

Pretending to implement welfare schemes, literacy campaigns, love for animals, welfare of prostitutes, freeing bonded laborers, freeing child laborers, rehabilitating widows, Dalit welfare, rehabilitation of aged, saving trees, health campaigns, leprosy eradication, cancer prevention, environmental protection, social unity, women welfare, campaign against dam, campaign against nuclear plant, total revolution, eradication of corruption, preservation of human rights, and so on, the Arya-Brahmins have been doing their own welfare by receiving big posts, huge grants, big awards and prizes, prestigious titles and what not. This profit making business can go on only when there shall be poverty and all other problems and evils. Then only they can pretend to be big leaders, social servant etc and gain money and fame. Therefore retaining and preserving all sorts of vices, problems, atrocities, evils and filth are the basic requirement to run their crafty profession.

The Manu-media popularized their Arya-Brahmin Mr. Anna Hajare as great warrior against corruption. The Judicial Commission of justice P. B. Sawant found this Anna Hajare {a Brahmin} culprit of corruption. (Nav-Bharat, 16th March 2005)

By looting public money on the so called literacy campaign Arya-Brahmins ridding the government have provided to Lacs of jobs to their Arya-Brahmin brothers who in the name of educating people, are simply teaching Bahujans to draw their signature and paralyzing Bahujan minds with the poison of Brahmin religion. Preparing documentaries on their fake literacy campaign, are creating illusion that Bahujans are being educated. These Arya-Brahmins enjoy how easily they can fool Bahujans and earn name and fame. In India number of educated is reported as 30% but if we deduct the number of persons who only know to draw their signatures, the actual number would be less than 5%.

According to Dr. Tulsidas, Menaka Gandhi who pose herself great animal lover, has started her career as a model-girl advertising mini-towel produced by DCM company. Indian government had given 65 Acres of free land to Menaka run "Go-Sadan" (Cow-shelter) near Sanauth villege near Delhi on Bavana Tola Road. The greater portion of this land belonged to Dalits which Menaka grabbed in the name of animal love. Government itself gives every year 50 lacs Rupee to "Panchayat Nirdeshalaya" as amount of lease. Menaka receives crores of Rupee from government for this "Go-Sadan" which is tax-free. She also receives fabulous amount from different sources. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)

In Go-Sadan of Menaka during 1997 to June 1998 1688 animals died. This number is continuously increasing. In spite of that her pretension of animal love is continued uninterruptedly. The precarious condition of animals in Devipura branch of Menaka's institute "prevention of Cruelty to animals" is sufficient to expose the fraud of "animal-love" of Menaka. Many social workers visited this institute and found animals suffering from severe hunger and thirst. All animals were found tied in the scorching hit of sun. Neither these animals are given fodder nor are given water in time. Where these animals are tied, their dung is not removed. No doctor was found in institute. He comes rarely. Due to hunger, thirst and diseases daily animals are dying. The dead bodies of animal are thrown in nearby fields therefore people are worried of spreading of diseases. (Nav-Bharat, 18 July 2002)

According to Dr. Tulsidas this hypocrite animal-lover lady has really became a cruel animal. Brahmin Menaka Gandhi ordered not to kill any mad dog. They bit people and infect them with rabies. As a consequence many persons have died. The crops in the fields of farmers are destroyed by monkeys and wild hogs. The poor tribes which train wild animal to earn their bread by presenting shows at the risk of their own lives were deprived of their animals and were striving. In Uttar Pradesh, over fifty children were eaten by wild animals (wolves). When police started campaign to kill these man-eater animals, Manaka rushed to the spot and shouted in protection of these man-eaters and shed tears over their death. But this anti-Bahujan women did not speak a single world in the sympathy of animal eaten Bahujan children because these children did not belong to Arya-Brahmins. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)

The anti-rabies injection is developed on horses. Since BJP leader Menaka Gandhi objected development of vaccines on animals Hawpkin institute of Bombay stopped production of rabies injections. Because of this anti-rabies injections are not available in whole state. In state every year 20 Lac person are bitten by dogs { Arya-Brahmins have access to imported costly injections}. Therefore, in the absence of anti-rabies injections 20 Lac Bahujans are endangered to die with rabies. (Lokmat Samachar, 5th June 2005) Thus Arya-Brahmins spare no opportunity to avenge we indigenous Bahujans.

According to Dr. Tulsidas, on the very first day Menaka Gandhi became Social welfare minister, she thrown away photograph of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar from her ministry. Whatever ministry she assumed using all crafty means, she took the charge of animal welfare department because she herself is running organization named "people's for Animal' which gives her income of crore of rupee. In the eyes of BJP animals and Bahujans are same. Therefore, Menaka Gandhi transferred 100 crore rupees of Social welfare department to animal welfare. In year 1998-99, from the amount of Rupee 90 crore which were kept for the rehabilitation of Valmiki Society who carry human excreta on their head, 35 crore rupee were transferred to non-Dalit work and remaining amount was transferred to purchase ambulances for animals. She tried everything to transfer the amount of state Dalit welfare schemes to animal welfare. Defying constitution she destroyed Dalit welfare schemes such as scheme to send Dalit abroad for higher education. In 1945, Dr. Ambedkar had started foreign education scheme for Dalit students. Every year 30 Dalit students were sent abroad under this scheme. Menaka Gandhi stopped this scheme. She also destroyed Dr. Ambedkar Foundation. She made a kerosene trader Arya-Brahmin the chairman of Dr. Ambedkar foundation. According to law its chairman could be only a Dalit. On the eve of Dr. Ambedkar centenary a bungalow on 21st Janpath was allotted for Dr. Ambedkar National Public Library". Menaka Gandhi cancelled this scheme and gave this bungalow to the organization of her relative. She increased the interest rate from 4% to 10% for loan given to Dalit unemployed youths. She also destroyed the schemes meant for OBC and minority welfare. She made her relative chairman of backward classes corporation who was dismissed from "Pearless" company on the charges of corruption. According to law the chairmanship could be given to an OBC only. Defying all laws she inducted her inefficient people in different committees . She handed over many properties of Muslim Waqf Board to her people in Delhi, Punjab, and Haryana. Menaka Gandhi continued to use abusive language, threaten, trouble and victimize Dalit and minority officers of the departments of her ministry. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)

CBI is investigating misuse of power by Menaka Gandhi in opening various educational institutions in Pilibhit from the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Foundation, while Menaka Gandhi was minister of social welfare and "Adhikarita minister". Menaka Gandhi's family is also included in the sphere of this investigation. Menaka Gandhi's sister Ambika is president of Rural welfare trust and Menaka Gandhi had given 25 Lac Rupee to this trust to open nurses training college in Pilibhit. But nothing was purchased to open the college. Charges are leveled against Menaka Gandhi that she has misused her power in giving fabulous amount to her people. No work was done with this money. (Nav-Bharat, 15th May 2002)

4. Provocative Actions

Arya-Brahminists engineer humiliation of the statues of Bahujan liberation warriors, throwing flesh of prohibited animals in their worship places to start riots and kill and destroy all sections of Bahujans in riot and avenge them. The stooge organizations of Arya-Brahminists pour oil in the fire of communal riots.

The riots take place because we Bahujans are provoked by Arya-Brahmins and their stooges. To get provoked by the instigation of Arya-Brahmins is the proof of our foolishness while turn Arya-Brahmin plot on themselves is the proof of our intelligence.

If Arya-Brahmins arrange to humiliate religious places and statues of our liberation warriors, it is our duty to clean them with the help of sane Bahujans of both the sections and a campaign should be launched to expose the intention of Arya-Brahminists and explain the masses that how Arya-Brahminists are exploiting and avenging Bahujans. Bahujan masses should be awakened and prepared to launch a determined struggle against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists. What a great shock can be to Arya-Brahmins to know that instead of being ruined in rioting, Bahujans have united against Arya-Brahmin exploitation.

According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Siddhartha Gautam Buddha considered the principles of Buddhism important than himself. Therefore, Buddha did not appointed his successor. Buddha insisted that people should understand his principles by their own reason, and experiences and usefulness of those principles. According to Buddha any teaching should be judged by understanding how the teaching is going to benefit or harming them. (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Writing and speeches, Vol. 11, p. 278) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar if sacredness is attached to any thing neither you can evaluate it nor you can make changes in it according to the changed circumstances in the course of time. Respect is attached the national flags and not the sacredness or of miracle. All Muslims and Non-Muslims sing their national anthem. The same is applicable for Buddha statue. When Buddha considered himself a common person and his principles important than himself, how can lifeless Buddha statues can be sacred for us ? The usefulness of Buddha statue is this much that the followers of Buddha gather before it and take collective decisions so that it is helpful to develop sense of unity and solidarity between them. Beyond this Buddha statue has no importance. The statue is merely a stone. It can never be important that human blood and unity between the Bahujan masses.

According to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Buddha strongly opposed idol worship. Dr. Ambedkar said "I am no worshipper of idol, I believe in breaking them." (Dr. Ambedkar writing and speeches, Vol.1, p.209)

The Arya-Brahmins massacred Buddhist monks themselves and in the hands of Muslim rulers and took possession of Bauddha Vihars and Chaityas by force. BJP government has left nothing to wipe-out the name of Ashoka the great who spread Buddhism throughout the world. BJP government replaced Ashok Stambha with the photo of Gandhi, as Gandhi was the hard-core Brahminist. RSS never raised national flag because it contained Ashok-Chakra. Then why the same Arya-Brahmins have shown overwhelming love for Buddha when Taliban rulers of Afghanistan decided to demolish Buddha statues in Bamiyan ? If Muslim rulers were so strongly opposed to Buddha, how these statues remained intact till now ? Then what caused the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan to demolish them ?

In fact, Arya-Brahmins themselves have provoked Taliban rulers to demolish Buddha statues. After demolishing Babari Mosque, Arya-Brahmins once again declared Buddha as 9th reincarnation of God Vishnu. From year 1997 to 1999 Sarnath, Bodhgaya, Modinagar, Meerut, and in Lumbini eight time Hindu-Buddhist conferences were organized and Buddha's Dhamma was declared as a branch of Hindu religion. To threaten Pakistan, nuclear explosion was done at Pokharan in Rajastan on the very day of Buddha Jayanti (Birth day of Buddha) and were widely advertised declaring "Buddha smiled over these explosions". Arya-Brahminists deliberately created hatred for Buddha in Muslim countries. Because there was no Hindu idols of Hindu God-Goddesses in Afghanistan. Therefore, Taliban avenged Babari Mosque demolition by demolishing Buddha statues. Therefore, the Congress, BJP, and RSS family organizations are culprit who provoked Talibans to destroy Buddha statues in Bamiyan.

Did our Bahujan brothers ever thought that why the Manu-media kept on shedding false tears over the demolition of Buddha statue ? Why they came on road in processions to protest the demolition of Buddha statues ? The evil intentions of Arya-Brahminists were as under :-

1) RSS family organizations wanted to create enmity between Muslims and Buddhists throughout the world and engineer riots between them. This is Zionist agenda being implemented by Tri-Iblis allover the world.

2) Availing this opportunity RSS family organizations wanted to establish that the Buddhist religion is a branch of Brahmin religion and Buddha is 9th incarnation of Brahmin-God Vishnu.

3) Calling Buddha's Dhamma a branch of Brahmin religion RSS family organizations wanted to spread Brahmin religion all over the world.

Vishva Hindu Parishad calling Buddha's Dhamma an inseparable branch of Brahmin religion, intensified campaign to muster support for the construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya. This campaign which was launched by one central minister of BJP government was successful in installing statues of Krishna and Ram left and right of Buddha's statue in a Buddha Vihar of Tokyo (Japan). Saints all over India has given approval to the formula of Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti {who now in facing murder charge} under which Buddhist-Hindu conferences shall be organized in 52 countries to find out basis of better coordination {further polluting Buddhism with Manuism} between Buddhism and Brahmin religion. (Nav-Bharat, 16th July 2003)

4) The Arya-Brahmins wanted that rapidly increasing cooperation among OBC, Dalit, Muslims and Adivasis be turned into hate and the work of thousands of aware Bahujans is destroyed in no time.

5) In Thailand and other eastern countries Buddhist and Muslims are living amicably. Arya-Brahminists wanted to create enmity between them and drag Buddhist countries in Zionist front of Tri-Iblis which is already at war with Islam and humanitarian, anti-exploitation culture of Islam.

Is it sensible to pay such a heavy cost for lifeless stone statues of Buddha ? The Muslim masses of India giving the proof of their awareness, came forward to condemn the demolition of Buddha statues at Bamiyan. All Muslim countries also condemned this demolition and turned the conspiracy of Brahminists to create riots and spread hate all over the world an utter failure.

While condemning demolition of Buddha statues, it was the duty of anti-Manuist Dalit organizations to expose the evil plots of Brahminists behind their fake tears and launch an awareness campaign throughout the world against evil intentions of Brahminists.

But few Dalit leaders who are the stooges of Arya-Brahmins and dance at the movement of the fingers of Arya-Brahmins, went to the extent of organizing protest march in unison with the fascist RSS family organizations. Some stooge Dalit leaders even demanded that the Arya-Brahmin government of India should immediately attack Afghanistan. It means, for the demolition of few stone statures life of thousands of indigenous Bahujans be sacrificed to appease Arya-Brahmin vengeance upon Bahujans. But it was a very proud thing that indigenous Bahujans of India did not take interest in the protest marches of these stooge leaders. In many places counting all stooge leaders not even hundred persons could be gathered in their protest marches.

Brahminists know very well that tying the shoelaces of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar, is a big thing because Arya-Brahminists do not even deserve to lick the boot-soles of our Bahujan liberation warriors. In spite of that they humiliate our liberation warriors in their writings and comments so that such unworthy Brahminist leaders, authors or media persons should get fame free of cost and their Brahminist Arya-Brahmin brothers could declare them a great intellectual and his books could be sold widely. Even the indigenous Bahujans make such authors who abuse their liberation warriors rich by purchasing such abusive books. Can there be any greater proof than this to prove that to what extent Bahujan intellectuals are devoid of intellect ? To make such filthy Arya-Brahminist writers more popular, the so called Bahujan intellectuals gather to condemn such Arya-Brahminists and even write separate books on them.

Would the followers of Fule, Stalin, Ambedkar, Periyar praise Manu-Smriti, Manu and Brahmin religion ? Then why should Arya-Brahmins praise our liberation warriors who have send mortal blows to Arya-Brahmin exploitation system ? Why we Bahujans should expect that they should praise our liberation warriors who are their hard-core enemies. Do our liberation warriors need praise and approval of Arya-Brahmins to establish their greatness ?

The stooge leaders by opposing such Brahminist writers try to hunt three birds in one arrow :- 1) By trying to create riots among Bahujan sections on this issue they are fulfilling the intention of Arya-Brahmins. 2) Try to pose themselves hero in the eyes of Bahujans pretending followers of our Bahujan warriors and 3) suggesting Arya-Brahmins that your unworthy Arya-Brahmin author has simply expressed his hate for Bahujan liberation warriors and you gave him such a big prize ? While I have buried the very thoughts of Bahujan liberation warriors and killed their mission, what prize you are going to give me ?

From Tirupati Balaji to Jagannath Mandir, all of them were Buddhist Vihars. In spite of that the stooge Dalit leaders and Vishva Bauddha Sangh decided to file a petition in supreme court of India claiming that the Babari mosque is not built on Ram temple but is was built on Buddha Vihar therefore it should be handed over to Buddhists. (Nav-Bharat, 17th March 2003) Vishva Bauddha Sangh said that the court has agreed to investigate whether the cite was a mosque, Ram Temple or a Buddha Vihar ? Therefore, Shankaracharya should not only talk in terms of mosque and Ram temple (Lokmat Samachar, 30th June 2003) Bhante Arya Nagarjun Surai Sasai demanded the inclusion of Bauddha laborers in the digging of disputed site because Buddhists also have a claim on the site. Sasai made fabulous praises of prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyi and said that he is very nice person and leader of very high quality. (Lokmat Samachar, 6th June 2003) The main question is why all these stooge Dalit leaders, the so called Visha Bauddha Sangh and Surai Sasai did not file a petition claiming all ancient temples of Brahmin religion as Buddhist ? Claiming only Babari mosque site these stooges of Brahmin exploitation system have strengthened the claim of Arya-Brahmins that "Babri mosque was not present on the site from the very beginning". It is obvious that these stooges have filed petition on the instigation of their Arya-Brahmin bosses. In spite of that hypocritically they are posing themselves well-wishers of Muslims.

One such stooge Dalit leader, to convert Dhamma of Buddha in to a religion of Brahminist rituals, arranged a conversion conference and converted himself to Buddhism. He also changed his old name. From his so called conversion following pertinent questions arose :-

1. This conversion did not make any basic change in the religious standing of the so called convertible because they were the followers of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and therefore the followers of Buddhist teachings. In this conference they simply had to declare themselves Buddhists and not changing their religion on legal documents. That would have deprived them of reservation facility.

2) The Buddhism preached by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Bhimyan Buddhism) is true teachings of Buddha free from adulteration of the poison of Brahmin religion. It negates priesthood, ritualism, prayers, and supernatural power. But the book published by the same stooge Dalit leader aims to convert Buddha's Dhamma into a religion of Brahminist rituals. Therefore it becomes obvious that this stooge Dalit leader Udit Raj is working for Arya-Brahmin exploiters and is a betrayer of Bahujan mission.

Dr. Abraham Kavoor, great rationalist, in his book " Gods, Demons and Spirit" mentions that after the death of Buddha in his teachings (religious books) all those things were included against which Buddha fought tooth and nail in his life. According to Hon., Suresh Jadhav the first destruction of Buddhist teachings was accomplished by Brahmins. The second destruction of Buddhism is being accomplished by its Dalit followers who are promoting and spreading Brahminist Vipasyana (technique of making conscious mind inactive) and rituals of Brahmin religion. ( Dalit Voice, 1-15 Sept., 2002)

Most of Buddhist monks are turned in to exact replica of Brahmin priests. Baudh Gaya, Ajanta, Elora, and other Buddhist places are already in the possession of Arya-Brahmins and priests of Brahmin religion. Now they are eying on Dikshabhumi (place where Dr. B. R. Ambedkar converted his followers to Buddhism)

Since last several decades, leaders of RSS family organizations has started visiting the Dikshabhumi and propagating Buddhism as a branch of Brahman religion. Stooge Dalit leaders are helping RSS evil schemes befooling masses. Brahminist industrialist Goenka in the name of propagating Brahminist technique Vipasyana have been putting his beds and beddings in Dikshabhumi. Goenka's lectures and preachings in Dikshabhumi are translated in Marathi by stooge Dalit leader R. S. Gavai who heads Diksha Bhumi. To infest Buddhism with the superstitions of Brahmin religion is hard-core Arya-Brahmin agenda being implemented by such stooges. All stooge Dalit leaders and so called Dalit intellectuals are competing each other in calling Brahminist Goenka as their "Guruji" (teacher) and "Vipasyanacharya". They are showering boundless praise on Goenka and his so called Vipasyana. It is not without reason that the Manuist Congress made this stooge R.S. Gawai, a governor of Bihar. This is sufficient enough to expose their readiness and eagerness to be sold in the hands of best bidder Arya-Brahmins and stab in the back of Bahujan masses.

The way the Dhamma of Buddha is poisoned with superstitions, ritualism and traditions of Brahmin religion the time is not far off when the Diksha Bhumi will be controlled by priests of Brahmin religion in the protection of Manuist judiciary, police, RSS, Bajarang Dal and other terrorist organizations of RSS. They will declare Buddhism as branch of Brahmin religion and Dikshabhumi as another pilgrimage of their Brahmin religion. Some Bahujans may find it strange but it is inevitable. Did anybody ever imagined that the a party of Bahujans which poses herself anti-Manuist and accuse Manuism day and night shall support candidates of BJP and RSS family organization in election conducted immediately after brutal massacre of Muslims in Gujarat ? This party not only supported these fascists, not only campaigned with them in unison and begged Bahujans to caste their vote in favor of BJP but also called victory of RSS family organizations as victory of Bahujan Samaj. Did ever Bahujans even speculated that the same party burying the slogan of Bahujan Hitay and clubbing exploited and exploiter class together will adapt a new slogan of Sarvajan Hitaya ?

5. Different Commissions are only Hallucinating Traps

Various national commissions such as SC / ST commission, Human rights commission, women's commissions, Children's commission, Labor commissions and commissions of United nations are organizations formed with intention to help exploiters and their exploiting system. 1) They stop toiling masses from joining the real struggle against exploitation of Tri-Iblis by creating false belief among common masses that they shall get justice through these commissions. These commissions, many times 1) make statements against exploitation, against government policies and against system to retain this illusion that they are pro toiling masses. By these statements they reduce anger of masses against the exploitation system. 2) Another purpose of these commissions is to give big posts to exploiter class / community members. Retired chief justice of Supreme court Mr. Anand who is a hard-core Brahminist was made chairman of Human Rights Commission. Charges of corruptions were leveled against Mr. Anand.

These commissions have no right to punish the culprits. They can simply recommend punishment to the culprits and relief to the victims. All such recommendations are usually thrown in to dust-bin by Arya-Brahmin governments. However occasionally partial justice is made so that toiling masses remain under the illusion created by these commissions in the same way as lottery is received by few persons but several crore of them run after lottery in the created greed.

All human right commissions are under the strong evil-grip of Arya-Brahmins who have no interest in giving justice to indigenous people. (Dalit Voice, p. 16-30, Sept., 2002, 15-28 February 2002 p. 10) This can be proved by following few examples.

People fighting for their rights are labeled as Naxalites and killed brutally by Arya-Brahminists in the hands of police and arm force men belonging to Bahujan communities; Dalits women are raped, their housed are looted and set to fire, they are driven away from their places where they were housing since centuries. Then these so called human right Arya-Brahmin activists reach the spot, shed false tears, pour hypocritical sympathy on victims, demand judicial inquiry and become their hero with the help of Manu-media and Manuist governments as after little yes and no government agree to their petty demand of judicial inquiry.

Usually a retired Brahminist judge is made chief of inquiry committee. Arya-Brahmin members and staff of inquiry committee enjoy fabulous salary and other benefits. Committee ask for extension to earn more money and delay the justice to Bahujans to maximum possible period. After many years report is produced in such a way that Brahminists are not harmed and the victimized indigenous people themselves are blamed some way or the other. CBI report on 1984 riots against Sikhs gave clean chit to Jagdish Titler is an example of this.

When the proofs against Arya-Brahmins are very strong their work is to dilute them to maximum possible limit and submit such report to the government or to the court. The Arya-Brahminist governments throw such reports to dust bin and decline to take any action against the culprit Arya Brahmins. Sri-Krishna commission report is one of such examples. The cycle of tortures, murders, massacres, rapes, looting unleashed on indigenous masses and appointing inquiry committees over them are continued in the Arya-Brahmin interest.

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission did not inquire personally about Chakawada Jaipur incident. It even did not use the services of its sub-inspector level police officer. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th Sept., 2002) National Human Rights Commission and Minority Commission called the worry of foreign countries over the shameless massacres of indigenous Muslims in Gujarat calling it "interference in the internal matter of India" and denounced them who condemned these brutal massacres. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th May 2002) National Human Rights Commission changing its earlier stand said that there was no need to conduct judicial cases related to state sponsored massacres of Muslims in Gujarat, outside Gujarat. (Navarashtra, 7th Sept., 2004)

The organization of Sikh widows whose husbands were killed in state sponsored massacres of Sikhs in 1984 under the very supervision of ruling Congress have alleged that they have pointed out the names of culprits of Sikh massacres several times before all levels of government administration and commissions but even after 18 years they did not receive any justice. (Nav-Bharat, 5thDec., 2002)

According to Subhash Gatade the role of previous president of Minority Commission had also became disputed. In meetings called to discuss the attacks on Christians, members of attacker fascist RSS family organizations were invited. Minority Commission kept mum over the provocative speeches delivered by fascist RSS family organizations. It also gave pro RSS statements, such as 1) Programs of Distributing Trishul weapon among the masses is not communal program hence, the fear of minorities is baseless, 2) it is essential to modernize Madarasas, 3) So far as the question of attacks on the Christians is concerned, there seems to be competition in giving wrong reports. No violence is committed upon the Christians. During last 53 years only three Christians are killed. 4) When Mr. Togadiya of Vishva Hindu Parishad was arrested in Rajastan for distributing Trishul weapons among Hindu masses, the Commission released such statements after he was released on bail. 5) The syllabus of Madarasas was beyond the jurisdiction of Minority Commission. In spite of that the Commission had ordered Madarasa chiefs to bring Madarasa-syllabus along with them. Hon., Subhash Gatade has expressed his fear that because the Minority Commission has so pleased RSS family organizations, therefore, the BJP government gave Mr. Tarlochan Singh, president of Minority Commission the status of cabinet mister and its vice-president as the status of state minister. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 August 2003)

On the contrary Minority Commission kept mum over the fact that in school books taught in Gujarat it is openly mentioned that the "Chaturvarna-System" is greatest gift of Aryans to mankind. (Lokmat Samachar, 6th July 2005) No commission has raised any objection over this.

America announced that it has refused visa to Mr. Narendra Modi on the basis of the report of National Human Rights Commission of India. On this president of NHRC called America liar and said that the report of the commission was limited only to Best bakery case. In this report, Modi or his state government was not considered responsible for riots. The comment of Commission was for government and not for Modi. Commission only expressed their views on police being not successful in controlling riots. But American government has used this report in exaggerated ways to deny visa to Modi. (Bhaskar, 20th March 2005) This statement of Mr. Anand reveals that how the very National Human Right Commission of India shamelessly has given a clean chit to Modi and his government for engineering massacres of Muslims which were condemned worldwide. Not only that, Being hard-core Brahminist Mr. Anand seemed to be very greatly injured by the refusal of visa by America to fascist Narendra Modi.

According to newspaper Inquelab, the way Congress president Mrs. Sonia Gandhi condemned America for refusing him American visa, demanded reconsideration of visa refusal, gave clean chit to fascist Modi and also related it to national pride; it looks as if in center no Congress but BJP government is ruling India. (Lokmat Samachar, 28th March 2005) Immediately after America refused Modi visa, Britain the lackey of America gave fascist Modi visa to come to London. This was as if giving "award" to fascist Modi for engineering state sponsored Muslim massacres in Gujarat. Thus, America on one hand refused visa but on other hand gave it through his lackey.

In fact, denying Modi, American visa is nothing but the joint drama of Manuists riding American and Indian governments. It was played for mutual benefit of Tri-Iblis. By denying visa to Modi, America wanted to hide its anti-Islam character. Similarly Arya-Brahmins of India by calling Muslim massacres of Gujarat insignificant and equating this visa denial to attack on "national pride" wanted to glorify Modi for engineering state sponsored massacres of Muslims. Therefore, fascist Modi was popularized as if he and RSS agenda against Muslims was a "national pride".

The whole drama was also fabricated because British visa was granted to Modi on the pretext to enable him to attend a musical function but the organizers of the program had never invited Modi to attend their musical program. (Nav-Bharat, 24th March 2005) After this fraud was revealed, the way in which Modi's visa was cancelled it proved a complete coordination between BJP and Congress. This also proved beyond doubt that Congress is an integral part of RSS family organizations.

Two reports were given regarding Zajjar incident in Haryana, India where Dalits were killed. First report belonged to investigation commission headed by Rohtak range Commissioner Mr. Banswal. Another report belonged to National Commission of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Both the reports protected Jats who had killed Dalits. Police were declared not guilty and all guilt was attributed to Dalits. Both the reports were kept secret. Neither it was mentioned why the crowd had became so violent nor the role of police was mentioned. In both the reports Bajrang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad were declared innocent and not guilty. In fact, according to authorized sources two big personalities of Vishva Hindu Parishad were inciting crowd. Giriraj Kishore of Vishva Hindu Parishad openly declared that he has nothing to sorry for the killings of the Dalits. All the persons who were arrested were released within two months on bail and were given grand felicitation on their reaching to village. (Daliton Par Badhate Hamalo Ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p.5, New Vists publication)

National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in its report said that because crowd did not know that the killer of cow were Dalits. They were under presumption that they are Muslims. Therefore there can be no case under SC / ST atrocity act. This can not be considered as attack on Muslims because crowd did not have information that they were Muslims. Commission said that considering the religious sentiments of majority community, they should not have taken out the skin of the cows. (Dalito Par Badhate Hamalo Ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p.5, New Vists publication)

In Durban a conference was organized by united nations against racial discrimination. Several participants cited incidences of all sorts of atrocities on Dalits and alleged that State Human Rights Commissions instead of protecting the human rights of Dalits have put their cases aside.

In this conference foreign state minister of India, {Pandit} Umar Farooq stated that the talks about communal violence on Dalits is only a myth and in reality no atrocity is committed on them. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th September 2002) SC /ST people of India come under section 1 of "International Convention of All Forms of Discriminations". In 1998 Indian government had also agreed to its definition. Therefore in yearly meeting conducted in Geneva Indian government needed to submit its two yearly report. Indian government sent its all reports from year 1986 to 1996 in which it was claimed that no atrocity is committed on SC / ST people in India. There is court to look in to the rare incidences. Chairman of Human Rights Commission had to object to these reports. { because in the reports of Human Right commission there is a list of reported atrocities committed on SC /ST people.} After that government of India stopped sending any report. (Dalit Sahitya, 2002, p. 153)

Did not in south India Dalit student Thannam's eyes were pierced because she had dared to take drinking water from the clay pot of school ? In Himachal Pradesh village Panchayat of upper castes had boycotted a Dalit family because they had stopped their ancestral profession of beating drums in the religious rituals of upper castes and had started the profession of sewing clothes. When home minister of Rajastan government openly call SC / ST atrocity act as a 'Disease" and "headache" and that too while inaugurating a police station; and Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, and Mr. Rajnath Singh openly declare their intention to abolish this act, one can easily understand the upper caste pressure in favor of caste system. Therefore, when Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati who herself is a Dalit and declares that this act shall be imposed only in killings and rapes one can understand the intensity of this pressure. With this declaration of Mayawati, upper caste people can rejoice because they shall without fearing this act now they can break legs and hands of Dalits or parade Dalit women naked in public. When state has reached to such level to retain caste system how can Dalits use any of their human rights ? (Lokmat Samachar, 12 September 2002)

Whenever there are complaints giving solid proofs against the Arya-Brahmin officers, the Human Rights Commission, SC / ST Commission, and other commissions of India do not give reply to the victims of Brahmanism. But when an isolated event in the same chain of injustice is reported, these commissions promptly reply that "this is service matter, commission can not intervene". According to Hon., Pradip Kumar Mourya he continuously wrote to National SC/ ST commission about the injustice being made and he being mentally tortured by Arya-Brahmin officers, but never knew what commission did to his complaints. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, P. 199)

We salute Hon. Pradip Kumar Mourya who kept on resisting Arya-Brahmin attrocities and wrote a book " Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan" to aware his fellow Bahujans about the brutal Brahminism and exposed true face of commissions.

Government of India had ceased the passport of Mr. V. T. Rajshekar, editor of Dalit voice, in year 1986 alleging that he criticizes Brahmin religion in his meetings abroad,. Mr. Rajshekar could get back his passport only after a period more than 18 years. No human right commission spoke a single word in his favor.

In central jail of Nagpur, many of 15 detainees under TADA are waiting for their trial since last 10-12 years. They are already kept captive for the alleged crimes for more period than their maximum possible jail term. As per police record, Naxalite Bhimmanna Deva Soyam, Dadaram Varhade, Mod Halami, Rajendra Anna alias Rajendra Kamble is jailed since last 8-12 years. In India TADA is non-existent since 1995 but its prisoners are still facing TADA charges. No special courts were organized for Tada. (Lokmat Samachar, 16th February 2004) M. D. M. leader and member of parliament Mr. Waiko who was charged under POTA for his speech in support of LTTE. Even after 156 days no charge sheet was filed against him in the court. In spite of his being a member of parliament no chair was offered to him (Nav-Bharat, 18th December 2002) No Human right commission did anything to give him justice.

According to Joseph Stalin, {the savior of toiling masses of the world from the slavery of Hitler} League of Nations is a curtain to hide the cunning imperialist intentions. The "League of Nations" was formed to hide the war preparations of the imperialist countries. Soviet Union is not a member of "League of Nations" nor it participate in the activities of league because league of nations in its decisions permit imperialist countries to exploit, loot and suppress their colonies. Soviet Union can not participate in the activities of league of nations because Soviet Union is against this exploitation, loot and suppression of imperialist colonies. Soviet Union is against imperialist wars therefore, Soviet Union does not participate in the activities of league of nations because Soviet Union does not want to take responsibility of the war preparations which are going behind the curtain of League of Nations. League of Nations is merely a stage to befool masses by its deceitful declarations. (J. Stalin Works, Vol.10: Aug.-Dec. 1927, p. 212-13)

League of Nations speaks continuously of peace, disarmament, reducing quantity of arms but it results in more intensified competition of arms. It is not just coincidence that league of nation since last three years are creating noise of peace and reduction of arms and hypocritically the second international is also supporting it, but amidst this noise imperialists countries are equipping themselves with more and more arms and created more conflicts. When comrade Litvinov proposed that all countries should become completely armless, all imperialist countries became dumb and paralyzed. The purpose of league of nations is to remove attention of people from the war preparations of imperialists countries. Previously in the support of arm competition it was said that Germany has armed itself from head to feet. But now Germany is a defeated country and is completely disarmed. Then what is the rationale for present arm competition ? (J. Stalin Works, Vol.10: Aug.-Dec. 1927, p. 286-87)

United Nations from the very beginning is a weapon of imperialist countries to facilitate their exploitation. This was the very purpose of its formation. Therefore no imperialist country ever bothered for its decisions. America even did not allow secretary general of united nations to visit Kashmir. (p. 73, Pakistan Forum Series -7, Vision of Pakistan)

The decisions of general assembly of united nations are not obligatory (mandatory) as they are recommendations simply. America-Vietnam war issue was never brought to united nations because all countries knew that America will veto it. The international court of united nations is in Hague, in the capital of Netherlands and is called as peace palace. No imperialist country ever bothered about this court. Australia and New Zealand appealed to this court in May 1973 to prevent France from its proposed nuclear explosions considering environmental considerations. France defying court, instead of doing nuclear explosion in his land did nuclear explosion in south pacific ocean. Defying the orders of court in 1971 the racist South African government retained its illegal government, administration and presence in Namibia. (Narasimhan, C.V., The United Nations, An Inside View, p.55,51,.42-43)

The so called multinational peace keeping force formed by united nations to fulfill the evil intentions of imperialist countries, unleash all kinds of terror on indigenous people fighting to protect their human rights and against exploitation and torture.

In Kango even after the military inquiry has begun about the atrocities committed by peace keeping forces of united nations, the peace keeping forces are still continuing rapes and sexual torture upon women and children in Kango. Because, united nations can simply request concerned country to punish peace keeping soldiers belonging to his country and most of the governments do not punish their soldiers for such inhuman crimes. Thus this problem has become very widespread and severe. Due to fear of further victimization and being afraid of humiliation in society, most of the incidences remain unreported. (Lokmat Samachar, 9th January 2005)

The Red Cross (and other so-called large charities) are secret intelligence and money collection agencies of the British Intelligence Services since their inception. The Red Cross is very adept at stealing money and looting mail. They were caught innumerable times, but always allowed to get away.

After the San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and banked the rest. Similar donations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 were greedily withheld. Tsunami was a great money-making opportunity for the Red Cross. It called for donations in cash only.

Under the Liberty Fund, Red Cross collected $564 million in donations after 9/11. Months after the event, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million. Then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly stated, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund…" The rest of the money would be used in ' war on terror'. This meant the money was going towards bombing third world countries like Afghanistan and setting up surveillance cameras and expanding the police state in US cities, and not in helping the victims of disasters.

The illuminati want indigenous population of the world to be decreased by more than 40% (whom they call useless eaters ) by means of wars, genocide, famine, global disasters and disease, to name a few. This plan called as Global 2000 plan under Club of Rome sponsorship, was adopted by President Carter in 1979. Former World Bank head Robert McNamara said, "One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. .. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How ? By Famine and sickness."

Club of Rome declaration said : "The World has Cancer, and the Cancer is Man." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991 mentioned "The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day."

Global Biodiversity Assessment calls for human population to be reduced from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade ? (reference GBA Section For the above, The National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy was established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger.

Prince Philip of Great Britain (Photo), leader of World Wildlife Fund said "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population."

Many diseases, foods and medicines are deliberately made to weaken and control people. Masses are being eliminated very specifically by biological germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the elimination of those less genetically favorable … Our food is being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and substances like aspartame. ….They view this as a massive genetic cleanup." (Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control slave by Brice Taylor p281)

HIV made its way into African Blacks through a vaccination program for Smallpox in Africa by the WHO in 1972.

On May 11, 1987 Science Editor Pearce Wright wrote an article in London Times "Small pox vaccine triggered AIDS virus". The World Health Organization began a 13-year small pox vaccination program in Third World countries ending in 1981. The vaccine was contaminated with the AIDS virus. Though WHO has admitted through its own investigation that the vaccine was contaminated, it suppressed its findings. The genocidal and depopulation implications of this suppressed story can be found on the Internet by Googling "W.H.O. Murdered Africa", by William Campbell Douglas, M.D.

Figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead. To date, over 30 million people have died of AIDS worldwide. Among them, almost 70% have died in Africa which is main target on the depopulation agenda.

"My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business (medicine) is that the unofficial policy of the WHO and the unofficial policy of the 'Save the Children Fund' and …. (other vaccine promoting ) organizations is one of murder and genocide" - Dr. Archie Kalokerinos MBBS, PhD FAPM

Vaccines developed by the United Nations (WHO) with Bill Gates' money secretly contained poisonous chemicals which kill babies inside the mothers' womb. In 1999, the American Life League was horrified to discover that UN vaccines were being used as hidden depopulation "bombs" as the following news report indicates : Gates-Sponsored Vaccine Program a Depopulation Measure ? Washington, Dec. 14 (—The American Life League, confronted software mogul Bill Gates last week, telling him that a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccination program undertaken with Gates' sponsorship bears striking resemblance to a similar WHO program which was exposed as a measure to involuntarily sterilize young women in the Philippines. The women were given the tetanus vaccine combined with a chemical called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) to create an anti-pregnancy agent. The BBC, in conjunction with the Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, reported that many Filipino women suffered spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine, which creates an immune response to pregnancy in the mother's body. The Gates funded program of WHO in several developing countries, is aimed only at women in their childbearing years.

Activities of various commissions of united nations are organized to help the oppressors and exploiters of imperialist multinational companies.

The Human Rights and other various commissions of united nations work for imperialist countries that 1) They threaten developing countries regarding human right conditions in their countries, problems of women, injustice and atrocities on women, children and other sections to compel developing countries to sign agreements beneficial to imperialist countries. Once such agreements are signed their threats on these issues also stop. 2) United nation and its various committees celebrates women's day, children's day, antismoking day, environment day, anti-Aids day, anti-polio day and what not, and start campaigns with intention to i) fool toiling masses that much is being done for their welfare and ii) the developing countries are forced to launch campaigns against various diseases to profit medicine companies of imperialist countries. 3) No problem (such as problem of women or problems of bonded labors) have ever solved by celebrating these days and launching a day's or a week's campaign. The only purpose behind these celebrations and campaigns is to create illusion that much is done for toiling masses. 4) they do everything to see that the common masses instead of solving their basic problems by bitter struggle against the exploitation system should keep hope in these agencies of exploiters. 5) imperialist countries by organizing conferences against racism, against exploitation and so on through the united nations select middle and super middle class intellectual stooges who can act as their puppets and work for imperialist interest at the same time deceiving toiling masses with their shallow revolutionary jargons. In many countries imperialists have installed puppet governments using these intellectual puppets. Therefore, exploiters of imperialist countries carefully increase the importance of their lackeys and do everything to ignore and put obstacles in the way of genuine revolutionary mass leaders.

Amnesty International of London did not oppose American invasion on Iraq and Afghanistan where thousands of citizens were brutally killed in American bombing These commissions in fact, enjoyed American attack because dying people were Muslims. But when in Zimbabwe the hungry black people attacked white landlords, the same Human Right organizations and Manu-Media such as BBC made extreme noise. (V.T. Rajshekar, Shape of the things to come, p.31)

6. Any escape from dependency on leaders ?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar agreed to frame constitution of India only to provide adequate safeguards to depressed communities. Dr. Ambedkar knew that the Arya-Brahmin exploiters would see by all means that the constitutional safeguards for depressed classes are never implemented. Therefore Dr. Ambedkar warned Arya-Brahmins that if this constitution failed to provide rights to oppressed masses of India, they will burn this very constitution. According to Dr. Ambedkar, people say that I am the architect of Indian constitution. ….. but my answer is I was helpless in incorporating all that which never wanted to include". In Rajyasabha Dr. Ambedkar angrily answered "Sir, my friend says that I have framed the constitution but I am ready to say that I shall be first person to burn this constitution. I do not want this constitution. This constitution does not suit anybody". (KOVENA, Towards Emancipation, p.113-14)

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar believed in the power of masses. According to Dr. Ambedkar, masses forget that they are self-ruled therefore, after electing their representatives they free them to rule on themselves. (Dr. Ambedkar, pp. 64-65, Kamgar Chalval (labour Movement)).

Therefore unless the masses are not aware and have become powerful enough to control the leaders of the organization, till then nothing can be expected from such organizations. We must understand this fully that we can not think protection of depressed classes and measures for their betterment by these electioneering party leaders unless aware masses with their extreme Jihadi strength are able to control these leaders.

What will be the fate of riding a horse devoid of bridle. How can he reach to destination riding such a horse ? What else than the accident can be expected by riding a can without brakes and steering wheel ? Unless aware common masses with their Jihadi strength are in position to bridle and control these electioneering "horses and mares" till then they will have to be driven themselves at the whims of these selfish, aristocratic horses-mares. Till then they will have to run after them carrying "green-grass" for them. Sometimes they will have to bear their hind kicks. Therefore, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has insisted upon educating (creating awareness) and agitating masses for their rights.

Majority of toiling masses have no alternative but either to remain in any "ready-made" organization or sit calmly in home because the toiling masses who work eight to 10 hours daily can not find time to run their own organization even at the level of a city. If they collect few honest people, they can at the most form a little group, who after shouting for some time automatically calms down.

When a toiler finds some additional income source and sufficient time to devote in organization, there are every chances that his mentality changes in a very short time as the changing circumstances have potential to change our outlook. This can be proved by following few examples :-

1) In jam-packed general compartment of train when inside crowd prevent you from entering into the compartment, you accuse insiders, give your own logic and forcibly rush into compartment. When train arrives at next station you along with insiders try to prevent incoming rush by giving arguments contrary to your earlier arguments. This is live example of how a person changes at the change of circumstances.

2) When you were studying in school you had very close friends. You spent your day and nights together. But now even though you reside in the same city when you meet them accidentally you have a little formal talk and you depart. This change in your relations is bound to occur because now you are not dependent on each others for the satisfaction of mutual needs.

3) After getting married the behavior of lovers get changed because of new responsibilities which were not present when they were simply lovers. Therefore, change in their role is inevitable as consequence of changed circumstances.

In the same way once a toiler is able to get better income source and become a member of middle class, change in his attitudes is most likely. Therefore, whether he will retain the same loyalty for proletariat class is difficult to predict. Only those aware persons who are emotionally, ideologically and by all aspirations are dedicated to the cause of proletariat remain faithful to the mission till the end. But the number of such persons is very very negligible. Because only upper-middle class can give their full time to party or can appoint party full-timers, therefore, in the name of working class, usually upper-middle class or rich always hold the reins of organizations. In due course such organizations of exploited workers, peasants have disintegrated and turned pro-exploitation or lackeys of exploiters.

Exploited oppressed masses always relied on leaders for their emancipation. Party workers become active when their party leaders assign them any responsibility. The role of party workers or masses is limited in listening lectures, participating in processions, shouting slogans, spreading and folding druggets or carpers, giving votes and monetary contribution and collecting contribution for party. These activities number 4-5 times in a whole year. When the role of masses is so limited how the masses can hold the roots of such organizations ? And the organizations whose roots are not firmly hold by masses such trees (organizations) how can be saved from the attraction wave of exploiters and falling and drowning themselves under the filthy marsh of Brahmanism ?

Arya-Brahmin exploiters use every "Sam – Dam – Dand – Bhed" (equal treatment, Money, Punishment, execution) policy to bring party's national, state, district, and city branches in the hands of persons selfish, inefficient, and devoid of self respect. Such leaders are always on the pay roll of the Arya-Brahmin exploiters. Their main task is to run the party organization at the directions of Arya-Brahmin exploiters. Such selfish leaders might have got elected opposing Brahmanist parties but they have always been protecting and supporting exploited governments openly or secretly.

Such selfish leaders basically are parasites by nature. As the incapable idle squanderer spend father's wealth on his lust and luxury till retaining a begging bowl. In the same way, by deceiving toiling masses (because masses are easily deceivable) in the name of their liberation warriors obtain money and votes and fulfill their own selfish interests. As the parasite vine sucks the green tree till it is dried and died completely, in the same way these selfish parasite leaders getting hold of the revolutionary Bahujan organization cause them to die.

Another specialty of such parasite leaders is that they want to retain every power in their own hands or in the hands of their group. Whether it is a women's front, students' front, party publication, party organization, they want to lead every event. Therefore, the condition of their organizations become like "nothing worthy but lot of rags". Because they themselves are inefficient, they gather around them the inefficient "shallow talkers". From top to bottom of the organization the same structure is observed. Such organizations can not even bend a single hair of exploiter Arya-Brahminist.

7. Fraud of Indirect Activities !

Any activity which weakens Brahmanist religion, culture, and weaken the grip of their exploitation system and unite toiling masses against exploitation in the direction of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is a missionary activity. Because the unaware toiling masses are unable to differentiate between direct missionary activities and indirect activities, the selfish leaders of Bahujan organizations posing themselves Bahujanwadi, are serving Brahmanism.

Calling public meetings, solving minor problems, launching processions, organizing people in organization etc. are indirect activities used by every kind of organizations to strengthen their organizations. Therefore, these indirect activities are not missionary activities.

Organization is simply a "tool" to achieve objectives. But when the "tool" is confused with the objectives, masses are bound to be deceived. No matter how you sharpen your axe, it has no use unless you cut the wood with it. The stooge leaders of Bahujan organizations gathering unaware crowd (sharpening axe) use this crowd in the interest of Arya-Brahmins (cutting your rights into pieces). Unaware masses always looked at the shining of the axe but they never watched where it is hitting, on whom it hits.

The lackeys (agents) of exploiters can be divided into following categories.

The first kind of agents are "salaried agents" who receive their salary form Arya-Brahmin exploiters or their government in lieu of services they render. Their main task is to see that the struggle of oppressed masses should never take a right direction and keep on masses busy in routine insignificant activities not harmful to exploitation system. To achieve this objective all governments implant their agents in revolutionary organizations.

When these agents of the exploiters realize that awareness of common masses and party workers is so high that it is impossible to stop the genuine revolutionary struggle, struggle will go on whether they support or oppose it, then they immediately changing their stance ride the struggle pretending most revolutionary by their super revolutionary jargons. They even do not hesitate to call others less revolutionary. Arya-Brahmin policy is "go with the storm for a while to defeat the storm". Following this policy they even succeed in becoming top rank leaders and betray the struggle by every available means and whenever they find an opportunity to do so. Malinovosky in spite of being an agent of secret service of Tsar succeeded in becoming leader of Russian Communist party (Bolshevik), a member of Russian Duma (parliament) and acquired position next to Lenin. He was responsible of arrest of Joseph Stalin in the hands of police. If he was not exposed accidentally from the government records that he was on their pay roll, he would have succeeded in becoming president of Russian Communist party after the death of Lenin.

It is also revealed that Arya-Brahmins riding the Communist party of India were in fact paid agents of British government. Arya-Brahmin exploiters have also implanted their paid agents in Bahujanwadi organizations.

The second type of agents are "bait-catching agents". As a dog is prompt in catching the piece of food thrown at him, in the same way this kind of leaders are always alert to catch the opportunities available within the exploitation system. This kind include all selfish leaders of indigenous Bahujans, their stooges, intellectuals committed to entangle Bahujan minds in worthless thoughts, issues and work in order to be honored by exploiter governments or by their agencies. This kind also consist of so called social workers who in the name of social service, education etc., receive grants from government or other foreign agencies. It also include persons seeking license, quota, permits, posts, and party tickets. They work only for their selfish objectives. Bait-catching agents are spineless persons devoid of self-respect.

Caste war was going on in Gujarat. The house of Congress M.P. Mr. Hiralal Parmar was burnt to ashes, women were raped and many Dalits were killed. When Mr. Parmar in Parliament was requesting to provide protection to Dalits in Gujarat, many Congress M.Ps. rushed to Mr. Parmar and beat him in the very parliament. Among the attackers most of the members of parliament belonged to Gujarat state. Neither then prime minister Indira Gandhi nor the speaker could stop this beating of a Dalit member of parliament. Parmar's only crime was that he was asking protection to his innocent Dalit caste men. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan, pp. 200-201) Throwing foot-wears or insulting Dalit representatives in parliament or in assembly are not rare cases. In year 1959 central minister Jagjiwan Ram during debate, become sad over the behavior of one of his Congress M.P. and said to him that "rope is burned but spin has not gone". In reply this Congress M.P. thrown his foot-wears at Mr. Jagjiwan Ram. No debate was made over this big incident. In the decade of 1980 the member of parliament Mr. Randhan rushed to attack Mr. Jagjiwan Ram calling him by his caste name. Two decades before, a senior member of congress MLA Mr. Radhakrishna Kishore was beaten by Savarna member in the very Bihar assembly. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2004, pp. 23-24)

Similarly, Jagannath Pahadia, the chief minister of Rajasthan (a Dalit) was afraid of Brahmins to the extent of phobia. He had no courage to undo injustice made upon Hon. Pradip Kumar Maurya (a Dalit officer) by Arya-Brahmin higher officers. When a Dalit Chief minister of Congress feels himself incapable of giving justice to a Dalit, and who even did not show courage like Mr. Parmar by raising voice in the protection of Dalits, how one can hope of any justice be given to Dalits in Rajastan. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan, pp. 200-201) Arya-Brahmin members make fun of Dalit, Adivasi and OBC members and insult them by filthy comments. Many SC / ST members humiliated by insult have shed tears from their eyes.

In spite of all such humiliation Bahujans stooges and lackeys remain in the parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership and loose their every self respect simply to live the life of luxury and lusts. They can do anything, even they betray their own Bahujan community to lick the cream of chair . Therefore Arya-Brahmin exploiters are never bothered about them.

There are also "bait-catching" agents among the Arya-Brahmins who are working under Bahujan parties, governments and under Bahujan officers. But the basic deference between "bait-catching" Arya-Brahmin agents and indigenous "bait-catching" agents is that while the latter always keep wagging his tail and licking feet of Arya-Brahmins in the hope of yet another bait and is always chewing whatever is thrown at him; on the contrary the former look for and avail every opportunity to "chew the bait-thrower" and capture his whole stock. Using the same policy Arya-Brahmins took possession of Bahujan empires.

Therefore every Arya-Brahminist advice his fellowmen that until you do not make foreign capitalists your disciples do not to trust any indigenous Bahujan and avenge them with the help of their Bibhishans, Hanumans and Sugrivs. Never confide in them nor assign them very vital task. They are just hired persons who betray their own community. When they can deceive their own people they can also deceive us. (B. Shyamsunder, Bhu Devtaon Ka Manifesto (Manifewsto of Arya-Brahmins)) Arya-Brahmins apply the same policy for persons such as Bangaru Laxam, Uma Bharati, Kalyan Singh etc Bahujans of their organization BJP.

Another main difference between the Arya-Brahmin and Bahujan "bait-catching agents" is that Arya-Brahmin agents are completely dedicated to Brahminism while the Bahujans have always been proving themselves traitors to their own community.

The third kind of agents are "helpless-lots". Such persons are compelled to obey Arya-Brahmin exploiters otherwise they may be implicated for the crimes and misappropriations or immoral acts they have committed. Several such politicians have no alternatives but to concede to Arya-Brahmin wishes.

The main tasks performed by agents of Arya Brahmins is following :-

1) To entangle Bahujans in insignificant thoughts, issues and activities that produce no result in the direction of Bahujanwad. Such activities waste money, efforts and precious time of Bahujans and their struggle is weakened and the Bahujans develop frustration.

2) By imposing their leadership on Bahujans, they appease Arya-Brahmins by victimizing Bahujans in craftily devised riots between different Bahujans communities or killing and injuring Bahujans in Police firing or caning.

3) These agents never want missionary activities are implemented. They show their unwillingness to such activities, they avoid or delay missionary activities, create various obstacles in missionary activities, and insist upon the implementation of wrong policy. By their indirect non-missionary activities they pose what a great missionary work is being done. But in fact, their work always help enemy. For example :-

1) Make people inactive in the name of creating awareness among them :- Basic need is to aware toiling masses who leave their homes early in morning and after hard labor return late in evening. Therefore, if the meetings are called they should be called in areas where toiling masses live. If such "awareness meetings" help in creating unity among the various sections of Bahujans, influence of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system is loosened then such a meeting is missionary work. But if the formality of conducting meeting is completed, people are bored with long lectures full of meaningless jargons, then only few have satisfied pangs of their leadership instinct at the expense of Bahujan time, money and manpower.

In lectures arranged in halls, usually educated persons attracted towards Bahujanwad come. To train them in educating and awakening toiling masses is basic requirement. But such persons are repeated "all time recited" lectures. Unaware / half-baked workers / participants think that a great missionary work is done and get peaceful sleep. Thus, the program which should have been the starting point of Bahujanwadi Jihad becomes its "full-stop" by keeping Bahujans away from doing missionary work. In this way a Brahminism is being served by such lackeys and stooges of Arya-Brahmins.

2) paralyzing Bahujans with Ritualism and name-worship :- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had said to his Dalit community men in a meeting organized in Sidhartha college on 17th August 1952 that instead of singing praise for me, it is better if you devote your every energy in struggle against exploitation of Dalit masses, this is what I consider most important. (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane, p. 125 (very famous lectures of Dr. Ambedkar)) Aware followers give every importance to the life mission of their liberation warriors and strive by every available means to accomplish it. Bahujan Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) grows as a result of the missionary activities of aware toiling followers who are dedicated to Bahujan mission only. On the contrary, "devotees" who have nothing to do with the life mission of Bahujan liberation warriors. Their sole intention is to get rid of their sense of inferiority and inadequacy resulting from their incapability of doing real missionary work. Hence they satisfy themselves by arranging shallow praise showering ceremonies on the eve of birth day of our liberation warriors and pose themselves great followers of the liberation warriors by chanting and singing praise for their liberation warriors. By chanting and singing praise for their liberation warriors they do not need to use their brain and risk encounter with Brahmanist-Manuists.

"Devotees" keep Bahujans away from missionary work, engage them in fruitless activities, spend the money, energy, labor and time of people in worthless activities and thus destroy Bahujan mission completely. Devotees are therefore, greatest danger for Bahujan mission. Bahujan mission will not grow unless "devoteesm" is destroyed. Therefore, "Followers Zindabad, Devotees Murdabad" should be the prime slogan of aware Bahujans.

Arya-Brahmins know very well that until the exploited Bahujans burry life mission of their liberation warriors and engage themselves in singing praise of their liberation warriors, not a single hair of Brahmanism could be bent. Such ritualists are great servants of Brahmanism and its exploitation system, Because not only they attempt to kill the life mission of Bahujan liberation warriors, but also weaken Bahujan communities by squandering and wasting money of the sweet of their eyebrows on decoration, and other programs of Jayani (birth day of liberation warriors) and help Arya-Brahmins in keeping Bahujans their slaves. Therefore every Arya-Brahmin through his stooges try to spread ritualism, and "devoteesm" among the OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins consider it their prime most duty to spread "Ritualism and labelism" among Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins are pleased to see that their prime most duty is being performed by the devotee Bahujans themselves.

3) Deceiving toiling masses by indirect activities :- The lackeys and stooges of Arya-Brahmin exploiters by their illusionary indirect activities are posing that how efficiently they are running mission. In fact, they deceive Bahujans :-

a) Such a lackey leader of an organization wanted to organize a lecture on topic "revision of constitution : right or wrong". An aware Bahujan requested him that family of RSS organizations is trying to convince people that it is important to revise the Indian constitution. Your title shall create the same question in the minds of people who would read it. All of them are not going to attend your program. Half of them may simply think what is wrong if changes in the constitution are made according to changed situation ?. Therefore the purpose of Arya-Brahmin exploiters will be served by your title. He requested to keep the topic such as " Arya-Brahmin conspiracy to bring Manuist Constitution". This topic directly hits Brahmanism and expose their evil intention. In spite of that, the so called leader retained the previously decided title to help their Manuist bosses. Such lackeys in the name of mission invariably help Arya-Brahmin exploiters.

b) A federation which always posed to be Bahujanists, spending thousands of Rupees, on the eve of 52nd Independence day of India kept a topic of lecture " Continuous defying of Indian constitution in independent India". leaders of BJP, Shivsena, Congress, Marxist Communist party etc Manuist organizations were also invited. This program was organized on the very eve of elections. What else could be the purpose behind inviting Manuist leaders other than negotiating secret election alliances and bargaining with them on the basis of Bahujans gathered in this program ?

Manuist leaders in such lectures pretend themselves progressive and get praise. Bahujans are befooled by these fascist leaders in the same way the little children are befooled in a game where a child points his finger at the adults and pretending a gunfire shouting "Dhishyam" ! The adults also enjoy the game and pretend hit by bullet and are dying. After seeing that Bahujans have loosed their cautious listening slowly start injecting Manuist poison by logical jugglery. Bahujan stooges always organize such programs and invite agents of class enemies.

On 23-24th Sept., 1997 in Talkatora indoor stadium auditorium of Delhi a national convention of Dalit authors was organized. Inaugurating the convention, Ex-president of India Shankar Dayal Sharma (Brahmin leader) called Dalit literature written against exploitation as vulgar and advised Dalit authors not to write such literature. Brahmin leader Atal Bihari Bajapeyi hypocritically called Dr. B.R. Ambedkar modern Manu, and Indian constitution like Manu-Sanhita, forgetting that Dr. Ambedkar had burnt Manu-Smriti and was bitterest critique of Manu-Smriti. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Sept-Octo., 1997, p.47) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Aryans were foreigners who came to Indian continental. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 May 2004) Citing incomplete quotations of Dr. B. K. Ambedkar out of context, few Dalit stooge / ignorant authors are continuously trying to prove that Arya-Brahmins are indigenous people.

c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar wanted to aware toiling masses so that they become capable of controlling the reins of leaders as well as of the Bahujan Jihad. Therefore, to make toiling masses leaders of their own struggle, he strongly opposed personality cult and personality worship .

In fact, there is a need to encourage authors from toiling masses and middle and upper middle class be educated and trained to accept the leadership of common masses in the interest of Bahujan struggle. But the lackeys of Arya-Brahmin exploiters are behaving exactly opposite. They are by exploiting the tendency among middle and upper middle class to show themselves superior these lackey organizations give middle and upper middle class writers "Dr. Ambedkar, Jyotirao Fule, Savitribai Fule" etc. awards and certificates in the hands of Arya-Brahmins belonging to fascist organizations at Talkatora stadium auditorium of Delhi. These lackeys know very well that the writers who are crazy after "awards, certificates, and honors" can be easily converted in to lackeys of Arya-Brahmins.

Few Rich Dalit Indians, residing out of India invite applications from Bahujan authors along with their literature so that they can select few best Dalit writers for award instead of spreading effective literature among the masses. Why genuine authors should apply for any award because awareness created by their literature itself is a greatest award for them. What can we expect from such authors who apply for awards ? They can be easily turned into slaves of Arya-Brahmins when they get opportunity to satisfy their ego and superiority complex. In distributing awards to such writers neither the common masses develop awareness nor their struggle gain strength. Only the ego and sense of importance among such authors is heightened and they start considering themselves savior of the masses. In spite of that why these organizers / persons persist with this anti-proletariat program ? Therefore, a strong suspicion lurks in our minds that is this another trap to lure and corrupt these writers in favor of exploiters and convert them into intellectual prostitutes.

d) Who will object immorality and sexual nakedness being opposed ? On this very pretext, organizations of fascist Arya-Brahmins on one hand give OK signal to directors to make sexy films; censor board also OK it; then obtaining money from the same directors these organizations start pretending protest of such sexy films to make them popular. Therefore, third grade films also earn a lot. Shivsena which boast of Indian culture, organize pop show of Michael Jaxon and earn several Lac of Rupees. All T. V. Channels display advertisements, serials and songs full of sex. Shivsena, Bajarang Dal etc. fascist organizations do not oppose all such nakedness because Arya-Brahmins earn from them but these hypocrites oppose valentine day meeting of lovers and try to spread communal conflict and try to terrorize minorities.

e) Many so called intellectuals and leaders to fulfill their desires of foreign tours and to satisfy their leadership instinct spend thousands of Rupees on the pretext of Bahujan Mission. For example, In a conference organized by a Dalit organization of India on 12-13 October 2000 at South Hall of London, around 80 persons from India participated. No citizen of London participated in this conference. Members of conference alleged that the president of the organization extracting enough money from them did not make arrangement of their lodging and boarding. Therefore, they had to stay in Valmiki Gurudwara and eat in Gurudwara Langar. (Dalit Voice, 16-30 Nov., 2000, p. 5) These so called "missionaries" could have easily discussed the same matter in India itself. Was there any need for these Indians to come to London by spending huge amount on the pretext of discussing Bahujan issues ? Many so called leaders squander huge amount of money in rallies which do not yield any result. If they had spent the same amount in genuine missionary activities the result would have been thousand times better.

f) There is a proper way of doing everything. When a correct activity is done in a wrong way, it causes harm. Cooking is a correct activity. We all know what is a result of cooking rice without removing pebbles, or removing rice pot from stove immaturely before they are cooked, or do not remove rice pot from stove even when the rice is cooked, or put the rice pot on stove but do not lit the stove. Therefore, what is correct and what is wrong can only be ascertained by observing the results of any activity. By applying criteria laid down by Siddhartha Gautam Buddha we can test everything. According to Buddha, it not important to see which task is undertaken, what is the designation of the person doing the task, whether the task looks logically correct, what is being claimed, who (person or religious book) is being referred in support of the task, but one has to see whether the task is going to benefit toiling Bahujans or not. Anything which does not fulfill the criteria of benefiting Bahujan cause (mission) is a task meant to deceive exploited Bahujans.

Upper caste Muslim leaders hold the reins of every Muslim organization. Upper caste Muslims have always helped their Arya-Brahmin brothers to take vengeance on indigenous Bahujan Muslims by every available opportunity.

They did not work to remove the misunderstandings created by fascist organizations about Muslims and Islam in the minds of common masses; they never raised issues related to the educations, jobs, and exploitation of Muslim masses; they did never boycott the products of fascist Arya-Brahmin industrialists in protest of state sponsored Muslim massacres and to bring them to their senses.

On the contrary, they have been shamelessly supporting fascist governments of Arya-Brahmins. The fascist Shiv-Sena which engineered massacres of Muslim in Bombay could remain in power in Bombay municipal corporation with the support of two upper caste Muslims members. BJP government in center and some states were supported by upper caste Muslims and their organizations. Pundit Farooq Abdulla, and his National Conference of Kashmir and others Muslim organizations continued to support BJP government in centre and also in few states during Muslim Massacres being executed throughout Gujarat. After Gujarat massacres they continued their support to BJP government.

When mass pressure started building on upper caste Muslim leaders for Dalit-Muslim unity for bilateral protection, and to fight for the each other's cause, they misguided youths of Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) to publish pamphlets against communalism of Brahmin religion and pasted them in the places of marriage and other social gatherings of Hindus. With such activities, Bahujans in the influence of Arya-Bahmins, instead of getting awakened took it as an offence by Muslims. Thus the SIMI activities helped the agenda of RSS family organizations to spread hatred among the Bahujans for the Muslims.

g) The organization of upper caste Muslims viz. Jamaet E Islami of India to save itself from social pressure from Bahujan Muslims, organized hypocritical drama of opposing communalism of fascist RSS family organizations. The height of hypocrisy is that in the lectures organized by Jamat E Islami throughout India in its "Human rights week" pro-RSS Arya-Brahmins were invited to deliver lecture on communal harmony. Such programs are nothing but the replica of RSS agenda of "Samajik Samarasata" (Communal Harmony) for the implementation of which RSS has created separate organizations. Thus upper caste Muslim leaders are shamelessly implementing "Samajik Samarasata" agenda of RSS in the garb of opposing communalism. This is openly stabbing in the back of Bahujan Muslims.

Islam never considered rituals important than the basic humanitarian ideals of Islam. For example, a sick or a traveler Muslim is exempted from performing Namaz in usual way. He can perform it even symbolically, or latter on perform Kaza (pending Namaz). In spite of that Tabliq-E- Jamat, the organization led by upper caste Muslims; in the name of Akhirat (judgment day) teach Bahujan Muslims to indulge themselves day and night in Namaz, Istema, Tasveeh and other rituals and oppose to the level of madness any thought of fighting exploitation and oppression of Muslim Bahujans by the Arya-Brahminists. Thus it is creating a society of helpless slaves who do not want to defend themselves against any kind of oppression and victimization.

Tabliq E Jamat and Jamaet E Islami are not only the organizations run by upper caste Muslims but they are the "agents of American agents" because both these organizations are financially aided by the same rich class of Arab countries who instead of Islam and Allah, consider George W. Bush as their God. Therefore, both these organizations can only pretend opposing (forget about fighting) the forces of Tri-Iblis. They can never launch genuine Bahujanwadi Jihad against the exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.

Those Muslims who are not hallucinated by ritualism of Tabliq E Jamat, are illusioned by Jamaet a Islami. Like Congress-BJP, Tabliq E Jamat and Jamat E Islami are two sides of the same Brahminist coin. Both these organizations aim to prevent Muslim Bahujan masses from participating in Bahujanwadi Jihad against the exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.

When the indigenous Muslin Bahujan masses are burning in the fire of state sponsored massacres of Muslims in Gujarat and elsewhere in India instead of organizing Bahujans to extinguish this "Brahminist fire" Upper caste Muslim leaders are indulging themselves in activities which do not harm Arya-Brahmin rioters in slightest.

h) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar asked his Depressed communities to educate their children at any cost. Arya-Brahmins do not want that the children of slave indigenous masses get better education. How any religious community can ever object to religious prayers and preaching ? Therefore, through the religious priests and Manuist monks they create all sorts of disturbance in the study of Bahujan children by reciting day and night religious Bhajan-Kirtans, preaching, Buddha-Vandana (prayer) etc. in ear-bursting sound of loudspeaker which are installed to spread noise in all directions. Daily in morning and evening Buddha vandana (prayer) in loud noise is recited for 60 to 120 minutes on loud speaker. No religious priest want to remain behind other religious priests. Muslims previously used to give Ajan of just for 2 or 3 minutes but the upper caste Muslim priests now sing "Natiya" in addition to morning Ajan. Christianity seems to be exception to this as they perform their rituals and prayer in a manner not disturbing others. In this sense they seem to be civilized. But soon they may become uncivilized to accomplish Brahminist agenda. Dogs start barking at once and soon become calm. But, as the prayer of one religious priest is finished another religious priest start shouting. Their duration of noise is thus increased manifold. All of them could have performed their prayers Araties, Satsangs etc. without loud speakers but that would have defeated the very purpose of disturbing study of Bahujan children therefore, they must create loud noise. Their loud noise have affected even the birds. Previously, people use to get pleasant feelings from the sweet singing of the birds at daybreak. But the agonizing and disgusting sound of religious prayers have compelled birds to fly away. By creating loud noise these priests show Bahujan masses that they are doing "religious work" faithfully so that masses under their illusion should keep on giving them, money, food, respect and honors. Thus Bahujan masses are nourishing these parasite priests in lieu of destroying the study of their children.

i) Many stooges help Arya-Brahmins to take vengeance on indigenous Bahujans in installments. If Arya-Brahmins intend to demolish 1-3 slums, their Brahminist government or municipal corporation declare their intention to demolish 6-7 slums. The stooges pretend to oppose Arya-Brahmins on this issue. When huts of 3-4 slums are already demolished, Arya-Brahmin government as decided, agree to the demands of their stooge leaders and it is declared that no more slum-huts shall be demolished. Thus the stooge organizations and their leaders get an opportunity to boast before masses that they have saved their slums. Bahujan masses thus come in the fold of these stooge leaders. No Bahujan leader is ever successful in retaining slum once it is demolished because getting back demolished slums from the exploiters require a kind of intense struggle which is beyond the capacity of any stooge leader.

All problems and issues of exploited Bahujans will be solved only when they establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatanra after destroying completely the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. Instead of awakening exploited masses to destroy exploitation system of Tri-Iblis, tail-wagging stooges lick the feet of Arya-Brahmin exploiters and help them to increase tax on people, reduce the number of workers in factories and administration, pass and implement draconian laws that crush human rights, demolish settlements and displace people from their places and so on.

Stooge organizations never declare Arya-Brahmin exploiters and their parties as class enemies and swear and work to uproot parties of class enemies. These tail-wagging stooges instead of voting against the draconian laws such as POTA, they stage boycott in parliament / assemblies and thus help Arya-Brahmins to pass anti-people laws.

i) Let us not forget that when masses launch determined bitter struggle which severely harm exploiter class and its interests, the exploiters have no alternative but to lure and beg Bahujans to accept several concessions. On the other hand fake struggle of tail-wagging stooges enable exploiters to take away one by one everything that exploited masses have. Their wages, human rights, better working conditions etc. are being taken away one by one till the toiling masses are reduced to the state of miserable slaves.

ii) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar told that Bahujans will keep on increasing their strength if the exploited Bahujan masses become aware and value self-respect more than their lives. Otherwise they shall turn into lackeys and slaves of exploiter Arya-Brahmins. The leadership of their organizations will go into the hands of stooge leaders devoid of self-respect who can never benefit their community. (p. 99, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane (turmoil created lectures of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar)). All stooge leaders are devoid of self respect hence their strength is bound to diminish continuously.

How long can we hold on attacks of exploiter Arya-Brahminists ? It is certain that, the moment our power is weakened, the biggest thrust of injustice is bound to give us fatal wound and enslave Bahujan masses permanently. The stooge leaders are bringing the same position. If the Arya-Brahmin exploiters are inserting rod in the xxxx of Bahujans, instead of teaching a bitter lesson to Arya-Brahminist exploiters, stooge and important leaders of beggar's mentality can only beg Arya-Brahmins to take out the inserted rod. Many such stooge leaders by arranging big rallies spend huge money, energy and time of Bahujans simply to beg before Arya-Brahmins. Before Arya-Brahmins they cry and beg "Dalit Picchadon ke Nam Pe De De Baba (In the name of Dalits and oppressed please give us something O my Arya-Brahmin fathers)" They pray that their reservation be retained, they should be given reservation in private sector and so on. Because of such begging leaders employees and Bahujan Samaj has become a society of beggars. These selfish and coward leaders, never want to realize that the beggars are never choosers.

Dr. Ambedkar in his speeches used to tell his toiling people following story :- Once all the animals such as goats, cows, mare etc. who can send no harms to other gathered collectively before lion and narrated their sorrow and agony and pleaded lion to follow nonviolence and requested to give them treatment based on justice. Lion said "you preach beautifully !" but where your have sharp teeth and nails like us to implement what you say ?, and jumped on one nearby goat and tore its neck open. All animals could do nothing than crying and screaming. This is the only fate these stooge leaders can give to Bahujan Samaj.

Stooge leaders beg before exploiters and thus create false hopes in the minds of exploited masses that the exploiter class will give them their rights. Such a hope is baseless and self-victimizing. When such a false hope is developed among masses it dilutes and even destroy the determination of masses to launch a decisive struggle against the exploiter class. Therefore, by begging before exploiters, the stooge leaders are in fact helping the exploiters. The same has happened in Durban conference :-

1) United Nations and several countries of the world have condemned the inhuman terror that is unleashed by Israel on Palestine people. Israel and America remained uninfluenced amidst their condemnation by masses of the world. All exploiters, including the Arya-Brahminists remain unaffected by worst criticism when their is the question of looting, grabbing and retaining the loot. No action was taken against Israel because of American Support to Israel. America is bound to support Israel at any cost because Zionist Jews control America. Arya-Brahmin exploiters being part of Tri-Iblis, without any fear or hesitation have been engineering riots and massacres of indigenous masses of the India and shamelessly declaring themselves dedicated to preserving morality, culture and peace. Therefore, condemning Arya-Brahmins in Durban conference for their inhuman treatment to Dalits of India could produce no effect. This conference did not change the situation of the masses. Then, what is rational in attending such futile conferences by spending lacs of Rupees ?

The Arya-Brahmins riding government of India, sent Bangaru Laxman (a Dalit stooge) and Mr. Pandit Abdulla (Arya-Brahmin in the garb of Muslim) as its representatives who shamelessly denied any atrocities on Dalit-Bahujans and called them imaginary. The ruling exploiter Manuists of Israel, Pakistan and China supported Indian Arya-Brahmins on this issue.

2. In favor of their participation in Durban conference it was argued that Dr. B. R. Ambedkar had written a book "What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables" and exposed Arya-Brahminist Congress and Gandhi before the world. Then why we should not expose the Arya-Brahmins riding the government before the world through the Durban Conference ? The fallacy of above argument can be easily observed :-

At that time, the revolutionary struggle was spread throughout the world. Not only Soviet Union had immerged as a strong Socialist country but was supporting struggle of world toilers to liberate themselves from the imperialist exploiters. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a mass leader and his actions could take any critical turn in India when the balance of world politics between exploiters class and exploited masses was so unpredictable. World exploiters never wanted that the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's struggle should take revolutionary turn. Therefore, they were bound to pay attention to what Dr. B. R. Ambedkar says. On the contrary, the persons attending Durban Conference were "intellectuals / leaders devoid of any mass base, who only can cry and beg before the exploiters and their representatives, getting nothing more than verbal sympathies delivered to hallucinate Bahujan masses.

The Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India, are compelled to have talks and sign agreements with Naga, Bodo, Gorkha and even Maoists of India because these organizations did not beg before the exploiters, but launched bitter struggle to get their rights. When your struggle becomes intense and decisive the whole world is compelled to think of your struggle, you do not need to go to them to convince.

Therefore, the basic question is instead of preparing to launch a decisive Jihad against the exploiters why we should beg before the very exploiter governments for their help ? Dr. Ambedkar always depended on the strength of the masses than any mercy and kindness from the exploiters. Is not it better that we fight our own battle ?

According to Dr. Ambedkar whatever protections Dalits got through the constitution, they will loose them after their conversion to Buddhism. But the Dalits have capabilities and intelligence to obtain them by other means. The day our political rights will be taken away from us we shall have to depend on our social strength. One who accepts superiority of others becomes slave and loose self-respect and produce slaves in the form of his family and spreads impotency among the masses. Is not it better to die than doing this ? (Dr.Ambedkar p. 90, Kamgar Chalval (Labour Movement); p. 99, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane, p. 46, 96-97 (turmoil created lectures of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar)).

3) Persons who participated in Durban Conference were leaders devoid of any mass base. Such "baseless" leaders never spend even 25 Paisa to aware masses but can spend lacs of Rupees to popularize their name by such "drama" staged at Durban. Most of them do not hesitate to become agents and stooges of the exploiters and their governments. America is ruling over Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries through such puppets and stooges.

Why the organizations determined to achieve their rights through the strength of masses should bother to participate in conferences such as Durban ? Aware Bahujans are never cheated by the drama of such hypocritical struggle. Aware Bahujans with their direct missionary activities gradually but continuously proceed towards their goal. On the contrary, so called hypocrites and boasting baby intellectuals entangled in non-missionary activities remain at the same position with the help of their exploiter bosses. Every time, they need a new issue to keep them in limelight.

Because of these three kinds of agents, the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis has became safe

Therefore, the exploited Bahujans must ensure that every penny earned by the sweet of their eyebrow is spend only on missionary tasks and not on the tasks creating hallucination of mission. Exploited Bahujans should pay for missionary activities only than donating to the organizations. It should be the first duty of every Bahujan organization to tell where and how the amount has to be spent. Till now the activities of the Bahujan organizations have been limited to receiving donations / contributions from the masses. Neither the person collecting contribution nor the exploited masses giving contribution ever asked what the so called leaders have done with the contribution and donation gathered. One should not pay a single penny if missionary work is not assured. Similarly, they should apply their money, energy and time on the methods which are more effective in eliciting desired "qualitative results" leading to strengthen our struggle.

Chapter II

Electioneering Parties : Helpless before Brahmanism !

Brahamanists are absolutely sure that the electioneering political parties of indigenous Bahujans are just tigers without teeth and nail, incapable of sending any harm to Arya-Brahmin interest and weakening grip of Arya-Brahmin exploiters even slightly. Electioneering parties are just spectators to see Bahujan rights being taken away one by one. At the most they can cry and shout but it is no different than the cries and body jerks of animal being slain because they can not harm Arya-Brahminist exploiters even slightly. Following are the reasons for the above statement.

Table of Contents

Destruction of Indigenous power : An Arya-Brahmin Tradition
Secret Election alliances to save Brahmin hegemony
Victimization of Bahujans in Arya-Brahmin Organizations
Struggle is intensified between Brahmins and Bahujans
Various Obstacles in United Front between the Bahujans !

Destruction of Indigenous power : An Arya-Brahmin Tradition

Arya-Brahmins did everything to destroy Nag-Dravid states which were determined to keep themselves free from Arya-Brahmin influence fearing that these states unitedly can defeat and drive out the Arya-Brahmins from occupied Bahujan mother land. Arya-Brahmins applying "Sam-Dam-Danda-Bhed" (Equal treatment – Bribery – Punishment – Killings) techniques deposed such self-respected Nag-Dravid kings with the help of traitors such as Bibhisan, Sugriva, Hanuman etc., and these stooges of Arya-Brahmins were installed in their place. The Arya-Brahmins destroyed Khandava-Vana and every Nag-Dravid was burnt alive because it was an independent state opposed to Arya-Brahmins. The same tradition is being continued till now.

Arya-Brahmins know that if every indigenous caste / community of India insist upon its representation in all walks of life then Brahmanism will be destroyed in no time. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins applying their famous "Sam-Dam-Danda-Bhed" techniques destroyed indigenous Nag-Dravid organizations. Arya-Brahmins compelled Mr. Dinakarrao Jawalkar, Mr. Jethe etc. to dissolve their Non-Brahmin organizations. Whosoever opposed this Arya-Brahmin move were tortured in the manner Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav of Bihar (India) was defamed and was implicated on false corruption charges.

Arya-Brahmins have craftily imposed their leadership on every Nag-Dravid organization which they could not directly destroy. Where they could not impose their leadership, they have made the indigenous Nag-Dravid organizations devoid of teeth and nails and slaves of Arya-Brahmins.

Almost 50% masses do not vote in election because they have realized corrupt and pro-exploiter nature of these political parties. They do not want to elect any exploiter or their lackeys. They know that they have no alternative but to select any one who seems to be less brutal exploiter and oppressor.

Remaining 50% deceived masses believing in the shallow slogans of socialism, fake communism, social justice etc., given by Brahminist parties and their lackeys elect one party and observing cheated elect another party next time. Such a cycle goes unabatedly because, masses have no alternative but to bring these Brahminist parties to power alternatively forgetting that they have been engineering riots, doing all sorts of corruption, killing masses in police firing and injuring them in caning when masses demanded their legitimate rights.

It makes no difference to these exploiters even if masses do not participate in election. Once in Assam 90% people did not vote. In spite of that representatives of the exploiter class rode the government.

Secret Election alliances to save Brahmin hegemony

As it became clear to Bahujan masses that all the Arya-Brahmin led organizations are determined to make we indigenous Bahujans helpless in every respect and enslave us, the Bahujan organizations grew stronger with the mass support. As a result, Congress and BJP were deposed from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and from many other states of India. It have become impossible for the Arya-Brahmins to regain power in these states. Even the Arya-Brahmin power at center is threatened.

Congress, BJP, fake communist parties of India etc. Arya-Brahmin organizations worried that indigenous organizations gaining strength and becoming balancing power should not create situation like UP-Bihar in center. Therefore in constituencies where Congress candidate was relatively weak, the Arya-Brahmins of Congress transferred their votes to BJP candidates and where the BJP candidates were weak the Arya-Brahmins of BJP transferred their votes to Congress candidates. As a result in such constituencies votes of BJP or Congress drastically reduced. Therefore, Congress was almost finished in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, and BJP in Delhi was pushed back. (see Bahujan Sanghatak, 15-21 December 2003)

In Parliament elections of year 2004, BJP leader Lalkrishna Adwani openly made appeal that if they do not like BJP they should vote for Congress or parties supporting Congress but in no circumstances they should vote other {indigenous} parties. (Bhaskar, 4th April 2004) Thus Congress, BJP, and fake Communist parties who are Arya-Brahmin parties (Kaurav-Pandavs) secretly supported each other to ensure that indigenous organizations should not win in any circumstances. While doing so BJP, Congress or fake Communist parties in many places were swept out.

Victimization of Bahujans in Arya-Brahmin Organizations

Arya-Brahmin members numerically are in minority in parliament of India. In addition to large number of OBC members, there are (79+41) = 110 SC / ST members. Therefore, electing Arya-Brahmin women through the women reservation Bill they wanted to increase Arya-Brahmin strength in parliament.

But because of opposition of indigenous members this bill could not be passed. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins have left with no alternative but to defeat their own OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi party candidates or make them completely dependent on Arya-Brahmin leadership. Therefore, following communal policy was implemented by Arya-Brahmin leadership in previous elections.

1. When the Congress and BJP both were compelled to declare indigenous candidates, then Arya-Brahmins voted for the indigenous candidate who is most obedient and slave of Brahminism and who does not have capacity to become a slightest obstacle.

2. When Arya-Brahmins had no other alternative but to declare indigenous candidates faithful to Arya-Brahmin interests, the Arya-Brahmins voted for that indigenous candidate who belonged to relatively higher caste.

3. When one candidate is indigenous while the other is Arya-Brahmin, All Arya-Brahmins voted for the Arya-Brahmin candidate.

4. When both the declared candidates are Arya-Brahmin candidates, then All the Arya-Brahmins voted for the candidate who is most faithful or who had higher probability of getting elected.

To hide this conspiracy from the eyes of indigenous party members, the Arya-Brahmins of BJP and Cogress through their Manu-media made propaganda that these 'mutually agreed' candidates are gaining mass support. It was also kept hidden that how BJP and Congress both are loosing their vote percentage and a fierce propaganda was made to tell masses that Congress or BJP are the only alternatives left for them.

To prevent progressive votes being transferred to indigenous organizations, Arya-Brahmin led organizations made "third front" and tried to extract as many votes they can by befooling masses and make sure the defeat of a Bahujan candidate.

In Rajastan, Congress chief minister Mr. Gahlot (OBC), Mr. Ajit Jogi (Adiwasi) was deposed using all Sugivs, Hanumans and Bibhisans so that these influential leaders are made powerless and ineffective. The same strategy was applied for Digvijay Singh, Uma Bharati, Babulal Marandi and others. In their places Arya-Brahminists are installed to ensure Arya-Brahmin interests.

In spite of the threat of Babulal Marandi to leave party a Brahmin was installed as party president in a grand ceremony. In Delhi, Congress installed Ms. Dixit (a Brahmin) as a chief minister.

To protect the interests of Arya-Brahmins, the pamphlets full of conspiracies against indigenous masses are released time to time. A 14 point program was released in the meeting of Brahmin Samaj held in Balaghat (India). This program is published by "Saptahik Awam" Nagpur giving headline "Brahman Samaja Tarfe Mulniwasi Bahujana Viruddha Gopaniya Patra" (The secret pamphlet of Brahmin Community against the indigenous masses). Its translation is given below.

1) The OBC castes such as Powar, Marar, Lodhi, Kasar, Teli etc communities should be kept busy in religious disputes so that they should never think of their political rights and always remain slaves of Brahmanism.

2) Whichever castes have become politically aware among the castes of SC/ ST / OBC and Minorities and have become danger to Brahmanism in India, they should be engaged in conflicts with the other indigenous communities.

3) The campaign should be speeded to convince the "Shudras" that the Indian Constitution is against Hindus hence it should be changed.

4) Brahmin leaders of all political, religious and social organizations should come together to protect Brahmin leadership.

5) An intensive campaign should be launched among Powar, Marar, Kasar, Lodhi etc OBC castes to develop prejudice in their minds against Minorities and create conflicts between them so that they are always busy in killing each other.

6) Due to the policies of BSP Dalits have become aware. Therefore a danger is created for Brahmin leadership. To keep other communities away from BSP the rumors should be spread that the BSP is a party of Chamars and Mahars.

7) The employees belonging to SC, ST, OBC, and Minorities from class I to class IV posts are fattened. Hence, it is the duty of Arya-Brahmins holding higher ranks to secretly implement programs to torture and victimize them mentally and physically.

8) The Brahmins sitting at higher posts should develop in the minds of youths belonging to Powar, Kasar, Marar, Lodhi, Nai etc that the benefit of reservation is availed by SC and ST youths only and they have grabbed the services of OBC communities and create conflicts between them.

9) If Brahmins do not come together to protect Brahmanism, we Brahmins shall have no alternatives but the name of Rama will be stigmatized and we shall become slaves of Dalits. To enslave Bahujans all those tactics be used which have brought us the highest posts.

10) The OBCs should be put at front to raise slogan of "Jai Shri-Ram and should be used as a security shield of Brahmins. OBC communities should be engaged in Gayatri hymn, Brahmakumari organization, Sai-Baba of Shirdi, and Buddhists should be kept busy in Vipasyana.

11) If the Ambedkarism in this country becomes strong then Gandhism which is another name of Brahmanism will die. Nobody will remember Hegdewar, Golvalkar Guruji etc. icons of the RSS. Therefore, infiltrate in every OBC organization to collect secret information and foil their every work and every plan.

12) OBC youths charged with religious mania should be instigated to create riots between OBC and SC/ communities. This will help Brahmin girls and boys to retain their strong hold on politics (government) and bureaucracy.

13) To keep Brahminism surviving, our females should come forward to make sacrifices in protection of Brahmin community. Such Brahmin women shall be pious according to Manusmriti.

14) Friends, all our activities should be implemented secretly. This is a secret pamphlet hence, it should not go in the hands of any OBC, Dalit or Adivasi. (Saptahik Janata, Nagpur, 30 July to 5th Aug.)

BJP leader Pramod Mahajan had said in a public meeting at Banarus that he is a Maharashrian Brahmin and is asking votes for a Brahmin prime minister. (Nav-Bharat, 16th April 2004) In the parliament elections of Uttaranchal, Backward class candidates were kept on waiting for election public meetings of chief minister Mr. Tiwari (Brahmin). But Tiwari only attended the election meetings of his Brahmin candidate contesting from Tihari constituency. Tiwari did not go to any of the remaining 4 constituencies. (Bhaskar, 9th May 2004)

Struggle is intensified between Brahmins and Bahujans

Struggle between Arya-Brahmins and Bahujans is intensified in all parties including Congress and BJP.

Vinay Katihar (OBC) was removed from party president-ship of UP BJP accusing him responsible for the BJP defeat in Uttar Pradesh. In his place Kesharinath Tripathy (a Brahmin) was made president. Katihar said that in parliament elections in six states like UP, Andhra, Bihar and Maharashtra party got only 28 seats but the blame of defeat is thrown only on him who is an OBC belonging to a peasant family. The way Katihar is removed it seems that he is made scapegoat. (Lokmat Samachar, 20th July 2004)

According to the report of Amita Verma, Non-Brahmins of Uttar Pradesh are very angry over installing a Brahmin as President of UP BJP. The insistence of BJP to give leadership of Uttar Pradesh to Brahmins can cost BJP heavily. According to them BJP is converted in to "Brahman Jati Party". From Atal Bihari Vajpei to Murali Manohar Joshi, Kalaraj Misra, Kesarinath Tripathy, and Laxmikant Vajpei (BJP deputy leader in UP assembly) etc. Brahmins are riding on higher posts. Party is under the control of Brahmins. In this situation why other communities shall attract towards BJP ? This feeling was expressed by a Vaishya assembly member of BJP. In BJP, only Brahmin interests are protected. According to one candidate of parliament election contested on BJP ticket said that he was defeated in election because Brahmins did not vote for him. In the two villages of Brahmin majority he got only 2 and 17 votes respectively. Brahmins voter turnout was very low in UP elections. In spite of that Brahmins are given importance at every level by sidelining OBC leaders. For the BJP defeat Mr. Vinay Katihar is removed while Kalraj Misra (a Brahmin) who looked after election campaign was not least considered responsible for this defeat. Murali Manohar Joshi (a Brahmin) who is defeated in election is made member of Rajya Sabha but Vinay Katihar is kept out because he is an OBC. Similarly the role of Kalyan Singh in party is made insignificant. According to an OBC leader and Ex minister, in these situations it is natural that the non-Brahmins of BJP should feel themselves insulted and grieved. (Lokmat Times, 11th July 2004)

Uma Bharati who is expelled from BJP has spoken the bitter truth that "in BJP OBC and SC /ST are used only in spreading and winding carpets and holding the party flag. Their status in party is no more than this." RSS does not contest election therefore in its higher rank of leadership and in organizational structure there is no Dalit. If BJP had no compulsion to contest election, backwards like Uma Bharati would have never thought of becoming leaders of BJP. After the demolition of Babri Mosque, when the question of "Shiladan" came, the district commissioner of Faizabad who is Baniya was declared unfit for Shiladan. To solve this dispute a Brahmin officer was sent from the office of Prime minister who accepted Shiladan. Similarly, before some time Anita Arya, who was one of the general secretaries of BJP was not allowed to enter into the BJP executive meeting which was going on at Talkatora Stadium of Delhi, The other upper caste general secretaries were allowed in this very meeting. When people started condemning this communal treatment it was said that Anita Arya was not allowed because it was the question of security of Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyi. {it means BJP considers its Dalit general secretary dangerous for the security of its Brahmin prime minister}. In the same way, during recently came drought chief minister Vasundhara Raje Sindia organized "Yadnya and Hawan". It was ensured that no Dalit should participate in this function. (Prabuddha Ambedkar, (Bhagwaganj Ajmer, Rajastan) 15th January 2006).

RSS chief Sudarshan called family members of Uma Bharati uncultured. (Nav-Bharat, 15th April, 2005) Such is the self respect of non-Brahmins in BJP.

Bahujan masses are speedily realizing that their prime need is to destroy all Brahminist parties such as Congress, BJP, and Arya-Brahmin fake Communist leaders. Therefore the strong fear is aroused in the hearts of many Arya-Brahmins that Brahmin rule will come to an end if alliance of parties led by non-Brahmin indigenous Bahujans comes in to existence. But the Brahmin think-tanks are 100% confident that such alliance will never materialize due to following insurmountable obstacles.

Various Obstacles in United Front between the Bahujans !

The main obstacles in forming united front of indigenous Bahujans are specified below.

1) Personal enmity between leaders of indigenous parties :- Arya-Brahmins spared no opportunity to create enmity between Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayavati, Lalu Prasad Yadav etc Bahujans to the extent that these Bahujan parties have no hesitation in forming election alliance with communal-casteist congress, communal-fascist BJP and other parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership, but the parties of Bahujans are extremely averse to make alliance with each other.

In assembly elections conducted in 2005 in Hariyana, Zarkhand and Bihar Arya-Brahmin Congress craftily created enmity between Laluprasad Yadav and Shibu Soren; and between Ramvilas Paswan and Lalu Prasad Yadav by offering some of them more seats than the other. As a result of this enmity these Bahujan leaders tried to victimize each other's candidates. As a result Arya-Brahmin candidates were elected in large number. Neither Lalu government in Bihar nor Shibu Soren government in Zarkhand could be retained. When Stiphen Marandi of Zarkhand Mukti Morcha resigned from Rajyasabha, Congress led UPA instead of declaring the same seat to Zarkhand Mukti Morcha Congress voted for Lalu candidate to create enmity between Lalu and Soren.

The enmity between the Bahujan leaders have reached to such a level that they can make alliance with communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and with any Brahmanist party but they can not even tolerate the sight of each other. Then question of alliance between them is almost impossible.

2) Struggle for existence Among Indigenous organizations :- Every indigenous leader wants to retain power at the expense of his rival leaders belonging to other indigenous parties. SP and BSP in Uttar Pradesh and RJD and JDU in Bihar are out to destroy each other. They have been defecting MLAs of each other into their party. In Bihar, Lalu Prasad Yadav had defected BSP MLAs into his party. On the contrary, Arya-Brahmins have been successfully retaining their alliances in Bengal and Kerala since several decades.

BSP in Bihar has become threat to other parties as it has developed potential to cause them defeat in many seats. On the contrary in Uttar Pradesh RJD, JDU and LJP is not in position to send any harm to BSP. Therefore, BSP will be less inclined to form united front with RJD, LJP and JDU and will try to weaken their strength in Bihar.

3) The enmity created by Brahminists regarding reservation :- By dividing all communities according to their backwardness and giving them reservation according to their population proportions and setting in each block sub quota for creamy and non creamy layer will ensure that no community is deprived from their reservation. But Arya-Brahminists riding the government have 1) have placed undeveloped and less-developed communities in a single caste category, and 2) in different states the same castes labeled as SC / ST / OBC / NT / VJ and so on to divide we Bahujans and create conflict between us. As a result the undeveloped castes blame that they can not avail reservation because all reserve seats of their category are grabbed by somewhat developed castes.

Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and all Brahminist parties have also created issues such as genuine Adiwasi and fake Adivasi to create enmity and hate between Bahujans. The conflict is so intense that the rival castes within SC, within ST and within OBC do not come to form a united front. Infiltration of Brahminists in indigenous organizations have widened the gap and intensity of enmity between the leaders of indigenous organizations to such an extent that they criticize each other lowering themselves to lowest level. But they will never criticize any Arya-Brahminist leader to this extent and level.

4) Mass-base of parties of Bahujans is in limited region :- Another  obstacle in the nationwide united front of parties of Bahujan is that they can not be of any help to each other because they are non-existent in each other's state. For example TDP and PRP is only in Andhra Pradesh, DMK is only in Tamilnadu, RJD and JDU is mainly in Bihar and Jharkhand. SP is mainly in Uttar Pradesh. JMM is only in Jharkhand and Bihar. BSP is a recognized national party but is relatively weak in states other than Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, a nationwide alliance between them would be on paper but materially non-existent. Therefore, each of these parties think in terms of their local equations where  SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, RJD-JDU-LJP in Bihar, TDP-PRP in Andhra Pradesh, DMK-? find each other rival in their respective states.

As nun of them can capture power at centre, to obtain share in power at centre they are compelled to make alliance either with communal-casteist Congress or with communal-fascist BJP. This dependency is the main reason that indigenous parties which pose themselves secular can not declare communal-casteist Congress their formidable enemy and launch a decisive campaign to demolish communal casteist Congress. If any Bahujan organization attempts to do that communal-casteist Congress will give preference to other faction of Bahujans in that very state. Every Bahujan organization to keep the opponent Bahujan party out of central power is ready to support communal-casteist Congress. Communal-casteist Congress did it in Tamilnadu with DMK-ADMK, With SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, with RJD-JDU in Bihar. The illusion of secular parties Vs. Communal parties created by Arya-Brahminists have put communal casteist Congress in a position to dictate its terms to Bahujan parties because joining communal-fascist BJP in alliance meant certifying themselves communal and non-secular. Therefore, when  an opportunity of forming a formidable third front under the leadership of V.P. Singh was possible the Bahujans leaders did not miss the chance. But now there is no formidable third front and when Bahujan leaders are divided in camps hostile to each others they have no alternative but to woo communal-casteist Congress so that they may find their share in power. Because of these dependency they are shamelessly certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular.

Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Ramvilas Paswan had have been repeatedly vouching to remain faithful soldiers of Sonia Gandhi. After defeat, Ramvilas Pasvan is repenting and declaring publicly that not allying with communal-casteist Congress was his grave mistake. Lalu Prasad Yadav has also expressed the same feelings repeatedly. Lalu Prasad Yadav at his own declared his party support to candidate of communal-casteist Congress in Rajyasabha election for the seat vacated from Jharkhand. In Jharkhand RJD has 7 MLAs. SP state chief and member of parliament Mr. Akhilesh Yadav  in a statement said that the women reservation bill in its present form with very little changes can be accepted if it is brought down from 33% to 25%. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 June 2009) RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav have been keeping tied lips regarding share of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Thus in their attempt to woo communal-casteist Congress the SP, RJD, RLD and LJP is degrading themselves to lowest possible level.

It is Sharad Yadav,  the JDU leader who gave an emotional mass-appealing statement that he will commit suicide if the women's reservation bill is passed without ensuring quota for OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women. Even Mr. Vinay Katihar and Uma Bharati of BJP and ex-BJP reiterated their commitment for ensuring quota of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Therefore, behavior of Lalu. Mulayam, Pasvan is disgusting considering that communal-casteist Congress is determined to pass women's reservation bill without ensuring quota for indigenous women to grab all the seats for their Arya-Brahmin women.

BSP's unasked unconditional support to Congress makes people conclude that if communal-casteist Congress is well-wisher of Bahujans then where is the need of BSP ? Daily Mahanayak called it grave mistake of BSP to give unconditional support to communal-casteist Congress when it did not even ask for Mayavati's support. According to Mahanayak the list of supporters that communal-casteist Congress submitted to the president of India, did not mention the support of Samajwadi Party and BSP as Congress does not need their support. (Mahanayak, 25 May 2009 p.7) In spite of that by declaring unasked unconditional support to Congress Mayavati has made herself the "miserable-lady" contrary to her widely propagandized image of "iron lady". It appears to us that if these parties do not learn from experiences and revert back to their basic agenda of social justice  RJD and LJP may soon be replaced by JDU in Bihar and SP-BSP shall become progressively weak in Uttar Pradesh and shall be soon replaced by communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP. By certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular the parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi have dug their own grave and shall be soon pushed into the grave they have dug for themselves.

5) Greed of Money and Power :- Selfish electioneering party leaders are slave of their own shallow lusts therefore their main intention is to attain, name, fame, power and wealth by any means. To meet this intention they make masses partially aware so that the masses blindly do what these leaders ask them to do and never question their actions. Brahmins want to get elected by any means, therefore they are ready to spend huge amount. Many organizations of Bahujans after receiving huge amount from these Arya-Brahmins and apply following strategy to benefit these Arya-Brahmins :-

i) Such parties of indigenous Bahujans may file weak or strong candidates depending upon whether the party wants to let a particular party win or lose the seat. For example, on seats mentioned in table 16 if BSP had filed all weak candidates in Bihar on those seats the parties who lost the seats would not have lost them. Critics of BSP claim that in lieu of money BSP leaders file weak or strong candidate depending on whether the "deal" with that particular party is finalized or not.

ii) Parties of Indigenous Bahujans contest election on those seats only where they are strong and leave remaining seats for Brahminists to win;

iii) they contest seats in such a way that votes of Bahujans get divided among themselves and a particular Manuist candidate is elected ;

iv) Knowing fully that the votes of Arya-Brahmins are never transferred to indigenous Bahujan candidates, they make alliance with Brahmanist parties such as fascist BJP and communal-casteist Congress and hide from masses that they have received huge amount from these Brahmanist parties. Sometimes they ask Bahujans to vote for Congress and sometimes to vote for BJP whosoever is the highest bidder at that time.

v) Some parties of Bahujans receiving huge amount from Arya-Brahmins give Arya-Brahmins their party tickets by denying legitimate claims of sincere party workers and see that these Arya-Brahmins are elected.

6) Grip of Brahmin-Religion :- Priestly class is the backbone of every exploitation system as they enslave the minds of the masses to make exploitation and oppression of masses possible. Priestly class of every kind is basically Brahminist as it always protects privileged class. Because the minds of the vote-begging leaders of the parties of indigenous Bahujans are under the firm grip of Brahmin religion they can not take any decisive step mortal to Arya-Brahminist interest. Their life is controlled by priest even before they are born and continue even after their  death in the form of rituals of Brahmin-Religion. From the date and time of filing nomination to date and time of resuming chair it is the priests who dictate them to perform, Puja, Havan, and dictate which parties and their leaders are lucky and unlucky for them.  Leaders are seen wearing rings, sticks, necklace etc. especially prepared by  priests for their luck.

These Bahujan leaders have developed a false belief that unless they drink the water used to clean Brahmin feet, they can not enjoy power, prosperity and the haven after death. Because of this mental slavery imposed by Brahmin religion no minister of Mulayam Singh ministry in Uttar Pradesh could dare to occupy his ministry chair before performing "Yadnya and Hawan" by the Brahmins". How shameful it was to see that the chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav who belongs to OBC community had abolished the districts made after the names of Gautam Buddha, Saint Kabir, Jyotirao Fule, Shahu Maharaj etc., Bahujan warriors. Ex-chief minister of Bihar Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav in his regime started campaigns of building temples of Brahmin religion in record number. Nobody not even the BJP during its rule in Bihar could dare to do so. Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav was fooled by a Brahmin priest who gave him a "miraculous stick" made from precious mettles and claimed that it will save him from all dangers. The stick proved false and the Ex-chief minister suffered more. But it has definitely proved that then Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav is a slave of Brahmin religion. In his resident, tape of Gayantry hymn of Brahmin religion was seen always singing to leave no doubt about his being a slave of Brahmin religion. Because of this mental slavery such leaders can not form a genuine front of Bahujans intended to destroy Brahminism and its exploitation system. The parties of communities who consider themselves "Kshatriyas" (servants of Brahmins) will always proudly serve Brahmin exploiters. Therefore, such parties will never join sincerely the united front of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans. Only those can launch a genuine struggle against system of Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression whose minds are free from the influence of every kind of priestly class.

7) Arya-Brahmins in Bahujan organizations :- Greed for money and power leads selfish leaders to woo rich and influential Arya-Brahminis into their party. These Arya-Brahmins who are rich and resourceful are shrewd enough to identify selfish indigenous Bahujan elements in party and corrupt the whole party with their help. The whole party structure is transformed from revolutionary Bahujan organization to an organization incapable of offering any kind of resistance to exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists. Soon these organizations function as slave of Arya-Brahmins.

8) Blood relations with Arya-Brahmins :- Brahminists using their tried and tested ancient evil plan have been marrying their daughters in reputed families of indigenous Bahujans in power so that these indigenous persons could be used as "Shikhandi" to protect Brahminism and in enslaving Bahujan masses. RPI leaders Ramdas Athawale, Prakash Ambedkar, Justice party leader Mr. Udit Raj (Ram Raj), Ramvilas Paswan of Dalit Sena (Now LJP), BJP leader Gopinath Munde, Ex-Chief minister of Maharashtra Mr. Vasantrao Naik, etc. are few examples who established blood relations with Arya-Brahmins. Such leaders who feel obliged by marrying a Brahmin girl have become slaves of Brahmanism and are striving hard to push Bahujan masses in to poisonous marsh of Brahmin religion and destroying Bahujan struggle against the exploitation and oppression of Brahminist-Zionist Tri-Iblis. Under the same policy Arya-Brahminists have made one son of their family Sikh and thus corrupted whole Sikh religion and paralyzed it with the poison of Brahmin-religion. Under the same evil policy, Arya-Brahmins have converted to Islam and poisoned their religion with Brahminism and ensured that backward Muslims always remain backward and real power lies in the hands of converted Arya-Brahmins. These all converted and not converted Arya-Brahmins in unison are protecting Arya-Brahmin exploitation system and ensuring that indigenous masses remain slaves of their system.

Because of these above mentioned reasons party organizations of indigenous Bahujans will never come together to oust Arya-Brahmin exploiters from power. They will continue to support exploitation system of Tri-Iblis while befooling people by their lip service and mock struggle. Therefore, such parties will never join the united front of indigenous Nag-Dravids.

Chapter III

The Corrupt leaders of Filthy election Marsh !

Table of Contents

Filthy Road of of Election
What to expect from the electioneering parties ?
What the toiling Bahujan masses must do ?
Strategy of Masses in Elections

Filthy Road of of Election

A member of parliament gets salary of Rupees 11900/- per month. They get per day allowance of Rupees. 500/- to remain present in parliament session. Allowance for their constituency is 8000/- per month. Their traveling allowance is 10,000/- Rupee per month. To run office they get 16,000/- per month. To appoint liaison officer in their constituency they get 3000/- Rupees per month. They get Rupees. 1500/- Rupees as meeting allowance per day. They get medical insurance amount for insurance of 5 Lac. They get 25000 unit electricity free. They get two phones having one Lac free calls and third phone for internet having 50000 calls free. They get one first class air condition ticket and a second class air conditioned ticket in railway travel. They also get air ticket. The members of parliaments get pension of Rupees 3000/- per month. (The Week, 11th February 2001) In 'Rashtrapati Bhawan' (House of President of India) there is garden of 400 Acres, 350 rooms, cinema hall, Golf course, and about 1000 servants. (India Today, 8th May 2002, p. 3 )

Arya-Brahmin exploiters have made election system most costly so that only those can come to power who can spend Crore of Rupees and can apply every kind of evil tactics to win election.

Ex-Prime minister Indira Gandhi had deputed her chief ministers to collect party election fund. In Madhya Pradesh chief minister D. P. Mishra had banned the export of "gram" in Madhya Pradesh. The inquiry commission installed latter on revealed that only those were permitted to export "gram" who were paying heavy donations to the election fund of Congress party. In 1987 industrialist J. R. D. Tata had said to President Venkatraman that after 1980 election donation was not asked from the industrialists. It seems that the congress party is extracting money from bribes. (Bhaskar, 14th January 2004) For Parliament election from Bombay alone the political parties extract more than 3000 crore Rupees. Political parties depend for election donations mainly on Reliance, Tata, Aditya-Bidla group, Jindal, Ruiya, Mittal, J.K. group, Godrej, Binani, Bajaj, Bombay Dying, Hinduja, Piramal group, Mahindra, Sterlite, Walkhart, Videocon, Garvare and Hindustan liver etc. industrial families. Just before the elections of year 1971 Sanjay Gandhi had openly stated that "industrialists do not give us donations in charity, in return we give them political protection". Industrialists were compelled to pay donations to apposition parties due to political ups and downs. This is the first election where a law is passed in parliament to give and receive election donations. The industrialists shall receive tax benefit to the extent they have donated to political parties. (Lokmat Samachar, 31st March 2004)

Election has become very profitable business in which parties sell party tickets in crores of rupees. In Bihar assembly elections by selling party tickets each in 15-20 Lac, parties received a very huge amount. (Bhaskar, 1st February 2005) In parliament election expenditure on one candidate is estimated to be 1 to 15 crores. Huge amount is spent in buying votes, bribing other candidates, making certain candidates in favor or removing them from competition. Many candidates are very happy even after getting defeated, because they have already received manifold amount than the amount actually spent by them. Congress president D. Sanjivaiyya had said in 1962 that his party leaders who had ordinary financial status became the owner of crores of Rupees in a very short period. (Bhaskar, 27th March 2004)

Political parties had no alternative but to extract as much money they can to win election. Therefore, extracting money from black marketers, money lenders, drug sellers, and other such antisocial elements becomes inevitable.

Internal secret alliances with Manuist parties are also made to help each other secretly either by putting weak candidate or by filing no candidate at all to allow Manuist to win. Electioneering parties have to please corrupt and immoral priests of all kinds and ignore their brutal exploitation, cheating and loot of people in lieu of support in election. All leaders have kept with them the account of each other's corrupt and antisocial activities, therefore nobody has a fear of getting ever tried for their evil deeds.

According to confidential report prepared by parliamentary research and studies, 348 members of parliaments are facing or have faced judicial charges of economical corruption, cheating, and other criminal offences. Among them against 171 members of parliament are facing charges of murder, rape, robbery, and kidnapping. All these members of parliaments sitting in the 13th parliament make laws for the nation. (Nav-Bharat, 14th December 2002)

In the assembly election conducted in Uttar Pradesh in February 2002, 205 out of 403 candidates are facing criminal charges in court. The number of cases against individual candidates range from 1 to 70. Among them 81 are from Samajwadi Party, 44 from Bahujan Samaj Party, 38 from Bharatiya Janata Party, 14 from Congress, 7 from Lok-dal, 2 from Loktantrik Congress, 1 from Apna Dal, 1 from Communist Party Marxist and 9 from independents. Samajwadi Party MLA elected from Sitapur is facing 70 court cases. Congress MLA from Rai-bareli is facing 30 cases, MLA from Loktantrik and ex minister is facing 30 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Sant Kabir Nagar is facing 35 cases, Loktantrik Congress MLA and ex minister from Gorakhpur is facing 30 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Gazipur is facing 27 cases, BSP MLA from Maharajganj is facing 26 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Aita is facing 29 cases, Apna Dal MLA from Illahabad is facing 34 cases, Independent MLA from Farrukhabad is facing 28, Independent MLA from Bagpat is facing 36 criminal cases. Among them 20 MLAs are facing charges ranging from 12-24 cases. Independent MLA Mr. Mukhtar Ansari elected from Mau could not swear in assembly because he is wanted for police in several criminal cases. 36 cases are pending against him. Remaining MLAs have criminal cases against them numbering from 1-11. Most of them have more than 6 cases. Samajwadi party MLA from Sitapur is facing charges of immoral conduct. Congress MLA from Devariya is facing charges of two murders. Among them 35 MLAs are history sheeters. Among such MLAs are Dhananjay Singh, Madan Bhaiyya, Omprakash Gupt, Mahboob Ali, Ajay Roy, Mukhtar Ansari, Jeet Singh, Durga Yadav, Atiq Ahmed, Haji Yakub Kuraishi etc., are prominent names. (Lokmat Samachar, 19th August 2002).

As per the orders of Supreme court of India it was made obligatory to declare one's criminal record, movable and immovable property while filing nominations for elections. All political parties forgetting their so called political differences opposed election commission's move to implement this supreme court directive. They passed a bill in parliament that no candidature of stained candidates could be rejected on these grounds. Hon. president K. R. Narayanan sent this bill back to parliament for reconsideration. But parliament again sent it to him and it was obligatory for him pass this bill against his wishes. (Lokmat Samachar, 13th January 2003)

In previous parliamentary and three midterm polls especially released criminals openly participated in election in favor of ruling party. Why on the same ground other criminals of the state were not released was the pertinent question asked. (Nav-Bharat, 17th Sept., 2003).

In most of the public meetings, protest marches crowd is hired on payment. For a period of 10.00 Am to 6.00 PM each adult man and woman is paid Rupees 50/- and a child more than 5 years is paid Rupees 15 in addition. If the child is below 5 years mother is paid 25 Rupees extra. (Nav-Bharat, 24th March 2004) Inclusion of Bogus voters in voter lists, influencing voters by all kinds of baits and treats, capturing booths, stopping masses from casting their votes, manipulating election results by manipulating ballot boxes with the help of administration etc. are few examples.

In Jalagaon of Maharashtra state of India among 27 thousand newly registered voters, 24 thousand voters were found bogus. The number of actual new voters were 2583 only. This is continuously happening since last 15-20 years. (Bhaskar, 13th July 2003) In Udhamnagar district of Uttaranchal state of India, around two lac minority people are deprived of their voting right because they are not the owner of land in Uttaranchal. BJP government had passed a bill that to be called as a citizen of Uttaranchal a person should have ownership of land or house prior to 15 years. Such a law is not passed elsewhere in India. When such law was presented for Chhattisgarh and Zarkhand BJP, Congress and other {Brahminist} parties strongly opposed it. But in Uttaranchal both the congress and BJP strongly approved this law (Lokmat Samachar, 25th March 2004) Because in Uttaranchal majority belongs to Upper-castes while in Chhattisgarh and Zarkhand indigenous Nag-Dravid Adivasi are in majority.

All electioneering parties whatever amount they spend on spreading their ideology among masses, thousand fold more amount is spend in election alone.

Once the parties of indigenous Bahujans enter in to the filthy marsh of election and consider election as the only means coming to power are bound to become corrupt and loose the capacity to launch any genuine struggle against the exploitation and oppression. The parties which spend crores of rupees in election how can be the well wishers of common masses ?

When president Naser during his visit to India when found members of {fake} communist parties in parliament asked Nehru surprisingly that "we have jailed all communists". Nehru replied " whether you keep them in jail or in parliament in both the conditions they become harmless. (

What to expect from the electioneering parties ?

If the leaders have some concern for the masses then following benefits of Bahujan organizations coming to power could be seen :-

1) In government (politics) and bureaucracy (jobs) Bahujans get more representation, but by implementing privatization the Arya-Brahmins have already grabbed most of reserved jobs of Bahujans.

2) The government of Bahujans "may" satisfy some of the grown aspirations and hopes of the Bahujan masses materially and or psychologically for the sake of retaining the strength and leadership of their own organizations. This is expected only when the masses are aware enough to discard Bahujan organizations which do nothing.

Bahujan leaders have proved themselves far superior than the Arya-Brahmins in administrative efficiency. Jagjiwan Ram, Mayawati, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Ram vilas Paswan etc. Bahujan leaders have brought their ministries in profit. While Bahujan peasants committed suicide and Bahujans were killed in riots in Arya-Brahmin ruled states, nothing such happened in the rule of Lalu Yadav or Mayavati.

In spite of that poverty, unemployment and exploitation can never be removed by Bahujan leaders as it involves complete destruction of the present exploitation system.

3) Using public resources in spreading Brahmanism is going unabatedly. If parties of Bahujans come to power that will certainly slow down use of money in spreading Brahminism and the Bahujanwadi ideology may get an impetus.

4) The Bahujan masses are likely to shed off some of their inferiority complex and develop courage of a ruling community as a result of Bahujan parties forming their own government.

The above mentioned benefits will be available only when the Bahujan organization or their front come to power on their own strength. They will not be in position to do anything if they are supported by the Arya-Brahmin parties. Third and fourth regime of Mayavati in UP is live example to make this point clear.

After entering into parliament the leaders of indigenous Bahujans have realized that the Indian exploitation system is an inseparable part of exploitation system of world. Observing the real draconian face of exploitation system of Tri-Iblis Bahujan leaders have realized that they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to uproot the exploitation system of Illuminati maintained through the Tri-Iblis.

The imperialism of Illuminati governed Tri-Iblis is destroying the lives of toiling masses of the world through the liberalization, privatization and globalization. But how can selfish leaders even dream to launch a genuine struggle against such exploitation and oppression ? Therefore, the selfish leaders of Bahujan organizations have become the true disciples of three monkeys of Gandhi. These Bahujan leaders in the intoxication of power and money have decided neither to speak against the exploitation of Tri-Iblis, nor to listen anything against the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and the question of seeing exploitation of masses by tri-Iblis does not arise as they now do not belong to the community of toiling masses. Hence, they can never fight against liberalization, privatization and globalization which is introduced by Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis to enslave and exploit the toiling masses of the world.

Bahujan leaders have long back stopped bothering about the exploitation of masses because they know that Bahujan masses have been voting Congress to prevent BJP from coming in to power. Toiling Bahujan masses have no alternative but to vote Bahujan parties wherever they are strong. Then why to bother about the toiling masses ? Chief ministers of Bahujan parties continue to visit the "Darbars" of industrialists and beg them to open their industries in their state and promise them to provide all kinds of opportunity to exploit indigenous masses in lieu of their commission. Thus they are satisfying their selfish interests by promoting exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.

The election fund created by all industrialists under "common minimum exploitation and looting program" have received guarantee that in lieu of huge election donation from this fund to all political parties, these parties shall insure the exploitation and loot of toiling masses by the Brahminist-Zionist exploiters.

State power is the master key to open all the doors of prosperity. But Bahujans must not forget that the Arya-Brahmins though allowed Kshatriyas to hold state power but they exclusively retained with them the right to use these keys. Becoming such a ruler who has no power to use keys to open any door of prosperity is no different than a puppet. Such puppet ruler is simply the door keeper of the doors of prosperity. He has no right to enter into it.

Brahmins have made Kshatriyas puppet kings to serve Brahmin interest and strengthen exploitation system of Brahmin religion. Similarly, Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati who control America has installed their puppets to rule over several countries of the world. Therefore, the rule of Bahujans in several states of India does not mean the rule of Bahujan masses.

Party leaders of indigenous Bahujans are fully aware that if they have to come to power they will have to ensure full protection to the exploitation system of Brahminist-Zionist exploiters. Their should not be harmed even slightly. The leaders of Bahujan parties have departed from their basic program and entered into the Brahminist filthy marsh to such extent that it is impossible for them to come back. They are continuously crushing the party principles beneath their feet and are implementing anti-people agenda of Tri-Iblis and helping Satanist racist Illuminati in every respect.

Bahujan party leaders have forgotten the insults that were delivered to them by the Arya-Brahmins, for example, On 21st October 1997 in UP assembly during unprecedented fighting, Mr. Raja Bhaiyya (a Savarna) pronouncing filthy abuses had thrown his footwear at chief minister Ms. Mayavati. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2004, pp. 23-24) While Mr. Ramvilas Paswan was speaking in parliament one Arya-Brahmin member loudly claimed that Mr. Paswan has taken drug and he should be medically examined to defy the speech of Paswan (Dalit). Lau Prasad Yadav was always made fun by Manumedia and insulted him in every way. Forgetting all these insults they will continue to support exploitation system of Tri-Iblis while befooling people by their lip service and mock struggle.

The organizations of communities who consider themselves "Kshatriyas" (servants of Brahmins) will always proudly serve Brahmin exploiters.

What the toiling Bahujan masses must do ?

No genuine United front is possible unless the missionary struggle is intensified. We must not forget that whatever facility we Bahujans have got it is not due to the begging and crying before the exploiters. It is due to the bitter struggle that our liberation warriors such as Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar etc. launched to capture state power in the hands of masses. The frightened Arya-Brahmin exploiters had no alternative but to make "temporary agreement" to calm-down the struggle.

Therefore, our main objective must be to destroy the exploitation system completely and establish firmly the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy). Our every action must lead us ahead in that direction. Any action which does not accomplish this function is a misleading activity.

When the exploiters are afraid of loosing their state power they beg Bahujans to accept concession such as reservation and other facilities. Those who hold the reins of state-power has the ability to give concession to others. Therefore, when the Irish nationalist Redmund asked Karson the leader of Alster to agree for united Irish state and get whatever facilities and concessions he needs. On this Karson replied, "Down with your concessions, we do not want to be ruled by you at any cost."

When Arya-Brahmins shall find themselves incapable of retaining power through the elections, they will abolish parliamentary system and impose dictatorship over the toiling masses. Then struggle will be the only alternative left with the toiling masses to free themselves from exploitation and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. Therefore, genuine struggle is a fundamental need while the electioneering shall be always secondary and complementary to the basic struggle.

Only when the aspirations of masses and the leaders of Bahujan organizations are identical, they are bound to form united front against the exploitation system of Arya-Brahmins. Such organization will also form united front in election as well. As already explained, presently there is a wide gap between the aspirations of the masses and the aspirations of the leaders of Bahujan organizations. Rather their aspirations are contradictory to each other. Therefore, formation of genuine united front whether for struggle or for election is extremely difficult if not impossible.

The basic requirement is to concentrate our every attention and energy on genuine missionary activities. Every member of toiling masses considering his responsibilities, limitations and resources must carry out missionary activities of their choice and priorities and coordinate their activities with the activities of other such Bahujans so that mission and the genuine struggle against exploitation grows stronger. Then only the united front between the organizations fully controlled by masses will become a reality.

When Arya-Brahmins shall find themselves incapable of retaining power through the elections, they will abolish parliamentary system and impose dictatorship over the toiling masses. Therefore, it is essential for all those organizations who do not believe in election to see that the exploiter Arya-Brahmins can no more retain power through the elections. Following election strategy should be applied by the indigenous toiling masses.

Strategy of Masses in Elections

1) The masses must not vote any Arya-Brahminist candidate. In order to defeat the candidate of communal fascist parties by voting another Arya-Brahmin enemy party would mean making Bajujan Samaj helpless and impotent by submitting the future of toiling Bahujans in the hands of enemy Brahminists and Bibhishans who pretend themselves secularists, socialists and communists, and shed false tears and show false sympathy,

Whether the "Nagnath" or the "Sanpnath" (cobra or the snake) is elected both are bound to bite us. Bahujan organizations can grow only when masses Boycott all the Arya-Brahmin parties and their lackeys. Therefore, defeat all the Brahminist organizations and their lackeys.

2) Our prime most duty is to defeat all Brahminists without any exception whether they are contesting on the tickets of Arya-Brahmin party or on the tickets of Bahujan parties. When it will become clear that the Arya-Brahminists and their lackeys do not get elected at any cost, Brahminism will be paralyzed. Bahujan organizations and Bahujan struggle against exploitation shall become stronger and soon will be in position to give Arya-Brahmins "adequate reply" for their vengeance on Bahujans. Deposing Arya-Brahmins from the state power we can bring the conditions of repaying the Arya-Brahmin exploiters for their committed massacres of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans.

3) Elect only persons who help in the genuine struggle. Smaller are the Bahujan organizations more stronger will be the grip of toiling masses over them. By electing small regional organizations of toiling masses Arya-Brahmins can be permanently deposed. Therefore, vote for the Bahujan organizations which are staunch enemies of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system.

4) If every community start getting their share in proportion to their population, Brahminism will automatically shall become helpless. Therefore, vote in such a way that all communities get adequate representation.

We must preserve the unity and trust between the various sections of Bahujan Samaj at any sacrifice. Therefore, when there is no powerful Bahujan candidate who could win, then help that community candidate which is prejudiced against your caste as a result of misunderstandings created by Arya-Brahmins. This will help to awaken this community and develop in them an urge to unite with your community. Whosoever breaks the unity and trust between the OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi masses for their selfish interests are the greatest enemy of Bahujan Samaj. Such persons are the wreckers of the Bahujan mission.

5) Gandhi, the greatest faithful slave of Arya-Brahmins, has started the era of lackeys and stooges through the Puna-Pact and left no efforts to make Bahujans miserable slaves of Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, every Bahujan must take an oath that he will defeat every party, every person who praises Gandhi. They should be considered as enemy of Bahujan Samaj.

6) Masses charged with self respect can never tolerate persons devoid of self respect as their leaders. Therefore, Never vote for any party or leader who is lackey of Arya-Brahmins. No stooge organization can ever think of becoming more powerful than his master Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, keeping any hope with such stooge organizations means deceiving our own self.

Remember that Arya-Brahmins win through the Bibhishans, Hanumans and Sugrivs amidst us. Such persons for the sake of piece of bait beg votes for Arya-Brahmins or support Arya-Brahmins once they get elected. Expose such persons.

7) Bahujans who hang lockets of Brahminist Gurus, Babas, Swamis such as Osho etc., in their neck like "Mangalsutra" and still pretend to be the workers of Bahujan mission; and the persons spreading Brahminist Dhyan, Yoga, "Vipasyana", techniques ritualism, Priesthood, and superstitions of Brahmin religion should be boycotted and exposed at any cost. They are the enemies who ultimately push the toiling masses in the filth of Brahmin religion and make them incapable of waging a war against exploitation of Arya-Brahminsts. Such persons if contesting election must be defeated by all means.

8) Never vote for candidates who are criminals, money lenders, black marketer, and who are ready to sell themselves for their selfish interest. Such persons entering in to Bahujan organization corrupt the organization and convert it into lackey of exploiters.

Chapter IV

The Self-sufficient aware groups :The only Hope of Bahujan Masses !

Table of Contents

Limitations of vote-begging leaders
Self-sufficient aware groups the only hope
Difficulties in formation of aware groups
It is futile to Surrender
Is Struggle possible without an organization ?
Informal structureless organizations must be formed
The essentials for an aware group
Cut the roots of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system

Limitations of vote-begging leaders

No exploited Bahujan who physically toil for more than eight hours can find time to run any organization. The organization can be run only by persons having strong economical source and sufficient time to run the organization. Such persons usually belong to upper middle class. Party whole timers who receive livelihood from party can find time for party work. But unfortunately such party whole-timers are at the mercy of their super middle class leaders. Party whole-timers or leaders born in working class develop economically and become part of middle class and acquire middle class tendencies. Therefore parties of vote begging leaders soon become tools to satisfy the selfish interests of their leaders and have nothing to do with Bahujan mission. Such party leaders can never lead fierce struggle required to depose exploiters, destroy their exploitation system and establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.

Self-sufficient aware groups the only hope

The only hope of Bahujan masses is the numerous self-sufficient aware groups who considering their abilities, weaknesses, resources, family and professional responsibilities carefully decide a missionary role of their top most priority and dedicate themselves to their chosen missionary activity. Such groups coordinate their activities with the activities of the other aware group without having any physical connection with them. The missionary activities of such self-sufficient aware groups in thousands shall automatically create a very strong invincible mission.

Difficulties in formation of aware groups

The big question is are the Bahujans capable of surmounting the following difficulties in the way of formation of self-sufficient aware groups ?

1) Every member of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans communities suffers with inferiority complex. In his vain attempt to show himself superior than the other members indulge in endless futile political debate resulting usually in disputes and enmities. How can such a community develop courage, patience and endurance to carry on any missionary activity continuously while coordinating and promoting activities of other self sufficient aware groups ? Arya-Brahmin exploiters are 101% confident that such impotent communities of Nag-Dravid Bahujans can never produce such aware groups.

2) How can any Arya-Brahmin believe that the indigenous Nag-Dravid toiling masses who are divided for the "names" of political organizations of their vote beggar leaders can ever work for the declared common aims ? Can they consider the missionary activity important than the "title" of their respective organizations ? Arya-Brahmins are 101% confident that only Arya-Brahmins can do that. No Arya-Brahmin can ever dream of Nag-Dravids developing such attitude and spirit among the indigenous Nag-Dravids.

3) The vote-begging leaders know nothing than delivering the lectures. Arya-Brahmins know that if indigenous Nag-Dravid masses form their self-sufficient aware groups and become active in various missionary activities, it will eliminate the dependency of toiling masses over their vote begging leaders. To retain their importance and leadership, the vote begging leaders will have to develop those skills and abilities required to launch a genuine struggle against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation system. Considering mental makeup and their selfish nature it is impossible that they will ever think of developing these skills in them. Therefore, the vote beggar leaders shall oppose such groups and every attempt of masses to develop control over them (leaders).

4) While implementing missionary activities aware group shall receive no cooperation from any quarter. Selfish persons shall do everything to pull their legs. Every moment members of aware groups shall experience frustration to the extent that lastly they will surrender before the Arya-Brahmins and may accept their miserable fate.

5) The indigenous Bahujan masses have no sense of determination and endurance. The mental condition of toiling exploited Nag-Dravid community is like an impatient monkey who after sowing the seeds daily dig the land to see whether the seed is growing or not. Nag-Dravid community wants very big result immediately. Nag-Dravid community thinking that the sowing seeds does not produce such a big tree immediately they will never sow and nurture the seeds. Therefore how the nag-Dravids can even dream of encountering Brahmanism ? Is the million Dollar question.

It is futile to Surrender

Exploited Nag-Dravid Bahujans have to choose between the two alternatives. 1) either to activate themselves as self-sufficient autonomous aware groups and dedicate themselves for Bahujan mission or 2) surrender before Barahmanism and become the slaves of Tri-Iblis. There is no third alternative.

The Bahujans devoid of self respect shall only accept slavery of Arya-Brahmins. Such persons are "dead" persons and do not exist from the point of view of mission as they are merely spectators in the battle against exploitation and oppression.

The Bahujans with self respect can never accept slavery and oppression. When they become aware they are bound to launch continuous decisive Jihad against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression. Therefore, we lay our every hope in Bahujans with a strong self-respect.

No matter which organization you belong to, if you really want to do something significant for Bahujan mission then you will have to launch missionary activities of your own priorities considering your own abilities, resources, limitations, weaknesses and all domestic and professional responsibilities. There is no other alternative.

Some Bahujans have a mentality of "goods-train container". Goods train containers move only when they are pulled by their engine. Similarly Bahujans having same mentality become active only when their "leaders" decide any activity for them. Such persons "move" only when their "engine" (leader) make them active. The leaders activate them only in activities which are no missionary activities. They do not have ability to become themselves engine and carry out declared missionary program of their own party organization.

The water-stream never wait for obstacle to be removed. It makes its own way to move ahead. If a Bahujan has a genuine urge to carry out mission he finds thousand of ways otherwise he finds thousands of excuses and subterfuges.

Many workers do not participate in struggle because they are afraid that they may be victimized by their Arya-Brahmin officers. Because of this fear, they blindly obey Arya-Brahmins in the hope that they shall be spared from their wrath. But the history tells us that whosoever has bowed before the exploiters, their necks are chained. One who surrenders before the oppressor not only himself becomes a slave but he ensures that his several generations shall remain in slavery.

It is an established fact that when the anger is suppressed, it creates various psychophysical diseases such as peptic ulcer or their anger and frustration may be released on family, friends and related persons. As a policy, the Arya-Brahmin officers transfer Bahujans employees so often in places of discomfort so that the Bahujans loose their mettle and mental composition and his whole family suffers economically and mentally and lags behind the Arya-Brahmins. Many transferred employees have even become victim of drug addiction or alcoholism.

To maintain Brahmin supremacy the Arya-Brahmin officers are bound to put obstacles in your career, project their hostile feelings upon you, and are bound to transfer you. Considering this harsh reality, is not retaliation against oppression is the best alternative than merely suffering ?

Frightened people who surrendered never received any of their rights. Frightened people shall never receive any rights. The salary that every employee receive, ultimately comes from the blood and sweat of toiling masses. Therefore, to dedicate ourselves in cutting the roots of Brahaminism, awakening toiling masses to destroy Brahaminism is not only our own need but it is also a debt of toiling community on every Bahujan employee. Every employee must pay this debt at any cost.

Instead of creeping whole life like an insect, life of a moment with full of self respect is far better. Let us not hide our face, let us not lower our head, Let us meet our eyes with the eyes of the oppressors. No matter if we live few nights less, but we shall live by lighting torches.

No matter how grieved we are, we must wipe our tears, and smile. It is futile to bow before the oppressors. So raise your head upright. We never get life in beggary, it has to be snatched from the oppressors. Let us prepare ourselves to snatch our every right from these dirty exploiters and the oppressors !

We must get rid of sense of helplessness and develop a strong determination for Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) against the exploitation and oppression. The moment our hearts boil with the spirit of Jihad against exploitation and oppression, thousands of political (for common men) and nonpolitical (for government servants) ways and techniques shall automatically immerge and very soon innumerable streams of volcano against exploitation and oppression shall flow and ultimately unite to create a great ocean of volcano in which exploitation and oppression system of Tri-Iblis shall perish for ever.

Therefore, let us have a strong determination to clash with every oppressor ! Let these oppressors keep a vain hope of reconciliation, but we shall march ahead, never to stop ! Because, life devoid of self respect is nothing.

Even a dog, barks on the person who hits him with a stone. Will you allow yourself having a self-respect lower than even a dog's self-respect ? If you have self respect then, never remain aloof from the struggle against exploitation and oppression.

Remember, oppression sows the seeds of its destruction, for the shaded blood can take hundreds of faces that can not be wiped out; hundreds of sparkles that can not be extinguished, hundreds of slogans that can not be suppressed. Therefore, let us not afraid of oppression of the oppressor. Oppression itself ensures end of the oppression and the oppressors themselves.

The mute generations shall now snatch their rights. Shall do openly what they want to do and say loudly what they want to say. Because it is not the era to die suppressing our aspirations. How long can rusted swords protect the loot ? The chains shall break and life shall smile. Nothing can remain if masses do not agree. Do not worry if the night is so dark, who can stop the dawn ? More deep is the darkness more beautiful shall be the dawn. Let us not tire as the dawn is so near.

Every indigenous Bahujan is victim of Brahminism. Therefore to burry Brahamanism is his own battle. He shall not oblige anybody or his community by entering into his own battle against Brahaminism. Rather, by entering into this battle he shall prove himself a person of self-respect. One should not forget that who helps the warrior of mission is also a missionary warrior.

Choose any activity against the exploitation and oppression that can not harm you beyond your tolerance level. You may tight your lips in your work place; but you certainly can dedicate yourself in mission against exploitation in your area, where nun of your officer have any hold on you.

If you engage yourself in mission, you will not experience agony and frustration of living alone as a result of your transfer. You shall derive some satisfaction of retaliating Brahminism the basic root cause of our every oppression and torture. You can also utilize your time in developing your physique (Physical exercise reduces mental tension) and mental skills thus defeating the very purpose of Brahminists to decompose you mentally.

The moment exploited toiling Bahujans realize that with his own efforts how effectively he can damage exploitation system of Arya-Brahminists, he shall give up his tendency of servile dependency on vote-begging leaders and his impotency to remain aloof from the mission.

The person whose aspirations are frustrated from his family can devote himself in Bahujan mission. This way his anger shall be released on the Brahminism which is enemy of Bahujan masses and you shall experience some relief from the mental tension. The number of such persons participating in Bahujan mission is not less.

The employees retired from their service can dedicate their remaining life in Bahujan mission. Thus they shall have a glorious purpose to their life and they shall be saved from interfering in the personal matters of son and daughter in law.

Brahminists know very well that a Bahujans who join any organization of Sangh Parivar (RSS and his satellite organizations) knowing very well that the Sangh Parivar came in existence to establish Brahmin monopoly and its basic purpose is to deprive Bahujans of their rights and exploit them, is a selfish person with slave mentality. Therefore Arya-Brahmins never hesitate to use them as they like and throw them to garbage bin when they are of no use or if they crave for more and start barking.

The slaves of Brahaminism have their ultimate fate in garbage-bin is the grim reality. This is realized only at the moment when persons like Bangaru Laxman, Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharati, B.P. Mourya, Babulal Marandi, Ajit Jogi etc. are thrown out like the fly in milk, and find themselves there in garbage-bin then only they remember their community. Let us not follow such spineless creatures.

Is Struggle possible without an organization ?

It is undisputed that everybody of us should dedicate ourselves in missionary activity of our priority considering our ability, resources, weaknesses and the responsibilities. But it may be asked that "is not it essential to have a revolutionary organization ? "

It is essential to have a revolutionary organization for a successful Jihad against exploitation and oppression. But the organization of exploited masses lead by middle or upper middle class can not remain revolutionary unless they are controlled by the exploited masses themselves. This condition is never satisfied in any struggle.

The real revolutionary organization evolves and is molded through the bitter struggle of working masses with the exploiters.

Awareness for an ultimate goal is precondition of struggle whereas organization is the result of this struggle. No organization can take a shape without struggle. The struggle itself is an organization. Whatever would be the form of the struggle, the organization will be molded into the form conducive to that sort of struggle. This is the law of evolution.

In weight lifting exercise the muscles that work in lifting weight grow more stronger. The muscles become again weak if one leaves the weight lifting. In the process of evolution the specific part of jelly like organisms which caught food grew dense and stronger to bear more pressure. The activities like holding food, sending it inside the body etc. paved the growth of a mouth and food track. The pressure behind mouth created a spine. Whichever body part of these jellylike organisms had to perform work their bodies (organizations of bodily cells) were molded accordingly and new kinds of living organisms evolved.

This proves beyond doubt that the nature of struggle determines the nature of organization. Therefore, from the organizational characteristics also, we can determine the capabilities and nature of any organization.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar told his followers to educate and agitate so that their organization would result from this struggle. Many of his followers misunderstood slogan of "Educate, agitate and organize" as "educate, organize and agitate". Without launching any struggle against the Brahminist exploiters, they tried to organize hence obviously failed. These selfish leaders in fact never went for struggle therefore their organization never evolved. These selfish leaders singing praise for Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar deceived followers of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar for votes and called their election stunts a struggle.

The functional definition of the word "organization" is given as "several individuals working for a common goal". Manu-media is not physically connected still their reports have the same strategy and content because of their awareness regarding Brahmin interest. This example makes it clear that physical contact is not an essential condition of an organization.

No members of any national party living at distant places are physically in contact with each other. All the activities have to be implemented at local unit levels only. These local units need leaders to coordinate their activities at district, state or national levels. When the coordinated activities of the local units spread nationwide appear at a given time then only the organization at those levels (national, state or district level) appear. Without activities and struggle members of any formal organization have no meaning. Therefore, coordinated activities of individuals is another name of an organization.

Ability to launch missionary activities and coordinate with each others activities develops out of awareness. In the absence of awareness the organization shall show disintegration or will have existence on paper only.

When small groups whether they formally unite or not, whether they adapt any name or not, if they work for missionary activities automatically organization comes in to existence. If hundreds of such groups work while coordinating their activities with the other groups, the wider organization or a family of organizations at district, state or national level shall automatically immerge. At the most we may call such "coordinated / organized activities" as "structure-less informal organization or a fluid organization".

Persons dedicated to similar or complementary activities are bound to unite some day in a common organization or family of organizations dedicated to a common aim.

Selfish vote-beggar leaders need a "formal structured organization" to befool toiling masses by their lectures, and dramatics to extract money and votes from the people. These vote begging leaders do everything, except genuine missionary work. More wider their formal organization is the more powerful and rich these vote-beggar leaders become.

On the other hand when missionary activities of "structure-less fluid organization immerge, awareness is developed in toiling masses. The decision making process of toiling masses immerges and becomes progressively stronger. The toiling masses begin to control their own mission. Therefore the first requirement of Bahujan mission is that every Bahujan should dedicate himself for the missionary activity of his choice and priority.

Informal structure-less organizations must be formed

Benefits of small self-sufficient, autonomous aware groups are matchless.

1) The 1-5 persons knowing each other very well can form their informal group to execute missionary activities of their priority decided after considering their own ability, resources, limitations and responsibilities. In such groups entry of agents of exploiters is almost impossible.

2) Such groups carry out activities of their priority therefore they implement them forcefully with total honesty.

3) In such groups nobody gets undue importance. Everybody gets importance according to the nature of role each aware person performs.

4) In such informal groups inactive persons automatically become dissociated.

5) From the very moment the leaders of structured Bahujan organizations are bought by the exploiters, the structured organizations of Bahujans start working to satisfy the interests of Manuists. As a result the toiling masses who have faith in that organization develop frustration.

On the other hand, it is impossible for the exploiters to purchase or corrupt innumerable structure less aware groups. Their missionary activities invariably forces people's struggle in correct direction. Therefore, masses develop confidence and a very strong morale.

6) Because self-sufficient aware groups are free from external interference, their activities run uninterruptedly and develop a compulsion for structured organizations to perform better or perish. Therefore they are bound to give the mission extra speed and make struggle of toiling masses powerful and invincible.

7) Awareness groups belong to their respective sections such as toilers, peasants, students, youths, their respective profession etc. therefore no self-sufficient aware group shall have members of conflicting interests. The activities being carried out by numerous self-sufficient aware groups make the overall struggle more versatile having several facets.

8) Formal structured organizations usually increase importance of their "vote-beggar leaders". On the other hand, informal self-sufficient aware groups make common masses powerful and enable them to control the leaders.

9) Self-sufficient aware groups are basically Bahujanwadi while the leaders of structured organizations are usually dictators. They believe in nepotism, groupism, and establish their full control over the organization and even decide their own successor.

10) The structured organizations usually have rivalry or enmity between them. They usually work against each other's interests. Rarely they can work in coordination.

On the other hand, activities of the self-sufficient aware groups are complementary to each other and they have no hesitation in promoting the activities of other such missionary groups.

11) Activity of a self-sufficient aware group is according to the existing reality of their own places. On the other hand vote-beggar leaders of the structured organization decide activities for the local units without considering local considerations.

12) Activities of self-sufficient aware groups are of their aspired priorities while the activities of structured organizations are imposed by their vote-beggar leaders on the local units whether they like them or not.

13) The leadership of the structured organizations is always in the hands of vote-beggar leaders who belong to rich or upper middle class. Since this class is selfish and coward class hence, their struggle always remain shallow and lacks genuine determination and vigor. This is not the case with self-sufficient aware groups.

14) The self-sufficient groups are not begging before anybody for money or donations since they carry their missionary activities with their own resources. On the other hand these rich vote-beggar leaders are also seen begging for money.

The essentials for an aware group

1) The first condition of every aware group is that they perform missionary activities while performing their domestic and professional responsibilities fully and efficiently.

2) They should be self-sufficient in terms of their finance and resources needed to carry out missionary chosen activities of their priority. While the vote-beggar leaders believe in "take again and again from society", the aware groups believe in "pay back to society " therefore, they shall never beg before others for donations. They execute their activity uninterruptedly without depending on any external support. This always keep them confident, self-dependent, and their activities uninfluenced by others. There are hundreds of activities which can be conducted with minimum available resources.

If somebody wants to help them economically, they insist that the donor himself or with the help of others should carry out missionary activity of his own priority because that would create another aware group.

3) While choosing any missionary activity the aware group must make sure that :- i) their activities can never lead them to unbearable financial losses and ii) the wrath of Manuists shall not be beyond their maximum tolerance level. iii) They should never cross the limit of their chosen activity which may invite consequences beyond their tolerance. This will ensure that the group shall never experience frustration and disintegration.

4) Every aware group must be completely aware and train itself in implementing missionary activities and sending severe injury to Manuism while remaining itself completely protected.

5) The aware groups must remain informal and autonomous. They shall not create posts in the informal group.

5) The members must decide their activities unanimously and implement them by each one performing an appropriate role suited to him.

i) The activities shall be conducted without any title. If adapting a title is unavoidable then the "title" for their activities shall never be used in declaring support to other organizations or their activities as other formal organizations do.

ii) The aware groups comes into existence to perform essential missionary activities which are completely neglected by vote beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations.

iii) Because every such formal organization has its own limitations (such as electioneering approach, limited purpose, way of doing a thing etc.) and other weaknesses (such as led by rich persons etc.). Therefore an aware member of such organization may also develop an informal self-sufficient group while continuing to work in his political or social organization. The role of such aware person in his social or political organization and in the informal self-sufficient aware group shall be clearly differentiated.

iv) Every member of the group is individually responsible for the contacts that he maintains and have any kind of financial dealings with them. For example, awareness literature is collectively published by our informal aware group and every person of the group receive the published awareness literature in proportion to the amount spend by him. Each person spreads this literature and maintain his own contacts and dealings in this regard. Therefore, in no way other members of the awareness groups become responsible for his dealings.

v) The agents and lackeys of Brahminist exploiters increase the membership of their organizations by distributing "awards or certificates of honor to importance seeking persons." Therefore, the question of accepting any award or honor for the members of aware group never arise. The biggest award for the group is result of their missionary activities. No person from informal aware group should accept any award or honorarium from anybody because our intention is to accept the leadership of toiling masses and not to become their leaders. Being the members of exploited society, we are fighting our own battle against Brahminist exploiters. We are not obliging anybody but paying our social debt as every penny of our earning comes from the sweat and blood of toiling masses. Accepting award goes contrary to paying our social debt. On the contrary it means that the award receiving person is obliging common masses. Accepting awards, honors also means inflaming self-importance against the masses. We want to demolish personality cult in favor of toiling masses therefore can not accept honor or awards.

Similarly, no group members should deliver a lecture in the name of the "title" of the informal self-sufficient aware group. In no case the unstructured organization (informal self-sufficient aware group) be converted into structured formal organization.

5) The members of the aware group if they can promote or help in the missionary work of other groups they do it as their prime duty.

6) Almost all Arya-Brahmins are enemy of the interests of toiling Bahujan masses. Therefore, implementing the teachings of Jyotirao Fule, no Brahmin shall be inducted into the informal self-sufficient aware group nor an Arya-Brahmin shall be allowed to take any position in Bahujan mission. If any member has married a Brahmin girl, it is better to keep him away from the activities of the informal self-sufficient aware group.

7) Persons of informal self-sufficient aware group must adapt to 'Bahujanwadi Culture'. The aware group persons unless are adapted to Bahujanwadi culture can not remain loyal to Bahujawadi struggle in changing circumstances till the end. Some of the values of Bahujanwadi Culture are specified below :-

i) Laziness is the root cause of all vices including exploitation. Therefore, they should make physical work as part and parcel of their life and value physical labour as sacred. Physical works keeps our body and mind strong, create true hunger that makes food tasty and gives you deep peaceful sleep.

ii) The aware person shall never consider himself inferior to anybody nor superior than anybody. Self-respect as well as self-respect of other Bahujans is supreme most for him because without self respect person is reduced to the state of a slave.

iii) He believes that the priest is the evil-most genius of the world who kills rationality of person and enslaves toiling masses mentally and physically. Therefore, he does not believe in supernatural, does not have belief in soul and he shall keep all superstitions, rituals, and priests away from his personal life no matter they are being introduced in whatever form through any Bahujanwadi religion.

iv) Money is only essential to meet basic needs. Money is not essential condition of happiness. Real happiness comes from removing ignorance, irrational thoughts and cravings. Because they make a person unhappy, drive him after shallow cravings and compel him to deprive others and suppress those who come in his way. Real happiness comes from developing Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna in oneself and following right thinking, right attitudes, right aim, right speech, right means of livelihood, right behavior and endurance in right direction that develop mutual trust, love and sense of sacrifice for others and which leads to betterment and happiness of the toiling masses.

8) Aware groups believe that difficulties are to be solved and surmounted. Bahujans are molded into true revolutionaries only when they surmount difficulties that come in the way of their missionary activities. Therefore, aware self-sufficient groups do not believe in moaning and weeping that "Brahminists are breaking us from here and from there, Oh, what to do, somebody may save us". Aware groups do not believe in the policy of stopping blows of Brahminists but believe in retaliating by more powerful blows.

9) They must keep in mind that whatever they are doing is bound to produce result some day. Whether anybody helps or not the aware groups have to carry out their missionary activities continuously and uninterruptedly with the distant planning. The aware groups must decide an action plan that covers the nature of their activities during first 1-10, 11-15, 16-20 and 21-25 years and achievement targets set at each duration block.

10) Do not think of big results but concentrate on small goals such as you develop confidence from your activities, more your activities trouble the Manuist exploiters more you will forget about your own troubles. You experience the pleasure of living in a group of honest, sincere & cooperating Bahujans dedicated to mission. As your ability to harm Manuism increases the Manuists develop your fear in their heart. This will boost your self-respect and proves that you are far superior than these Manuists. Thus you experience the happiness of increased status and self-respect. Persons who have surrendered before Manuism are devoid of the happiness derived from such strong self-respect.

The self sufficient aware groups must develop in them the ability to revert the ill-effects of the anti-Bahujanwadi activities of the vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. For example, BJP and Sangh Parivar government of Gujarat executed massacre of Muslims in Gujarat with the full consent of America and Israel. One party of Bahujans not only supported BJP in parliament on this issue but made a joint election campaign with Killer BJP and asked Bahujans of Gujarat to vote for BJP candidates. This was the act of shameless betrayal and stabbing the Dalit-Muslim unity. It almost crushed the hearts of aware Dalit-Muslim Bahujans.

Therefore, it was the immediate duty of the Bahujans to help the Muslims by all possible means, and also to defend the physical and ideological attacks of Arya-Brahminists against the Muslims.

For example, i) launch a campaign to remove misunderstandings created by Arya-Brahmins about Muslims and Islam, ii) Answer ideological attack of Arya-Brahmins by our actions. For example, Arya-Brahmins do everything to prove Muslims as anti-nationals and Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) as terrorism. Therefore, Shoshit Samaj Jagrukata Muhim calls its struggle against the exploitation system of Brahminism as a "Jihad" and proving in its literature that the Manuist Arya-Brahmins in fact are anti-nationals while the Muslims are patriots. SSJM is striving to establish real unity between Dalit-Muslims iii) When Arya-Brahmins launch their attack on one of the sections of Bahujans, it becomes the supreme duty of other sections of Bahujans to retaliate Arya-Brahmin attacks by all vigor. Then only we shall be able to develop real unity between the toiling Bahujan masses. This is also an opportunity of repentance or compunction for the betrayal of Muslims by the vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. iv) It is the duty of every aware Bahujan to boycott the goods produced by the Manuist industrialists of Gujarat.

If somebody pour more water in food, it can be balanced or undone by adding chilly, salt and other things in proper quantity. In the same way every aware group must develop skills to give the situation desired missionary turn and neutralize the effects of misdeeds of selfish vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. We must dedicate ourselves in developing what is lacking in Bahujan mission.

Vote-beggar leaders can not work for real unity between Bahujans so some aware groups must take that responsibility. vote-beggar leaders can not work to develop strong retaliation force capable of answering Bajarang Dal etc. terrorist organizations of Sangh Parivar in the language they understand. Therefore, some aware groups must dedicate themselves to develop that kind of retaliation force.

Cut the roots of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system

� If half of the following roots giving sustenance to Brahminism are cut or made ineffective, the tree of exploitation system of Brahminism shall collapse immediately.

A) Roots giving sustenance to Brahaminism :- 1) The hold of Brahmin religion over the Bahujans, 2) Manumedia, 3) Political power in the hands of Arya-Brahminists, 4) Arya-Brahmin Bureaucracy, 5) Network of benefit giving institutions, 6) Economical Network of Arya-Brahmins 7) Their economical better position, 8) Worldwide unity of Arya-Brahminists, 9) Armed terrorist organizations of Arya-Brahamins.

B) Sustenance of Brahminism due to weakness of Bahujans :- 1) Mentality of Brahmin slavery, 2) Dependency on Brahmins in social, family and political matters, 3) Discord and hate among the sections of Bahujans, 4) division among the Bahujans, 5) lack of awareness among the Bahujans about their rights, 5) being captive of traditions and rituals that weaken economically, educationally and mentally, 6) Lack of well organized retaliation forces of Bahujans against the oppression of Brahminist and their terrorist organizations, 7) Bahujans not using their divergent thinking in their mission of destroying Manuist exploitation system.

The divergent thinking means searching all kinds of solutions irrespective of their applicability because presently inapplicable solutions may become applicable some day when other conditions are satisfied

When we 4-5 ordinary Bahujans of average intellect and meager resources are getting excellent results from our awareness campaign, then aware group of Bahujans having high intelligence and plenty of resources should do miracles.

Chapter V

Fundamental characteristics of Bahujanwadi mass organizations

Preconditions for Success of Bahujawadi organizations
The compositions of Bahujanwadi organizations
Formation of a Bahujanwadi organization
The structure of Bahujanwadi Organization
The coordination between basic and auxiliary organizations

1. Preconditions for Success of Bahujawadi organizations :-

a) The basic assumption of Bahujanwadi organizations is that the fight against exploitation can be fought sincerely by toiling masses alone for whom this fight is the question of life and death.

b) The struggle against exploitation can be fought effectively and successfully if toiling masses are aware of Bahujanwad and struggle against exploitation. Complete awareness is the precondition for the success of their struggle.

c) The success of Bahujanwadi organizations also depends upon active participation of masses in the missionary work of their priority. More the small independent and self sufficient aware groups work independently will serve as check and counter-check on the activities of Bahujanwadi organizations and will keep them active and on right path and will make Bahujan mission invincible.

2. The compositions of Bahujanwadi organizations :-

Unless toiling masses hold unabated control over their representatives and bureaucracy, no guarantee of exploitation free society and security of the country can be assured.

The masses / section of aware masses who work for eight or more hours daily themselves can not act as a party staff and run the whole party machinery themselves. Therefore they appoint some of its members as their "revolutionary staff" to accomplish revolutionary activities under their direction and control.

According to communist thinkers, party organization is a the most advanced section and a vanguard which leads the masses. In Bahujanwad, the members of the common members of the party are more aware than persons assigned responsibilities of accomplishing party activities decided by the members.

Communist thinkers have asserted that the Middle and super middle class participate in proletariat struggle not because they accept hard labour as means of livelihood but because it becomes difficult for them to maintain their luxurious position in competition between capitalists. Therefore middle / upper middle class and intellectuals are believers of status quo and hence basically have capitalistic tendencies. Therefore they are not revolutionaries. They lack correct assessment of reality and project their own ideas, notions and aspirations as the reality, are unable to see all facets of the issue, have extremist tendencies, are opportunists, show unwillingness to carry out revolutionary tasks because of their cowardice, apply delay tactics to tasks that make common masses important, and are resistant to accept leadership of toiling masses. Even students or non working youths belonging to working class family also according to communist thinkers have tendencies to exploit because they are merely dependent on their labouring parents therefore, these students and youths are not revolutionary.

The history of communist struggle reveal that middle class / upper middle class and intellectuals in a communist party are source of revisionism (capitalism in the garb of socialism), extremism of left (self-defeating activities in the garb of revolutionary activities) and right deviation (avoiding revolutionary action when it really needed), one-sidedness, and all other tendencies that lead party to wrong direction. They create factions in the party and make party incapable of fighting exploitation. The intra-party struggle, wrong decisions, betrayals, sabotages etc by these sections have send more harm than the benefit to revolutionary party and its struggle against exploitation and the exploiters. It is concluded that unless upper middle, intellectual classes, students and nonworking youths sections accept the leadership of working class, unless they become one with the working masses, get rid of their capitalistic tendencies by constant introspection, and temper themselves in long struggle under the leadership of working masses they can not become revolutionary. This is the conclusion of Communist thinkers.

The purpose of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is to make toiling masses powerful in all respects. Therefore, membership of all Bahujanwadi organizations are restricted to labouring masses of various communities and they receive representation in party according to their population proportion. This ensures complete control of working class in their revolutionary organizations.

Therefore the Bahujanwadi organizations shall be of two kinds e.g. i) basic organizations and ii) auxiliary or assisting organizations. iii) organizations of Arya-Brahmins claiming themselves revolutionary.

Basic organization consist of working masses alone whereas auxiliary or assisting organizations consist of middle class, upper middle class, intellectuals, students and non working youths of Bahujan Samaj.

The auxiliary organizations shall run their organizations by creating their own resources. They will have to become one with the working masses, learn from them, adapt themselves according to the needs of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, Their basic task is to implement decisions taken by the basic organizations, help basic organizations in creating awareness literature and provide monitory and other needed help.

Arya-Brahmin religion came in to existence to exploit and suppress masses. Therefore, they have endocrined their Arya-Brahmins in the ideology, tendencies and way of thinking that meets this satanic purpose. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins irrespective of their economical class their minds are filled with beliefs, values and the tendencies to exploit, and have sense of superiority over the indigenous Nag-Dravids. Therefore they can never launch Jihad against Brahmin religion and its culture of exploitation. According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule a Brahmin can never become a revolutionary. Therefore, no Arya-Brahmin shall be allowed in any basic or auxiliary Bahujanwadi organizations or be allowed to take charge of any revolutionary activity.

The Arya-Brahmins pretending /claiming to be revolutionary want to infiltrate Bahujan organizations to obtain important posts to spy the activities and mislead the movement. Therefore, The Arya-Brahmins who claim to be revolutionary should organize their own community-men (Arya-Brahmins) to launch a decisive fight against the Brahmin-religion and its culture to completely destroy it. Thus the third category of organizations would be organizations of Arya-Brahmins dedicated to the destruction of Arya-Brahmin religion and its culture.

The above organizational arrangements are most scientific because this arrangement does not allow to take possession of steering wheel of the organization (car) of toiling masses by persons with conflicting interests and prevent possible accidents (worst consequences). There could have been another arrangement such as allowing middle, upper middle, intellectuals and students in the party of toiling masses by denying them any posts or voting rights. But they are bound to influence the driver while sitting backside. In the present arrangement their trolley (organization of middle classes) is safely tied to main motor (organization of toiling masses).

The upper unit office bearers or executive committee members are not relatively permanent as is the case with organizations of Manuwadi pyramid structure. Therefore, as soon as their tenure of one year is completed office bearers and members of executive committees are considered automatically dissolved and are replaced by new executive who decide their new office bearers.

No person can be consecutively elected twice as a member of executive committee or the office bearer; and in his entire life he can not be elected more than three times. A "random draw" will be made to ensure that every unit gets representation to upper unit executive committees and posts of office bearers.

The maximum tenure of one year is important to ensure effectiveness of Bahujanwadi wave pattern. Therefore it can not be increased in any case. This period is not short considering state assemblies in India that collapse and are reconstituted either by reshuffle or by reelections.

The above provisions a) ensure representation to each unit, b) party members will go to executive committees only when they have adequately studied Bahujanwadi curriculum and gained sufficient experience in revolutionary work. c) Since every member can be elected three times in his entire life time he will have a tendency to acquire skills enabling him to reach to highest unit, d) because of one year tenure they will in advance decide their priority program, study organizational management and activities before they try for their selection to executive committee or to the higher posts. e) Thus equally efficient persons shall be plenty in number outside the executive committees, the executive committee members or the office bearers will not get undue importance or opportunity to become bosses over the party members or the masses.

The Bahujanwadi organization is federal. The units are united on the basis of common ideology and a revolutionary program. Every basic unit of a Bahujanwadi organization is self-sufficient and autonomous since every party program ultimately is implemented at local unit level. The upper levels of the organization are only coordinating structures came into existence to implement revolutionary activities more effectively by utilizing collective resources.

The general body of Gana-level unit will approve and send its share for the works approved in higher executive committees.

Since the organization is federal, every local (Gana) unit has right of self determination. If a local unit can secede from the main organization in that case the seceding unit will have to change its name.

The property and assets of the local unit belong to the common members of the unit. No upper unit will have any right over their resources.

The members of the Bahujanwadi basic or auxiliary organization are free to work in missionary activities of their priority either individually or with the help of others. However, he /they will have to submit a report of his /their activities to the party unit.

3. Formation of a Bahujanwadi organization :-

i) Before organizing a basic / auxiliary organization, the founder member / members will have to compulsorily survey the locality (geographical area) concerned and determine the population proportion of various castes / communities and make a report of their socio-cultural, psychological and economical characteristics.

Considering above characteristics of the communities / castes, an awareness campaign should be launched to aware them and make them capable in all respects to carry the responsibilities of the organization. Every community / caste should be represented in the organization and organizational posts according to their population proportion in the area.

ii) A unit in which laboring masses could not be so represented, will be considered as an incomplete unit. The incomplete units will not have voting right. Its opinions will have the value of suggestions only. To become a complete unit it will have to represent every community / caste according to their population proportion in that area.

iii) To make every Bahujan ideologically capable he will have to be trained in a "curriculum of awareness" specially designed for this purpose. This curriculum will consist of papers such as a) the nature of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, b) History of people's struggle, c) techniques of exploiters and their lackeys to deceive toiling masses (Bahujans), d) Bahujanwadi economy and administrative skills, e) launching Bahujanwadi struggle in the situations of peace and repression.

iv) After each Bahujan qualify in the above curriculum a committee (represented by all communities / castes) selected by general body will determine his awareness and admit him as a member of the basic /auxiliary unit of the organization.

4. The structure of Bahujanwadi Organization :-

a) Gana (local) units :- i) All primary members of the Gana form general body of a Gana Unit. The general body of the Gana Unit (local unit) will meet at least once in a year to decide a program, its action plan and will elect executive committee to implement this action plan.

ii) All the members of the executive committee have same status and they decide their office bearers by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction between the members for discussion in this regard.

iii) the number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented.

Upper executive committees of organization come in to existence to :- a) coordinate in the missionary activities decided by the executive committees of the lower units, b) make the activities widely spread, and c) utilize resources of local units meaningfully at the consent of majority. Therefore, every Gana-Unit of the organization (common members of Gana-level organization), will decide its missionary tasks and their priorities and an action plan to implement these activities, depending on the nature and conditions of that organization such as workers, working peasants etc. organizations. For example, the common program may include developing awareness literature in local languages to aware and organize people for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, launch propaganda and resistance campaigns against injustice, launching special missionary activities, establish coordination between auxiliary organizations and so on.

These higher executive committees may be established at the 1) Ganrajya (state) level and 2) Ganrashtra (country) level. The Bahujanwadi organization is federal and not central in term of its power sharing. Lower units are more powerful than the upper super structures.

1) Ganarajya Executive Committee :- Supposing a Ganarajya has 100 Gana-Units and each of its executive committee send 2 of its members then the "Ganarajya Executive Committee" shall have 200 members. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarajya shall have equal status.

The Ganarajya executive committee shall decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Gana units. Usually each Gana unit executive committee provide guidelines and program and action plan to be discussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to Ganarajya executive Committee.

These 200 members of executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarajya level to implement program and action plan decided by them. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between these members.

The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the respective Ganarajya executive committee considering their local conditions. The Ganarajya executive committee (above mentioned 200 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.

Every member of Ganarajya executive committee is answerable to their respective Gan Unit executive committee. Respective members of Ganarajya executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Gana unit executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarajya executive Committee. The Gan-unit executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarajya. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The lower level executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.

The Gana Unit executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarajya executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.

In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Gana-Unit executive committees or in their general bodies about the points or questions raised by the particular Gana-Unit / units. Then the Ganarajya executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Gana-units. However the matter can be re-discussed in Gana-Unit executive if 1/3 of gana-representatives so demand providing additional points.

In this way common members of the local unit are extremely powerful. This ensures complete leadership of masses over its organizational superstructures.

2) Ganarashtra Executive Committee :- If a Ganarashtra (country) has 80 Ganarajyas (states) and each Ganarajya Executive committee send 2 of its members then the Ganarashtra Executive Committee shall have 160 members in all. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarashtra shall have equal status.

The Ganarashtra executive committee decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Ganarajya. Usually each Ganarajya executive committee provides guidelines and program and action plan to be disscussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to ganarashtra executive Committee.

These 160 members of Ganarashtra executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarashtra level to implement program and action plan decided by them. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between the members.

The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the Ganarashtra executive committee. The Ganarashtra executive committee (above mentioned 160 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.

Every member of Ganarashtra executive committee is answerable to their respective Ganrajya executive committee. Respective members of Ganarashtra executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Ganarajya executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarashtra executive Committee. Ganarajya executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarashtra. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words even a president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be a president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The Ganarajya executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.

The Ganarajya executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarashtra executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.

In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Ganarajya executive committees about the points raised by the particular Ganarajya executive committee. Then the Ganarashtra executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Ganarajya executive committees. However the matter can be re-discussed in Ganarajya executive committees if 1/3 of ganarashtra executive committee members so demand citing new grounds.

It is obligatory for each higher executive committee to give an account of expenditure done periodically and whenever demanded any of its lower executive committee (general body). For example, 1) office bearers of Ganarashtra level organization shall report to Ganarashtra executive committee. 2) Each Ganarashtra executive member will report to their respective Ganarajya level executive committee. 3) Each Ganarajya level executive committee member will report to their respective Gana-Unit executive committee. 4) The office bearers of respective executive committee can discuss the matter and take decisions on behalf of its executive committee. In every such case it is obligatory for the committee of office bearers that the decisions are taken according to the guidelines and rules framed by the respective executive committees. If the decision of committee of office bearers shall stand null and void if it is opposed by the members of executive committee.

5. The coordination between basic and auxiliary organizations :-

a) The auxiliary organizations come into existence to play a subordinate role willingly since they claim to be Bahujanwadis.

b) The coordination will occur at local level only because aim of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra is to make local units and toiling masses powerful and want to avoid auxiliary units to develop any pyramidal power structure.

c) The local unit of basic organization will prepare an outline of priority tasks to be implemented with the cooperation of the local unit of auxiliary organization.

d) Local units of basic organization will elect / select some of their members as coordinators between the Bahujanwadi auxiliary organizations to get their cooperation on issues of Bahujanwadi interest.

Chapter VI

Resolving Contradictions between the Existing Bahujan Organizations

Table of Contents

Right way to Resolve

Contradictions between Bahujan Organizations

1) Bahujans dedicated to mission never bother about differences. Differences are seen only among "vote-beggar leaders" originated from their selfish interests. Therefore, several impurities of various kinds in our organizations and society are bound to exist. Aware groups know that nothing comes in ready made form. Before consuming we have to remove covers of the fruits or vegetables, cut unnecessary parts, remove pebbles from the rice, wash them and then cook.

Secondly when Brahminists break their vengeance upon we indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi toiling masses of India, they do not see which organization we belong to; and treat us alike. Therefore, aware groups consider all Bahujanwadi organizations as their own organizations and must help a genuine missionary activity of every Bahujan organization. A missionary activity is that activity which unites toiling masses, strengthen their struggle and weaken Brahminism and its exploitation system.

The aware groups are dedicated to mission only therefore they are not rival of any Bahujanwadi organization but complementary to them in the missionary activities and Jihad (struggle) against exploitation and oppression. Therefore, every aware Bahujan has to maintain cordial relations with Bahujan masses working in different parties so that they can avail every little opportunity to work together for a missionary activity agreed mutually.

2) Blaming each others is the work of "vote-beggar leaders". Toiling masses have nothing to do with their so called differences. Therefore, the policy of aware self sufficient groups is : "work in the right direction." This policy alone is a perfect answer to wrong policies of vote-beggar leaders".

The confidence and morale of toiling masses increase if we implement correct policies efficiently. The mistaken leaders shall have a chance to correct their mistake. Those who are bound to apply wrong policies because of their selfish interests and incapabilities shall get exposed and slowly become isolated from the masses.

Aware Bahujans shall never criticize Bahujan leaders or their organizations either publicly or in their literature because aware Bahujans criticize only with the purpose to cure and not to kill the patients. The wrong acts without naming such leaders or their organizations can be criticized. The toiling masses under their influence should decide themselves about the wrong actions and the persons or organizations guilty of such wrong deeds.

However, in order to protect the trust and unity between sections of toiling masses, when it becomes absolutely unavoidable (as during Gujarat massacres of Muslim when a Bahujan organization took pro BJP stance) it is permitted to criticize leaders of Bahujanwadi organizations openly and make one's stand clear. The anti-people activities of Manumedia, Manuists and their lackeys, Manuists priests and Manuist Bhikkus should be severely criticized since they are enemies of toiling Bahujan masses.

A Bahujan can determine from the following test whether the organization he works in is a staunch Bahujanwadi, Bahujanwadi, is a lackey of Manuist, Manuist or a staunch manuist by responding to the questions of the test specially devised for this purpose.

Let a Person Determine Real Character Of his Organization

The better way to make person of a Bahujan organization aware is to ask him to assess his own organization by answering the questions of the following test and then think on the obtained results.

Each statement of the test has four alternative answers as a, b, c, or d. Choose any one alternative for each statement and mark it in the box of each statement.

1. The ideological foundation of the organization is :

Palash Biswas
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