Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Re: Press Statement: In Solidarity with Mahesh Bhattji & Family - 'La Affaire Headley'.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

B H A R A T   B A C H A O   A N D O L A N

"For a National Struggle against Imperialism & Zionism"




Mahesh Bhattji & Pooja Bhatt addressed the meeting. The panel also included: Mr. Kumar Ketkar (Editor, Loksatta), Adv. Yusuf Muchala, Feroze Mithiborwala (President, Awami Bharat), Kishore Jagtap (President, Ganai Sanskrutik Andolan), Dolphy D'Souza (President, Bombay Catholic Sabha) & Abraham Matthai (State Minorities Commission).

Venue: Press Club, next to Azad Maidan, CST.Date: Monday 23rd November 2009 / Time: 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

We unequivocally condemn the witch-hunt that Mahesh Bhattji & his entire family are being subjected to. Mahesh Bhattji as we all know is amongst the very few people from the world of Cinema & the Arts, that has unflinchingly stood by the cause of Secularism & Democracy. Never has there been a time when he has not heeded the call of the oppressed. He has always been there at the forefront of the battle against the forces of religious extremism & obscurantism that threaten to undermine & destroy India & thus the reason that he is being targeted. The way that sections of the police & the media have been attempting to disparage & malign Mahesh Bhattji over the "Headley affair" is truly despicable. Thus we now call upon the social & political movements to stand by Mahesh Bhattji & extend their solidarity.

The entire issue over the Headley matter has grabbed the daily front pages & airwaves. The Headley affair does prove one point that we have been continuously stating, that there was an involvement of certain cells within the country without which the 26/11 terror attack would not have been successful & this has also been attested to by Mr. Dutt the ex-NSG chief who has also raised doubts about their being merely 10-12 terrorists.

It is also clear that the FBI & the CIA, the premier Imperialist organizations that spawn terror, wars, assassinations & coups are using the tragedy of 26/11 to entrench themselves into the minds of the Indian people, albeit with the total co-operation of our government, certain sections of the security apparatus & the corporate media.


Both Pooja Bhatt & her father Mr. Mahesh Bhatt revealed some very interesting facts that have been hitherto remained unreported.


Firstly they were extremely infuriated with both the Police & the IB for revealing the name of Rahul Bhatt & his friend Vilas Pandurang Varak & thus both endangering & maligning the two after having been honest & courageous for having stepped up & volunteered the information. The Media to went berserk whilst mis-reporting the entire episode & continued to do so even after repeated appeals to them to check their basic facts, but to no avail.


More interestingly Pooja Bhatt stated that the caricature of Headley being carried on our screens does not match the Headley that they had met. In fact we have yet to see a photograph of Headley. Intriguingly, even Moksh, the gymnasium does not have either the photograph or a signature of Headley on the membership form. There are also no agreements with the landlord of the apartment in the posh Bridge Candy locality. This is also the story with the office that he hired at Tardeo. Why has all the evidence to do with his identity being airbrushed is the question. Why isn't the true photograph of David Headley being shown to the nation?? She said that we do not even know if they are referring to the Headley that they knew.


It was also made clear that Rahul Bhatt does not require a clean chit from any agency. He has only done his duty as a good citizen. They also debunked media reports of restrictions on Rahul's travel, there are none.


Shri Mahesh Bhatt also revealed that initially they he did keep silent on the matter as they had been instructed by the IB to do so "in the interests of National Security". But certain sections of the media under instructions from the Right-wing began to attack the Bhatt family, after which Mahesh Bhatt & his family took them on & have silenced them for the most.


The other important point is that Rahul & Vilas should have been feted as heroes but were treated as suspects & their identities having being revealed, endangered their lives. There has to be a coherent system to protect witnesses both by the government-security apparatus & the media. It is also way past time that the Media learnt to regulate itself or in this race for TRP ratings, they are distorting facts beyond description & with utter disregard for the consequences that the "victims who are terrorized by the media", have to bear.

The second point is that interestingly Rahul Bhatt himself felt that Headley was a CIA agent & has said so in a report of the Hindustan Times. Why is this lead not being followed up??

Rahul Bhatt who was courageous & honest to step forward & approach the police on his own accord has stated that - "Headley was passionate about fitness and Military Special Forces". He told Bhatt and Varak about the Delta Force of the US military and the top-secret force called "Special Activities Division" of the CIA that carries out "covert political action and paramilitary operations".  "He claimed to have done a stint with the US army," said Bhatt. "I always wondered whether he was a CIA agent and used to jokingly call him Agent Headley."

The fact that Headley was operating from a Training Gym (Moksh), extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy, as well as the fact that he lived in the most elite areas of the city, atleast proves the fact that he had access to vast sums of money & more over was very confident of operating very openly in what he personally considered to be a friendly & protected environment, a base from which he would travel & execute his orders. He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate & was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym. He also shared his house with other White individuals.


Why are they not being interrogated is the simple question!!


Were the other White friends of Headley FBI/CIA operatives??

Did they too play a role in the planning of the 26/11 terror attacks??

Who were they & where have they all gone??

Even the owner of Moksh, a known media personality Mr. Pritish Nandy is not being questioned for the serious lapse on part of the management!!


Thus the question arises – as to why only Rahul Bhatt & his friend Vials??


Similarly Ken Haywood a suspect in the Ahmedabad blasts had received training in the US army & was connected to extremist Christian organizations & was allowed to flee under the watchful eyes of the police & the media.


In 1998, Daoud Gilani (David Headley), then 38, was convicted of conspiring to smuggle heroin into the US from Pakistan. Court records show that after his arrest, he provided so much information about his own involvement with drug trafficking, which stretched back more than a decade, and about his Pakistani suppliers, that he was sentenced to less than two years in jail and later went to Pakistan to conduct undercover surveillance operations for the US "Drug Enforcement Administration" (DEA).


In 2006, he changed his name to David Headley, apparently to make border crossings between the US and other countries easier, court documents say. At this stage it is possible that Headley then began to work directly for the FBI / CIA covert operations as despite his heroin smuggling record, he was given all the right documents.


Over the course of the last two years, he flew in & out of India very easily. The timings of Headley's visit do coincide with the blasts, most of which we know have been carried out by the Abhinav Bharat & the Sanatan Sanstha.


Worse, both the visas to Headley & Rana were issued Visas "under the discretion of the Consul General Vishwas Sapkal" in apparent violation of rules under which clearance of the "Indian Ministry of Home Affairs" (then headed by Mr. Shivraj Patil) is required for any person born in Pakistan. Moreover the Indian Ambassador has discretionary powers that were used in this case (TOI, 23/11/09). Thus even the penetration of the CIA/FBI within the Indian bureaucracy is highly disturbing & poses a grave challenge to our national security. Do note that the Ambassador under question is Mr. Ronen Sen.


In our estimation Headley is an ISI-LeT operative & aligned to the CIA-FBI-ISI nexus.


Also Headley's connections with Riyaz Bhatkal of the Indian Mujahedeen (IM), go to prove that Headley was working at the behest of the FBI & the IB. That is if one understands that the IM is the creation & creature of the IB. In his recent book "Who Killed Karkare??" SM Mushrif (ex-IG of Police Maharashtra) has clearly implicated the IB in fomenting terror attacks within the country.

Then why is the FBI targeting Headley who is their own asset??


After using Headley in the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks, the FBI is now treating him as a sacrificial lamb. The events over the past year, especially "la affaire Headley" have entrenched the FBI deep into the defense & security apparatus of the country.


That matter too can be simply explained. Since the Afghan wars of 1979, a number of Pakistanis who were part of the ISI, also worked for the FBI & CIA. To the extent that LeT operatives were deployed by the CIA in Kosovo.

The fact of the matter is that the CIA & the FBI were involved in the planning & execution of Mumbai 26/11.


Those who still doubt that only need to answer a very simple question. According to reports that appeared in the 'Outlook' magazine, in mid-September the CIA warned the Government of India about the coming terror attack.


Our questions are only two-fold:

1) Why did not the CIA warn the Civilian Govt. of Pakistan or the Military Chief Kayani or the ISI itself????


2) Now that we all know that the US does pay 1/3rd of the operational & other expenses of the ISI, how is it possible that the CIA forgot, or did not inform the ISI or any of the other wings of the Pakistan government of the impending 26/11 attack????


Thus the CIA & FBI as well as other US & Israeli covert organizations are very deep into Pakistan as we all know. It is the CIA & MOSSAD who are using Pakistan to launch terror attacks across the world, to further their agenda of global hegemony, weapons trade, control over resources & the growing security industry.


Normally it is Mahesh Bhattji who launches movies. This time the newly formed National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has sought to use the Headley-Rahul affair as their launch pad & they seem to have succeeded in doing so.



Varsha V V, Asif Khan, Major Barve, Bhagwan Garud, Avinash Kamble, Syed Iftikhar Ahmad, Ravindra Pawar, Jyoti Badekar, Reshma Jagtap, Jagdish Nagarkar, Mulniwasi Mala, Sayeed Khan, Aslam Ghazi, Sanjay Shinde, Simpreet Singh, Shridhar Shirsagar, Chetna Birje, Yavar Ali Kazi, Farid Batatawala, Vilas Gaikwad, Munnawar Azad, Arif Kapadia, Tito Eapen, Ghazala Azad & Shadab Shaikh.
contact: 9820897517 / 9324514101

B H A R A T   B A C H A O   A N D O L A N

"For a National Struggle against Imperialism & Zionism" 


Mahesh Bhattji & Pooja Bhatt addressed the meeting. The panel also included: Mr. Kumar Ketkar (Editor, Loksatta), Adv. Yusuf Muchala, Feroze Mithiborwala (President, Awami Bharat), Kishore Jagtap (President, Ganai Sanskrutik Andolan), Dolphy D'Souza (President, Bombay Catholic Sabha) & Abraham Matthai (State Minorities Commission). 
Venue: Press Club, next to Azad Maidan, CST.Date: Monday 23rd November 2009 / Time: 5.30pm to 7.30pm. 
We unequivocally condemn the witch-hunt that Mahesh Bhattji & his entire family are being subjected to. Mahesh Bhattji as we all know is amongst the very few people from the world of Cinema & the Arts, that has unflinchingly stood by the cause of Secularism & Democracy. Never has there been a time when he has not heeded the call of the oppressed. He has always been there at the forefront of the battle against the forces of religious extremism & obscurantism that threaten to undermine & destroy India & thus the reason that he is being targeted. The way that sections of the police & the media have been attempting to disparage & malign Mahesh Bhattji over the "Headley affair" is truly despicable. Thus we now call upon the social & political movements to stand by Mahesh Bhattji & extend their solidarity. 

The entire issue over the Headley matter has grabbed the daily front pages & airwaves. The Headley affair does prove one point that we have been continuously stating, that there was an involvement of certain cells within the country without which the 26/11 terror attack would not have been successful & this has also been attested to by Mr. Dutt the ex-NSG chief who has also raised doubts about their being merely 10-12 terrorists. 
It is also clear that the FBI & the CIA, the premier Imperialist organizations that spawn terror, wars, assassinations & coups are using the tragedy of 26/11 to entrench themselves into the minds of the Indian people, albeit with the total co-operation of our government, certain sections of the security apparatus & the corporate media.

Both Pooja Bhatt & her father Mr. Mahesh Bhatt revealed some very interesting facts that have been hitherto remained unreported.  

Firstly they were extremely infuriated with both the Police & the IB for revealing the name of Rahul Bhatt & his friend Vilas Pandurang Varak & thus both endangering & maligning the two after having been honest & courageous for having stepped up & volunteered the information. The Media to went berserk whilst mis-reporting the entire episode & continued to do so even after repeated appeals to them to check their basic facts, but to no avail. 

More interestingly Pooja Bhatt stated that the caricature of Headley being carried on our screens does not match the Headley that they had met. In fact we have yet to see a photograph of Headley. Intriguingly, even Moksh, the gymnasium does not have either the photograph or a signature of Headley on the membership form. There are also no agreements with the landlord of the apartment in the posh Bridge Candy locality. This is also the story with the office that he hired at Tardeo. Why has all the evidence to do with his identity being airbrushed is the question. Why isn't the true photograph of David Headley being shown to the nation?? She said that we do not even know if they are referring to the Headley that they knew. 

It was also made clear that Rahul Bhatt does not require a clean chit from any agency. He has only done his duty as a good citizen. They also debunked media reports of restrictions on Rahul's travel, there are none. 

Shri Mahesh Bhatt also revealed that initially they he did keep silent on the matter as they had been instructed by the IB to do so "in the interests of National Security". But certain sections of the media under instructions from the Right-wing began to attack the Bhatt family, after which Mahesh Bhatt & his family took them on & have silenced them for the most. 

The other important point is that Rahul & Vilas should have been feted as heroes but were treated as suspects & their identities having being revealed, endangered their lives. There has to be a coherent system to protect witnesses both by the government-security apparatus & the media. It is also way past time that the Media learnt to regulate itself or in this race for TRP ratings, they are distorting facts beyond description & with utter disregard for the consequences that the "victims who are terrorized by the media", have to bear.

The second point is that interestingly Rahul Bhatt himself felt that Headley was a CIA agent & has said so in a report of the Hindustan Times. Why is this lead not being followed up?? 
Rahul Bhatt who was courageous & honest to step forward & approach the police on his own accord has stated that - "Headley was passionate about fitness and Military Special Forces". He told Bhatt and Varak about the Delta Force of the US military and the top-secret force called "Special Activities Division" of the CIA that carries out "covert political action and paramilitary operations".  "He claimed to have done a stint with the US army," said Bhatt. "I always wondered whether he was a CIA agent and used to jokingly call him Agent Headley." 
The fact that Headley was operating from a Training Gym (Moksh), extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy, as well as the fact that he lived in the most elite areas of the city, atleast proves the fact that he had access to vast sums of money & more over was very confident of operating very openly in what he personally considered to be a friendly & protected environment, a base from which he would travel & execute his orders. He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate & was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym. He also shared his house with other White individuals.

Why are they not being interrogated is the simple question!!  

Were the other White friends of Headley FBI/CIA operatives??

Did they too play a role in the planning of the 26/11 terror attacks??

Who were they & where have they all gone??

Even the owner of Moksh, a known media personality Mr. Pritish Nandy is not being questioned for the serious lapse on part of the management!! 

Thus the question arises – as to why only Rahul Bhatt & his friend Vials??  

Similarly Ken Haywood a suspect in the Ahmedabad blasts had received training in the US army & was connected to extremist Christian organizations & was allowed to flee under the watchful eyes of the police & the media. 

In 1998, Daoud Gilani (David Headley), then 38, was convicted of conspiring to smuggle heroin into the US from Pakistan. Court records show that after his arrest, he provided so much information about his own involvement with drug trafficking, which stretched back more than a decade, and about his Pakistani suppliers, that he was sentenced to less than two years in jail and later went to Pakistan to conduct undercover surveillance operations for the US "Drug Enforcement Administration" (DEA).  

In 2006, he changed his name to David Headley, apparently to make border crossings between the US and other countries easier, court documents say. At this stage it is possible that Headley then began to work directly for the FBI / CIA covert operations as despite his heroin smuggling record, he was given all the right documents. 

Over the course of the last two years, he flew in & out of India very easily. The timings of Headley's visit do coincide with the blasts, most of which we know have been carried out by the Abhinav Bharat & the Sanatan Sanstha. 

Worse, both the visas to Headley & Rana were issued Visas "under the discretion of the Consul General Vishwas Sapkal" in apparent violation of rules under which clearance of the "Indian Ministry of Home Affairs" (then headed by Mr. Shivraj Patil) is required for any person born in Pakistan. Moreover the Indian Ambassador has discretionary powers that were used in this case (TOI, 23/11/09). Thus even the penetration of the CIA/FBI within the Indian bureaucracy is highly disturbing & poses a grave challenge to our national security. Do note that the Ambassador under question is Mr. Ronen Sen. 

In our estimation Headley is an ISI-LeT operative & aligned to the CIA-FBI-ISI nexus. 

Also Headley's connections with Riyaz Bhatkal of the Indian Mujahedeen (IM), go to prove that Headley was working at the behest of the FBI & the IB. That is if one understands that the IM is the creation & creature of the IB. In his recent book "Who Killed Karkare??" SM Mushrif (ex-IG of Police Maharashtra) has clearly implicated the IB in fomenting terror attacks within the country. 
Then why is the FBI targeting Headley who is their own asset??

After using Headley in the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks, the FBI is now treating him as a sacrificial lamb. The events over the past year, especially "la affaire Headley" have entrenched the FBI deep into the defense & security apparatus of the country. 

That matter too can be simply explained. Since the Afghan wars of 1979, a number of Pakistanis who were part of the ISI, also worked for the FBI & CIA. To the extent that LeT operatives were deployed by the CIA in Kosovo. 
The fact of the matter is that the CIA & the FBI were involved in the planning & execution of Mumbai 26/11.

Those who still doubt that only need to answer a very simple question. According to reports that appeared in the 'Outlook' magazine, in mid-September the CIA warned the Government of India about the coming terror attack. 

Our questions are only two-fold:

1) Why did not the CIA warn the Civilian Govt. of Pakistan or the Military Chief Kayani or the ISI itself????

2) Now that we all know that the US does pay 1/3rd of the operational & other expenses of the ISI, how is it possible that the CIA forgot, or did not inform the ISI or any of the other wings of the Pakistan government of the impending 26/11 attack???? 

Thus the CIA & FBI as well as other US & Israeli covert organizations are very deep into Pakistan as we all know. It is the CIA & MOSSAD who are using Pakistan to launch terror attacks across the world, to further their agenda of global hegemony, weapons trade, control over resources & the growing security industry. 

Normally it is Mahesh Bhattji who launches movies. This time the newly formed National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has sought to use the Headley-Rahul affair as their launch pad & they seem to have succeeded in doing so. 

Varsha V V, Asif Khan, Major Barve, Bhagwan Garud, Avinash Kamble, Syed Iftikhar Ahmad, Ravindra Pawar, Jyoti Badekar, Reshma Jagtap, Jagdish Nagarkar, Mulniwasi Mala, Sayeed Khan, Aslam Ghazi, Sanjay Shinde, Simpreet Singh, Shridhar Shirsagar, Chetna Birje, Yavar Ali Kazi, Farid Batatawala, Vilas Gaikwad, Munnawar Azad, Arif Kapadia, Tito Eapen, Ghazala Azad & Shadab Shaikh. 
contact: 9820897517 / 9324514101

Palash Biswas
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