Thursday, November 26, 2009

Re: PACI Urges Iranian Americans to Give the Gift of Life by Registering as Bone Marrow Donors

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 3:21 AM, PAAIA <> wrote:

PAAIA: Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans

PACI Urges Iranian Americans to Give the Gift of Life by Registering as Bone Marrow Donors

Persian American Cancer Institute (PACI) playing crucial role in fighting cancer and saving lives

November 25, 2009 – The Persian American Cancer Institute (PACI) is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 in Southern California by cancer survivor Hoori Sadler to increase the awareness and participation of Iranian Americans in the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer.  With the support and endorsements of some of the best known cancer institutes, community leaders, activists and survivors, PACI has played a crucial role in the battle against cancer.

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Firouz Naderi Shares Advice with the Next Generation: "Not Everything Needs to be About You!!"

On May 10, 2009, six accomplished Iranian Americans gathered at UCLA's Royce Hall to share the trials and tribulations of their lives with the next generation. The event was the first of what we expect will be many such events called, "Passing the Torch of Success to the Next Generation of Leaders," a forum aimed at inspiring Iranian American youth with lessons learned from the community leaders of today.

For those who were unable to attend this unprecedented event, and in an effort to share the experience and value of the program with all, PAAIA and IFL are periodically releasing videos capturing the presentations of each of the speakers.

Today we present the presentation entitled "Not Everything Needs to be About You" by Dr. Firouz Naderi, Associate Director, Project Formulation and Strategy at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

Click here to see the video

Goli Taraghi Awarded Bita Prize for Literature and Freedom

On November 12th, Iranian Americans gathered at Stanford University to honor Goli Taraghi, who was awarded the Second Annual Bita Prize for Literature and Freedom.
Born in Tehran, Taraghi is one of contemporary Iran's most eminent writers and essayists, as well as a remarkable story teller in the tradition of Iran's Shahrzads. She began her career with a collection of short stories entitled I Am Che Guevara, and has since authored many other books including Winter Sleep, In Another Place and Scattered Memories. Her recent collections of stories are The House of Shemiran and The Three Maids. Taraghi traveled from Iran to accept the award and deliver her talk titled, "My Two Worlds".

Click here to read more

PAAIA Brings Together Iranian Americans in Orange County

November 25, 2009 - On Wednesday, November 18th, Iranian Americans gathered at the Westin Hotel in Costa Mesa, California to learn more about PAAIA and its Orange County Chapter.  About 180 people were in attendance, including members of PAAIA's Board of Directors and PAAIA/NexGen.  Also in attendance were representatives of several other Iranian American organizations, including Network of Iranian American Society (NIAS), the Iranian American Bar Association (IABA), Children's Hope International Literacy Development (CHILD) and the Strategic Business Group.

Click here to read more and watch the event

The Shams Emsemble: Pushing the Boundaries of Musical Expression in Iran

November 25, 2009 - Last month, the audience at UCLA's Royce Hall was treated to the latest performance of the Shams Ensemble.  The concert was presented by KIRN 670 Radio Iran and the Persian Arts Society.

Click here to read more

PAAIA seeking a qualified U.S. citizen for the position of Executive Director

PAAIA is a non-partisan, nonsectarian national organization focused on creating a networked, cohesive IA community and projecting an accurate image that underscores the vibrancy, accomplishments, and contributions of Iranian Americans to life in American. PAAIA also seeks to build an influential community voice by promoting the participation of IAs in all spheres of American political life, including supporting their election or appointment as public officials.

Click here to read the job description.


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Palash Biswas
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