Monday, November 9, 2009

Re: "Mumbai 26/11 Truth" - National Conference: Marathi Patrakar Sangh, 26/11/2009. 10am-6pm.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:59 PM, satyamevjayte <> wrote:
B H A R A T      B A C H A O     A N D O L A N







Date: 26/11/2009 (Thursday)    /     Time: 10.00am to 6.00pm

We Demand That the Government of India:

"Constitute a National Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate the Mumbai 26/11 Terror Attack"

The "Ram Prahdhan Committee Report be made Public"

The Mumbai 26/11 terror episode was undoubtedly an attack on the nation & thus there is a need for a far more extensive, transparent & honest investigation. In the past few months, a number of questions and doubts have been raised in the media as well as other public fora and there is a growing discontent & sentiment amongst the people to demand a thorough investigation into all the aspects of the terror attack.

Our plea to the people is the following. The Indian people need to awaken to the scourge of terrorism as it has become the political and social challenge of our times. The 'politics of terror' has replaced the 'politics of communal riots' & it is the new system of spreading mass paranoia & fear to control of the Indian masses, by the political-corporate elite and we will have to stand together and fight this menace. None of the political leaders seem to be victims of the terror attacks, not even when the Indian Parliament was attacked! But we continue to die in Mandirs, Masjids, Churches, Gurdwaras and Buddhavihars. We continue to die in Buses, Trains and Taxis. We know that the Political leaders are lying, the Media lies and so do our Police & our Intelligence Services.Thus we need to find the answers. But for that we need to start asking basic questions and challenge the dominant paradigm within which our minds are forced to think or rather "not think".

Every terror attack only serves to further communalise the Indian people. Hindus grow more and more wary and fear or rather detest the Muslims. It leads to further ghettoization and marginalization of the Muslim community. The Muslim community becomes an increasingly easy target for the State, the police apparatus and the right-wing Brahmanical-Hindutva forces. After every terror attack our democratics rights are further eroded by draconian laws that we ourselves clamour for. After every terror attack our Weapons & Security budget is increased. Every subsequent terror attack nudges the Indian people into the waiting talons of the American-Israeli strategic alliance. They thrive in promoting terror, wars and 'controlled chaos' (a Neoconservative oxymoron) & that is pushing the world into a state of 'perpetual warfare'.

The US agenda is to deepen it's military & strategic presence in the region & to maintain a state of warlike tension between India & Pakistan. Thus the 'Global War on Terror' is an instrument for global US-Israeli-EU hegemony and is basically an instrument of foreign policy in the age of US-Zionist Imperialism. It is the politics of terror that is reshaping the geo-political & economic map of the world. The strategy of terror is deployed to deepen & weaken the religio-ethnic faultlines, thus weaken & eventually balkanize nations. Thus do note that the terror attacks are occurring in the countries that are part of the US-Israeli orbit of influence.

As the normal refrain has only alluded to the fact of 'systemic or intelligence failure' we wonder as to why the State & Central governments are refusing to table the entire Ram Pradhan Committee report. Moreover this report in itself has a limited parameter & scope, as it has primarily looked into the role and the failures of the police machinery. Here to many critical areas have been brushed under the carpet, especially with regard to the Shri Hemant Karkare-Cama Hospital episode, where the entire role of the Control Room and the officers in-charge need to be further investigated.

It was during this encounter with the terrorists that the brave Police officers Shri Karkare, Shri Kamte and Shri Salaskar lost their lives. On this episode alone, there is a lot of discontent amongst the people. As yet there is very little clarity as to exactly who sent Shri Karkare to the site and having done that, did not send in reinforcements, even though they had been supposedly dispatched. 

Here the records and transcripts of all the telephone calls to and from the Control Room to the various Police personnel, as well as between other important political leaders, bureaucrats & other personalities need to be investigated and made public. More over till date, the very 'bullet proof jacket' and Shri Karkare's 'mobile' are missing. There are also reports of two cars having passed the three slain officers during that period & we want an explanation for this bizarre affair. The jacket would reveal the kind of bullets that killed him and the mobile record would reveal as to who actually directed Mr. Karkare to that spot and later did not respond to his desperate appeals for enforcements. According to information that we have garnered, Hemant Karkare was shot in the neck with 9mm bullets, thus fired from a revolver & they went down vertically downwards into his body ! We also demand that the 'Post-Mortem Report' of the same be made public immediately as even that basic document is being kept under wraps.

Another major fact in this story is the death of Sub-Inspector Durgude, who was killed on the footpath outside St. Xavier's college at the very entrance of the lane leading into the Rang Bhawan barely 25 mts from where Shri Hemant Karkare was shot dead much later. Durgude was shot even before Ismail & Kasab reached the spot at the Corporation Bank. This clearly indicates that there was another mercenary team that was operating & their target was Shri Hemant Karkare.

The very fact that though for more than a hour and a half, the embattled police led by Shri Sadanand Date and  later joined by Shri Karkare and his team, kept on sending messages for help to the Control Room, as well as calls from the Azad Maidan Police Station proves the fact that certain elements within the police echelons & the Central & State Intelligence Bureau (IB) are culpable of a high degree of complicity & criminality and this needs to be exposed for all the nation to see.

Moreover as were the People's fears, the entire investigation of the 'Abhinav Bharat' & the 'Sanatan Sanstha' the alleged terror organizations with links to the RSS and sections of the military and security apparatus and with international linkages especially with the Israeli MOSSAD & other foreign agencies, especially the CIA as well the ISI, has come to a standstill and the citizens of India are not aware of the exact current status or progress if any, of that crucial organization and it's national & international terror network.

Thus the appointment of Mr. Raghuvanshi who now again is in charge of the ATS & who had earlier mislead the investigation into the Malegaon blasts is cause for serious concern & we demand that he be replaced immediately.

The Mumbai 26/11 terror attack was a massive International operation & as per the investigation of the Interpol & it was planned across seven countries. Surely the Ram Prahdhan Committee does not have the mandate to pursue the same. We thus demand that the government also make public the findings of the Interpol report.

The RAW dossier that was paced on the table of Mr. MK Narayanan by November 19, 2008 will also reveal the level of information that was garnered by the intelligence agencies over the period of 10-11 months during which this entire operation was underway. We therefore demand that the RAW dossier be available for public scrutiny. We also demand that Shri MK Narayan be asked to resign as it was primarily he who had access to all the information that lead to the attack.

The fact of the matter is that even the notorious American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) warned the Indian Government in September about the impending attack. One wonders as to why the CIA did not warn it's friends in Pakistan that include it's partners within the ISI & the Military (whose salary bill America foots) as well as the political leadership. The biggest CIA-FBI operation is currently underway in Pakistan & it is unbelievable that the CIA did not bother or remember to warn Pakistan. It is clear that the CIA as well as the Israeli Mossad & the British MI5 & MI6 would have benifitted from this terror attack as a war-like situation develops all across the India-Pakistan-Afghanistan region.

The normal response of the state is 'intelligence failure' or 'police negligence' or 'lack of training' or 'no actionable intelligence' as the normal excuses. If this is the case then, what is there to hide the facts within the above reports.

The role of the Navy too has been largely unexplored and they have escaped public scrutiny. The fact of the matter is that the RAW spy plane was following and photographing the Al-Hussaini after it left Karachi for Mumbai & the specific coordinates (24.16. 36 N and 67.02.04 E) were provided to the Navy which did not pay heed. Later the Coast Gurad did intercept the 'Kuber' but ID cards from Porbandar were flashed & the terrorists went on to fulfill their murderous task. The story is far from clear here. 

By the interceptions of September 14, when the targets - Taj, Oberoi & the Marriot & later even the Leopold cafe were clearly mentioned. On November 19, when the timing of the attack was also mentioned & was known that the boat was to have arrived in Mumbai between 9.00pm-11.00pm - it could not have not been more clear or actionable. 

But Director general of Police (Maharashtra) AN Roy maintained there was no specific input. Also Mumbai Police Commissioner Hassan Gafoor even ruled out the possibility of local logistical support. Why ?!

The current Commissioner of Mumbai Police D. Sivanandan was appointed or rather promoted to this crucial post - after his (supposed) failure as the Chief of the State Intelligence Bureau. Mr. D Sivanandan too refused to agree that actionable intel had been provided. As his first task, D. Sivanandan flew to Israel . . .

This proves that it was neither a failure of intelligence or the system, but a high level of complicity in the planning, execution and implementation of the terror attacks on India - & it goes to the highest levels of the political & security leadership of the nation.

The owners of the Taj and the Oberoi to received repeated warnings and they did not take the necessary precautions and therefore the role of the management to needs to be investigated. The quantum of weapons stocked in both the hotels did not come in a mere rubber dingy. They were being stocked within both the Hotels over a period of time and that is a matter of simple logic. Thus elements within the Taj and Oberoi would be complicit in this terror attack & the role of the labour agency that provided the skilled & unskilled contract workers needs to be probed.

As to why the terrorists were allowed to continue to keep in contact with their handlers in Pakistan is another riddle. The standard operating procedure is to deploy 'jammers' so as to cut of all communication systems, then why was not this simple system adhered to ??

Even the SIM cards that were used by the LeT were supplied by the IB informers who were moles within the LeT. We know that 35 SIM cards had been supplied of which 3 were used during the Mumbai attacks. What was the double game here ??

Intriguingly between November 23-28, the terrorists using Voice Over Internet Telephony (VOIP), made calls to locations in Mumbai, Pune, Nasik & Delhi. In all calls were made to 23 mobile & 12 landline telephones. The police is not tracing any of these calls, leave alone identifying the people thus called or investigating matter thoroughly.
The entire worthless canard that 'there were 10-12 terrorists' defies all logic and is an insult to our intelligence. It is not humanly possible merely this number to have hijacked a city for 59 hours. In our estimation there were no fewer than 50-60 odd terrorists operating and this fact is easy to discern. Moreover they could not have functioned without local assistance required for logistics & planning. This factor will uncover the terror network within our country that has colluded in this terror attack.

The Nariman House episode continues to remain an enigma. Newspapers and credible eye witness reports stated that the terrorists were already living in the Nariman House and this needs to be explained. After much pressure, the Mumbai police finally accepted the statement of a key eyewitness - after 11 months. In our analysis, Nariman House was one of the 'safehouses' provided to the terrorists before they launched their attack. How is it possible that 'Muslim Terrorists' were living in Nariman House has never been answered with any degree of logic or satisfaction. A thorough investigation of the same is the need of the hour, as the Mossad is the most dangerous and reviled of the agencies and is known to engineer assassinations, terror attacks & wars. Undoubtedly the biggest political beneficiary of Mumbai 26/11 has been Israel as it is now rapidly deepening it's tentacles into the government & private security systems across the country.

Also the linkages between the CIA and the ISI as well as between the CIA and Dawood Ibrahim need to be investigated and discussed in the media. The relationship between narco-terrorism - the international drugs cartel and terror networks needs to be investigated. 

Thus the probe needs to delve into the specific & actionable Intelligence available, the Warnings thus issued, the role of the Navy, the terror attacks on the Taj and Oberoi Hotels, CST, Cama Hospital, the planned murder of Shri Hemant Karkare & his associates and the Nariman House. The role of the chain of command within the political and security apparatus will also sought to be undertaken. The various international linkages, with both state and non-state agencies will be critical to the analysis. These are only amongst of the major areas that we request you to focus on.

The game of International terror whereby a new breed of mercenary-terrorists are imported and exported by Intelligence Agencies to expand the agenda of the Global and National Oligarchs needs to be questioned and investigated by the media and all patriotic citizens across the world.

We thus appeal to the Home Minister Shri Chidambaram, to reconsider his stand and constitute a National Commission as a matter of national security & thus a matter of grave urgency. 

The outcome of the report will only help strengthen national security and the nation needs to know the truth of Mumbai 26/11.



Kishore Jagtap, Feroze Mithiborwala, Dinu Randive, Arun Velaskar, Mukta Srivastava, Mulniwasi Mala, Sudhir Dhawale, Major Barve, Bhagwan Kesbhat, Aslam Ghazi, S S Yadav, Uttam Gade, Simpreet Singh, Shyam Sonar, Varsha V V, Sanjay Shinde, Shridhar Shirsagar, Reshma Jagtap, Jagdish Nagarkar, Madhav Wagh, Baba Dalvi, Shravan Devre, Asif Khan, Valji Bhai, Abid Zaidi, Chetna Birje, Vilas Gaikwad, Avinash Kamble, Jyoti Badekar, Arif Kapadia, A. H. Faruqi, Yavar Qazi, Aarti Bonkar, Ravi Joshi, Pooja Badekar, Munawwar Azad, Ghaza Azad, Manohar Rajguru, Munawwar Khan, Farid Batatawala, Mark Anthony, Tito Eapen, Harshavardhan Vartak, Rahul Gupta, Shadab Sheikh, Dr. Ashwin Bhosle, Farrouk Mapkar, Dr. Rizwan Sheikh, Santoash Khangaonkar & Sainath Shinde.

Awami Bharat , National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI), Indian Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), Safai Kaamgar Mazdoor Union, BAMCEF,  Republican Panther, Phule-Ambedkari Vichar Manch, Jamaat-i-Islami-i-Hind, Aapli Mumbai, All India Milli Council, National Minorities Federation, OBC Parishad, Republican People of India, Marathi Bharti, NEEDS, Vidyarthi Bharti, Muslim Intellectual Forum, Gujarati Intellectual Forum, Hindu Vikasini, Christian Panther,Yuva Sarkar.



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