Monday, November 30, 2009

Re: Mumbai 26/11 Truth Conference: Resolutions

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 2:46 AM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

'For a National Movement against Imperialism, Zionism & Brahmanism'




DATE: NOVEMBER 26 '09 / TIME: 10.00-7.00pm

          : RESOLUTIONS :

After a very successful conference which was attended by more than 300 activists/intellectuals, we have deepened & broadened the process of the ideological & mass resistance. It was the only programme in the entire grief-stricken city that put forth a coherent & analytical discourse that delved into the political, economic & socio-religio- cultural dimensions of the conflict across South Asia, West & Central Asia. Both the speakers as well as the participants questioned the official 26/11 version as has been on offer from the Government, Intelligence, Police & sections of the corporate media.

On the first anniversary of the dreadful attack, far more questions arose in the course of the year & worse, the answers if any were few & the police & the government were more interested in covering up the matter. But now the skeletons of 26/11 are tumbling out of the closets of the high & mighty.

Undoubtedly the conference not only challenged the dominant paradigm but also analysed the politico-strategic objectives behind the 26/11 attacks.

Thus the conference adopted the following resolutions:


1) The 26th of November be adopted & declared nationally as the "National Constitution Day" & that the Maharashtra Govt. immediately withdraw the declaration of "Black Day".

2) The Government of India (GOI) immediately constitute a "National Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate the Mumbai 26/11 terror attack".

3) The findings of the "Ram Prahdhan Committee" made public. This is even though the Committee had a very limited mandate & only looked into certain aspects of the attack & only interviewed the police.

4) A detailed & separate "Judicial Investigation" carried out specifically into the deaths of Shri H. Karkare, Shri V. Salaskar & Shri A. Kamte.

5) In order to put to rest the speculations about the role of various senior police officers, political leaders & bureaucrats, it is essential that all the Control Room telephone records & transcripts for the period 26-30th November '08 be made public. This will clearly ascertain the matter of the orders issued, policemen dispatched, orders either obeyed or otherwise, as well as the exact locations of all the above concerned.

6) We demand that the officers especially mentioned such as Ex-Commissioner Mr. Hassan Ghafoor, Commissioner Crime Mr. Rakesh Maria, & the four IPS officers, Parambir Singh  KL Prasad; Deven Bharti; and K Venkateshan be suspended & investigated.

7) The current ATS chief Mr. Raghuvanshi be asked to resign as he was the one who misled the investigation on the Malegaon terror attack & is entirely unfit for the task due to his dubious track record.

8) The GOI take action against Mr. Ronen Sen (Indian Ambassador to US), the Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri & the ex-Home Minister Shivraj Patil & the concerned officials as they had issued a visa to David Coleman Headley (who is now known to be a FBI-LeT operative), after waiving off all mandatory requirements. Even more so as Headley is now a suspect in the 26/11 terror attack.

9) The government pursue & uncover the Sanatan Sanstha (SS) & the Abhinav Bharat (AB) terror networks & delve into their linkages to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) & their varied bodies such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) & the Bajrang Dal (BD). The links of the same to the Intelligence Bureau (IB) as well as international linkages to the Israeli Mossad should be further traced, apart from other possible national & international linkages as well.

10) The GOI immediately sack all the heads of the IB, RAW (Research & Analysis Wing), NIA (National Intelligence Agency) as well as the NSA (National Security Advisor). They must all be investigated for their links to the Right-wing communal forces as well as their linkages to imperialist organizations such as the CIA, FBI & the Mossad.

11) Since the Brahmanical leadership has continuously failed to protect the nation against terror & has in fact spawned right-wing communal terror organizations to create an atmosphere of fear & panic, we demand that the principle of reservations be extended across the entire spectrum of defence & intelligence.

12) It is clear that all of the above bodies are dominated by the upper-caste Brahmanical elite. We thus demand that the GOI issue a White Paper on the existing numbers & percentage of Adivasis, Dalits, Other Backward Castes (OBC's) & Religious Minorities present within all these bodies, especially the intelligence. A correction of this serious social & structural imbalance will involve a broader section of our people, reflecting our diversities & thus strengthening national security & break the citadels of brahmanical domination.

13) The GOI issue a White Paper on the role & extent of Israeli penetration into the security & intelligence organizations, both in the government & private sector. The intervention of Israel will have grave consequences on all aspects of national security & will compromise the same as Israel is known to foster & promote terror & spy on it's own allies & create a dominant power centre as is the case within the USA.

14) The GOI join the growing International movement for the "Boycott of Apartheid Racist Israel".

15) The GOI end the Military-Strategic alliance with Imperial America as it is a betrayal of the values of our National Independence Struggle against Colonialism & Occupation.

16) The GOI abandon their ill-conceived "Operation Green Hunt", which will prove to be a genocidal war against our own poor & unarmed civilian population.

17) The GOI pressurise the US Government to free Vikram Buddhi, who has been falsely implicated in a concocted terror charge & has been imprisoned for over three years.


Kishore Jagtap, Feroze Mithiborwala, Dinu Randive, Arun Velaskar, Mukta Srivastava, Mulniwasi Mala, Sudhir Dhawale, Major Barve, Bhagwan Kesbhat, Aslam Ghazi, S S Yadav, Uttam Gade, Simpreet Singh, Shyam Sonar, Varsha V V, Sanjay Shinde, Shridhar Shirsagar, Reshma Jagtap, Jagdish Nagarkar, Madhav Wagh, Baba Dalvi, Shravan Devre, Asif Khan, Valji Bhai, Abid Zaidi, Chetna Birje, Vilas Gaikwad, Avinash Kamble, Jyoti Badekar, Arif Kapadia, A. H. Faruqi, Yavar Qazi, Aarti Bonkar, Ravi Joshi, Pooja Badekar, Munawwar Azad, Ghaza Azad, Manohar Rajguru, Munawwar Khan, Farid Batatawala, Mark Anthony, Tito Eapen, Harshavardhan Vartak, Rahul Gupta, Shadab Sheikh, Dr. Ashwin Bhosle, Farrouk Mapkar, Dr. Rizwan Sheikh, Santoash Khangaonkar & Sainath Shinde.

Awami Bharat , National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI), Indian Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), Safai Kaamgar Mazdoor Union, BAMCEF,  Republican Panther, Phule-Ambedkari Vichar Manch, Jamaat-i-Islami-i-Hind, Aapli Mumbai, Marathi Bharati, All India Milli Council, National Minorities Federation, OBC Parishad, Republican People of India, Marathi Bharti, NEEDS, Vidyarthi Bharti, Muslim Intellectual Forum, Gujarati Intellectual Forum, Hindu Vikasini, Christian Panther, Yuva Sarkar, Ganai Sanskrutik Utthan.

Contact: 98208 97517 / 93245 14101 / 93237 03158 / 99693 63065 


Address: c/o – Room No. 3, Plot No. 108, Borgaonkar Plot, Siddharth Clny, Swastik Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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