Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] *Please distribute widely* - International Solidarity Evening with Political Prisoners - London 28-11-09 (Includes video showing of Maoist led struggles in India) [2 Attachments]

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:58 PM, UFUK BERDAN <> wrote:
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Betreff: [Euro-discuss] *Please distribute widely* - International Solidarity Evening with Political Prisoners - London 28-11-09
Datum: Sa, 21. Nov 2009
Von: ILPS Info Bureau

Dear comrades and friends,
Please forward this invitation for participation in the InternationalSolidarity Evening with Political Prisoners to be held in London on 28 November2009, with the contact details of the organising committee, to all your associatesthat are concerned about the issues relating to political prisoners, prisonersof war, human rights, ill-treatment of prisoners, torture, prison rape,  extrajudicial killings and disappearances inall countries.
The organising committee cordially seeks the support andcollaboration of all those concerned about the above mentioned issues andinvites messages of solidarity, statements, country or campaign specificinformation, circulars, news and reports that will be publicised at thegathering.
The same material will also be published through the websitethat is being launched on behalf of the initiative committee of the InternationalCampaign for the Freedom of Political Prisoners. []
All communications for the event on the 28 November shouldbe sent to
To contact the editors of the web site please send mailto
In solidarity
On behalf of the organising committee
Arman Riazi


Evening of International Solidarity with PoliticalPrisoners

Let us unite and struggle to
free all political prisoners across the world!

Speakers and presentations
on the current issues and the struggles of political prisoners across the world
(Speakers from Brazil, India, Iran, Philippines, Turkey, US and &#133;)
Statements & messages of solidarity
Documentary film:
The Peoples&#146; Resistance in Lalgarh
 Revolutionary music and culturalperformances
in solidarity with political prisoners

Program starts at 6:00 pmon Saturday
28 November 2009
Central Library
Large Hall
2 Fieldway Crescent
London N5 1PF
Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) or
Highbury and Islington (Victoria Line)

Organised jointlyby:
Activists of thePeople&#146;s Fadaii Guerrillas of Iran - London.
DemocraticAnti-imperialist Organisation of Iranians in Britain
Devrimci Demokrasi(Revolutionary Democracy Magazine)
Indian Workers&#146;Association -GB (IWA-GB)
Int&#146;l Committee forSolidarity with Political Prisoners (UPOTUDAK)
Migrante International(Filipino Migrants alliance)
Solidarity Committeewith Free Political Prisoners (OTDK)

Supported by:
InternationalMigrants Solidarity Centre - London,
International Leagueof Peoples&#146; Struggle

International foodand drinks are available.

For all information and solidarity messages contact

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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