Friday, November 13, 2009

Re: Iranian American 2010 Census Coalition Mobilizes

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:57 AM, PAAIA <> wrote:

PAAIA: Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans

Iranian American 2010 Census Coalition Mobilizes

The 2010 United States Census (the "Census") provides the Iranian community in the United States the opportunity to stand up and be counted.

Mandated by the United States Constitution, the Census is an official count of everyone residing in the United States that occurs every 10 years and includes people of all ages, races, and ethnic groups regardless of citizenship status.  The Census is used as a benchmark for businesses, professional organizations, and government officials in determining how social services are allocated, the influence of a minority community, and funding for critical community programs.  According to the 2000 Census, only 338,000 individuals were classified as Iranian Americans while the actual number is believed to be at least two or three times larger.

Click here to read more

Farshid Amin Sings National Anthem at NBA Game as part of "Iran Heritage Night"

November 11, 2009, Washington, D.C. - On November 4, 2009, Iranian American composer and singer Farshid Amin sang the American National Anthem at the Oracle Arena for the Grizzlies-Warriors game.  This marks the first time an Iranian American has been invited by the NBA to sing the National Anthem.  His emotional performance was arranged by Grizzlies center Hamed Haddadi as part of the Iran Heritage Night.

Click here to read more and watch the video of Farshid Amin singing the National Anthem

Dr. Tofy Mussivand: Inventor of the Artificial Cardiac Pump

November 12, 2009, Washington, D.C. - Iranian born Tofy Mussivand is a physicist, engineer and cardiologist, best known for the invention of the Artificial Cardiac Pump which temporarily takes over the functions of breathing and pumping blood for a patient during heart surgery. His medical breakthroughs and inventions have put Canada on the forefront of scientific developments in the fields of medical devices, artificial hearts and remote power transfer.

Click here to read more

The Second Annual Farhang Foundation 2010 Short Film Festival

November 12, 2009, Washington, D.C. - The Farhang Foundation and SoCiArts recently announced the 2nd Annual Farhang Foundation Short Film Festival. This year, filmmakers are invited to create a music video of any genre or style, visualizing an aspect of Iranian arts, history, culture or lifestyle that inspire and spark the audience's interest in learning more about Iranian art, history and culture. The deadline for submission will be February 1, 2010. The First Prize winner will receive $10,000.

Click here to learn more about the 2010 Short Film Festival

Click here to learn more about Farhang Foundation

PAAIA seeking a qualified U.S. citizen for the position of Executive Director

PAAIA is a non-partisan, nonsectarian national organization focused on creating a networked, cohesive IA community and projecting an accurate image that underscores the vibrancy, accomplishments, and contributions of Iranian Americans to life in American. PAAIA also seeks to build an influential community voice by promoting the participation of IAs in all spheres of American political life, including supporting their election or appointment as public officials.

Click here to read the job description.


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Palash Biswas
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