Monday, November 23, 2009


On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debbie Menon <>
Date: Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:38 PM

Dear Friends:

Here it is attached formatted word doc.
Use it. It is usable. 


Link here:

Original: 2007-02-27

Yes, this thing is an overly long attachment, but I prefer sending, and posting attachments, putting the full story in the laps of readers and right before their eyes simply because most people prefer to dine while seated at table and having their food served to them ready to eat, rather than getting up and getting in line cafeteria style.

People are lazy and will more than likely read something you put in front of them, but will not walk across the street or punch a button to read it elsewhere.  I have actually known students who did not read an assignment because they did not have the book, and when queried as to why they did not get it from the library, it was because the library is "all the way across campus" and they would have had to do a Dewey decimal search to find it.

This one is long enough that NO ONE (including me) is going to read the entire thing.  No one has to... reading only a few of the testaments is sufficient to do the job.  The numbers of testaments and all of those pages merely ads impact to the bullet.

In toto, it also makes a creditable and reliable resource for anyone else who might want to use it or base some other statement upon it,  and then refer to the original document for corroboration and impact.
While they are running for cover, drop a full battery salvo of HE (Heavy Explosive) and frag down on top of them.
Keep in mind though, while some of them on the list are quite prepared to countenance a Bush/Cheney/CIA "inside 
job," they would recoil at the suggestion that much if not all
of the evidence points instead to a Zionist outside/inside job. 
This ignores entirely the fact who has a stranglehold on US Congress and USG and that Bush/Cheney/CIA never did anything without AIPAC/Tel Aviv approval or, even more probably, what they had ordained for them to do.

Oh, and, Do not fret yourself out of concern for the deliberate attackers and the crazies who do not argue the evidence. The evidence is there, as is clearly pointed out by a great number of physicists, engineers, and people who are familiar with buildings, engineering, the quality of melting metals and the fires of various fuels, the thermite issue, and the way buildings fall down under controlled demolition.  That is the way they all go.
I can send you copies of at least six other demolition jobs if you would like them for comparison.

Deliberate deniers will not contest the fact, but argue belief and ad hominem attack, and those who do not understand physics will not understand the credibility and infallibility of the evidence.

And then there will always be crazies, men who cannot accept the reality of the world in which they live
, fighting a defense for Israel, or some other personal god or ideal.  Loonies!

They will always be there, and there is no way to argue or defend facts against them, so I suggest to not even worry about them.  They are the kind of people who know nothing, yet believe anything!

They are annoying, and distasteful, but essentially harmless.

So, it should not stop us, it will not even slow us down, and you should not let it bother you.

Get on with it.

Debbie Menon
"Shaking off" is the literal translation of: Intifada

What I tell people is that our speciality is
enabling people to grasp "how" this duplicity
operates in plain sight and, to date, with
impunity.  With that knowledge, they can
sort out for themselves Who and Why.
Absent that knowledge, they're left adrift
in the domain of conspiracy theorists,
hate-mongers and such.  We see this
knowledge as essential in the transition
to the Knowledge Society -- Jeff Gates --
Author of: Guilt by Association.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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