Thursday, November 5, 2009

MULNIVASI Aboriginal Indigenous TRADE Union Global Must Be the TOP MOST Priority as Organised Sector Mass Mobilisation only may SAVE Persecuted Humanity Worlwide as well as the GANG RAPED Nature and Natural Resources!

MULNIVASI Aboriginal Indigenous TRADE Union Global Must Be the TOP MOST Priority as Organised Sector Mass Mobilisation only may SAVE Persecuted Humanity Worlwide as well as the GANG RAPED Nature and Natural Resources!
Indian Holocaust My  Father`s Life and Time- One Hundred NINETY Nine
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  1. Divestment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    18 Sep 2009 ... In finance and economics, divestment or divestiture is the reduction of some kind of asset for either financial or ethical objectives or ... - Cached - Similar -
  2. Disinvestment from South Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Disinvestment (or divestment) from South Africa was first advocated in the 1960s, in protest of South Africa's system of Apartheid, but was not implemented ... - Cached - Similar -
  3. divestment Definition

    divestment - definition of divestment - Refers to the sale of an asset for financial, legal or personal reasons. For corporations, divestment can refer to a ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. News results for Divestment

    Business Standard
    Divestment gets a huge kickstart‎ - 6 hours ago
    As much as Rs 30000 crore could be available to the government after the Cabinet today made it mandatory for all listed and profitable public sector ...
    Indian Express - 30 related articles »
  5. Divestment Watch - Leading the battle against the illegal divest ...

    Divestment Watch leads the battle against the illegal divest from Israel campaigns. - Cached - Similar -
  6. divested - definition of divested by the Free Online Dictionary ...

    tr.v. di·vest·ed, di·vest·ing, di·vests. 1. To strip, as of clothes. 2. a. To deprive, as of rights or property; dispossess. ... - Cached - Similar -
  7. Global BDS Movement

    Towards the unity of all forces in struggle for boycott, divestment and ... Yes to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel: An Answer to Uri ... - Cached - Similar -
  8. Somerville Divestment Project

    9 Jan 2009 ... Official site of the Somerville Divestment Project. Our goal is to pressure our city to withdraw its money from companies that help Israel ... - Cached - Similar -
  9. Special: Divestment without a purpose: Business

    21 Oct 2009 ... Special: Divestment without a purpose | Rediff Business News: Latest India business news, India Economy news, Indian stock market news. - Cached - Similar -
  10. End Divestment Now - Home Page

    Pacific Southwest Region of the ARE (the Edgar Cayce Organization) - Cached - Similar -
  11. Sudan Divestment Task Force - Home

    The Sudan Divestment Task Force s actively involved in dozens of successful and developing targeted Sudan divestment campaigns around the world at the ... - Cached - Similar -
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    गृहमंत्री पी. चिदंबरम ने गुरुवार को बेबाक विनिवेश योजना का ऐलान करते हुए मुनाफा कमाने वाले सभी सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों को सूचीबद्ध करने की अनिवार्यता सुनिश्चित कर दी। इससे 100 से अधिक कंपनियों की सार्वजनिक पेशकश का रास्ता खुल गया है। इस तरह की बिक्री से एकत्र धन का इस्तेमाल सामाजिक क्षेत्र की स्कीमों के लिए किया जाएगा।
     गृहमंत्री पी चिदंबरम ने गुरुवार को बेबाक विनिवेश योजना का ऐलान करते हुए मुनाफा कमाने वाले सभी सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों को सूचीबद्ध करने की अनिवार्यता सुनिश्चित कर दी। इससे 100 से अधिक कंपनियों की सार्वजनिक पेशकश का रास्ता खुल गया है।

    इस तरह की बिक्री से एकत्र धन का इस्तेमाल सामाजिक क्षेत्र की स्कीमों के लिए किया जाएगा। पहले से सूचीबद्ध केंद्रीय सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों को अपने कम से कम दस प्रतिशत शेयरों की सार्वजनिक बिक्री करनी होगी।

    गृहमंत्री पी चिदंबरम ने आर्थिक मामलों की मंत्रिमंडलीय समिति की बैठक के बाद बताया कि तीन साल तक लगातार मुनाफा कमाने वाली गैर सूचीबद्ध कंपनियों को अपनी आरंभिक सार्वजनिक पेशकश लानी होगी।

    कांग्रेस के नेतृत्व वाली संप्रग सरकार ने अपने दूसरे कार्यकाल में दो सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों एनएचपीसी और ऑइल इंडिया को सूचीबद्ध करने का रास्ता पहले ही तैयार कर दिया है। आज के फैसले से और अधिक सार्वजिनक उपक्रम पूँजी बाजार में प्रवेश कर सकेंगे।

    इस समय 40 सूचीबद्ध सरकारी कंपनियाँ हैं और बीएसएनएल सहित सौ से अधिक कंपनियाँ सूचीबद्धता की पात्रता रखती हैं।

    चिदंबरम ने कहा कि केन्द्रीय सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के बाजार में प्रवेश से सरकार की कुछ हिस्सेदारी का विनिवेश होगा। उन्होंने कहा कि यह काम बाजार के हालात अनुकूल होने और उचित समय आने पर किया जाएगा।

    चिदंबरम ने बताया कि ऐसी सभी गैर सूचीबद्ध कंपनियों को स्टाक एक्सचेंजों में सूचीबद्ध किया जाएगा, जिनकी कोई संचयी हानि नहीं है और जो लगातार तीन साल से मुनाफा कमा रही हैं।

    इस सवाल पर कि अंतत: सूचीबद्ध होने वाली गैर सूचीबद्ध कंपनियों के भी दस प्रतिशत शेयरों की सार्वजनिक बिक्री की जाएगी, चिदंबरम ने कहा कि निस्संदेह मुनाफा कमाने वाली किसी भी कंपनी में सरकार शत प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी नहीं रख सकती।

    गृहमंत्री ने कहा कि संसद के दोनों सदनों की बैठक को राष्ट्रपति के अभिभाषण में और वित्त मंत्री के बजट भाषण में साफ कहा गया था कि सरकार विनिवेश कार्यक्रम में जनता की हिस्सेदारी को प्रोत्साहित करेगी।

    उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार का मानना है कि सार्वजनिक उपक्रम राष्ट्र की संपत्ति हैं और इस संपत्ति का कुछ हिस्सा जनता के पास होना चाहिए, जबकि सरकार के पास कम से कम 51 प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी रहेगी।

    चिदंबरम ने कहा कि विनिवेश प्रक्रिया से एकत्र होने वाला धन राष्ट्रीय निवेश फंड में जमा होगा। अप्रैल 2009 से मार्च 2012 तक इस फंड में जमा होने वाले धन का इस्तेमाल सामाजिक क्षेत्र की स्कीमों के पूँजी व्यय के मद में होगा, जबकि अप्रैल 2012 के बाद राष्ट्रीय निवेश फंड की यथास्थिति बरकरार रहेगी।

    उन्होंने कहा कि कठिन राजकोषीय स्थिति के मद्देनजर यह फैसला किया गया है। यह वित्तपोषण का अतिरिक्त संसाधन है।
    मूर्धन्य पत्रकार प्रभाष जोशी का निधन  
    हिन्दी पत्रकारिता के यशस्वी हस्ताक्षर प्रभाष जोशी का गुरुवार रात यहाँ दिल का दौरा पड़ने से निधन हो गया। वे 72 वर्ष के थे। उनके शोक संतप्त परिवार में पत्नी, दो पुत्र, एक पुत्री और नाती-पोते हैं।

    पारिवारिक सूत्रों ने बताया कि रात लगभग 11:30 बजे तबीयत बिगड़ने पर जोशी को नरेंद्र मोहन अस्पताल ले जाया गया, जहाँ डॉक्टरों ने उन्हें मृत घोषित कर दिया। प्रभाष जोशी दैनिक जनसत्ता के संस्थापक संपादक थे।

    मूल रूप से इंदौरClick here to see more news from this city निवासी प्रभाष जोशी ने नईदुनिया से पत्रकारिता की शुरुआत की थी। मूर्धन्य पत्रकार राजेन्द्र माथुर और शरद जोशी उनके समकालीन थे। नईदुनिया के बाद वे इंडियन एक्सप्रेस से जुड़े और उन्होंने चंडीगढ़Click here to see more news from this city तथा अहमदाबाद में स्थानीय संपादक का पद संभाला।

    1983 में दैनिक जनसत्ता का प्रकाशन शुरू हुआ, जिसने हिन्दी पत्रकारिता की दिशा और दशा ही बदल दी। 1995 में इस दैनिक के संपादक पद से सेवानिवृत्त होने के बावजूद वे एक दशक से ज्यादा समय तक बतौर संपादकीय सलाहकार इस पत्र से जुड़े रहे।

    प्रभाष जोशी अपने साप्ताहिक स्तंभ 'कागद कारे' के साथ विभिन्न विषयों पर निरंतर लिखते रहे। सामाजिक, राजनीतिक सरोकारों के साथ ही खेल, खासकर क्रिकेट पर उन्होंने यादगार लेखन किया।

    गुरुवार को भी वसुंधरा स्थित अपने जनसत्ता अपार्टमेंट स्थित आवास पर दिल का दौरा पड़ने से पहले उन्होंने भारत और ऑस्ट्रेलिया के बीच हुआ पाँचवाँ एक दिवसीय मैच देखा था। (भाषा)
    • Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies

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    New Delhi, Nov 6 (PTI) Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi has died of a heart attack here. He was 72.

    He was admitted to a private hospital after he complained of chest pain at 11.30 pm where doctors declared him dead last night, family sources said.

    He is survived by wife Usha Joshi, two sons Sandeep and Sopan, daughter Sonal and mother Leela Bai.

    Joshi, who began his career with Nayi Duniya, was the founder editor of leading Hindi daily "Jansatta" in 1983.

    After retiring from the newspaper in 1995, he continued as the chief editorial advisor.

    Originally from Indore, Joshi, a veteran writer and a Gandhian, changed the definition of Hindi journalism with the publication of 'Jansatta'.

    Joshi also worked with the Indian Express as the resident editor at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and Delhi.



    It was one of my best knocks: Tendulkar

    Hyderabad: Batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar rated his 175 against Australia here Thursday as one of the best knocks of his career.

    Tendulkar scored 175 off 141 ball, enroute to his record 17,168 runs, but couldn't prevent India from losing the fifth ODI to Australia by three runs.

    "I thought we started off really well then lost wickets. Suresh (Raina) and I had a good partnership but in the end, it was disappointing. The pressure to keep scoring runs was there and we took it very close. But I feel it was one of my best knocks," said Tendulkar, who was adjudged as the Man of the Match.

    The batting maestro praised Raina for playing a strokefilled run-a-ball that got India close while chasing 351 to win.

    On his personal milestone of crossing 17,000 runs, Tendulkar said: "I care about playing for India, it's a passion and I have been absoloutely honoured to play for India so long."

    India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni said that the match was lost due to mental calculation.

    "They got off to a good start and we never got into a postion to contain them. It was up to us to chase it. We got a good start and we came in the end due to Tendulkar and Raina. We lost it in our mental calculation, not because of our talent. It was one of the good ODI tracks we have seen in India, you have to be smart. Hopefully we will be up for the next two games," he said.

    Australian captain Ricky Ponting also applauded Tendulkar for playing one of the best knocks in his 20-year-old career.

    "It was one of the amazing games and certainly one of the best innings ever from Sachin. Sachin didn't play many bad shots today! It's really unbelievable how we have played, considering all the injuries," he said.

    Source: IANS


    News results for Prabhash Joshi

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies‎ - 6 hours ago
    New Delhi, Nov 6 (PTI) Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi has died of a heart attack here. He was 72. He was admitted to a private hospital after he complained ...
    Press Trust


    Prabhash Joshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    16 Jun 2009 ... Prabhash Joshi (Hindi: प्रभाष जोशी) (born on 15 July 1936) was a noted figure in Indian print media. He was also a well known writer and political ... - Cached - Similar -

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies

    6 Nov 2009 ... Latest news, breaking news - Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies. - 6 hours ago - Similar -

    Prabhash Joshi: Latest News, Photos and Videos

    Explore Profile of Prabhash Joshi at, see Prabhash Joshi web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions. - Cached - Similar -

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    ... महानायकत्व का अंत हो गया है। Read more · Share/Save/Bookmark. Tags: Devid, Devid goliath, Dilip Mandal, google, prabhash joshi ... - Cached - Similar - | Noted Journalist Prabhash Joshi Dies

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi died of a heart attack here. He was 72. He was admitted to a private hospital after he complained of chest pain at 11.30 pm ... - 4 hours ago - Similar -

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies - Yahoo! India News

    5 Nov 2009 ... New Delhi, Nov 6 (PTI) Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi died of a heart attack here tonight. He was 72. He was admitted to a private hospital ... - 7 hours ago - Similar -

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies - Express India

    6 Nov 2009 ... New Delhi Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi died of a heart attack here on Thursday. He was 72. He was admitted to a private hospital after he ... - 7 hours ago - Similar -

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies<?xml:namespace prefix = "o ...

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi died of a heart attack in New Delhi last night. He was 72. He was admitted to a private hospital after he complained of ... - 6 hours ago - Similar -

    Noted journalist Prabhash Joshi dies -

    A prolific sportswriter, especially in cricket, he, incidentally, suffered a heart attack after watching the yesterday's India-Australia ODI match. - 1 hour ago - Similar -

    Prabhash Joshi - Pipl Profile

    Pipl profile of Prabhash Joshi. Quick facts, personal profiles, publications, contact details and much more. - Cached - Similar -
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       MULNIVASI Aboriginal Indigenous TRADE Union Global Must Be the TOP MOST Priority as Organised Sector Mass Mobilisation only may SAVE Persecuted Humanity Worlwide as well as the GANG RAPED Nature and Natural Resources! 
      I have been warning the Ambedkarites, Social and Eco Activists, Black Brotherhood, Economists, Academia, Mass Movement leaders, nationality leaders for last few years that we have NO spare Time for shaping the SURVIVAL Strategies. I had meetings in different parts of the country including Mumbai, the Capital of Commerce, Business and Ethnonationalism, I attended National Convensions and NGO seminars, talked to Trade Union Leaders, PSU employees and all old friends. I taked to BAMCEF Factions,BSP, Republican and even Marxist leaders with All DISINVESTMENT Counciland Commision reports in my port folio. I talked to SHEETAL Makram and wrote to VTR, the editor of Dalit Voice. I interacted with Intelligentsia and posted BLOGs daily.
      But Major Siddarth Barves, Dilip Mandal, Makram and a few of us working in the ame wave length, could not mobilise our employed educated masses and the leadership and Ideologues to rise above Demogogues and Hypocrites, Ethnonationalism and Vote bank Equation or Resource Mobilisation.
      Now, we have no time. And it is the ULTIMATE ASSULT for which MONTEK, Ptaroda, Nilekani, Rangrajan, RBI, SEBI and India Incs have taken Over Parliament, Killed the Constitution,presented Human Face like mamata Banerjee, Co Opted Dravid and Dalit, SC, ST and OBC leaders in the system, shaoped in Madhu Koda and Shibu Soren, Projected Mayawati!
      Our Greatest ENEMY in Knowldge Hegemony, Indian Express Group Recruiter and Hindi  Journalism ICON Prabhash Joshi is NO MORE. He killed many of us but he was the Man who PUSNED us Launching Pad to Shape in, as Nucear MISSILES!
      We had always BIG Fights amongst us! I have to go Down the Memory Lane once again.
      But the Immediate CHALLENGE presented by Nationalisation Credited, GARIBI Hatao and Socialism Pleader Zionist DYNASTY led by LPG Mafia and GUIDED by US War Economy Dictations, represented by Extra Constitutional Elements, Allows US Never to be in Mourning MODE as we PERISH without a BREATH in this Bloody Free Market democracy!
      I was Expecting Joshi to write on Sachin Tendulkar this sunday in his Jansatta Column but he has left his pen for ever. We have spent years working together in Express Group. We Had very seriuos Differences. I had very serious Differences with my Father late Pulin Babu. I have reseravtion on the stance taken by MAHASHWETA Debi who taught me and my generation waht RESISTANCE means all about. Prabhash Joshi, Notwithstanding, his Pure Malvi Brahaminical HEGEMONY Manusmriti Mind Set taught us to face the Challenges of Technology and Neoliberalism, Free Market Democracy and Resistance against the Genocide Culture toSustain Humanity, Peace and Nature. My Father, my teachers back Home in Nainital, Prabhash Joshi and Mahashweta Debi made us what we are now!We are not clones but we have BLOOD Relations. It makes me cry deep in my heart and mind while we LOSE such Personalities with who we could play BIG FIGHTS as we all wanted to Change this World as a PLANET fit for Humanity and Civilisation!
      Rather I should write later on or it would turn very subjective!
      Today, the  most objective topic seems to be DIVESTMENT with a AAM AADMI face stepping Ahead like Predestined DEATH and Destruction and perhaps, it is 2012 all about.

      As much as Rs 30,000 crore could be available to the government after the Cabinet today made it mandatory for all listed and profitable public sector undertakings (PSUs) to have a minimum public float of 10 per cent. And decided to list all unlisted PSUs which made profits during the past three years. In a major policy shift, the Cabinet also decided to mend rules that will allow the government to dip into the disinvestment corpus and fund its ambitious social sector programmes.


      The decision to use the money raised from stake sale in PSUs will help the government tide over the immediate crisis on the fiscal front. A high fiscal deficit, estimated at 6.8 per cent of the gross domestic product in 2009-10, had posed huge challenges for the government, forcing it to borrow more from the market, and threatening to undermine the growth prospects in the medium term.


      As much as Rs 30,000 crore could be available to the government after the Cabinet today made it mandatory for all listed and profitable public sector undertakings (PSUs) to have a minimum public float of 10 per cent. And decided to list all unlisted PSUs which made profits during the past three years. In a major policy shift, the Cabinet also decided to mend rules that will allow the government to dip into the disinvestment corpus and fund its ambitious social sector programmes.

      The decision to use the money raised from stake sale in PSUs will help the government tid

      e over the immediate crisis on the fiscal front. A high fiscal deficit, estimated at 6.8 per cent of the gross domestic product in 2009-10, had posed huge challenges for the government, forcing it to borrow more from the market, and threatening to undermine the growth prospects in the medium term.


      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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      This article is about the business concept. For other uses, see Disinvestment and Divestment campaign.


      Financial markets

      Bond market
      Stock (Equities) Market
      Foreign exchange market
      Derivatives market
      Commodity market
      Money market
      Spot (cash) Market
      OTC market
      Real Estate market
      Private equity

      Market participants

      Institutional Investors

      Corporate finance

      Structured finance
      Capital budgeting
      Financial risk management
      Mergers and Acquisitions
      Financial Statements
      Credit rating agency
      Leveraged buyout
      Venture capital

      Personal finance

      Credit and Debt
      Employment contract
      Financial planning

      Public finance

      Government debt
      Deficit spending
      Warrant (of payment)

      Banks and banking

      Fractional-reserve banking
      Central Bank
      List of banks
      Money supply

      Financial regulation

      Finance designations
      Accounting scandals


      ISO 31000
      International Financial Reporting

      Economic history

      Stock market bubble
      Stock market crash
      History of private equity

      In finance and economics, divestment or divestiture is the reduction of some kind of asset for either financial or ethical objectives or sale of an existing business by a firm. A divestment is the opposite of an investment.



      [edit] Motives

      Firms may have several motives for divestitures.

      First, a firm may divest (sell) businesses that are not part of its core operations so that it can focus on what it does best. For example, Eastman Kodak, Ford Motor Company, and many other firms have sold various businesses that were not closely related to their core businesses.

      A second motive for divestitures is to obtain funds. Divestitures generate funds for the firm because it is selling one of its businesses in exchange for cash. For example, CSX Corporation made divestitures to focus on its core railroad business and also to obtain funds so that it could pay off some of its existing debt.

      A third motive for divesting is that a firm's "break-up" value is sometimes believed to be greater than the value of the firm as a whole. In other words, the sum of a firm's individual asset liquidation values exceeds the market value of the firm's combined assets. This encourages firms to sell off what would be worth more when liquidated than when retained.

      [edit] Divestment for financial goals

      Often the term is used as a means to grow financially in which a company sells off a business unit in order to focus their resources on a market it judges to be more profitable, or promising. Sometimes, such an action can be a spin-off. (For the United States); Divestment of certain parts of a company can occur when required by the Federal Trade Commission before a merger with another firm is approved. A company can divest assets to wholly owned subsidiaries.

      The largest, and likely most-famous, corporate divestiture in history was the 1984 U.S. Department of Justice-mandated breakup of the Bell System into AT&T and the seven Baby Bells.

      [edit] Method of divestment

      Some firms are using technology to facilitate the process of divesting some divisions. They post the information about any division that they wish to sell on their website so that it is available to any firm that may be interested in buying the division. For example, Alcoa has established an online showroom of the divisions that are for sale. By communicating the information online, Alcoa has reduced its hotel, travel, and meeting expenses.

      With Economic liberalization of the Indian economy, Ministry of Finance of India had set up a separate Department of Disinvestments.

      [edit] References

      • Jeff Madura (2007). Introduction to Business, Fourth Edition. USA: Thomson South-Western. ISBN 0-324-36079-7. 

      [edit] External links

      [edit] See also


      Sachin's 175 goes in vain as India lose by 3 runs

      Hyderabad: In a match that went straight down to the wire Australia defeated India by three runs despite a spectacular knock of 175 by Sachin Tendulkar.

      India were chasing a near-impossible target of 350/4 put up by the Australians but Tendulkar changed the mood of the game with a cracking innings that was studded with 19 fours and four sixes.

      India though lost too many wickets towards the end including that of Tendulkar as Ricky Ponting's men pulled out a comeback just when India looked like running away with the game.

      This win means that the visitors have a 3-2 lead in the series.

      Chasing Australia's mammmoth 350 for four built mainly around Shaun Marsh's 112 and Shane Watson's 93, the Indians rode on Tendulkar's heroic 141-ball knock to come within sniffing distance of a remarkable win but the tailenders faltered under pressure to be all out for 347 with two balls to spare.

      It was a remarkable exhibition of strokeplay by Tendulkar, who not only notched up his 45th ODI hundred but also became the first cricketer in the history of the game to cross the 17,000 run mark.

      It was also the fastest century by an Indian against the Australians as well as the highest individual score against the visitors.

      The jam-packed Rajiv Gandhi International stadium witnessed an extraordinary contest which saw as many as 697 runs being scored in a game where fortunes fluctuated from one end to the other till the very end.

      The two teams will now travel to Guwahati for the sixth one-dayer to be held on Sunday.

      Tendulkar was at his best from the onset as he smashed the Australian attack to all parts of the ground.

      Opening the batting he first shared 66 runs with Virender Sehwag (38 off 30) and then put together a vital 137-run partnership with Suresh Raina who made a run-a-ball 59.

      But Tendulkar's dismissal in the first ball of the 48th over, caught when he played the scoop shot at fine leg by a diving Nathan Huaritz unhinged the Indian innings as the tail-enders could not manage the required 19 runs in 17 balls.

      Ravindra Jadeja (23) and Praveen Kumar (9) were run out, while Ashish Nehra fell for one as India slid to defeat from a healthy 299 for four in the 43rd over.

      The Indian innings was struggling at 162 for four when Tendulkar was joined by Raina and their excellent stand for the fifth wicket brought India close to the doorsteps of victory.

      Except for Sehwag and Tendulkar the Indian top order failed as Gautam Gambhir, Yuvraj Singh and skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni departed cheaply to leave Tendulkar with the huge task of guiding India past the finishing line.

      Tendulkar who had been outstanding in the field while most of his other teammates fumbled when Australia batted, got the ideal partner in young Raina.

      The two took India from a difficult 162 for four in the 24th over with their century stand with Tendulkar guiding his younger partner. They were separated only when India needed 52 runs from 45 balls, Raina top-edged a sweep to keeper Graham Manou.

      The hosts asked for the batting Power Play when 46 were needed from the last six overs with four wickets in hand after Harbhajan Singh made a first ball duck. But to add to India's misery Tendulkar started to develop leg cramps.

      India needed 31 runs from the last 24 balls and then 19 from 18 when Tendulkar and Ravindra Jadeja departed at the same score. The equation was brought down to 16 from 12 when Ashish Nehra was out.

      The hosts needed eight of the last over and got four of those before Praveen Kumar was run by Hauritz after the right-hander went for the second run.

      Tendulkar who notched his fourth 150-plus innings in his 435th ODI, played with a lot of freedom once he reached the landmark of 17,000 runs.

      Tendulkar and Sehwag were going great guns before the Delhi dasher top-edged a hook off Ben Hilfenhaus to fine leg.

      Ponting's decision to bring in Clint McKay into the attack in place of the expensive Bollinger worked as Gambhir was caught at third man.


      Potatoes, onions keep food prices soaring; inflation up by 13 %

      New Delhi: Food inflation inched up to 13.3 per cent for the week ended October 24, primarily due to rising prices of potatoes and onions, against 12.85 per cent in the previous week ended October 17.

      Meanwhile, the government introduced a new system for presenting inflation data of only primary articles and fuel products on a weekly basis. The overall inflation figures would now be known in the middle of every month.

      Based on the new guidelines on disclosing the official wholesale price index, India's annual rate of inflation based for primary articles and fuels stood unaltered at minus 6.2 percent for the week ended Oct 24, official data showed Thursday.

      The annual inflation rate for food articles was sharply higher at 13.39 percent for the week under review. Similarly, the annual rise in the index for pulses was 23.44 percent and that for cereals was 11.15 percent. The meat, eggs and poultry index rose 25 percent.

      The statistics released by the industry ministry showed that during the week ended Oct 24, there was a 3 percent rise in prices of moong, 2 percent rise each in prices of wheat and bajra, while condiments, spices and gram became dearer by 1 percent.

      Prices of fish, however, fell 3 percent, fruits and vegetables became cheaper by 2 percent, while barley and jowar prices fell 1 percent each. Under non-food primary articles, raw silk prices rose 6 percent and raw rubber became dearer by 3 percent.

      The index for fuel, power, light and lubricants remained unchanged.

      As per a decision taken by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, the weekly index numbers on prices will not be released for manufactured products, but limited to primary articles and fuels. While primary articles have a 22 percent weight, fuels carry a 14 percent weight.

      The full data on wholesale price index will only be released on a monthly basis.

      Both the Reserve Bank of India and the government have warned India's annual inflation rate based on wholesale price index for all commodities will rise to 6-6.5 percent by March, while the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has pegged it at 6 percent.

      The inflation rate for primary articles inched up to 8.94 per cent, mainly due to high food prices. The inflation rate for this category was 8.67 per cent for the previous week, and stood at 11.73 per cent during the corresponding period in 2008.

      The new series of cumulative inflation for all commodities, with a revised base of 2004-05, will be out on November 12 and will, henceforth, be released on a monthly basis.

      This announcement was made in accordance with an approval by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs two weeks ago to release inflation data on a monthly basis.

      Business Standard


      Divest with aam-aadmi face
      Sale pool widens, cash for welfare

      New Delhi, Nov. 5: Divestment, an economic pill detested by Mamata Banerjee as well as the Marxists, has been given an aam aadmi sugar-coating.

      The Centre today relaunched a drive to sell shares of public sector enterprises and sought to pre-empt a political storm by allowing the proceeds to be directly ploughed into social sector projects.

      Till now, such funds were locked in the National Investment Fund (NIF), a facility from which only earnings of the corpus could be used for welfare projects.

      Along with unlocking the money for aam-aadmi projects — the UPA government's signature theme — the government has decided to make it mandatory for all PSUs which have made profits in the last three years to list on stock exchanges.

      All listed profitable state-run firms will have to place at least 10 per cent of their shares with the public. The decisions will allow investors to pick up stakes in at least 100 central public sector units. The rules will not apply to undertakings run by state governments.

      The relaxation on funds use will be valid for three years from April 2009 till April 2012. The Planning Commission and the expenditure department will pick the projects to be funded.

      Political card

      The decisions today mean the government can say divestment is being pursued to finance social welfare projects such as the rural job scheme that has become the UPA's trophy project whose parentage is also claimed by the Left.

      The rules were altered by the cabinet committee on economic affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister. Mamata is a member of the top decision-making panel but she was in Calcutta today because of the political violence in the state.

      The Trinamul Congress is opposed to divestment, a stand iterated by the party today. "It is clearly stated in our manifesto that there shouldn't be any divestment of profitable PSUs. If the central government's desired objective is to use the money from the sale of PSU equity for the social sector, we are against it. It is the government's job to look after the social sector and earmark funds for that," Trinamul's Partha Chatterjee said.

      The Left dismissed the stated reason as "bunkum". CPM central secretariat member Nilotpal Basu said: "The argument that the money is used for the social sector is bunkum. In the past, too, the government said so, but what happened?"

      Fiscal compulsion

      Home minister P. Chidambaram, who briefed the media on the cabinet decisions, said the special dispensation was being made in view of the tight fiscal situation and the need to fund social security programmes.

      The budget for this year had forecast an unparalleled fiscal deficit (the gap between the government's income and expenditure) of over Rs 4 lakh crore or 6.8 per cent of the gross domestic product, which means the country is spending beyond its means.

      In the budget, probably fearing an uproar among some allies and the Opposition, the government had proposed to raise a modest Rs 1,120 crore from the selloff. But the economic survey suggested that the government should look at raising Rs 25,000 crore every year from divestment.

      Some analysts saw in today's decision an effort to make good a part of the shortfall, though the government did not offer any projections on how much money it hoped to raise from the selloff now.

      "Since the tax collection will be lower this year, the only prudent way left for the government to fund the social sector projects was to reduce its stake in the PSUs," said N.R. Bhanumurthy of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy.

      Investor option

      The divestment drive will offer investors a window of opportunity to buy into state-run firms and household names such as BSNL, Coal India, Konkan Railway Corporation, Hindustan Fertiliser Corporation, Fertiliser Corporation of India, Indian Telephone Industry and BSNL and NACIL (the combined entity of Air India and Indian Airlines).

      At present, 48 PSUs are listed. The BSE PSU Index gave an annual compounded return of 23.81 per cent since its launch in 1999. In other words, an investment has doubled every three years.

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        • Govt data bare kitchen truth
        • Ulfa families to move court
        • Divest with aam-aadmi face
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      - It is high time the Left wore its thinking cap again

      A faded group photograph one chances upon shows the faces of the earnest members of the first national executive committee of the Congress Socialist Party formed exactly 75 years ago, in 1934. The CSP was put together within the folds of the Indian National Congress as a kind of ginger group to push the lugubrious juggernaut of the great parent party towards a more radical direction. The elderly caretakers of the Congress listened — half-mockingly, half-patronizingly — to the new breed who talked of such exotic things as happenings in the Soviet Union and the rise of the Nazis in Germany and the fascists in Italy as direct spin-offs of economic depression and mass unemployment. Even in the United States of America, capitalism was said to be malfunctioning, the ranks of hunger marches swelled every day, extensive public works under State auspices were somehow saving the system. The dedicated crowd milling within the CSP were grappling with the significance of these events for India. The nation must of course be freed, here and now, from foreign shackles, but that was not enough. What sort of free India was it to be, what would be the contours of its social and economic order? India belonged to its masses: the overwhelming number of dispossessed peasantry and underpaid workers and artisans of various descriptions as well as the mute castes and tribes at the receiving end of exploitation over centuries. The Congress must adopt concrete programmes for a total reconstruction of the economy in post-independent India so that a proper kisan-mazdoor raj emerged. The CSP was going to see to all that.

      Its first national executive committee, the faded photograph attests, was a curious mélange: Farid Ansari, E.M.S. Namboodiripad, Dinkar Mehta, Nabakrushna Choudhuri, Narendra Deva, P.Y. Deshpande, S.M. Joshi, Soli Batlivala, S. Sampurnanand, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Jayaprakash Narayan, N.G. Goray, Achyut Patwardhan, Purushottam Trikamdas, Charles Mascarenhas. It was too improbable a combination to last long; it did not.

      Communists like Namboodiripad, Batlivala and Dinkar Mehta left this clandestine shelter by 1941. Nabakrushna Choudhuri, the devout Gandhiite, also soon detached himself, and later became Congress chief minister of Orissa, and subsequently joined Vinoba Bhave in his bhoodaan mission. Sampurnanand too, at some point, became Congress chief minister of India's largest state; by then he was an arch-social conservative leaning towards Hindu orthodoxy. Minoo Masani, a great admirer of Soviet collectivization in the 1930s, somersaulted, ending up as a foaming-in-the-mouth anti-communist and co-founded the Swatantra Party. Narendra Deva, the gentlest of souls, gradually withdrew from active politics and remained satisfied with his role as an ideologue of socialism, a slice of Marx, a slice of Gandhi, mostly Rousseau. Jayaprakash Narayan, the underground hero of the 1942 Quit India movement, mellower with the years; most of the time he was with the Praja Socialist Party — the CSP's direct legatee — but was also with Vinoba Bhave. He finally led the nava nirman struggles in the 1970s to emerge as the father figure of the Janata Party, which demolished Indira Gandhi's Emergency. He was lucky to die before his handiwork broke into smithereens.

      Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay was always a rebel of a woman in search of a cause, which at the end she discovered in cottage crafts and the theatre movement. Of the rest, S.M. Joshi, Achyut Patwardhan and N.G. Goray clung for long years to the Praja Socialist Party and its later incarnations, walked into the Janata Party when J.P. put it together, then migrated to the Janata Dal or one of its innumerable factions. Some of them had developed pockets of influence among a number of caste groups, 'other backward classes'; innate feudal instincts, however, drove them to waste their strength in endless internal squabbles until it was disaster time.

      The Indian National Congress, it would seem, was both the curse and the ultimate provider of shelter for several of those rebels who loved to talk socialism in their calf days. It supposedly represented 'the stream of national consciousness'; its cloying charm was almost impossible to resist. For quite a few of them, the expression, 'national consensus', would have a bewitching effect: yes, engage in debate, let arguments and rhetoric have free flow, yet, at the end of it, it would be gross lack of patriotism not to fall in and join the national mainstream.

      Others had disappeared; for the past few decades it is, therefore, only the communists who could claim the socialist inheritance. The Left and the communists became synonymous. Given their ideology, the communists, many had expected, would not get caught in the trap of 'national consensus'. Were not they the quintessential Left, the other side in the class war, where there could be no scope for compromise with adversarial forces? Their failure to tackle satisfactorily the class-caste dialectic was, however, a major problem. Equally ticklish was the issue of whether the global brotherhood of the working classes transcended national priorities. The communists have been extraordinarily cautious after the experience of 1962, and have taught themselves to be careful so that nobody could dub them as less than 'patriotic'. The Left led by the communists has, for instance, ceased to question the huge allocations in the name of defence and national security. The nuclear agreement signed with the US can be safely opposed; but courage fails when the question is one of across-the-board reduction in defence outlay; to argue for such reduction would not be 'politically correct'. The Left has thus modulated its ideology; it too must be an integral part of the patriotic front.

      Consider this other instance. The Left in the past used to advocate the thesis that the Indian nation is a conglomerate of linguistic — and sometimes ethnic — sub-nationalities, and overall national progress was impossible if these sub-nationalities were left out in the cold. Its emphasis on an equitable structure of Centre-state relations stemmed directly from this understanding of the polity. They availed of the opportunity of the temporary decline of the Congress in the post-Emergency phase and were able to gain much credibility for their demand for expanded financial powers for the states. They dazzled only to disappoint. In the course of the past couple of decades, they have swung completely in the other direction: the state headed by the Left in West Bengal became most vocal in its support for full fiscal integration across the nation, a cause dear to the heart of the capitalists. It has indeed been a bizarre spectacle, the Left campaigning for a financial regime where the states will in effect be permanently at the mercy of the Centre.

      Even on the issue of globalization, the Left has succumbed to centripetal urges. The state governments under its control mouth the formal party line against economic liberalization. This is nonetheless being accompanied by a desperate zeal to invite capital, including foreign capital, into their premises. In a competitive environment, the Left, the argument goes, could not allow the territories under its influence to turn into an industry-less desert because of dearth of capital. Examining the feasibility of industrialization via the public sector route is no longer on the agenda.

      Now for the tailpiece. The Congress ruling at the Centre, according to party theorem, represents feudal-bourgeois oppressor classes against whom the Left is to pursue a relentless battle. True, the Left is under great stress since the Maoists, for their own reason, have chosen the formal Left as their principal enemy. Even so, it is altogether incongruous how, to combat the Maoists, the Left has totally identified itself with the Centre. The incongruity appears all the greater because not so long ago the Left was vociferously opposed to the very concept of the Centre raising a police force; was not law and order a state subject?

      These are disturbing developments. Should not the Left re-wear its thinking cap? And, while doing so, should not it ask itself how a situation could be allowed to develop where Maoists can instantly mobilize a few thousands to lay siege on a railway station in a tribal belt, where a partisan of the Left dares not enter the area without adequate security guard?

      Or has a decision already been reached for self-destruction, the Left is to fade away — like the faded faces in that group photo discussed in the earlier paragraphs?


      Michelle Obama to star in reality show

      Fri, Nov 6 08:11 AM

      London, Nov 6 (PTI) She is known for her unconventional choices and now US first lady Michelle Obama is setting another precedent by the first presidential wife to appear on a reality TV series. The First Lady will make a guest appearance on the popular series ''Iron Chef America'' which features British cook Nigella Lawson as a judge, reported Daily Mail online.

      The episode of the popular series, which pits well-known chefs against each others, has been filmed at the White House and will be aired in the New Year. Many of the ingredients for the meals prepared in the show were chosen from the recently planted White House vegetable garden.

      Michelle agreed to take part in the show to promote her campaign of healthy living. During the show, which attracts an audience of 1.5m in the US, she will be seen talking to the chefs about the importance of getting children to eat vegetables.

      It is the first time a First Lady, or even a member of the White House staff, has featured in a TV reality show. The move is likely to open up the White House to more criticism over its increasing links to Hollywood.

      Last week it was revealed that a list of visitors to the White House in the first nine months of the Obama presidency was peppered with celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Denzel Washington. PTI KKR VSS.

      Under Koda's watch, aide invested in 5 mines abroad: I-T

      Fri, Nov 6 05:38 AM

      As the Enforcement Directorate closed in on former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda — the Jharkhand High Court today directed the state to produce a progress report on November 12 on the Vigilance probe into the disproportionate assets case against Koda and some of his former cabinet colleagues — investigations by the Income Tax department have uncovered that during his less than two-year stint as CM, his close associate Sanjay Kumar Choudhary invested in five mines abroad.

      Documents seized by the Income Tax during searches last Saturday show that Choudhary — he was found carrying Rs 6.14 lakh in Indian and foreign currencies in his bags at Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport terminal on September 17 last year — had invested in three mines in South Africa (gold, uranium and coal), a coal mine in Liberia and another coal mine "near Thailand".

      Koda was Chief Minister from September 2006 to August 2008.

      The pattern of ownership, the share held by Choudhary and the quantum of reserves in these mines are not known. But in a May 19, 2008 letter to the Managing Director of National Bank, Dubai, Choudhary, Managing Director of Dubai-based Blue Techno Project FZCO, transferred five lakh Dirham (one UAE Dirham is roughly Rs 12) from his current account 0153662065 to The Clean Energy Company (CEC), account number 0151595435.

      A file seized by Income Tax and handed over to the Enforcement Directorate for scrutiny revealed that the Blue Techno Project FZCO had purchased "P T Gunung Bara Coal Mine, 66 km by road from the jetty and 340 km from jetty to anchorage point Muara Jawa, near Thailand" from CEC.

      "Over 50 per cent work of road development is completed. Jetty/port construction is in progress. Commencement of production within six months. Excellent coal seams of thickness as high as seven metres. GCV 5300-5400 with sulphur less than one per cent," states the same file. This mine, according to the file, is estimated to have 100 million tonnes of coal worth US $ 5,000,000,000.

      Meanwhile, people who knew Choudhary — apart from a bungalow near Dimna Lake in Tatanagar, he is said to have flats and malls in Dubai — still remember how his father Jai Narayan used to cycle door-to-door, selling khaini (tobacco) to make ends meet. ¿After Choudhary came in contact with Kodaji through close aide Binod Sinha, lady luck smiled on them,¿ said his neighbour Ajay Kumar.

      Koda, Choudhary and Sinha are among eight persons being probed by the ED under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. Notices served on them by the ED require them to appear before the directorate.

      Koda is said to have admitted during questioning that he knew Sinha and Choudhary but claimed he had no business deals with them. Likely to be discharged from the Apollo Hospital in Ranchi where he has been admitted, Koda maintained: ¿I am being implicated in a false case.¿

      Manoj Prasad

      CBI now probes procedural lapse by DoT

      Fri, Nov 6 05:38 AM

      In a move that could spell more trouble for communications &amp; IT minister A Raja, investigating agency CBI has begun inquiring into what might have led the department of telecommunications to disregard then law minister HR Bhardwaj's opinion on the procedure for granting new telecom licences and, instead, directly approach then solicitor-general Goolam Vahanvati for his views. Was Vahanvati aware that the law minister had already furnished written opinion that was contrary to his advice? These are some of the questions to which CBI is seeking answers. Sources said the questioning of junior officers at DoT prompted CBI to investigate the serious procedural lapse by DoT and Vahanvati, who is now attorney general. In November 2007, DoT sought the law ministry's views on whether new licences should be granted through auctions or on a first-cum-first-served basis at prices discovered in 2001. Its opinion was clear: either conduct auctions or explore a new mechanism through a group of ministers. The law ministry explicitly opposed granting licences at 2001 prices and asked DoT to keep it informed about the final decision.

      Then DoT secretary DS Mathur and telecom commission member-finance Manju Madhavan concurred with the law ministry's views and had differences with Raja on the subject. Now, CBI will seek details from them, as well as recently retired DoT secretary Siddhartha Behura, during whose tenure the licences were allocated. Raja disagreed with the law ministry's views and later sought an opinion from Vahanvati, who said there was no need for auctions.


      U.S. becomes top country brand under Obama - survey

      • Buzz Up

      Fri, Nov 6 10:38 AM

      U.S. President Barack Obama makes remarks about a shooting at a U.S. Army base in... Enlarge Photo U.S. President Barack Obama makes remarks about a shooting at a U.S. Army base in...

      Barack Obama has done it again. The president's starpower has made the United States the place most people want to visit and do business with, according to an annual survey that ranks nations like retail brands.

      The Country Brand Index, compiled by brand consultancy FutureBrand, found the United States had unseated Australia, which held the top spot for the past three years. Australia came in third this year with Canada rising to second plce.

      New Zealand and France rounded up the top five country brands in this year's index that included 102 countries.

      "The Obama effect has seen the United States earn the coveted top spot for the first time in the fifth annual index," FutureBrand, which is part of Interpublic Group of Companies, said in a statement.

      "The revitalisation of Brand USA, and other factors, have resulted in the effect on Australia's ranking. It highlights the importance of keeping a country brand fresh, relevant and engaging in a highly competitive international marketplace," added Tim Riches, CEO FutureBrand Singapore.

      The index is based on a survey of about 3,000 business and leisure travellers from nine countries.

      In addition to branding countries, it also identifies global trends in travel and tourism, which the statement said was the world's fastest growing economic sector.

      The United States was seen as the ideal place for business, one of the top places for families, shopping and quality products, as well as one of the countries people wanted to visit whether for the first time or again.

      The FutureBrand survey echoes a similar poll which showed that the United States was the most admired country globally, largely thanks to Obama's global popularity.

      Looking ahead, the index indentified the United Arab Emirates -- which includes the Gulf cities Dubai and Abu Dhabi -- China, and Vietnam as the top three nations likely to become major tourist destinations in the next five years.

      Croatia, South Africa and India also made the list.

      With the global economic crisis tightening purse-strings across the world, the survey showed that bargain-driven travel would remain a major trend, with consumers "thinking like financial analysts in chosing destinations and properties that are undervalued and booking trips that allow them to maintain the style they were accustomed to in boom times."

      This year's index was conducted in conjunction with public relations firm Weber Shandwick.

      "The days of countries marketing themselves with travel posters are over," said Rene A. Mack, president of Weber Shandwick's Travel & Lifestyle Practice.

      2009 CBI Top Country Brands

      1. United States

      2. Canada

      3. Australia

      4. New Zealand

      5. France

      6. Italy

      7. Japan

      8. Britain

      9. Germany

      10. Spain

      (Editing by Belinda Goldsmith)

      (For more news on Reuters Money visit

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      BSE Sensex to start higher but seen volatile

      Fri, Nov 6 09:10 AM

      People watch a large screen displaying India's benchmark share index on the facade of the... Enlarge Photo People watch a large screen displaying India's benchmark share index on the facade of the...

      MUMBAI (Reuters) The BSE Sensex is set to open higher on Friday, mirroring the rise in world equities after better-than-expected U.S. jobs data bolstered investor confidence in the global economy.

      Data showed fewer U.S. workers filed new jobless insurance claims than forecast last week -- hitting a 10-month low. U.S. non-farm productivity rose more than expected in the third quarter.

      "With global cues looking good, we should also open in the positive," said Kunal Sukhani, manager at Asian Markets Securities.

      "But volatility will continue to remain high, until investors are able to establish a direction for the market," he said.

      Energy giant Reliance Industries will be watched as hearing in its high-profile gas pricing dispute with Reliance Natural Resources resumed on Thursday.

      Asian shares were firm with the MSCI's measure of markets other than Japan trading 1.7 percent higher by 0326 GMT, while Japan's Nikkei was up more than a percent.

      The Nifty India stock futures in Singapore were trading 1 percent higher, indicating a positive start in the domestic market.

      On Thursday, the 30-share BSE index closed up 0.95 percent, or 151.77 points, at 16,063.90 after falling as much as 2.2 percent during trade.

      (For more news on Reuters Money visit


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      Soaring microfinance lures PE investors

      FE - 02:39 AM

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      • INTERVIEW - Mexico's Megacable ready to tap mobile phones Reuters - 02:35 AM

        Mexican cable television operator Megacable has lined up a partner to launch mobile phone services by the first quarter of 2010, its chief executive said on Thursday, as it taps a market led by tycoon Carlos Slim's America Movil.

      • Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer gives a speech during a news conference in Taipei November 4, 2009. Ballmer said on Thursday the company's search engine partnership with Yahoo would not be limited to the U.S. but would be introduced around the world, once it gets regulatory approval. REUTERS/Pichi Chuang
        Microsoft CEO sees Yahoo partnership outside U.S. Reuters - 02:16 AM

        Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said on Thursday the company's search engine partnership with Yahoo would not be limited to the U.S. but would be introduced around the world, once it gets regulatory approval.

      • A General Motors dealership is seen in Vienna, Virginia, in this May 27, 2009 file photo. General Motors Co aims to more than double sales for its flagship Chevrolet brand in Europe as part of a business plan that was presented to the company's board this week, the brand's chief said on Thursday. REUTERS/Jim Young/Files
        Reuters Summit - GM aims to double Chevy sales in Europe Reuters - 01:34 AM

        (For other news from the Reuters Autos Summit, click
        General Motors Co aims to more than double sales for its flagship Chevrolet brand in Europe as part of a business plan that was presented to the company's board this week, the brand's chief said on Thursday.

      • A man puts up a Thomson Reuters signage at the office in Tirana in this April 17, 2008 file photo. REUTERS/Arben Celi/Files
        Thomson Reuters rev falls, CEO says worst over Reuters - Thu, Nov 5

        Thomson Reuters Corp reported that quarterly revenue in its markets and legal businesses fell as customers cut costs in the wake of the financial crisis, but its CEO said the worst was over.

      • NZ Telecom Q1 earnings up 9 percent, AS AP - Thu, Nov 5

        WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) Telecom Corp., New Zealand's largest listed company, reported a surprise lift in profits for the first quarter of the financial year thanks to a huge tax credit and strong growth in the mobile phone market.

      • UK agency fines UBS; asks to pay 8 mn pounds PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        London, Nov 5 (PTI) UK's Financial Services Authority has imposed a fine of eight million pounds on Swiss banking major UBS, for failing to stop its employees from carrying out unauthorised transactions.

      • Big alcohol Co''s will have to look for acquisition:ICRA PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Global alcohol beverage majors will have to look for acquisitions soon to gain foothold in the Indian liquor market as selling imported products will be difficult to sustain because of high taxes and stiff competition from local players.

      • 11 MNCs set up back-office units in India PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) As many as 11 top multinationals, including Wells Fargo, Ingersoll Rand and Standard Chartered, have set up their back-office units in India during the third quarter, signalling signs of business recovery.

      • Lenovo Q2 net income doubles to USD 53 mn PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        Beijing/New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Personal computer maker Lenovo Group today registered an over two-fold growth in net income at USD 53 million in the second quarter ended September 30, driven by good demand in the emerging markets.

      • Fed, BoE, ECB keep low interest rates PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        London, Nov 5 (PTI) Faced with fragile economic recovery, three major central banks --the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank-- have retained their low interest rates to improve credit flow in the system.

      • Biocon to partner firms in seven nations PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        Mumbai, Nov 5 (PTI) Biotech firm Biocon today said it will have local partnership in seven countries, including Russia and China, for increasing its market share, a top company offical said.

      • BRIEF - U.S. accuses Ali Hariri and Deep Shah of fraud, conspiracy in insider trading cases Reuters - Thu, Nov 5

        Reuters - According to complaints filed with Manhattan federal court:
        * U.S. files complaints in Manhattan federal court against ali hariri and deep shah.

      • Indian handicrafts exhibition starts today in Argentina PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) The 10-day-long 'Festival of India' kicked off today at Buenos Aires in Argentina, with an aim to promote the country's handicrafts exports and to develop their brand image in the global market.

      • PSU investors richer by Rs 26k cr in a single day PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        Mumbai, Nov 5 (PTI) The market capitalisation of public sector companies jumped by a near Rs 26,000 crore today bouyed by positive sentiment after the government's decision to divest 10 per cent stake in all publicly traded firms.

      • IOC expects to double investments in R&D PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        Chennai, Nov 5 (PTI) State-run Indian Oil Corp (IOC) expects to double investments on its Research and Development incentives in order to develop newer technologies, a top company official said today.

      • Axis Bank introduces special home loan rate of 8 pc PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Private sector lender Axis Bank today introduced a special home loan scheme with interest rate of 8 per cent for a limited period.

      • Rel Comm forays into handset distribution biz PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Reliance Webstore, the retail arm of Reliance Communications, today said it has forayed into handset distribution and plans to have a network of 10,000 outlets across the country in the next three years.

      • Bills on GST, direct tax code likely in winter session PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Crucial economic bills for launching the Goods and Services Tax and the direct taxes code are likely to be tabled in the Winter session of Parliament, which begins on November 19.

      • Indiabulls Financial hikes stake in Suzlon to 6.38 pc PTI - Thu, Nov 5

        Mumbai, Nov 5 (PTI) Wind energy major Suzlon today disclosed that financial services major Indiabulls has hiked its stake in the company to 6.38 per cent, by way of acquisition of pledged shares.
      • Peabody sees strong growth, firmer coal prices in 2010 Reuters - 09:54 AM

        U.S. coal miner Peabody Energy expects seaborne coal trade in the Pacific region to grow by more than 7 percent annually for several years, underpinned by robust demand from China and India.

      • A passenger aircraft of India's Kingfisher Airlines is seen during "India Aviation 2008", in Hyderabad in this October 15, 2008 file photo. REUTERS/Krishnendu Halder/Files
        Govt may allow foreign carriers in airlines - paper Reuters - 09:43 AM

        MUMBAI (Reuters) The government is set to consider a proposal to allow foreign airlines to own up to 49 percent equity in Indian carriers, the Indian Express reported on Friday.

      • Pedestrians walk past the NASDAQ Market site in Times Square in New York in this September 20, 2007 file photo. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
        Exchanges, under profit pressure, mounting defense Reuters - 09:41 AM

        Two market operators, Nasdaq OMX and Deutsche Boerse, reported profit drops on Thursday, partly reflecting the price war between traditional players and younger challengers for market share and increasingly narrow margins.

      • Intel in talks with ITI for JV - report Reuters - 09:33 AM

        Intel, the world's largest chip maker, is planning to participate in bids invited by Indian state-owned telecom equipment maker ITI Ltd to set up joint ventures, the Business Standard reported on Friday.

      • Top central banks yet to move for exit, some look for door Reuters - 08:58 AM

        The top central banks have shown little inclination yet to choke off the extraordinary support given to economies shaken by global financial crisis but some have offered the first signs of changing tack.

      • An Airbus-380, with a capacity of 853 passengers, displays signage from the airlines that fly the aircraft while sitting on the tarmac at Wittman Field site of the Experimental Aircraft Association Convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in this July 28, 2009 file photo. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson/Files
        Airbus flies new freighter it hopes to build in U.S. Reuters - 07:27 AM

        Airbus carried out the maiden flight on Thursday of a new freight plane that could mark its entry into plane assembly in the United States, if it wins an epic contest with Boeing over refuelling planes.

      • Wipro buys Yardley units for Rs 213 cr IE - 05:38 AM

        Wipro Consumer Care &amp; Lighting has signed an agreement with UK's Lornamead group to acquire the Yardley business in Asia, Middle East, Australasia and certain African markets for $45.5 million (about Rs 213 crore).

      • City's egg consumption goes up: 20 lakh a day IE - 05:38 AM

        With winter setting in, egg consumption in Pune has increased to 20 lakh eggs a day with around six lakh eggs a day coming from the Southern markets alone — most notably Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh and Hospet in Karnataka.

      • CBI now probes procedural lapse by DoT IE - 05:38 AM

        In a move that could spell more trouble for communications &amp; IT minister A Raja, investigating agency CBI has begun inquiring into what might have led the department of telecommunications to disregard then law minister HR Bhardwaj's opinion on the procedure for granting new telecom licences and, instead, directly approach then solicitor-general Goolam Vahanvati for his views.

      • Summer of 2010: Katraj Dairy's multi-flavoured ice creams IE - 05:38 AM

        National Dairy Development Board to support Rs 40-lakh project Come next summer and Puneites will be able to savour the delights of a new flavour of ice cream.

      • Sudha sells Infy stake to help Murthy with another start-up IE - 05:38 AM

        More than 28 years after she lent Rs 10,000 to her husband to start what is now the multi-billion dollar Indian IT giant — Infosys Technologies Ltd — Sudha Murty, wife of Infosys founder and chairman N R Narayana Murthy, has sold Rs 430 crore worth of Infosys shares to finance her husband's new Venture Capital Fund.

      • Volatile Sensex recovers 500 pts intra-day on PSU stake sale IE - 05:38 AM

        Led by bruised telecom stocks, Dalal Street climbed nearly 1 per cent on Thursday as bargain hunters stepped in toward the close of day's trade after the market fell more than 2 per cent.

      • Move to let foreign airlines pick up 49% in Indian carriers IE - 05:38 AM

        In what could breathe life into the domestic aviation industry grappling with huge losses, the government will shortly consider a proposal to allow foreign airlines pick up to 49 per cent equity in Indian carriers.

      • At Pune Expo, ARDE looks for vendors IE - 05:38 AM

        Even as the Army trails are on for the Modern Sub Machine Carbine (MSMC) developed by Pune-based Armaments Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), the institute is trying to attract vendors for joint development of the carbine through the Pune Expo.

      • Dozen PSUs make the grade for stake sale IE - 05:38 AM

        The government holds over 90 per cent (between 90-99.3 per cent) stake in a dozen public sector companies listed on the stock exchanges.

      • SFIO probe into Satyam fraud in its final stage: Khurshid IE - 05:38 AM

        Corporate affairs minister Salman Khurshid today said the Serious Fraud Investigation Office has not stopped the investigation in the Satyam fraud case, as suggested by few media reports, and the additional investigation in the matter by the SFIO is still on and in its final stage.

      • Trade Fair from November 14 IE - 05:38 AM

        28 countries, 7,500 exhibitors to set up stalls The 29th India International Trade Fair (IITF) will be inaugurated by President Pratibha Patel on November 14 at Pragati Maidan.

      • SC starts fresh hearing on Ambani gas row IE - 05:38 AM

        The Supreme Court today began hearing afresh the high stake battle between Ambani brothers after Justice R V Raveendran, who was part of the bench recused himself from hearing the matter yesterday.

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