Wednesday, November 4, 2009

GOLD RUSH for Glittering India as Govt concerned over Rise in food prices !Vande Mataram Controversy Evokes Mixed Reactions!Congres returns to Hindutva Again as Chidambaram opens new Front of Ethnic cleansing nationwide!

GOLD RUSH for Glittering India as Govt concerned over Rise in food prices !Vande Mataram Controversy Evokes Mixed Reactions!Congres returns to Hindutva Again as Chidambaram opens new Front of Ethnic cleansing nationwide!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, Chapter 415

Palash Biswas


India shining, India scraping
RBI buys 200 tonnes of IMF gold; alert on rice

Nov. 3: India has buried a shame in gold but reaped a worry in grain.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has sold 200 tonnes of gold to the RBI for $6.8 billion to refurbish the aid agency's coffers, mirroring the stunning turnaround in India's fortunes from 1991 when it had to pawn gold abroad to avoid defaulting on foreign exchange payments.

A few hours after the pride-pumping disclosure came another announcement: the summer rice production in India could slip by 15 million tonnes, prompting state agencies to keep import proposals ready.

The country has rice stocks of over 15 million tonnes and 29 million tonnes of other food grain but the forecast today was a sobering reminder of how India still remains a slave to the monsoon.

The IMF had announced a year before that part of its gold holdings would be offloaded but the speed of the deal and the buyer were a surprise for traders, who had expected China — not India — to be the leading contender.

The sale was concluded at an average price of about $1,045 an ounce over a two-week period in the latter half of October. The fund is eventually expected to sell 403.3 tonnes of gold, about one-eighth of its stock.

"This transaction… (will) help put the fund's finances on a sound long-term footing and enable us to step up much-needed concessional lending to the poorest countries," IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said.

Among gold reserve holders, India was ranked 14th by the World Gold Council with 357.7 tonnes in September. After the 200 tonnes — the country's largest gold purchase — India will rank 11th.

Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, addressing a meeting in Delhi, summed up the emotive milestone the country crossed today. "Many of you will remember how the sentiments of the country were outraged when we pledged our gold with the Bank of England (in 1991) to borrow a few 100 million dollars."

In 1991, India had pledged a total of 67 tonnes of gold to the Bank of England and the Union Bank of Switzerland to raise $605 million. India's foreign exchange reserves were then wallowing at $1.2 billion, barely enough for three weeks' imports.

A chartered plane ferried the precious cargo to London between May 21 and May 31, 1991, jolting the country out of an economic slumber and setting the stage for Manmohan Singh's reforms.

P.V. Narasimha Rao took over as Prime Minister in June, the crisis forcing him to rope in Singh as finance minister, who unshackled what was then called the "caged tiger".

The crisis had built up over a year ago, precipitated by the Gulf War. India's oil import bill swelled, exports slumped, credit dried up and investors took their money out.

The May export had been cleared by Yashwant Sinha, finance minister in the Chandra Shekhar government that had collapsed a few months ago. In his book Confessions of a Swadeshi Reformer, Sinha recalled that low phase in his life; he promised himself he would never again sell gold.

He made good his pledge in 1998, floating Resurgent India Bonds to raise $4.25 billion and helping the country tide itself over the sanctions that followed the Pokhran II nuclear tests.

India today sits on a foreign exchange mountain of $285.5 billion.

Nov 04, 2009 11:22 PM
Chidambaram is at war against the Negroid balck Untouchables, the Aboriginal Indigenous communities as Arundhati ray article published in Out Look already exposed.

Not only Maosit Menace, zionism and global Hindutva are the best TOOLs to push for Economic Reforms for which the Hindutva forces and India Incs manipulated the mandate in last Loksabha elections polarising the Caste Hindu Votes in favour of the Zionist Dynasty Rule in the US Peripherry Economy.

Chidamabaram present in Devband and the Fatawa issued from conference like a Bolt from Blue reminds me how the Sikh genocide was done with surgical precision and how Congress was supported by RSS,

The parliamentary Nuclear drama enacted by NDA and UPA proved RSS Suppporting the Zionsist Dynasty as and in the sphere of Indo Us Nuclear deal and strategic realliance in US Israel lead.Mind you, it was RSS supported Prime Minister then who opened the doors for CIA and Mossad with breaking the ground for Free Market democracy promotion and Unprecedented Ethnic Cleansing.

RSS and UPA are the two sides of the Same Coin defending manusmriti and apartheid Rule in Southasia. latest communal falare UP is engineered by Chidamabaram, the Economist Butcher who has waged War against the Aboriginal Landscape as well as Humannscape assisted by Brahamin Marxists, Maoists, gandhia carbides, Socialist Oxides, NGOs, Intelligentsia, civil Society and Toilet Media !

Please BE Aware of this Conspiracy as we are PUSHED into Bleeding Twentieth Century once again!

The Ambedkarites are the Greatest culprits. This Afternoon, Prof. Vijoy Kumar, a BSP Activist and Ideologues from Trichur, kerala called me at home on land phone. meanwhile I have read and seen the Agendas of the Ambedkarite orgs BSP, bamcef Factions, Republican Parties. They SKIP Ambedkar and his economics and Adopt Kanshiram. they may not look beyond Kanshiram Line and FAIL to Address the Challenges in a FREE Market Democracy. They Mobilise just because to Mobilise resources. Madhu Koda is not an Exceptions. subaltern Politicians have their Cup Boards ful of SKELETONs as they have been Co OPTED by the Manusmriti Apartheid Order.

Ambedkarites fail to address the problems of Ethnonnationalism, Maosim, nationality Movement, JOB Loss, starvation and every basic economic issues. they are rather indulged in Stetchu Culture creating new Reincarnations and new GODLY System with new brahaminical Class with creamy layer emerging and killing the Constitution, democracy and Ambedkarite ideology. Excluding Aboriginal landscape and Humanscape , the Ambedkarites are fullly responsible to create SPACE and Opportunity for NGOs, RSS and maoists to create the environmemt of Ethnic Cleanisng.

Congerss adopts the 1984 line once again. I was in Meeerut during the period and had to be seized within ARSON, Genocide and ethnic Cleansing year after year. I had to smell the Blood and Flesh spilling all oevr and the AIR was polluted by Smoke.only sounds wer Cracking Biones. We have watched Sikh genocide folowed by BaBRI demolition.

Now, Chettiar Chidambaram failed to wipe out the Maoists now opens New Front and Htaches the eggs of Communalism. UPA behaves Golbal Hindutva aand RSS backed as the MUSLIMS are being used to further ESCALATE the War against terror!
Palash Biswas
Kolkata, India

ov 04, 2009 09:39 PM
My dear friends,
I have been in Dandakaranya only in March and interacted with My People from all over the Red Corridor, as Arundhati ray describes it as MOW Zone. I attended a Matua Sammelan and our people Gathered from all the places described as Maoist bases. They have no Complaint against the Masses.

I have very personal Relationship with Mahashweta debi and have been active in Jharkhand in eighties. I was involved with Nationality Movement and know all those things very well as Arundhati describes. I never contradict her claims. but why the so called Brhamin Intelligentsia and Civil Society and Media are so Exclusive excluding SC and OBC People, this is my question, still Unanswered.

The Enslaved Masses uin India face the same Persecution and Repressioncountrywide. Food Insecurity, Job Loss and man Made calamities, starvation and price Rise are the common issues, we must focus on. But Arousing Ethnonationalism and supporting Maoists, the Brahaminical Hegemony isolates the aboriginal indigenous Human scape as well as Landscpae from the Rest of India and the masses remain branded as Maoist in the whole area subjected to ethnic cleansing. Gandhi and mainstream Politicians had been doing this and now , so called Committed Intelegentsia, Media, civil Society doing this to go All Out to push for ECONOMIC Reforms, mass Destruction all round!

Why the Rest of india should be Isolated from the maoist Frontiers ?
Think friends, just think.
Palash Biswas
Kolkata, India

Nov 04, 2009 08:43 PM
Dear Ms.Roy as someone who attended the same school as you did & a self-confessed "left-liberal" political idealogue, I must appreciate your understanding the plight of the tribals. However your defence of the Maoists is condemnable & despicable,"anti-national" would be my appropriate description. Further your stories of land-grabbing,forced urbanisation, corporations acting through governments & even buying them out sounds like it is straight out of a novel, something you are good at writing ...(I suggest you stick to them & leave political activism for which you are infamous). Ofcourse Chidambaram was indeed Vedanta's counsel but that's what corporate lawyers do ... the nexus is a highly imaginative one.
chennai, India
Nov 04, 2009 02:30 PM
Here is a suggestion to the Outlook Group - why not start a magazine called Outlook Arundhati? This way, you can continue to publish her articles. This way she can be kept out of the Outlook weekly. A win - win situation for all of us.
Colonel K Thammayya Udupa (Retired)
Bengaluru, India
Nov 04, 2009 12:46 PM
she is a billionaire who is in business of selling poverty. to sell poverty she needs poor, so her primary objective is to make sure that these tribals remains poor so that she can write article on them and make billions for self
noida, India
Nov 04, 2009 10:50 AM
Arundhati says: The low, flat-topped hills of south Orissa have been home to the Dongria Kondh long before there was a country called India or a state called Orissa. The hills watched over the Kondh. The Kondh watched over the hills and worshipped them as living deities. Now these hills have been sold for the bauxite they contain. For the Kondh it's as though god has been sold. They ask how much god would go for if the god were Ram or Allah or Jesus Christ?

I wonder what her views are about the Sethusamudran project…
Kiran Bagachi
mumbai, India
Nov 04, 2009 06:38 AM
Palash Biswas (180)

I had to read your comment a number of times but I think you are saying that Ms Roy and her friends are co-opting your "struggle". Well it happens. Ms Roy was (maye still is) a dollar millioniare from writing a book, and she is as corporate as anybody. Even this magazine Outlook is too scared to question her statistics.

But please, please go easy on the all caps. It makes it hard to read :)
MK Saini
Delhi, India

The Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind resolution on Vande Mataram has evoked mixed reactions from leaders with one section voicing disapproval of raising a "dead issue" when the community has more serious matters to address and another noting that its singing or not could not be the criteria for defining patriotism.

Some reactions:

"This is a very sensitive issue. It is our national song. And there are also religious sentiments attached. Keeping in mind all these facts, the issue should not be made controversial."

Shakeel Ahmad, Congress party spokesperson

"We should find a middle path. Muslims are not against Vande Mataram but have religious compulsions against singing it."

 Amar Singh, SP General Secretary

"I am surprised that the Home Minister of a country in which terrorism, separatism and naxalism are at their peak was not aware that he was going to attend a programme where our national song Vande Mataram was insulted. The resolution was passed a day before Chidambaram attended the conference and the news had already appeared in newspapers and some news channels."

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, BJP Vice-President

"If you don't want to salute your motherland, then who do you salute? What is the shame in saluting Bharatmata? Those who do not want to salute Bharatmata should go to Pakistan or Bangladesh. There is no place for such traitors in India. If anti-national fatwas are issued in the presence of the Union home minister then there is no future for this country. It looks like the Centre has a policy of appeasement of Muslims for votes."

Uddhav Thackeray, Shiv Sena Executive President

"This (the resolution) has once again exposed the anti-national character of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind. Union Home Minister Chidambaram must tender a public apology for having let down the nation and particularly the Hindus. Instead of intervening and objecting, the Home Minister simply sat there and kept exchanging pleasantries."

Praveen Togadia, VHP General Secretary

"The resolution passed yesterday at the Deoband seminary gathering directing Muslims in the nature of a fatwa to reject Vande Mataram is violative of the Constitution and hence actionable under IPC."

Subramanian Swamy, Janata Party President

"This (Vande Mataram) is a dead issue. I don't understand what compelled them to raise the issue. Why such things are raised when more and more serious issues are there. Unnecessarily we are creating conflicts. I believe there is no substance in this demand. This is done just to attract media attention."

Yahya Bukhari of Jama Masjid United Forum

"It is a well settled issue, the opinion of Muslims on this is known for a long time, since the time of our independence that Muslims love their country but do not worship it. But I do not understand the timing and reason behind raising this issue. It was not the occasion to raise this issue again."

S Q R Illyasi of All India Muslim Personal Law Board

"Singing or not singing a song can in no terms be called a criteria to define patriotism. There is no contention that the song is un-Islamic. There is no question that Indian Muslims love their motherland, but the national song cannot be forced upon anyone. It is like forcing a majority's will on the minority."

Manzoor Alam of Institute of Objective Studies

Egg Hatching days comes back as Communalism as Maoist Menace rae used as the Best TOOL to PUSH for Economic Reforms. RBI Decision to buy IMF Gold in Celebrated as Power Trasnfer once again to the Zionist Corporate india ruled by the Zionsits Dynasty! I have earlier written the Vande Mataram Saga and how it was made National Song with nationalising Bangla Brahaminical Nationality into Indian Aryan Nationalism of Hindu Rashtra. Ananda Math was written by an ELIE Brahamin BankiM chandra Chattopadhyaya who NEVER dealt with Social realism as he was the part and parcel of Brahamincal Hegemony as well as Colonial Rule. The Peasnt Rising against the Colonial East India comapny was ABORIGINAL and Indigenous in Nature and it was related to the Changing Economic System as it had to do nothging with Religion. Muslims also participated valiently in the Revolt but Hinduization was the Englisn Answer Replicating Age Old Manusmriti Divide whcih could isolet every Ingredient of Aboriginal Indigenous Rural Life into tribes, Scheduled caste, Caste Hindus and Muslims. Whther Vande Mataram was written by Bankim himself, it is well debated and I have elaborated the topic. The Song Being Used or the Mother Land being worshiped by the Hindu as well as Tribal and Muslim Peasnts are the ELEMENTS quite out of Context of Social realism. The Romance Writer bankim Reincarnated as an AVTAR who survives to sustain the Global Zionst Hinduism which is the best tool to arouse nationalism, Ethnonationalism and Hatred Campaign against Communities to ensure Complete Civil war in the US Peripherry, the South Asian geopolitics as SHOWCASED very well in Pakistan, so that Corporate Imperialism may Capture Everything the Black Untouchable Negroid People have and Arundhati ray writely describes it as CHIDAMBARAM`s war!

GOLD RUSH for Glittering India as Govt concerned over Rise in food prices! Expressing concern over the inflation in prices of food articles in the country, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar Wednesday said the government has taken several steps to control the increases in prices of essential commodities.The yellow metal rose Rs 155 on the announcement of RBI's asset purchase, weak dollar!meanwhile,Global deal tracking firm Dealogic said on Tuesday in New Delhi that Indian companies have raised a record high of $38.5 billion to fund their upcoming and current projects so far this year, making the country the leader in the Asia Pacific region in the syndicated loan space.

Union Home Minister P Chidambaram today contended that he was not present when the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind adopted a resolution at its 30th general session in Deoband yesterday asking Muslims not to recite 'Vande Mataram'.

"Home Minister P Chidambaram was at the JUH conference at Deoband on November 3 between 10 am and 12 noon. No resolution was passed during that period. When he spoke, he was not aware of any resolution relating to Vande Mataram or women's reservation and television," a statement issued by his aide said.

Besides, the Home Minister was reading from a prepared text and there was no occasion to depart from that text, the statement said reacting to a statement of BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

Through its resolution, Jamiat has asked members of the community not to recite 'Vande Mataram' on the grounds that some verses of the national song are against the tenets of Islam.

The Jamiat's opposition to the recitation of the song came when it supported seminary Darul Uloom's 'fatwa' (edict) which opposes any prayer involving the song.

Naqvi had yesterday said the presence of Chidambaram at the programme "gave legitimacy to the resolution...It is a matter of concern."

On the other hand,Banks told to direct Credit flow to employment generating areas.

Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, urged banks to enhance credit flow to employment-generating sectors at a meeting with the CEOs of north-based public sector banks in Delhi.

The minister mentioned that banks should take advantage of the upcoming busy season and enhance credit flow to sectors such as agriculture and micro and small enterprises. He said that in order to meet the current year priority sector lending target for agriculture credit, the banks need to enhance the credit flow to agriculture for subsequent quarters of the financial year.

He asked the banks to use the scheme announced by the Government, which allows an additional 1 per cent subvention on interest to farmers who pay their dues on time, to improve repayments.

Mr Mukherjee advised banks to pay attention to house loan borrowers asking for Rs 10 lakh loan for units worth Rs 20 lakh, highlighting the fact that PSBs play an important role in providing housing loans up to Rs 20 lakh under the priority sector lending.

The heads of the banks seemed confident that the interest rates would not go up this financial year. After the meeting, Mr T.Y. Prabhu, Chairman and Managing Director, Oriental Bank of Commerce, said that interest rates are unlikely to go up for this financial year. Similiarly, Mr K. R. Kamath, Chairman and Managing Director of Punjab National Bank, said that "Interest rates should be stable till March 2010.Infrastructure and education loans though would increase by the end of the financial year."

"The year 2008-09 witnessed a spurt in the prices of food articles. However, the overall availability of essential commodities has generally remained satisfactory," Pawar told the Economic Editors' Conference here.

"Inflation in food article is a matter of concern," the minister said. According to the data released by the government Tuesday, production of foodgrain was hit by drought and floods in many parts of the country.

Rice was the worst hit. Rice production is estimated to reduce by 15 million tonnes to 69.45 million tonnes in the kharif (summer) harvest. Pawar said the government's main concern was to ensure the availability of foodgrains for the public distribution system "so that the impact of inflation on common man is minimised".

"The increase in foodgrain production has been matched by increased procurement for the central pool," the minister said. Wheat procurement in 2008-09 and 2009-10 was 226.89 lakh tonnes and 253.81 lakh tonnes respectively.

"As a result of record procurement during the last two years, the central pool stock of wheat as on Oct 1 this year was 284.57 lakhs," Pawar said and added that there was increase in rice procurement also. "Government has a stock 153.49 lakh tonnes of rice in the central pool," he said.

The minister said production of an estimated 8.5 million tonnes of foodgrain and 1.5 million tonnes of oilseeds in the rabi season could compensate for the loss of foodgrain output during the kharif season due to the drought. The minister expressed hope that this target could be achieved.

"Improved soil moisture due to late monsoon rains has improved the prospect of rabi (winter) crops throughout the country," he said.

Accorrding to Dealogic, "This year's syndicated loan volume has surpassed the previous high of $38.1 billion achieved in full year 2007 and accounts for 23 per cent of Asia Pacific's," .

Syndicated loans are large financing facilities granted to a borrower by a group of financial institutions who share the lending risk between them. India's syndicated loan volume has reached a total of $38.5 billion through 108 deals so far this year, surpassing Australia, where loan volume amounted to $36.5 billion. India's syndicated volume loan has seen an increase of 17 per cent from its year ago level and according to Dealogic Indian companies raised money mainly to fund their upcoming as well as curr ent projects.

 Dealogic also said that loans for project finance purposes accounted for nearly 78 per cent of the total loan amount and stood at $30.2 billion through 62 deals since the beginning of this year.

Gold touched a new record in rupee terms today, after the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI's) announcement that the central bank had added 200 tonnes to its existing reserves of 357 tonnes. A weak dollar overseas also boosted the metal's appeal as a safe-haven investment at a time of economic crisis.

Standard gold (99.5 purity) today opened at a new peak of Rs 16,240 per 10 gm, a rise of Rs 155 or 1 per cent from Rs 16,085 per 10 gm. Then followed pure gold (99.9 purity) to resume trade at a historic high of Rs 16,325 per 10 gm as against Rs 16165 per 10 gm the previous day.

The metal failed to sustain this level, as the dollar strengthened against major global currencies. In late evening trade, gold at Zaveri Bazar slipped Rs 15-20 per 10gm on global cues.

Meanwhile, from 1.47 against the dollar, the euro slipped to 1.35. Towards the evening, the rupee weakened to 47.40 from 47.02 against the dollar in the morning.

This indicates the price will decline in the near future, said Bhargav Vaidya, an analyst with B N Vaidya & Associates.

India, the world's largest consumer of gold, has gradually realised the importance of gold reserves due to spiraling prices over the years. So far, the country's gold consumption was banking purely on retail purchases. But, since the central bank has stepped in, the overall consumption is expected to rise further.

According to an estimate, retail consumers in the country hold about 25,000 tonnes of gold.

In dollar terms, however, gold perked up by $1,066.15 an oz in early trade, a rise of $4.10 from the previous day's close in New York. Later, the metal slipped to $1062.10 in afternoon trade.

Chidambaram promises rehab of Kashmiri Hindu migrants

Jammu: Home Minister P. Chidambaram Wednesday assured Kashmiri Pandits that he would do his best to fulfil the central government's commitment on the return and rehabilitation of the migrants to Jammu and Kashmir.

The return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri migrant Hindus - 350,000 of whom fled the Valley en masse in 1990 - "is a commitment" of the United Progressive Alliance government at the centre, he said.

"I will try my best to fulfil this commitment," the home minister said.

Chidambaram also said his focus would be on showing results in resolving the problems faced by the migrants.

"It's not important that the problem has been discussed and debated upon, the most important part is, whether we have been able to show results," Chidambaram told an apex committee of Kashmiri Hindus, representing various organizations of the community that fled the Valley when militancy was at its peak in the state.

Kashmiri Hindus interacted with Chidambaram at Jagti, about 15 km north of Jammu, where a satellite township is being built for them.

The township would house more than 2,000 families and is expected to be completed by December-end.

Addressing around 30 members of the Kashmiri Hindus, and several other migrants who had gathered to hear him, Chidambaram said that results have to be found to the questions - "Have we been able to take them to their homes in the Valley, have we been able to retrieve their properties, have we been able to address all the problems facing them?"

"I promise that I will do my best to show results," he said.

Earlier, the minister visited the township Jagti, accompanied by Jammu and Kashmir Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand and Revenue and Relief Minister Raman Bhalla.

"We must fulfil our commitment toward them (migrants)," the home minister told officials.

This is the home minister's second visit to the state in less than a month. His visit comes against the backdrop of raging anger over his ministry's decision to ban pre-paid mobile connections, affecting 3.8 million subscribers in the state.

The pre-paid connections are not being renewed from Nov 1, nor are new connections being given. The home ministry has cited security reasons for the move.

Political leaders in the state have criticised the ban.

Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah has claimed the "ban on pre-paid is temporary". He has assured the people that it would be lifted soon.

He has already spoken to Chidambaram, who is to also attend the wedding of state Director General of Police Kuldeep Khoda's daughter before returning to Delhi Wednesday evening.

Source: Indo-Asian News ServicePakistan fashion week begins under Taliban shadow

Karachi: Pakistan's fashion week was to kick off with an opulent opening ceremony today, against a backof militant violence and security fears that delayed the event and kept away foreign glitterati.

Models will sashay down catwalks for four days, flaunting the latest creations by local designers in the nuclear-armed Muslim nation, where most women cover up and observe varying degrees of Islamic dress.

"Our fashion week starts today and will continue till Saturday," said Tehmina Khaled, spokeswoman of Fashion Pakistan, which organises the event.

"The situation was so painful in the country that we postponed it for three weeks," she told AFP, referring to a spate of deadly attacks blamed on Taliban militants in which more than 340 people died in October and November.

Islamist extremism has plagued Pakistan for years.

Source: PTI

SC judge withdraws from Ambani brothers' case

New Delhi: In a dramatic turn in the Ambani brothers' gas dispute case, Justice R V Raveendran, a senior Supreme Court judge on Wednesday withdrew from the Bench hearing it saying his daughter is associated with a solicitors firm advising the Mukesh Ambani group on other global projects.

A new Bench will be constituted on Thursday to hear the high-voltage case between Mukesh Amabani's RIL and Anil Ambani's RNRL relating to pricing of gas from K G Basin.

"I am recusing myself from hearing this matter since I came to know only yesterday that my daughter is associated with a solicitors firm which is advising the Mukesh Ambani group in other matters relating to projects of global acquisitions," Raveendran said when the matter came up.

The judge said that he came to know that law firm AZB partners in Bangalore with which his daughter is associated since September 1 this year is advising the Mukesh group in other projects.

The Bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan adjourned the matter and decided to hear the matter afresh by constituting another bench tomorrow.

Justice Ravendran said, "The issue is my daughter is associated with a firm which is advising one of the parties in another project and I would not like to hear the matter".

"My conscience is clear and I feel that justice should not only be done but seems to be done. That is the tradition of this court," he said.

"I am sorry that six days of valuable time of this court has been wasted," he said adding, "I wish that somebody should have brought to our notice earlier about my daughter's association with the firm."

Justice Raveendran, while recusing himself, said "till now only RIL was advancing the arguments and RNRL has not started. So it is not late to dissociate myself from hearing the matter."

Senior counsel Harish Salve and Ram Jethmalani appearing for Mukesh Ambani group RIL and Anil Ambani's RNRL respectively persuaded Justice Raveendran to continue hearing the matter but he declined to do so.

Both the advocates told the Chief Justice if Justice Raveendran recuses himself, then he along with Justice P Sathasivam can continue hearing the matter.

However, the CJI said, "In the beginning I had said that this matter should be heard by a three-judge bench.

The court which decided to hear the matter afresh by constituting a bench tomorrow said that RIL would complete its arguments by November 12.

When the hearing had started on October 20, Justice Raveendran had offered to withdraw from the Bench, saying he had equal shares of both RIL and RNRL but the lawyers had said he should continue hearing the case.

RNRL is seeking gas from RIL at rates 44 per cent lower than government-approved price. RIL says it cannot honour the commitment made in the 2005 family agreement due to government's pricing and gas policies.

Source: PTI

Former J'khand minister files nomination from jail

Dumka (Jharkhand): A former Jharkhand minister, who is in judicial custody in connection with a disproportionate asset case, today filed his nomination papers for Jarmundi assembly seat.

Harinarayan Rai, who surrendered before a vigilance court in Ranchi two months ago, is seeking to retain the seat as an Independent for the second time from Jarmundi which is among the 30 constituencies going for the first phase of Jharkhand assembly poll on November 25.

Rai, who won the seat in 2005 as an Independent, has been booked in a disproportionate asset case along with another Independent MLA Enos Ekka. The vigilance department had already filed charge sheet against the duo on October 5.

The vigilance department acted on a complaint by one Kumar Vinod in a court against the two former ministers for amassing assets running into crores of rupees between April 2005 and December 2008.

For The Record
'It Is The Duty Of The Majority To Protect The Minority'
This is the golden rule in a democracy. Its sub-rule is that what is a minority in one place could well be the majority in another, says the home minister. 'Alas, some think that the golden rule is dispensable or that it can be applied selectively.'
P. Chidambaram
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The Union Home Minister's address to the Annual Conference of the Jamiat Ulema e Hind.

Today, you hold your 30th Annual Conference and I offer you my greetings and felicitations. I also bring to you a special message of greetings from Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Congress President and Chairperson, UPA. The most learned Ulemas of India – over 10,000 – are present this morning, and it is my honour to address them. I also greet the Rector of the Darul Uloom and recognize the presence of many renowned scholars.

We know that the JUH was founded in 1919 in order to lend the support of the Muslim clergy to the anti-British movement. It was among the first organizations that stood firmly on the side of the nationalist forces and resolutely opposed the two-nation theory espoused by the Muslim League. After Independence, the JUH has focused on the promotion of the social, religious and economic interests of the Muslim community. I am therefore very happy to be able to share some thoughts with this august assembly.

Your invitation to me is a significant gesture. I take the view that it is part of my duty to reach out to every section of the people and understand their problems, their aspirations, their doubts, and their fears. It is my duty to learn about their history, their society, their evolution, and their place in contemporary India. It is also my responsibility to communicate to them the arduous nature of the task of nation-building and the duty of every citizen to contribute to making India a modern, strong, prosperous, just, humane and peaceful country.

Since the beginning of civilization, the world has always been torn by conflicts. The birth of free India was under circumstances that could only be described as traumatic. The scars of partition and of the largest migration in human history still remain. Post-Independence too, the country has witnessed numerous conflicts – caste against caste, religion against religion, language against language.

Nevertheless, we must always remember that pluralism is our inheritance. Pluralism should be our strength. It is only due to the thoughtless words and actions of some that we have, sadly, allowed our diversity to become differences.

The advent of Islam in the Indian sub-continent may have occurred during the life time of the Prophet himself. The Cheruman Juma Masjid in Kodungallur, in Kerala, is believed to be the oldest mosque in India. It was constructed in 629 A.D. by Malik Bin Deenar. According to historians, the first ship bearing Muslim travellers was seen on the Indian coast as early as 630 A.D.

The spread of Islam was largely owing to the efforts of numerous Sufis. Sufis acted as missionaries and spread the message of Islam in a manner that the laity could understand.

India had always welcomed men imbued with high moral and spiritual ideas. It was a sign of our confidence in our innate strength. India thus became the most diverse multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-lingual society in human history. That is a matter of pride, especially when we see some countries struggling to come to terms with their new-found diversity.

We should not turn our back on our history and our heritage. We should not discount or diminish our unique strength; nor view our pluralism as a source of perennial conflict.

Let me recall some facts of history. One of the earliest acts of resistance to British rule was the Vellore Mutiny. It was in 1806, a good 50 years before the First War of Independence in 1857.

During the freedom struggle, hundreds of Muslim leaders fought and suffered, shoulder to shoulder, with leaders belonging to other faiths. Who can forget the glorious contribution of Maulana Mehmoodul Hassain, popularly known as Sheikhul Hind, Maulana Qasim Nanauti, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, Saifuddin Kichlu, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, M.A. Ansari, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai and Badruddin Tyabjee and many other freedom fighters?

No less has been the contribution of Muslims in modern India. Among them were outstanding Deobandi scholars such as Maulana Hassan Ahmed Madani, Maulana Hibzur Rehman and Maulana Asad Madani. Other renowned Muslims including political leaders and scholars, actors and artists, and sportspersons and scientists, too numerous to be recounted by name, have enriched our society.

We cannot view Islam as an alien faith. Our Muslim brethren are honoured citizens of India. This is the land of your forbears; this is the land of your birth; and this is where you will live and work. It is a matter of pride for us that all major religions of the world, including Islam, exist and thrive in India.

A nation can ignore its minorities only at its peril. The golden rule in a democracy is that it is the duty of the majority to protect the minority, be it religious, racial or linguistic. It is a self-evident rule. It is a rule that is firmly rooted in the universality of human rights. Hence, we have no hesitation in invoking that rule when Tamils are denied their rights in Sri Lanka or Indian students are assaulted in Australia.

There is also a sub-rule to the golden rule. What is a minority in one place could well be the majority in another place: for example, Muslims in Jammu & Kashmir or Sikhs in Punjab. In such situations, the roles will be reversed. Although a minority nation-wide, the Muslim community in Jammu & Kashmir is bound by the golden rule as well as the tenets of Islam to protect the minority communities in that State.

Alas, some think that the golden rule is dispensable or that it can be applied selectively. It is that thought that is pernicious. It is that thought that sows the seeds of communalism.

We must deplore communalism whenever and wherever it manifests itself in word or action.

Communalism is the negation of pluralism. Communalism also opposes modernity, rejects the idea of civil society, and opposes political freedom to the people.

Three lessons flow from a true assessment of the perils of communalism. Firstly, we must strive to build a modern nation. Secondly, we must reiterate the concepts of a civil society. And thirdly, we must expand the political freedoms and ensure that every person enjoys those undeniable and inalienable freedoms.

I believe that all Indians share a common cause – to fight communalism. That cause cannot be advanced by rhetoric alone. We must confront communalism with the instruments that will defeat communalism.

Moral and spiritual values form the core of a civilization. The education system must instil these values in its citizens, especially its children. Education, however, has a larger purpose. It must empower the child. The education system must turn the wonder of the child into inquiry and the bewilderment of the adolescent into discovery. It is mathematics and science, and that fruit of a historical conjunction, English, that will equip our children to build a modern India. The implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, especially the Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasas (SPQEM) and Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutions (IDMI) and the setting up of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) provide the best assurance of quality education to Muslim children.

Civil society is based on a compact. There is an unspoken understanding among people who live together. At the core of this compact is tolerance. The sharper the differences, the greater must be the degree of tolerance. When this compact is eroded, the foundations of civil society are shaken. It is our duty to spread the message of tolerance and strengthen the strands that bind civil society.

In the final analysis, it is the assurance of political freedom, and all the rights associated with such freedom, that will defeat communalism. Equality, equal status, personal liberty, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, right to education, right to work, right to property, right to information, and the other freedoms are the hallmark of a civilized nation. The Prime Minister's 15-point programme is intended to ensure that these freedoms are enjoyed by all minority communities, including the Muslim community.

While all manifestations of communalism are deplorable, the worst kind of communalism is unleashing communal violence. Violence and violent means to achieve any objective is the anti-thesis of a civilized society governed by the rule of law. The demolition of the Babri Masjid was a manifestation of religious fanaticism and an act of extreme prejudice. Likewise, taking to the path of violence in the name of religion must also be deplored in unequivocal terms. I am glad to note that the Darul Ulloom at Deoband issued a Fatwa against terrorism on February 25, 2008 and categorically stated that "Islam rejects all kinds of unwarranted violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, killing and plunder and does not allow it in any form." I regard that decree as a call to duty to not only Muslims but to all right thinking people. I would urge that more voices be raised, loudly and clearly, against terrorism and all forms of violence.

I belong to a political party, the Indian National Congress, that has for over a hundred years championed the cause of all the people of India without distinction of caste or creed. I represent a Government that is sworn to uphold the values of secularism, equality and democracy. I bring you the greetings and good wishes of my party and my government. I wish your deliberations success. May peace be with you and may your endeavours be blessed with success.


In Nandi, M&M 'business'

Sonachura (Nandigram), Nov. 3: Mamata Banerjee sees the CPM involved in another shadowy business venture around Nandigram.

"Marx and Mao" are involved in "a joint venture", the Trinamul Congress chief told her first post-general election rally at the cradle of her political resurgence.

A joint venture on what? On a "santrasher bhandar (storehouse of terror)", said Mamata, who kept breaking out in rhyme and riddles. The thousands at the Sonachura high school grounds rose and fell with her poetry.

The reference was to the September 22 murder of Nishikanta Mondal, Trinamul panchayat pradhan of Sonachura, whose attackers had distributed Maoist leaflets. Trinamul leaders think the CPM killed Mondal and is now hiding behind the Maoists.

Mao is the mask and the Marxists the face, the railway minister, accused of not making her stand clear on the Maoist violence, said today.

The meeting was in Mondal's memory, and in protest against the CPM's November 7 recapture of Nandigram two years ago. It was also a symbolic return to Ground Zero ahead of Saturday's bypolls to 10 Assembly seats, two of them — Egra and Contai South — in East Midnapore.

As Mamata approached the stage, youth leader Subhendu Adhikari's rising chant hailed her as the personification of her "maa, mati, manush (mother, earth, people)" plank as well as a symbol of development.

The Trinamul chief, who has been demanding President's rule, changed tack to say she wanted to come to power through manusher (people's) vote. "We could have put the CPM in a tight spot by harping on our demand for… Article 356 citing the lawlessness. But Trinamul doesn't need crutches to come to power," she said. "The CPM will be voted out in the 2011 polls."

Trinamul sources said Mamata had shed her "obsession" with President's rule after senior aides convinced her the Centre wouldn't oblige.

Mamata arrived at Sonachura with Union minister Sisir Adhikari and singer Nachiketa. Entire stretches were lined with Trinamul banners that doubled as road signs.

These stretches had once been dug up to keep out the administration; now pucca roads have come up. Trinamul claims the entire credit for the development, citing how the cycle of violence had stopped after it wrested the area in the rural polls.

Mamata extolled the slain panchayat pradhan's role. "He built the roads that we all took today," she said. "He planted 288,000 trees. Have you heard the rhythm inside trees? Do you have any idea of such things?" Mamata asked the absent chief minister, "leader of both Marxists and Maoists".

She charged the CPM with "global warming" and Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee with being "ganatantrer shobcheye boro pocketmaar (the biggest pickpocket of democracy)".

The railway minister promised that a line connecting Singur and Nandigram, twin pillars of her politics, would be complete once a 30km stretch was built. "The railways already have 500 metres. The rest the villagers will give us on their own," she said, sketching a business model the CPM can only envy.

She ended with a sweeping promise: "Nandigram will be an example of development."

Perhaps it's only a coincidence that hours later Sonachura would be hosting a jatra titled Ma Matir Lorai (Battle for Mother and Earth).


Centre to stick with stimulus
Concern over rice shortfall

New Delhi, Nov. 3: India will continue with the tax cuts and other stimulus measures in the face of the monsoon harvest showing a 15-million-tonne shortfall in rice.

"For the present I maintain that the fiscal stimulus will have to continue to allow its impact to fully run through the economy," finance minister Pranab Mukherjee told a conference of economic editors here today.

Mukherjee said he was open to short-term stimulus measures if the situation demanded such a move. "It would depend on rabi (winter crop) estimates and the pick-up in exports," Mukherjee said. The finance minister's comments came a week after the Reserve Bank prepared a case for a phased exit from an easy interest-rate regime in its monetary policy update.

A separate announcement by the agriculture ministry today said kharif, or monsoon-sown rice, was likely to be 69.45 million tonnes, nearly 15 million tonnes less than last year's output of the crop.

India, however, has foodgrain stocks of around 44.29 million tonnes (mt), including 15.35 mt of rice. Still, state run trading agencies have over the last week booked up to 30,000 tonnes of rice from abroad for delivery in November and December, perhaps with an eye to shore up reserves and check prices.

Though the drastic shortfall in grain production may not affect availability — stocks from the previous years and imports will be distributed through ration shops —the shortfall is expected to impact incomes and demand for consumer goods in rural areas. This in turn could see the pick-up in industrial growth getting checked. India's factory output had grown 10.4 per cent in August.

Exports in September fell 13.8 per cent year-on-year to $13.6 billion and in the April-September period, they declined 28.5 per cent to $77.9 billion.

Though trade officials are optimistic about the trend getting reversed by December-January, they admit it will depend on economic recovery in the developed countries. Sixty-five per cent of India's exports of textiles, handicrafts, gems and jewellery and other manufactures are meant for the US, Europe and Japan.

The government in a bid to reverse the economic slowdown which had set into the country on the back of failing exports came up with three economic stimulus packages since December 2008, involving a total tax giveaway of Rs 40,000 crore.

Excise rates, or factory gate taxes, were cut on most goods by at least 4 per cent and on some by as much as 6 per cent. Service taxes were slashed by a sixth to 10 per cent, while interest subsidy programmes were announced for small industry and exporters.

More than that, the central government started spending more on schemes such as a job programme that guarantees 100 days of employment in rural areas.

The government also invested heavily in job-intensive sectors, such as infrastructure. The spending programme was topped up by a budget passed in July, which estimated expenditure at Rs 10,20,838 crore, an increase of 36 per cent over 2008-09.

"It is, however, an imperative to come back to the path of fiscal prudence, as soon as the current economic circumstances permit us to do so," Mukherjee said.

A return to 9-per-cent-growth would take more than a year, and would depend not only India's ability to reverse the slowdown but also on the global economic recovery.

Mukherjee said banks have been told to boost lending as non-farm credit growth remained an area of concern.

India's economic growth slowed to 6.7 per cent in the fiscal year through March after three straight years of at least 9 per cent expansion. A high powered panel set up by the Prime Minister has said growth in the current year will be around 6.5 per cent.

Meanwhile, because of a sharp drop in crude oil prices to $76 per barrel from a peak of $147 per barrel last year, the country's imports fell by a drastic 31.3 per cent in September to $21.3 billion.

As a result, the trade gap narrowed to $7.7 billion against $15.3 billion in the same month in 2008.


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"It cannot be said that we dealt sensitively with these issues in the past. More could be done and more should be done (for tribals)," Manmohan said.
Tribals are Victims of Systemic Exploitation: PM

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In a clear message to Maoists, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said no sustained economic activity is possible under the shadow of gun in tribal areas where decades of alienation is taking a "dangerous" turn.

He said there has been a "systemic failure" in giving tribals a stake in the modern economic processes and emphasised that the "systematic exploitation and social and economic abuse of our tribal communities can no longer be tolerated."

Addressing a conference of Chief Ministers and State Ministers of Tribal Affairs here, Singh said the problems faced by tribals are complex and require sympathetic understanding, factoring in different nuances of tribal life.

"The alienation built over decades is now taking a dangerous turn. We must change our ways of dealing with tribals.We have to win the battle for their hearts," he said.

"It cannot be said that we dealt sensitively with these issues in the past. More could be done and more should be done (for tribals)," he said.

At the same time, he said, "No sustained economic activity is possible under the shadow of gun. Nor have those who claim to speak for the tribals offered an alternate economic path that is viable", an apparent message to Maoists who claim to be champions of the tribals' cause.

Underlining that tribals must be the primary beneficiaries of the development process, the Prime Minister underlined that the cult of violence would only bring greater misery to the people.

He made it clear that "violence cannot be tolerated" and the threat would be countered with determination.

Talking about the problems faced by tribals, Singh said administrative machinery in some of such areas is "either weak or virtually non-existent", the "heavy hand of criminal justice system has become a source of harassment and exploitation" and over the years, a large number of cases have been registered against the tribals, "whose traditional rights were not recognised by earlier forest laws".

He stressed the need for a "more enlightened approach" towards tribals.

Singh noted that Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh governments have recently withdrawn cases against tribals and said other states need to review such cases urgently and take a similar action.

"We need to make a fresh start," he said.

The Prime Minister also referred to the host of issues related to losses suffered by tribals displaced due to land acquisition.

"It is not just the displacement and disorientation caused by separation from the land that is at issue. One can only imagine the psychological impact of seeing the cutting down of the very forests that have nurtured the existence of these communities for centuries," he said.

Singh said resettlement and rehabilitation of tribals raise serious issues of not just monetary compensation but also issues of sustainable livelihood, preserving the traditional sense of community and helping the tribals cope with the trauma of dislocation and alienation.

"It is clear that we need to reflect on how to improve the laws and mechanisms through which we provide compensation to displaced tribals. The tribals must benefit from the projects for which they have been displaced," the Prime Minister said.

He said he had written twice to Chief Ministers of all states on implementation of Forest Rights Act, which envisages distribution of title deeds to tribals, by the end of this year.

While some states have achieved remarkable progress in the distribution of titles, others are lagging behind, Singh said, lamenting that "in a few states, even the process of receiving claims is yet to commence."

He described distribution of titles as an "important and necessary first step" for addressing problems of tribals.

"If implemented in its true spirit, it (the Act) will provide significant multipliers in the process of development in some of our critical habitats," Singh said.
Filed At: Nov 04, 2009 12:53 IST ,  Edited A


CPI(M) Importing Maoists from Nepal: Mamata

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Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee today claimed that the CPI(M) was importing Maoists from Nepal and providing them with arms to terrorise the people.

"The CPI(M) is bringing Maoists from Nepal and supplying arms to them. The CPI(M) and the Maoists are twin brothers. They were resorting to killings to terrorise people. Both of them are killers and both have no place in the land of West Bengal," she told a party rally here.

The rally was held amid tight security with a large contingent of policemen being deployed in and around the venue of the meeting at Garbari math in Hooghly district where clashes broke out between Trinamool and CPI(M) supporters at two places -- Kable More and Champadanga -- ahead of the meeting.

Calling the CPI(M) and the Maoists a danger for democracy, Banerjee called upon people to reject the both 'to save the country'.

The railway minister before concluding her speech asked her party supporters to shout in chorus with the slogan Lal Hatao, Desh Bachao, Mao Hatao Desh Bachao (Remove both the Left parties and the Maoists to save the country).
Maoists Intensify Anti-Govt Agitation Across Nepal

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Maoist cadres chanting "down with the puppet government" slogans today paralysed work in offices and clashed with ruling CPN-UML activists in several parts of Nepal as they intensified their anti-government agitation.

Curfew was clamped in the eastern Dhankuta district for an indefinite period after Maoist cadres clashed with activists of the ruling CPN-UML, police said, even as the security forces stood on high alert.

Shouting slogans of "down with puppet government," and "remove unconstitutional government", the Maoists demanded that President Ram Baran Yadav's "unconstitutional" move to reinstate Army chief Rukmangad Katawal be rectified.

Heavy security was in place throughout the capital but the protests here were peaceful.

In Kathmandu hundreds of Maoists carrying red flags picketed the District Administrative Office and prevented the government staff from entering the office.

Traffic was disrupted for hours in several places as the activists held demonstrations demanding restoration of "civilian supremacy".

In Nuwakot and Sunsari districts in central and southern Nepal, scores of Maoist cadres and policemen were injured as the agitating Maoist cadres clashed with the riot police.

All 75 districts of Nepal were affected due to the agitation and security has been tightened in government offices to prevent any untoward incidents.

Nepal is in the middle of a political turmoil since Prachanda resigned as Prime Minister in May following a confrontation with President Yadav over the sacking of the Army chief Rukmangad Katawal.

The Maoists have been blocking the Parliament since then demanding that the President rolls back his move of overturning a democratically elected government's decision.
Filed At: Nov 04, 2009 22:24 IST ,  Edited At: Nov 04, 2009 22:24 IST


Arrest Me if I Have Links with Maoists: Mamata

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With CPI(M) accusing the Trinamool Congress of having links with Maoists, its chief Mamata Banerjee today dared the West Bengal government to arrest her if the charge is true.

"The government should arrest me if I have any link with Maoists. I challenge them," Banerjee told a public meeting at Sonachura here.

She said "we don't want to oust CPI(M) through imposition of President's rule. The people will do so through democratic means."

Banerjee, who visited Nandigram for the first time after assuming charge as Railway minister claimed, "the Marxist government will be wiped out in the next assembly election in the state".

She accused the Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee of being the leader of both Maoists and Marxists.

"He is the biggest threat to democracy. The state is witnessing a joint venture between Maoists and Marxists".

"The government had given free passage to six Maoists in Nandigram in 2007 and TC leader Nishikanta Mondal was killed by Maoists at behest of CPI(M) last month," she alleged.

The Trinamool supremo who has been urging the Centre to withdraw central forces from West Midnapore district, demanded "army deployment to silence the Maoists and recover the huge quantity of arms stockpiled by CPI(M).

"Who said I don't want joint operations? But in the name of joint operations against Maoists, CPI(M) is trying to gain control of areas," she said.

She demanded that the police take action against both Maoists and the CPI(M) for violence.

Stating that West Bengal had witnessed the highest number of political killings, she targetted CPI(M) for today's clash at Nanoor in Birbhum district.

She said she had taken up this matter with Union Home minister P Chidambaram.

Banerjee also said the artistes and intellectuals who had supported Singur and Nandigram movements were being threatened. "Painter Shuvaprasanna and theatre personality Bratya Basu received threat letters."

She said development of Nandigram and Singur would remain her top priority and they would be connected by rail.
Nepal Maoists Admit Link to Indian Naxals

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After being in denial mode for months, the Nepalese Maoists have said they are extending "full support and cooperation" to the Naxalites in India, days after Home Minister P Chidambaram mentioned about a possible supply of arms from them.

Admitting that exchanges exist between the Maoists and the Naxals in India, a senior Standing Committee member of the UCPN-M CP Gajurel was quoted today by Rajdhani daily as saying, "We have extended our full support and cooperation to the Indian Maoists, who are launching armed revolt."

Talking to pro-Maoist journalists in Bara district of southern Nepal on Sunday. Gajurel, however, did not elaborate on what type of support they have extended to the Naxals.

Chidambaram had recently mentioned about the possible supply of arms from Nepalese Maoists to the Naxals in India.

The same newspaper had earlier carried a report that a Maoist leader had met Indian Maoist leader Kishenji at an undisclosed place in October.

However, when contacted for his comment avoiding direct answer Gajurel told PTI that his party did not oppose the movement being launched by the Indian Maoists.

"They are doing what they think is right," he said.

"The Maoists are launching their movement in India and we are launching ours here, there is no need to oppose the movement launched by them", he pointed out.


Web Results 1 - 10 of about 27 from for Maoist Frontiers. (0.14 seconds) 
  1. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Bengal | 'Maoist' strike in ...

    27 May 2008 ... Midnapore, May 26: Suspected Maoists gunned down an Eastern Frontier Rifles jawan and injured two other security personnel in Jhargram town ... - Cached - Similar
  2. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | A river cops dare ...

    23 Jun 2009 ... Pingboni is a different kind of frontier in this battle for Lalgarh ... But the far end is watched by the rebels — they may be Maoists, ... - Cached - Similar
  3. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | State wakes up to ...

    26 Oct 2009 ... As of now, he said, additional Eastern Frontier Rifles and State Armed ... Asked if Calcutta faced a danger from Maoists, Sen said there was ... - Cached - Similar
  4. The Telegraph - Calcutta : Nation

    The eight-month honeymoon of the Maoist rebels and the . ... He lost his eyesight defending the nation?s frontiers. ... | Read. ... - Cached - Similar
  5. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Maoists, troop cut ...

    5 Jul 2009 ... to the BSF personnel deployed away from the frontier in Jammu and Kashmir. ... In Maoist areas, the government plans an overhaul of the ... - Cached - Similar
  6. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage

    25 Oct 2009 ... Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on Maoists ... This village lies across the frontier with China, if you go by the location of the nearest security. ... - Cached - Similar
  7. The Telegraph - Calcutta : Bengal

    15 Apr 2006 ... The use of helicopters against Maoist armed squads in Bengal can ... polls there were five companies of the CRPF, Eastern Frontier Rifles, ... - Cached - Similar
  8. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | DGP dials for ...

    24 Jun 2009 ... of CRPF to be deployed as special frontier force to control the menace. ... Intelligence reports reveal that Maoists from West Midnapore ... - Cached - Similar
  9. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Bengal | Delhi turns down ...

    14 Nov 2008 ... of CRPF jawans were withdrawn from the Maoist-infested West Midnapore, ... Eastern Frontier Rifles and the Indian Reserve Battalion had ... - Cached - Similar
  10. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Army reluctant to ...

    25 Sep 2009 ... Army reluctant to spare special units for Maoist fight ... Another special force, the Special Frontier Force meant for high-altitude border ... - Cached - Similar

Obama plays China card, but who holds the ace?

4 Nov 2009, 2255 hrs IST, REUTERS

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WASHINGTON/BEIJING: Although US President Barack Obama has never set foot there, China cast a long shadow in the Pacific region where he grew

Obama, who will visit Shanghai and Beijing for the first time on November 15-18, spent much of his childhood in Hawaii, five time zones away from Washington, D.C.; and beginning in 1967, when he was six years old, he lived in Jakarta for four years.

At the time, China was in the throes of Chairman Mao Zedong's bloody Cultural Revolution. Abroad, the nation was less interested in selling widgets than in promoting Mao's brand of radical communism -- a force the US saw behind communist movements and political upheaval in Vietnam, Indonesia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

In 1979, Obama's senior year at Punahou school in Honolulu, China and the United States normalized diplomatic relations, launching a three-decade period in which ties between the two grew inexorably tighter and deeper -- and complicated.

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"Think of what China was in 1979: It was an autarkic, insular, inward-looking country that was preoccupied with its own internal things," said a senior US official. "Even 10 years ago ... there was still a sort of sense of 'We're not a part of these global rules, we're not doing this stuff.' Now they see themselves as sitting at the table."

If there were any doubts that China would have a seat at the table from now on, Obama dispelled those when he sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton there on her first official trip abroad -- not Pakistan, Afghanistan or any other foreign policy hot spot.

"That the first major visit (was) to China, and to Asia as well, is symbolic of where the locus of international economic activity -- and to some degree the locus of international activity, period -- is going to be in the coming years," said economist and author Zachary Karabell, whose new book "Superfusion" posits that the US and Chinese economies have effectively merged.

Beijing, once considered a wallflower on global affairs, is in turn warming to its more prominent role, though it's unclear that will translate into greater cooperation with Washington on issues like climate change and the nuclear disputes with Iran and North Korea -- not to mention human rights differences.

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