Saturday, October 24, 2009

World on FIRE! Collision INFINITE in Between Free MarketAMERICANISED Democracy and ETHNONATIONALISM leading to CIVIL war and ARMS race, UNPRECEDENTED VIOLENCE ECLIPSING the Earth and SPACE, the GALAXY!

World on FIRE! Collision INFINITE in Between Free MarketAMERICANISED  Democracy and ETHNONATIONALISM leading to CIVIL war and ARMS race, UNPRECEDENTED VIOLENCE ECLIPSING the Earth and SPACE, the GALAXY!

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time- One Hundred and Eighty FIVE

Palash Biswas

Ethnic nationalism

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Ethnic nationalism is a form of nationalism wherein the "nation" is defined in terms of ethnicity. Whatever specific ethnicity is involved, ethnic nationalism always includes some element of descent from previous generations. Furthermore, the central theme of ethnic nationalists is that "...nations are defined by a shared heritage, which usually includes a common language, a common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry."[1] It also includes ideas of a culture shared between members of the group, and with their ancestors, and usually a shared language; however it is different from purely cultural definitions of "the nation" (which allow people to become members of a nation by cultural assimilation) and a purely linguistic definitions (which see "the nation" as all speakers of a specific language).

The central political tenet of ethnic nationalism is that each ethnic group on earth is entitled to self-determination. The outcome of this right to self-determination may vary, from calls for self-regulated administrative bodies within an already-established society, to an autonomous entity separate from that society, to a sovereign state removed from that society. In international relations, it also leads to policies and movements for irredentism — to claim a common nation based upon ethnicity.

In scholarly literature, ethnic nationalism is usually contrasted with civic nationalism. Ethnic nationalism bases membership of the nation on descent or heredity—often articulated in terms of common blood or kinship—rather than on political membership. Hence, nation-states with strong traditions of ethnic nationalism tend to define nationality or citizenship by jus sanguinis (the law of blood, descent from a person of that nationality) while countries with strong traditions of civic nationalism tend to define nationality or citizenship by jus soli (the law of soil, birth within the nation-state). Ethnic nationalism is therefore seen as exclusive, while civic nationalism tends to be inclusive. Rather than allegiance to common civic ideals, then, ethnic nationalism tends to emphasise shared narratives and common culture. For example, Germany is often cited as an example of ethnic nationalism; German citizenship is open to "ethnic Germans" (e.g. descendents of Germans living in the former Soviet Union).

The theorist Anthony D. Smith uses the term 'ethnic nationalism' for non-Western concepts of nationalism as opposed to Western views of a nation defined by its geographical territory. Diaspora studies scholars extend this non-geographically bound concept of "nation" among diasporic communities, at times using the term ethnonation or ethnonationalism to describe a conceptual collective of dispersed ethnics.[2]

There are also subtle forms of ethnic nationalism present in immigration policies. States such as Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey provide automatic or rapid citizenship to members of diasporas of their own dominant ethnic group, if desired.[1] For example, Israel's Law of Return, grants every Jew the right to settle in Israel and automatically acquire citizenship.[3]

A nation-state for the ethnic group derives political legitimacy from its status as homeland of that ethnic group, from its protective function against colonization, persecution or racism, and from its claim to facilitate the shared cultural and social life, which may not have been possible under the ethnic group's previous status as an ethnic minority.

Ethnic nationalism has sustained criticism because of its use by extremists to advocate racist agendas and genocide, such as the case of Nazi Germany and its extermination of millions of Jews and other ethnic and cultural groups during the Holocaust. More recent acts of violence that used ethnic nationalism as a justification include ethnic cleansing such as the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, and the Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995. A long-standing and on-going example of this phenomenon is found in the ethnonationalist project to create a Jewish state in Palestine.[4]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Muller, Jerry Z. "Us and Them." Current Issue 501 Mar/Apr 2008 9-14
  2. ^ Safran, William (January 2008). "Language, ethnicity and religion: a complex and persistent linkage." Nations and Nationalism 14(1) 171–190. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8129.2008.00323.x
  3. ^ Hadary, Amnon. "Reclaiming Zionism." Judaism Vol. 48. Issue 1Winter 1999 1-14.
  4. ^ Pappe, Ilan. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2006). Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1987). Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem revisited (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2004).

[edit] External links


World on Fire

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World on Fire  

paperback cover
Author Amy Chua
Country United States
Language English
Subject(s) international economic relations, globalization, ethnic conflict
Genre(s) current affairs
Publisher Doubleday (hardcover)
Anchor Books (paperback)
Publication date 2003 (hardcover)
Media type hardcover, paperback
ISBN 978-0-385-72186-8 (paperback)
OCLC Number 53994907

World On Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability is a 2002 book published by Yale Law School professor Amy Chua. It is an academic study into ethnic and sociological divisions in regard to economic and governmental systems in various societies.



[edit] Summary

In the Philippines, Chua explains, the ethnic-Chinese minority has far greater wealth than the indigenous majority, with the result being envy and bitterness on the part of the majority against the Chinese minority -- in other words, an ethnic conflict. She believes that democratization can increase ethnic conflicts when an ethnic minority is disproportionately wealthy. "When free market democracy is pursued in the presence of a market-dominant minority, the almost invariable result is backlash. This backlash typically takes one of three forms. The first is a backlash against markets, targeting the market-dominant minority's wealth. The second is a backlash against democracy by forces favorable to the market-dominant minority. The third is violence, sometimes genocidal, directed against the market-dominant minority itself."[1]. Also, "overnight democracy will empower the poor, indigenous majority. What happens is that under those circumstances, democracy doesn't do what we expect it to do -- that is, reinforce markets. [Instead,] democracy leads to the emergence of manipulative politicians and demagogues who find that the best way to get votes is by scapegoating the minorities." [1]

According to Chua, other examples of ethnic market-dominant minorities include Chinese people in Southeast Asia; "whites" in Latin America; Jews in Russia; Croats in the former Yugoslavia; and Ibos, Kikuyus, Tutsis, Indians and Lebanese, among others, in Africa [2].

In her book, Chua discusses different reasons for the market dominance of different groups. Some groups achieve market dominance because of colonial oppression or apartheid. In other cases, it may be due to the culture and family networks of these groups. For many groups there is no clear single explanation. [3]

Americans can also be seen as a global market-dominant minority, which particularly when combined with using military might and flaunting political domination, cause resentment. [4]

Chua states that she is a "big fan of trying to promote markets and democracy globally," but that it should be accompanied by attempts to "redistribute the wealth, whether it's property title and giving poor people property, land reform .... Redistributive mechanisms are tough to have if you have so much corruption." [5]

[edit] Accolades

  • Selected one of The Economist Best Books of the Year 2003

[edit] Criticism

Amy Chua's thesis and her conclusions have been disputed by George Leef [6] of the John Locke Foundation, who proposes that many other factors may account for ethnic violence, including the most simple motivation of pure racism [7]. Leef concludes his review:

All that World on Fire proves in the end is that governments cannot be depended upon to prevent violence against people who have been, for whatever reason, demonized by others. That's nothing new.

Andreas Wimmer and Brian Min, criticizing the book state:

By contrast, our analysis shows that what has been observed in recent decades may simply be more of the same old story. Although history never repeats itself, the same process patterns may be operating at different times and in different historical contexts (cf. Collier and Mazzuca 2006). The dismemberment of empire and the formation of the nation-state have led to wars since the time of Napoleon. The patterns of warfare in the Caucasus and the Balkans in the 1990s resemble those on the Indian sub-continent in the 1940s, those of Eastern Europe during and after the World War I, and so on. The return of the "Macedonian syndrome," as Myron Weiner (1971) has called the intermingling of ethnic conflict and irredentist wars, explains such recurrent patterns of war much better than any variant of globalization theory. To treat them as a fundamentally new phenomenon, brought about by the end of the Cold War or increased globalization, represents yet another example of the widespread tendency among social scientists to perceive their own times as unique and exceptionally dynamic (on "chrono- centrism," see Fowles 1974).

They also note that several studies support the a variant of the democratic peace theory, which argues that more democracy causes a general decrease in systematic violence, at least for the most democratic nations. However, intermediately democratic nations do have a higher tendency for conflicts such as civil war than autocracies.[2]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Chua, Amy (2002). World on Fire. Doubleday. ISBN 0385503024. 
  2. ^ [ From Empire to Nation-State: Explaining Wars in the Modern World, 1816–2001] Andreas Wimmer. Brian Min. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2006, VOL. 71 (December:867–897)

Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History

Edited by Stanley Engerman, Jacob Metzer

Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History 

List Price: $240.00

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  • ISBN: 978-0-415-32126-6
  • Binding: Hardback (also available in Paperback)
  • Published by: Routledge
  • Publication Date: 17/06/2004
  • Pages: 416
  • Trim Size: 234X156

About the Book

The complex relationships between ethno-nationality, rights to land, and territorial sovereignty have long fed disputes over territorial control and landed rights between different nations, ethnicities, and religions. These disputes raise a number of interesting issues related to the nature of land regimes and to their economic and political implications.

The studies drawn together in this key volume explore these and related issues for a broad variety of countries and times. They illuminate the diverse causes of ethno-national land disputes, and the different forms of adjustment and accommodation to the power differences between the contesting groups. This is done within a framework outlined by the editors in their analytical overview, which offers contours for comparative examinations of such disputes, past and present.

Providing conceptual and factual analyses of comparative nature and wealth of empirical material (both historical and contemporary), this book will appeal to economic historians, economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and all scholars interested in issues concerning ethno-nationality and land rights in historical perspective.

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          World on FIRE!

          Collision INFINITE in Between Free MarketAMERICANISED  Democracy and ETHNONATIONALISM leading to CIVIL war and ARMS race, UNPRECEDENTED VIOLENCE ECLIPSING the Earth and SPACE, the GALAXY!for example, Various groups are involved in the Insurgency in North-East India, India's north east states, which are connected to the rest of India by a narrow strip of land known as the Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. Much of the region is notably ethnically and linguistically different from the rest of India. In the region several armed factions operate. Some groups call for a separate state, others for autonomy while some extreme groups demand nothing but complete independence.A number of political parties in Tamil Nadu, such as DMK and AIADMK owe their origins to the Self-respect movement,[3] the latter a 1972 breakaway from the DMK. Both parties are populist with a generally social democratic orientation.Not to mension MAHARASHTRA!

          The movement has been in political power in Tamil Nadu since 1967, when the DMK under C. N. Annadurai defeated the ruling Congress Party. The incumbent (as of 2009) Chief Minister is M. Karunanidhi of the DMK.

          A suspected US missile strike killed at least 14 people in Pakistan's troubled northwestern region bordering Afghanistan Saturday, media reports said.The attack targeted a Taliban hideout in the Bajaur tribal district, where the Pakistani military claimed victory over the militants early this year after months of fighting.

          Ethnonationalism has taken over OLd Nationality dealt by Joseph STALIN. We live in a world of FREE MARKET DEmocracy as the Corporate Imperialism and zionist War Economy  push for GLOBALISATION , the Post Modern Manusmriti Apartheid Rule under TRI IBLIS SATANIC Galaxy Order! Ethnonationalism and Democracy trying best to empower the Aboriginal Indigenous Ientities create UNPRECEDENTED Collision bigger than Big bang itself! DEMOGOGUES lead Insurrections against Hegemonies mobilising masses with the Impulsive ETHNONATIONALISM against the HEGEMONY Mainstream Blind nationalism. Global Institutions as World Bank, IMF, WTO, EC, ASEAN,SHAARC, UNESCO,GATT and MNCS including FIIs stand UNITED behind the ETHNIC Minorities controling the Wealth, Resources, State Power, Military, Services, Governance, Policies, Economy, Knowledge, Media, Intelligentsia, Arts, Industries, Bank and Money Market, Retail Chain, Minerals and so  on. The ethnically  Minority AFFLUENT Ruling Class Capture Land, Livelihood and Life. Nature is not spared. US aied DEMOCRACY and NGOs mobilise the ABORIGINAL and Indigenous Communities to voice the DEMAND of the Sons and Daughters of the SOIL, BHUMIPUTRA and a STRING of MARATHA MANUSH stand UNITED against the AMERICANISED LPG Democracy without addressing the basic issues of Resource and Human Management in a PLURAL Society. Imperialism made the Nationality Problem more COMPLEX as the ECONOMIC Reformas acomplish ETHNIC Cleansing!

          Thus , the World in which we the Majority, Deprived, Underpreveleged, Black, Untouchable, Aboriginal and indigenous Communities LIVE, is on FIRE.

          This PHENOMENON of Globalisation unites Terrorist groups, Ethnic identities, Extremism, Maoism, Regional Political parties led by DEMOGOGUES and Maoists together which leads to CIVIL War and ARMAMENT within to benefit only the Corporate War ECONOMY in the Global Village!

          Now, Orissa gets a makeover, is renamed as Odisha!

          The central government's nod to a proposal by Orissa government to re-name the state as Odisha has received appreciation from people in the state.

          "This was a long-standing demand. There should also be changes in the names of all other places in Orissa which were misspelt," state Agriculture Minister and the ruling Biju Janata Dal's (BJD) general secretary Damodar Rout told IANS Saturday.

          DENYING the EXISTENCE of ETHNONATIONALISM as reflected by MARATHA Manush, Amidst hectic lobbying for the post of Maharashtra chief minister, the 81 newly-elected legislators of the ruling Congress party met here Saturday to choose the legislature party leader, but left the decision to party chief Sonia Gandhi. Manipulated MANDATE derecognise ETHNIC Identity as FREE and FAIR Elections ENSURE Indigenous and ABORIGINAL Empowerment. The REACTION is quite MIND BOGGLING as Maharashtrians stabbed me in the back, Bal Thackeray Declares! Upset over Shiv Sena's electoral debacle in Maharashtra, party chief Bal Thackeray Saturday said it was not "outsiders" but Maharashtrians themselves who had stabbed him in the back.

          Quoting an English newspaper headline 'MNS gives Cong Raj a hand", (Raj Thackeray-led MNS helps Congress retain power), the Sena chief said, "This sums it all".

          Chhattisgarh to include kotwars in fight against naxals while Maoists gun down two rival activists in Jharkhand. Jharkhand is a CLASSIC Example of ETHNONATIONALISM , I have been witnessing along with Uttarakhand and Chhattishgarh since SEVENTIES. I spent at least two decades in Nationality Movement and then realised the Recognition by the Democratic Set UP has made it RATHER more a VIOLENT problem as ETHNIC Cleansing got momentum just after the MOVEMENT emerged Successful in all the THREE STATES which REMAIN Epicentres of MAOISM as ETHNONATIONALTI marginalised by AUTOCRACY and Free Market.Suspected Maoists abducted and killed two former activists of a rival outfit at Chando village in Palamau District of Jharkhand on Saturday.This is the first incident of violence by Naxals after the announcement of polls to the state assembly.

          It is Chhath puja time and like millions of people in Bihar, the politicians were also busy Saturday performing the rituals to seek divine blessings, with an eye on the state assembly polls due next year.

          Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, his political rivals Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad, his wife and former Bihar chief minister Rabri Devi and Lok Janshakti Party chief Ram Vilas Paswan were celebrating Chhath in their homes.

          Chhattisgarh to include kotwars in fight against naxals !The Chhattisgarh government has decided to include revenue Kotwars (gram chaukidars) in the security network to strengthen information flow and exchange in naxal-hit regions of the tribal state.

          According to senior state police officials, the weak information network in the naxal-affected districts led to many Maoists attacks in the last four years killing nearly 1,400 people including many security personnel and officials.

          "Fitting the Kotwars into the information network will not only ensure village security but also embolden the fight against naxals," they said. Naxals have their ground information network across villages and districts mostly in women and children, who o ut of fear do not inform police about extremist activities in those areas, police said.

          Official sources said that delay in receiving tip offs about naxal activities, has prompted the state government to take steps about inclusion of Kotwars into the information network to tackle the threat more effectively.

          Also, the duties and responsibilities of Kotwars have been well defined in the Chhattishgarh Police Regulation and their services will be availed to curb crime and other naxal activities in the state.

          The Kotwars (revenue officials of the lowest rank in rural areas) will be provided with a register wherein they have to record details of outsiders visiting the villages besides tracking other activities there, they said.

          On the other hand, Links between a leading Indian militant group and the Tamil Tigers have for the first time been confirmed by a rebel leader Wednesday, two days after the army seized documents stating payments made towards weapons bought from the Tigers.

          There were several reports in the past quoting intelligence reports that the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) had direct links with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

          On Monday, soldiers of the 19 Kumaon Regiment seized a large cache of weapons and explosives buried inside a pit, besides documents relating to the ULFA's financial transactions.

          "There was a noting in one of the accounts statement that the ULFA paid Rs.2.3 million to the LTTE towards purchase of weapons," an army commander said. Now, for the first time, an ULFA leader admitted links with the LTTE.

          "It was sometime in the early 90s when I was just an ordinary member at the Lakhipathar camp (in eastern Assam's Tinsukia district) when we saw three lanky Tamil men with our commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah. We were later told they were from the LTTE," Prabal Neog, a senior leader of the pro-talk ULFA faction, told IANS.

          The Alpha and Charlie companies of the ULFA's 28th battalion, the most potent striking unit of the outfit, announced a unilateral ceasefire in June last year. The group now in a ceasefire mode named themselves as the pro-talk ULFA faction.


          Meanwhile, Without a popular government for almost a year, Jharkhand will go to assembly polls in November-December staggered over nearly a month with the first phase of polling scheduled for November 27. 

          Announcing the five-phase poll schedule a day after the Union Cabinet decided to end President's rule in Jharkhand and dissolve the state assembly, the Election Commission said polling will be held on November 27, December two, eight, 12 and 18.

          The counting of votes would take place on December 23, Chief Election Commissioner Navin Chawla told reporters here.

          The state had been under President's rule since January 19 this year and a government has to be in place before January 18 next.

          Dozens of ministers of Nitish Kumar's government and many former central and state ministers, legislators and MPs were celebrating the festival at their native villages across the state.

          "We welcome the move. We have been demanding this since quite some time," Basanta Panigrahi, president of Utkal Sammilani, an organisation which works to protect the language, culture and tradition of the state, said.

          "It is a welcome move. At least we will be able to use the right name of our state soon," college student Sudhakar Satpathy said. "Odisha is the ancient name of the state. It is a good move but only renaming of the state does not serve the purpose. The state government should promote Odiya culture and its language in true sense," former chief minister and Congress leader J.B. Patnaik told reporters.

          The BJD government led by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik had approached the centre to amend the constitution after resolving in August last year to change the name of Orissa to Odisha and the name of its official language from Oriya to Odia.

          The central cabinet approved the proposal Thursday, and the bill to amend the Constitution for the change is expected to be introduced in the next session of Parliament.

          In Maharashtra, The Congress Legislature Party (CLP) meeting, which was held in the Vidhan Bhavan (state legislature), passed a one-line resolution that Sonia Gandhi would choose the chief minister.

          A central team comprising party general secretary Digvijay Singh, Defence Minister A.K. Antony and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha K. Rehman Khan were present to ascertain the views of the legislators for the post of chief minister, a party officer bearer said.

          Incumbent Chief Minister Ashok Chavan, despite being a front-runner for the post and with the tacit support of Sonia Gandhi and party general secretary Rahul Gandhi, is likely to face a tough time from another prime contender - Narayan Rane.

          While Chavan has the backing of union Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde, Rane has the unexpected support of union Heavy Industries Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh.

          Though Shinde and Deshmukh - both former chief ministers - have officially opted out of the race, the latter may not be averse to a third term as chief minister if circumstances permit.

          State party chief Manikrao Thackre and another long-time hopeful Patangrao Kadam are also in the fray.

          Party sources claim that of the 81 newly elected legislators, a majority support Rane for the post. Chavan, on the other hand is understood to have secured the support of a few of the 30-odd independents who have been elected.

          Nitish Kumar's official residence wore a festive look as his elder brother Satish Kumar's family was performing Chhath. "Nitish Kumar is giving a helping hand to the family members despite his tight schedule," a staff member at the chief minister's 1, Anne Marg, residence said.

          Kumar's wife Manju Sinha died in 2007. "Kumar may not be performing Chhath directly but he is keen to offer prayers to the sun god," a ruling Janata Dal-United leader close to him said.

          A festive air is seen in Rabri Devi and husband Lalu Prasad's new residence, situated a few metres from the chief minister's home in the high security zone here. Rabri Devi's Chhath puja celebrations have been gala affairs every year, attracting attention ever since she became chief minister in 1997.

          Lalu Prasad was helping Rabri Devi perform Chhath puja. "Chhath is not an easy festival, it is a difficult one as age-old traditions and rituals have to be followed. Lalu Prasad's presence gives strength to Rabri Devi," a RJD leader close to them said.

          A special pond has been erected in Rabri Devi's new residence to worship the sun god. "She has been performing the rituals at her residence instead of going to any river," a staff member at her residence said.

          Ram Vilas Paswan along with his wife and son are also camping in the state capital to provide moral support to his brother's families who are performing Chhath.

          "Paswan along with his family visited the Lalu-Rabri residence Friday night to participate in the ritual of 'kharna' when sweet dishes are prepared and distributed," a leader close to Paswan said.

          The Chhath festival was celebrated Saturday by millions of Hindus who converged on river banks, ponds and other water bodies to worship the setting sun.

          They will make an offering to the rising sun on Sunday to mark the end of Chhath, which is celebrated in Bihar six days after Diwali. Married women and middle-aged men lead the preparations and observe fast.

          "Nitish Kumar prefers not to celebrate Chhath. He usually keeps away from religious rituals. He celebrated Diwali and Durga Puja with simplicity this year," another member of the chief minister's staff said.

          According to official sources, Nitish Kumar was busy monitoring security arrangements during the festive season.

          Colourful idols of the sun god riding his chariot with seven horses, a new attraction this year, were being sold on riverbanks that had been cleaned up and decorated by the devotees. The administration along with voluntary organisations worked round-the-clock to clean up neighbourhoods and roads leading up to the banks of rivers and water bodies.

          Striking a cynical note in his first editorial in party mouthpiece 'Saamna' after the assembly election results on October 22, the 84-year-old Thackeray said, "There is an evil spirit that is separating me from you (Marathi people) and not allowing a meeting of minds".

          "I do not have any hope that even this writing will have any influence on your thinking. In fact, I have lost faith in everything, including Maharashtrians and also God. I am at great pains to make this statement but I have no desire to hide the truth and indulge in self-deception," he said.

           24/10/2009Bofors case: Court defers order on dropping Quattrocchi's name
          New Delhi: A city court on Saturday deferred its order on the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) plea to withdraw Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi's name from the Bofors gun deal payoff case.

          Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Kaveri Baweja deferred the order to Nov 6 on whether the CBI's application under section 321 of the criminal procedure code (CrPC) should be accepted.

          The CBI had Oct 3 moved an application before a court here to quash all charges against Quattrocchi in the two-decade-old Bofors payoff case, saying the case cannot be kept pending forever as attempts to extradite him have failed in the past.

          "The continued prosecution of Quattrocchi is unjustified in the light of various factors, including the failed attempts to extradite him," Additional Solicitor General P.P. Malhotra - appearing for the CBI - had said before the court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Baweja.

          The CBI position had been contested by advocate Ajay Agarwal, who demanded that he be treated as a complainant in the case. But Malhotra said: "Petitioner has no locus standi to move the petition."

          The court will now decide on both issues Nov 6.

          Meanwhile, Agarwal has also filed a application under the Right to Information Act (RTI) with the CBI, seeking all the file notings and other related information about the case since it began.

          "I have filed the RTI application Friday with the CBI and am waiting for the response," Agarwal told IANS.

          In a 1987 broadcast, a Swedish radio station alleged that nearly Rs.64 crore ($13 million) were paid in kickbacks to the Congress party and the Rajiv Gandhi government for the multi-billion dollar Bofors howitzer deal. The scandal shook the nation and Rajiv Gandhi lost his two-thirds majority in parliament in the post-Bofors election two years later.

          Source: IANS

          China makes six-point proposal for cooperation with ASEAN

          Hua Hin (Thailand), Oct 24 : Chinese Prime Minster Wen Jiabao made a six-point proposal for strengthening cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) during his address at the bloc's summit here Saturday.

          Wen said the financial situation in China and ASEAN countries remained stable despite the global economic crisis, and trade between the two sides have entered 'a stage of restorative growth', Xinhua reported.

          He proposed six steps to enhance cooperation between the two sides: create China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, accelerate infrastructure development, deepen agricultural cooperation, promote sustainable development, strengthen cultural exchanges and advance regional cooperation at various levels.

          He also called for protection of intellectual property rights and removal of technical trade barriers.

          Wen said Beijing plans to hold a China-ASEAN Free Trade Area forum next year.

          He said the two sides should actively promote projects that would help raise grain production in the ASEAN region.

          Both sides should make efforts to adopt the China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Strategy at the earliest possible date, so as to expand cooperation in the field of renewable energy, among others, he added.


          Insurgency in North-East India

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          North east states

          Various groups are involved in the Insurgency in North-East India, India's north east states, which are connected to the rest of India by a narrow strip of land known as the Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. Much of the region is notably ethnically and linguistically different from the rest of India. In the region several armed factions operate. Some groups call for a separate state, others for autonomy while some extreme groups demand nothing but complete independence.

          Northeastern India consists 7 states (also known as the seven sisters): Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, and Nagaland. Tensions exist between these states and the central government as well as amongst the tribal people, who are natives of these states, and migrant peoples from other parts of India.

          The states have accused New Delhi of ignoring the issues concerning them. It is this feeling which has led the natives of these states to seek greater participation in self-governance. There are existing territorial disputes between Manipur and Nagaland.

          There is a rise of insurgent activities and regional movements in the northeast, especially in the states of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Tripura. Most of these organizations demand independent state status or increased regional autonomy and sovereignty.

          India accuses the People's Republic of China of sponsoring these movements but has never provided evidence. Regional tensions have eased off as of late, with Indian and state governments' concerted effort to raise the living standards of the people in these regions. However, militancy still exists within the region. Among the rebellions in the area are Tripura Rebellion and Assam Conflict.



          [edit] Assam

          Organizations listed as terrorist groups by India
          Northeastern India
          National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)
          Naga National Council-Federal (NNCF)
          National Council of Nagaland-Khaplang
          United Liberation Front of Asom
          People's Liberation Army
          Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
          Zomi Revolutionary Front
          Al-Badr Mujahideen
          Al Barq (ABQ)
          Al Fateh Force (AFF)
          Al Jihad Force (AJF)/Al Jihad
          Al Mujahid Force (AMF)
          Al Umar Mujahideen (AUR/Al Umar)
          Awami Action Committee (AAC)
          Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DEM)
          Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HUM)
          Ikhwan-ul-Musalmeen (IUM)
          Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
          Jammat-ul-Mujahideen (JUM)
          Jammat-ul-Mujahideen Almi (JUMA)
          Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (JKDFP)
          Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front (JKIF)
          Jammu and Kashmir Jamaat-e-Islami (JKJEI)
          Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET)
          Kul Jammat Hurriyat Conference (KJHC)
          Mahaz-e-Azadi (MEA)
          Muslim Janbaaz Force (MJF/Jaanbaz Force)
          Muslim Mujahideen (MM)
          Hizbul Mujahideen
          United Jihad Council
          Students Islamic Movement of India Tehreek-e-Jihad (TEJ)
          Pasban-e-Islami (PEI/Hizbul Momineen HMM)
          Shora-e-Jihad (SEJ)
          Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen (TUM)
          North India
          Babbar Khalsa
          Bhindranwala Tigers Force of Khalistan
          Communist Party of India (Maoist)
          Dashmesh Regiment
          International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
          Kamagata Maru Dal of Khalistan
          Khalistan Armed Force
          Khalistan Liberation Force
          Khalistan Commando Force
          Khalistan Liberation Army
          Khalistan Liberation Front
          Khalistan Liberation Organisation
          Khalistan National Army
          Khalistan Guerilla Force
          Khalistan Security Force
          Khalistan Zindabad Force
          Shaheed Khalsa Force
          Central India
          People's war group
          Balbir militias
          Ranvir Sena
           v  d  e 

          Assam has been the hotbed of militancy for a number of years due to its porous borders with Bangladesh and Bhutan. The main causes of the friction include the anti-foreigner agitation in the 1980s and the simmering Assam-Bodo tensions. The insurgency status in Assam is classified as Very Active.

          [edit] ULFA

          The United Liberation Front of Asom was formed in April 1979 to establish a sovereign state of Assam through an armed struggle. In recent times the organisation has lost out its middle rung leaders after most of them surrendered to the Indian forces.

          [edit] NDFB

          The National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed in 1989 as the Bodo Security Force, aims to set up an autonomous region Bodoland.

          [edit] Manipur

          Insurgent groups in Manipur are also classified as Very Active and stem largely from the delay in statehood.

          [edit] Peoples Liberation Army

          The Peoples Liberation Army is a leftist organisation formed in 1978 with the aim of liberating Manipur from India.

          [edit] UNLF

          The United National Liberation Front was created in 1964 and demands an independent socialist state of Manipur.

          [edit] PREPAK

          People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak is an armed insurgent group in Manipur demanding a separate and independent homeland.

          [edit] Nagaland

          Nagaland was one of several princely states in India before Independence in 1947. Insurgent groups classified as Active, mainly demand full independence. The Naga National Council led by Phizo was the first group to dissent in 1947 and in 1956 they went underground.

          [edit] NSCN-IM

          The National Socialist Council of Nagaland was formed in 1980 to establish a Greater Nagaland, encompassing parts of Manipur, Nagaland, the north Cachar hills (Assam). The NSCN split in 1988 to form two groups namely NSCN(IM) & NSCN(K). As of now, both the groups are in ceasefire with the Indian government. However, they continue to be actively involved in illegal activities including extortion, kidnapping, inter-factional clashes, bootlegging and recruitment.

          [edit] NSCN-K

          The National Socialist Council of Nagaland—Khaplang is the second faction with the same aim of a Greater Nagaland and was formed in 1988.

          [edit] Tripura

          The insurgent groups in Tripura were emerged in the end of the 1970s, as ethnic tensions between the Bengali immigrants and the tribal native population. Their status is classified as Very Active

          [edit] National Liberation Front of Tripura

          The National Liberation Front of Tripura was formed in March 1989

          [edit] All Tripura Tiger Force

          The All Tripura Tiger Force was formed in 1990 with the sole aim of the expulsion of all Bengali speaking immigrants.

          [edit] Meghalaya

          Problems in Meghalaya arise from the divide between tribals and non tribal settlers, identity issues and growing corruption. The activity status is classified as Active.

          [edit] ANVC

          The Achik National Volunteer Council was formed in 1995 with the intentions of forming an Achik Land in the Garo Hills.

          [edit] HNLC

          The Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council aims to free the state from Garo domination and was formed in 1992.

          [edit] Mizoram

          Mizoram's tensions are largely due to the simmering Assamese domination and the neglect of the Mizo people. In 1986, the Mizo accord was which brought peace to the region. Insurgency status is classified as Partially Active

          [edit] Hmar People's Convention-Democracy - HPC(D)

          The People's Convention-Democracy was formed in 1995 to create an independent Hmar State. It is the offspring of the Hmar People's Convention(HPC), which entered into agreement with the Government of Mizoram which results in the formation of Sinlung Hills Development Council. However, of late, they have merged with other Hmar revolutionary groups in neighbouring Manipur and Assam with the aim of bringing the Hmars under one administrative unit.

          [edit] BNLF

          The Bru National Liberation Front was formed in 1997 to protect the rights and dignity of the Reangs. The BNLF have surrendered with 757 of their comrades to the Mizoram Government on October 21, 2006.

          [edit] See also

          [edit] References

          Mansi Mehrotra Bodo Uprising

          [de:Befreiungsorganisationen im Nordosten Indiens]]

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