Sunday, October 25, 2009

Re: What should be the Action Plan for Mumbai for the next 3 years?

On 10/23/09, <> wrote:
Mumbai city will soon get a new Municipal Commissioner, who heads the the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).
The MCGM was established in 1882, and is one of the largest local governments in the world; it serves a population of 18 million people over an area of 500 sq. km. with an Annual Budget of Rs. 19,000 crores. The functioning of MCGM affects the daily lives of every citizen, as it is the policy-making and implementing agency for a wide range of services that include Public Health, Water and Sanitation, Building Proposals, Roads and Footpaths, Trees and Gardens, Zoo, Stray Dogs, Solid Waste Management, Education, Hawkers, Sewage, etc. (See for details)
a) What are the 3 targets to improve Mumbai that you would like to suggest to the new Municipal Commissioner for the next 3 years.
e.g.: ensuring rain water harvesting to meet 20% of Mumbai's water needs.
b) What are the guiding principles that an organisation such as MCGM should adopt: e.g. to tackle corruption or to increase effeciency?
Responses shall be compiled and forwarded to the new Municipal Commissioner.
Inputs and suggestions from individual citizens are essential to help government perform better. It is only when we all think of what we would like our city and country (and therefore society) to be, and start participating in the process to make this change, that we will achieve change at a faster rate.
Vinay - creating cities for citizens

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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