Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re: V V IMP: Israeli troops attack Al Aqsa Worshippers by Khalid Amayreh

On 10/27/09, Feroze Mithiborwala <feroze.moses777@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All, The tensions over the Al-Aqsa Mosque are rapidly rising. Warnings about the Israeli Zionist designs to demolish both the Masjid's on the Haram-i-Sharif are emanating from all quarters from across the Arab & Muslim world, as well as from amongst moderate Jews & Christians. Israel continues to ethnically cleanse the Jerusalemites, build & announce new Settlements on the West bank, as well continue with the Siege of Gaza in defiance of the International Community. Some Peace process.To make things worse, since Sept 27th, Zionist fanatics, supported by the Israeli army & the police with the full backing of Netanyahu-Lieberman as well as the rest of the political leadership, are attacking the sovereignty of the Al-Aqsa Masjid on a daily basis. The fuse has been lit . . . & this will be the last straw on the proverbial . . . The fear of the Israeli intentions to destroy & build their Third Temple are being discussed widely.

Regards & In Solidarity

Feroze & Kishore

Israeli Troops Attack Al-Aqsa Worshipers by Khalid Amayreh

Stephen Sizer: Are Extremist Settlers about to Seize the Temple Mount?

Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement

Our goal is the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in our lifetime in accordance with the Word of Gd and all the Hebrew prophets. www.templemountfaithful.org/

FATAH CALLS GENERAL STRIKE! - alt.politics.socialism.trotsky ...

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Meshaal accuses Israel of wanting to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque


İslâmi Davet – English News | Tag Archive | al-Aqsa Mosque

MIFTAH--Al-Aqsa Mosque Still Under Grave Threat

Al-Aqsa Mosque sovereignty under threat | ummid.com

Moving Towards a Third Temple

The founder and leader of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is Gershon Salomon. In his private life, Gershon is an expert researcher and ...www.templemount.org/tempprep.html

Israeli Troops Attack Al-Aqsa Worshipers

by Khalid Amayreh, IOL, October 25, 2009

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM – Tension flared up at Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday, October 25, when hundreds of Israeli troops stormed the Islamic holy site, beating worshipers and firing tear-gas shells, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades.

"They are beating people and desecrating the holy place in utter disregard for civility and human decency," Adnan al-Husseini, the highest-ranking Muslim Wakf official, told IslamOnline.net.

"They are clamping a siege to the Aqsa Mosque and preventing Muslims from accessing the place."

According to eyewitnesses, at least 10 Palestinians were injured, some badly, while others suffered tear gas inhalation.

As many as 20 Palestinians were arrested.

Sheikh Muhammed Hussein, a prominent scholar and religious leader, described the situation at Al-Aqsa as "very dangerous," warning it could get out of control.

"The Israeli soldiers are beating everyone, including women and children," he said.

Earlier, Muslim leaders urged Muslims to flock to Al-qsa Mosque to repulse renewed attempts by government-backed Jewish zealots to arrogate a foothold at the exclusively Islamic shrine.

The calls were relayed through loudspeakers at the Aqsa compound, prompting the Israeli occupation authorities to cut off electricity supply to mosques in the area.

The Muslim leadership in Al-Quds (occupied East Jerusalem) called on Muslims to be on constant alert to foil a plan by Jewish extremists to hold prayers at the Aqsa sanctuary on Sunday.

The zealots say they want to commemorate a visit to the Aqsa Mosque by Maimonides (Musa Ben Maymon), a prominent Jewish rabbi of the Middle Ages, 843 years ago.

Save Al-Aqsa

The Palestinians accused the Israeli occupation forces and their proxy jewish extremists of playing with fire.

"They are trying to prove that they are the masters here, that they have sovereignty over the holy place," said Hussein.

"But this is an exclusively Islamic holy place. It has always been like this and it will always be like this."

Al-Aqsa is the Muslims' first Qiblah [direction Muslims take during prayers] and it is the third holiest shrine after Al Ka`bah in Makkah and Prophet Muhammad's Mosque in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Jews claim that their alleged Temple of Solomon exists underneath Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which houses the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and want to destroy the Muslim holy shrine to build their temple.

Al-Husseini, the highest-ranking Muslim Wakf official, appealed to the entire free world to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities to stop "this brazen aggression on Islam and Islamic holy places."

"What is happening today at Al-Aqsa Mosque is unprecedented in terms of its disrespect for the sanctity of the place," he lamented.

"The Israeli state is trying constantly to sow tension and terror and when Muslims protest the Israeli aggression, Israel claims that Muslims were exaggerating and blowing up out of proportion."

The Palestinian official asserted that the Muslim holy site was facing "a real and overwhelming danger."

"And if Muslims, governments and peoples, don't move fast to save it from Israeli designs and plots, tomorrow might be too late."


The News Line: Feature  Saturday, 10 October 2009


Fatah's top leadership called for a general strike throughout the
nation for yesterday, in protest against the 'fierce and planned
Israeli attacks' that have been launched on Jerusalem holy sites.

The decision follows a week of high tension in Jerusalem after Israeli
settlers backed by police were seen entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
setting off demonstrations.

A statement from the Fatah Central Committee, the movement's highest
governing body said the strike was called in order to demonstrate
Palestinians' 'steadfastness and determination to keep hold of our
Christian and Islamic holy sites'.

The committee also called for peaceful demonstrations that would show
that Jerusalem is Palestinians' 'eternal capital' and the future seat
of government in an independent state.

The statement further denounced Israel's expansion of settlements in
the city as 'an attempt by the Israeli right-wing government to return
to a cycle of violence in order to shirk its commitments to the peace

Fatah also urged Arab and Muslim states, the United Nations, and the
Quartet to intervene and support Palestinians in Jerusalem.

• Israelis must know that the status quo will lead to a 'sliding back
into the darkness', Jordan's King Abdullah II asked the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz to tell its readers.

'Is Israel going to be fortress Israel or is it going to be part of
the neighbourhood? Because if there is no two-state solution, what
future do we all have together?' the monarch told a reporter from the
newspaper in Amman.

'Show me the future of Israel 10 years from now.

'Where do you want Israel to be vis-a-vis its relationship with Jordan
and other Arab countries?

'I understand that you tend to live in the here and now.

'You are worried about the next threat.

'It is difficult for an Israeli to look into the future because of the
security aspect.

'But if there is peace and stability, then people can look into the
future,' he said.

The publication of the wake-up call comes as Israel is being forced
back to the peace talk table while it simultaneously pursues the
expansion of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, steps up
repressive procedures against Palestinians living in Jerusalem, denies
the allegations of war crimes made public in the UN-mandated Goldstone
report and war mongers over the spectre of a nuclear Iran.

Jerusalem is 'a tinderbox that will have a major flashpoint throughout
the Islamic world', the King told the Israeli newspaper.

And he cautioned Israeli police who have recently sparked clashes in
the Old City over restrictions on movement and access to its holy

On Wednesday, police presence was so tight that Palestinian
schoolchildren had difficulty accessing their places of study.

It 'is important to understand the need of ending all settlement
activities and other unilateral actions that threaten the identity of
the holy city', King Abdullah II cautioned.

The Jordanian monarch gave the interview to Haaretz on the same day as
thousands of Israeli settlers and members of the Knesset celebrated
the laying of a foundation stone for the latest settlement project on
Palestinian land in occupied East Jerusalem.

Flanked by a heavy police presence, Israeli right-wing leaders laid
the foundation for an expansion of a settlement in East Jerusalem's
Jabal Mukaber neighbourhood.

Fearing renewed protests following a week of unrest in reaction to
perceived Israeli infringement on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Israeli police
blocked streets to allow a procession of settler leaders and activists
to the settlement of Nof Zion.

'We weren't going to cancel a serious ceremony regarding the
construction of another Jewish residency in East Jerusalem just
because a few Hooligans make some noise,' organiser Avichai Buaran
told Israel's Army Radio, according to the newspaper Haaretz.

'Nof Zion is in the Arab town of Jabel Mukaber, but it remains a
Jewish neighbourhood of Jerusalem,' he was also quoted as saying.

The ceremony marked the beginning of construction of 105 housing
units, an addition to an existing 95 units.

Israelis aspiring to become settlers in the new houses brought a Torah
scroll to Nof Zion's synagogue.

The international community deems illegal all Israeli settlements
across the Green Line border, including those in East Jerusalem.

The expansion of settlements has been a driving factor behind renewed
Palestinian protests in the city.

Meanwhile, Israeli police announced that restrictions on access to the
Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, would continue for a
fifth straight day on Thursday.

Muslim men over age fifty will be allowed to enter the shrine,
provided they possess an Israeli ID card.
Women of all ages are permitted.

Reported intrusions by settlers into the Al-Aqsa compound caused
several days of demonstrations by unarmed Palestinians in Jerusalem.

Police armed with clubs and tear gas have forcibly dispersed the



Palash Biswas
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