Monday, October 26, 2009

Re: Do Note: U.S.- Backed Jundullah carry out deadly attacks in Iran - Les Blough / Kurt Nimmo

On 10/20/09, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

Dear All, The newspapers in India are only reporting that 'Iran blames Pakistan for the recent terror attack in the Sistan-Baluchistan province'. The fact of the matter is that the Jundullah is a joint operation of the CIA-Mossad-ISI-Al Qaeda combine. Iran has also clearly stated that the current terror operation was the handiwork of the US covert operations in the region (Press TV - below). This also again proves our point of the Al Qaeda being a CIA-Mossad-ISI covert operation.

In Solidarity
Feroze Mithiborwala
Awami Bharat

Breaking: U.S.- Backed Jundullah carry out deadly attacks in Iran

Breaking: U.S.- Backed Jundullah carry out deadly attacks in Iran. ( 1)
By Various,
Press TV
Sunday, Oct 18, 2009

Editor's Note: The 4 news bulletins republished below provide information on the deadly bombing of Revolutionary Guard and Tribal Leaders who were meeting in Iran yesterday for peaceful negotiations. It is well known that the CIA has been carrying out covert military operations in Iran for years. Seymour Hersh reported it in 2006. The U.S. Congress approved Bush's request of $400 million for covert operations in Iran in 2007. The U.S. began to project its "war on terror" into Iran with direct military attacks in 2007. In February 2007, CIA/Mossad-backed "Jundallah" killed 11 members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard with a car bomb near Zahedan and in May, 2009, they bombed a Shia mosque in the same city, killing 25 worshippers. Their denials notwithstanding, when the Obama regime opened the new front for the war in Pakistan earlier this year, there can be no question that they had in mind an escalation of attacks like these. It amounts to an undeclared U.S. war on sovereign nation of Iran.

- Les Blough, Editor


Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran

Kurt Nimmo
July 10, 2008

According to Pakistan's former Army Chief, retired General Mirza Aslam Baig, the U.S. supports the Jundullah terrorist group and uses it to destabilize Iran. Baig knows what he is talking about, as he was on the inside track when the CIA and Pakistan's ISI created al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Both Baig and former ISI chief Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul were part of the Darul Uloom Haqqania Islamic conference held near Peshawar on January 9, 2001, significant because the conference was hosted by CIA asset Osama bin Laden. Baig rubs elbows with Pakistan's ruling oligarchs, so he knows something about what goes down in South and Central Asia and the Greater Middle East.

featured stories   Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran


  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, supposedly the al-Qaeda operational commander of the September 11 terrorist attacks, headed up the CIA sponsored terrorist group Jundullah.

"He said that the US is providing training facilities to Jundullah fighters–located in eastern areas of Iran–to create unrest in the area and affect the cordial ties between Iran and its neighbor Pakistan," reports Iran's Press TV. "The intelligence agencies of the coalitional forces are very active in Afghanistan and work against the interests of Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia in the region, he said as quoted by Pakistan Daily newspaper."

In other words, the neocons are busy at work on their plan, active now for well over a decade, to foment chaos in the region and ultimately reduce it to a smoldering ruin. Iran has long figured prominently on the neocon hit list.

"Jundullah is a terrorist group, headed by Abdolmalek Rigi, which operates in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan and Pakistan's Baluchistan," notes Press TV. In fact, the Sunni terrorist group is a creature of the CIA, a fact confirmed last May when the Sunday Telegraph reported that the CIA was "supplying money and weapons" to Jundullah as part of Bush's not so covert black op designed to "achieve regime change in Iran," that is to say reduce the country to a smoldering ruin on par with Iraq and install a brutal dictatorship, more than likely a return of the the dreaded Pahlavi monarchy, long favored by neocons. Rigi fought with another CIA-ISI spawned group, the Taliban, in Afghanistan.

"Jundullah has close ties with Al-Qaeda," Tariq Jamil, chief of the Karachi police, told Newsline in 2004. In 2005, according to ABC News, U.S. officials began encouraging and advising Jundullah and in February, 2007, Dick Cheney flew to Pakistan to parlay with dictator Pervez Musharraf on Jundullah operations against Iran. It is said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, supposedly the al-Qaeda operational commander of the September 11 terrorist attacks, headed up the group at one point.

In short, the U.S. is using al-Qaeda to attack and destabilize Iran. However, according to Bush and the neocons, Iran is supporting al-Qaeda. "President Bush yesterday accused Iran of harboring and aiding top al Qaeda terrorists, but he stopped short of charging that Tehran was directly involved in the September 11 attacks," the Washington Times reported on July 20, 2004. Prior to this, the 9/11 whitewash commission accused al-Qaeda and Iran of collusion by way of Hezbollah, never mind that Hezbollah is a Shi'ite group and al-Qaeda Sunni, thus enemies.

featured stories   Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran

featured stories   Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran
featured stories   Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran

Of course, none of this matters, as even candidates running for president are apparently unable to tell the difference. Recall John McCain in Amman, Jordan, back in March expressing concern about Iranians "taking al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back" to Iraq. "But Iran and al Qaeda are associated with different branches of Islam. Iran is a mostly Shiite country and al Qaeda is primarily a Sunni militant group; Iran has been reported to help Shiite extremists in Iraq, but not their Sunni counterparts," noted the Wall Street Journal.

Not that it matters. Because most Americans are similarly unable to tell the difference and such lies are accepted as fact. General Mirza Aslam Baig's revelation is of little importance because the corporate media plays by the neocon script and the American people are by and large completely ignorant of the fact the U.S. sponsors an al-Qaeda off-shoot in Iran.

In Bushzarro world, black is white, up is down, and on the day the U.S. and Israel attack Iran — promised before Bush leaves office – the ignorant mob will cheer mass murder, wave their little plastic flags made by slaves in China, and believe whatever patently absurd nonsense the neocons offer up, same as they believed — and many still believe to this day — the lies contrived in preparation for the neocon mass murder campaign in Iraq.

Palash Biswas
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