Monday, October 12, 2009

Intolerance prevails in India under clouds of Globalisation!

Intolerance prevails in India under clouds of Globalisation!

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time- One Forty FOUR

Palash Biswas

Intolerance prevails in India under clouds of Globalisation!
In yet another shocking revelation in the Gujarat fake encounter case, CID sources have told NDTV that Tulsiram Prajapati, a key witness, was also killed in a fake encounter. Members of Congress, its UPA partners and supporting parties today made a forceful plea for a discussion on the Gujarat fake encounter case in the Lok Sabha. However, the house took up the slated business of discussion on the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2005 and later private members' business, with CPI(M)'s Varkala Radhakrishnan, who was in the chair, saying that the listed business could only be taken up.

Madhusudan Mistry (Cong) was joined by Ramji Lal Suman of the Samanwadi Party, Devendra Prasad Yadav (RJD) and several left members who wanted a discussion on the fake encounter case in which some IPS officers of Gujarat have been arrested.

Suman and others said several notices had been given for a discussion in the matter but it had not been allowed so far.

Hindu Rashtra is the unmasked agenda of Sangh Parivar and it supports Zionist US MNC Imperialism to accomplish the mission! Intolerance has always been the key word of the Ideology of Nagpur origin.Arham Bungalow, where Kauser Bi was kept after being brought from Disha farmhouse on November 26, 2005, and later killed, could be hiding many more skeletons in its closet.
The question being asked is whether this bungalow was used as a regular camp for illegal detention by the Ahmedabad police's crime branch and the anti-terrorist squad. Sources say 'Holiday Home’; the two-storeyed bungalow surrounded by dense cacti and isolated fields, is the same place where Ishrat Jahan, the 19-year old student of Khalsa College in Mumbai, was reportedly lodged before being killed in an encounter and branded a Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist in June 2004.

Later, a website attributed to LeT lauded the girl as 'martyr' and called her a member of its women's wing. There are also reports that Zahira Shaikh, the key witness in the Best Bakery case, was kept in the same bungalow, when the Gujarat government extended patronage to her after her fall-out with activist Teesta Setalvad. However, there is no official confirmation of this version. Sources say Raju Jirawala, who owns 'Holiday Home', in association with his elder brother Surendra Jirawala, a BJP corporator, is learnt to have told the police that this bungalow was used to illegally detain Ishrat.

If disinvestment became a dirty word towards the end of the NDA-BJP regime, it has vanished from the discourse and policy radar today. Months before the May 2004 general elections, a slew of high profile issues packed like sardines were lined up. A South Block functionary said that if BJP returned to power it would raise an astounding Rs 100,000 crore through disinvestment receipts in a single financial year. The BJP was perhaps confident after the ONGC, GAIL and other public issues. The May elections brought a Congress-led coalition, with about 60 Left MPs, to power. The bourses tanked on May 17, after Left leader A B Bardhan said something like “the hell with disinvestment” on TV, soon after the results were out. That day was a watershed; disinvestment was no longer kosher. It had become unpalatable to the political class even during the NDA’s tenure. The HPCL and BPCL disinvestment divided the NDA government. When privatisation was stalled, Arun Shourie and others decided to use the public issue route whereby minority shareholding was offloaded in equity markets to raise revenues. But this too failed, as cons-piracy theories abounded of corporate groups out to destabilise the markets. Shourie decided to play tough, and
read out the riot act to all the market intermediaries. All was well again.

Leftists had been the most vocal Resisting force against Globalisation, US iperialism, zionism and communalism! Now, under the leadership of JNU return Polit Bureau and Poet Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattachary, the leftists seem to be way ahead in Comrador Marathan!

Veteran Marxist leader Jyoti Basu has dismissed any talk of replacing Biman Bose as chairman of the Left Front committee.Though a Writers report has exposed well the INTOLERANCE of Alimuddin St. Binoy Konar promptly reacted that the Chief Secretary belongs to TYMC as he has blamed the CPIM for Nandigram Genocide! basu is defending the party and the government. He has, of course , the Marichjhapi and Kultolly experiences!

Basu is recommended as the Next President by RJD. Meanwhile,Political hostility between the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Congress deepened on Saturday after SP declared that it would not support a Congress candidate for the President's post. Political equation, thus, seems in favour of the nonogenerian Marxist Patriarch as SP may not oppose Basu! But, it seems quite impossible to convince basu as he may not forget the Historical blunder. It was CPIM only which pulled Basu`s leg when the Nation wanted him as the Prime Minister! The Historical Blunder may be repeated once again! Moreover, Left Front partner always seem to threaten the life support to UPA.It is a good ploy to stop the centre intervening in state affairs! The All India Forward Bloc (AIFB) today demanded review of support to the UPA-led government at the Centre, but said the Left was not divided over the issue. When pointed out that the CPI(M) was not in favour of withdrawing support to the government, while the CPI and AIFB were seeking to review the same, AIFB General secretary Debabrata Biswas told reporters that Left parties should review support to the UPA Government. That, however, does not mean that they should withdraw support. "There is no difference of opinion among Left parties. Reviewing does not mean that Left parties are divided on the issue. Unitedly we are supporting the government," he said. After the budget session, the issue would be discussed at the Left coordination meeting, he said. The Left, which had failed to provide an alternative front to the people during the last over 50 years, must play a more active role in providing a political alternative, he said. "Give up your egos. Why play a passive role in Indian politics?," he asked.

A key Left party and an outside supporter of the UPA government says that the Left as a whole should review its backing to the central coalition, whose policies only seek to help the BJP and go against the common man. Notwithstanding CPI(M)'s unenthusiastic response to its review proposal, the CPI says the government should be given a message that the Left parties' support cannot be taken for granted any more.

In a wide-ranging interview, veteran communist and 81-year-old general secretary of the party, A B Bardhan, feels that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has spoken the right thing about creeping 'crony capitalism' in the country but regrets that he has not done anything to set things right. In the interview, he also spoke on the need for keeping BJP out of the government in Uttar Pradesh after the coming elections and to elect a "secular, progressive and democratic" person as the next President. "My point is not that we should immediately withdraw support. I did say and I still say that it is time for the Left parties to review the whole thing. It is time for us at least to send a message to the government that they can't take our support for granted.

Now, a section of party leadership wants Basu to go to nandigram to convince the people for Peace and Development!

It is Nandigram in West Bengal then it seem the Health sector, prime cause of concern for the ruling Left in Kerala.Police in Kerala have registered a case against Health Minister PK Sreemathi under a court order after the death of babies at the state run hospital in Thriruvananthapuram.

Rural India has to be evicted to accomadate neo rich Consumer classes! Enslaved eighty percent of Indian underprevileged population has to face dire consequences as the Agenda is the Same- INTOLERANCE, whether it is Left or Right.
Friends, not only Nandigram, entire India has become a killing field.
Kolkata people today watched on TV live and daily commutors faced it, the Police Action! Let them rethink on demand of Mamata for Army Callin Nandigram!

Train services were interrupted following an agitation by the drivers as two of their colleagues were arrested by a Railway Magistrate. The agitation resulted in interruption of train services for over three hours. Sealdah is the second biggest station in Kolkata after Howrah and many inter-city trains start from there.
Government Railway police resorted to merciless lathi charge to disperse the crowd. To add to passengers woes, there was no announcement about the delay in the train services, which left the passengers in a tizzy.
Hundreds of angry passengers, who were stranded at the Sealdah station on Saturday (May 5), went on a rampage and ransacked the station following the interruption of local train services after two drivers, were suspended.

Intolerance is also the Global agenda!

Transcript: Interview With Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Friday, May 04, 2007,2933,270054,00.html

President Bush appears poised to win months more of funding for troops in Iraq. But if conditions don't improve there by fall, he could lose support from a battalion of congressional Republicans.,1,2496431.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Government formulating contract farming policy, says Pawar
domain-B - 3 hours ago
Mumbai: The government is working on a contract farming policy to ensure that land belonging to peasants is not leased out or sold to private sector companies, union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar told a workshop on contract farming.
Govt can import wheat up to 5mn tonnes to build stock Zee News
Govt working on contract farming policy: Pawar Economic Times
Monsters and - - Sahara Samay -

Now documents available exclusively with CNN-IBN show that the intelligence agencies have warned that Naxals have many more Members of Parliament and Members of Legislatives Assemblies of different states on their hit-list.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YSR Reddy and West Bengal CM Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee are some of the prominent names on the list.

The CPM is once again facing embarrassment on account of vehement criticism by its allies.Yesterday the allies publicly criticised the CPM for not doing enough to pacify protesters and delaying the formation of an all-party panel.

In a startling disclosure that could once again fuel demands for West Bengal CM Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's resignation, the West Bengal government in its report has squarely implicated CPM cadre for the fresh violence in Nandigram. Even as Jyoti Basu urged the Left Front government to comply with the Calcutta High Court's instructions to restore normalcy in Nandigram, CPI(M) allies expressed their unhappiness with the handling of the crisis.Yesterday the Forward Bloc, Revolutionary Socialist Party of India and Communist Party of India accused the CPI(M) of deliberately delaying the formation of an all-party forum to restore peace in Nandigram.

Judging by the allies' mood, fireworks are on the cards at the Left Front meeting on Monday despite Basu's attempts to preserve left unity..

"The state government should act in accordance with the directives of the Calcutta High Court", Basu told reporters after a meeting of the CPI(M) state secretariat here.

A day after the police firing which left 14 farmers dead in Nandigram, it was decided that a committee led by senior Forward Bloc leader Ashok Ghosh will take stock of the situation. It was also suggested that the committee will comprise leaders from the CPI, RSP, CPI(M) and Forward Bloc.
With Nandigram still on the boil, the RSP has been pressuring the CPM to set up the committee at the earliest and organise a visit of its members to the area.

"But there has not been any response from the CPM", a senior RSP leader said yesterday.

The West Bengal government submitted the report on Nandigram Violence to the Calcutta High Court on Thursday (May 3). The report clearly states that invasion of CPI(M) supporters in Nandigram caused fresh violence in the area more than once, whenever the situation started improving.

Bombs were hurled by both sides which led to repeated clashes, but surprisingly no case was registered by the police. The state government has also accepted that the intellectuals distributing relief materials to the villagers in Nandigram were assaulted by the CPI(M) supporters.

RJD wants Jyoti Basu as President

NEW DELHI, MAY 4: The political suspense on who would be occupying the Rashtrapati Bhawan in July took an interesting but knotty turn on Friday with the RJD, a key party within the UPA, proposing the name of former West Bengal chief minister Jyoti Basu for the top post.
The nomination of the senior CPI(M) leader is significant as it not only creates competition within the Left and undercuts Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee’s chances for presidentship, but also sends a strong signal to the Congress that non-Congress partners in the UPA may have a candidate in mind. Admittedly, the proposal has been made by RJD MP from Barh Lok Sabha constituency, Vijay Krishna, in a letter sent to his party president Lalu Prasad Yadav. But political circles contend that such a move could not have been made without the approval of the Lalu Yadav, particularly since a copy has been marked to CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat too.

Nandigram killings: Buddhadeb talks to NDTV about resignation

Barkha Dutt
Saturday, May 5, 2007 (Kolkata)
Did West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya offer to resign over the killings in Nandigram?

Indicating for the first time that he had considered it, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya said the answer would have to remain a party secret.

In his first interview since the violence in Nandigram two months ago, the West Bengal Chief Minister said he was still haunted by the violence that claimed fourteen lives.

But he maintained that the decision to send in police troops had not been an incorrect one.

Watch the full interview with Buddhadeb Bhattacharya on Nandigram, Singur and whether the CPM is ready to back him, on Sunday night 10 pm.
Kolkata Korner
More bloodshed is inevitable in Nandigram -- the CPI(M) and the Trinamool Congress-led Bhoomi Uched Pratirodh Committee (BUPC)-- seem poised on the brink of a fierce and armed showdown

Jaideep Mazumdar

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Dark Days Ahead
Nandigram continues to cast its dark shadow over Bengal. And from the look of it, more bloodshed is inevitable if either, or preferably both, the parties—the CPI(M) and the Trinamool Congress-led Bhoomi Uched Pratirodh Committee (BUPC)—don't pull back from the brink of the fierce and armed showdown they seem to be headed towards. But that won't happen in a hurry, since the politicians, especially those in the BUPC leadership, have a vested interest in allowing things to simmer and even come to a head. By now, there cannot be any doubt in anyone's mind that the state government has abandoned, for good, its plans for an SEZ at Nandigram. The battle that's continuing there is a turf war -- nothing more than a political battle for control of the area that was, till very recently, a red bastion. CPI(M) activists and supporters have been chased out of the area and over the last two weeks, attacks on those even remotely linked to the CPI(M) have only intensified. The CPI(M), through its armed cadres, has been fiercely resisting, at times in vain, the determined advance of the Trinamool Congress in the garb of the BUPC. The police are understandably wary of intervening and, thus, anarchy prevails in this small but significant pocket in Bengal.

The Babbling Markets: India, world markets maintain upward trendAds By Google

Dr Bhaskar Dasgupta, PTI

The India Babble
So it was a reasonably good week for the markets, steady upward trend, the Sensex traded in a range of about 110 points and ended up at 3303.The news that the monsoon is on its way and looks like it's going to be a normal one was the biggest feel good factor. Another aspect was the return of the retail investors, with some of the brokers reporting the return of the small lot trading. While this really doesn't move the markets, the presence of retail investors has a lot to do with the "feel good" factor. Basic human psychology at work in the markets.

The monsoons help in kick-starting the rural economy across a vast swathe of the country. The automobile, tractor, farm implements, fertiliser, cement, infrastructure and consumer goods industry should perk up. One would notice that these are "old" economy stocks and thus would help in the broad based uplift of the market.

The "new" economy was also pushing right on ahead, based on a good continuing NASDAQ rally and a report out by NASSCOM that the Indian software exports are predicted to grow by 26% this year up from $ 9.5 Billion to $ 12 Billion. Most of the big ticket names such as HCL, Infosys and Satyam showed a good jump in their prices. Pretty good going, I must admit. The reserves situation is pretty good as well, with the reserves touching $ 81.329 billion for the week ending May 30, 2003. Remittances are said to be the major cause, but it looks like foreign investments in portfolio form are also another cause.

Violence haunts Nandigram victims at relief camps
From our ANI Correspondent

Tekhali (WB), May 4: Violence continues to haunt the victims of Nandigram, with the miscreants attacking them even in relief camps.

Now, prayer for judicial activism
- Scores settled in guise of land war

Bhabani Karan with her son on Friday. Telegraph picture
Jambari (Nandigram), May 4: A feud over a failed love affair may have led to a man being murdered in Nandigram on Sunday behind the façade of the fresh political flare-up.

Mahitosh Karan, 36, was shot with a single-barrel gun on a field in Jambari as his wife Bhabani watched from behind a clump of pui shak, police have been told.

“Five men surrounded him and one of them, Prabhat Pal, shot him in cold blood. Ashok Karan, a distant cousin of my husband, was beside Pra- bhat,” Bhabani Karan, 30, told The Telegraph today.

“We have had a 15-year-old feud with the Pals since Prabhat had a relationship with a girl from our family but didn’t marry her. With Ashok’s family, we have had a land dispute.”

Several hundred residents of Nandigram villages have shifted to relief camps in neighbouring districts in the wake of violent clashes between the groups supporting and opposing land acquisition in Nandigram for industrialisation.

"Entire camps were set on fire. Even ladies were attacked. Our belongings, cattle, clothes, utensils, rations are being looted. We haven't been left with even a change of clothes," recounted Purnima Das, living in a relief camp in Tekhali.

Though the miscreants could not be identified, the CPI (M) activists and Trinamool Congress blamed each other for the incidents.
Emerging partnership between West Bengal and EU countries

Marxists didn’t address development fundamentals
Uday Basu
KOLKATA, May 4: Singur is fast turning out to be the Marxists’ Waterloo because the Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee-government hasn’t answered two crucial ‘w’s and one ‘h’ that hold the key to smooth land-industry relationship.
The uprising at Singur has raised fundamental questions about transfer of land for industrialisation that developing countries are presently grappling with. Nandigram may be a few hundred kilo meters away from Singur, but the turmoil that has gripped it is but a logical corollary to what started at Singur in the name of industrial resurgence attempted in the most casual manner possible.
There are three ‘w’s and one ‘h’ in the complex web of economic growth driven by industries and urbanisation built over agricultural land. In the case of Singur, as analysed by Washington-based Ms Tara Lonnberg, who is also a World Bank consultant, at the behest of the Centre for Human Settlements Int. (CHS-Habitat), the reasons for one ‘w’ - why land is being acquired - are clear, but not those for the two other ‘w’s - what kind of land is to be used and where the land should be - and the ‘h’ - how it should be acquired.
West Bengal is now at a crucial juncture as industrial development has got top priority in the country as a whole. The study quotes a Toyota official who explains why the state has become a darling for investors. “It (West Bengal) has become a market that no auto company can afford to ignore any more. The growth in the region is expected to be driven by Bengal.” But the question what type of land would be used for industrialisation has caused unprecedented socio-political tension as exemplified by Singur. The Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee-government pleads that the state’s fallow land constitutes only 1 per cent of its available land and that it has to reverse the pattern of 25 per cent GDP contributed by agriculture on 62 per cent of land where 65 per cent population of the state is engaged.
But that’s hogwash if one considers the latest report of the International Land Coalition which states that to meet the target of halving global poverty by 2015 access to land for the rural poor and landless in national and international policies is of cardinal importance.
The very fact that the state’s fallow land accounts for only 1 per cent should have made the Marxist government all the more cautious about using arable land which is not to be given on a platter to industrialists for setting up their shop. “The Tatas have no such inherent obligations to the people or the status of agriculture in the state as their priority is that of profit-making by developing a low-cost car, not that of protecting fertile land,” states the report.
The state government miserably failed to settle the all-important question of ‘h’ or how to acquire land. Land policy experts, Smolka and Mullahy. point out no matter how enlightened the incumbent technocrat is, successful policy change and implementation require ample involvement of civil society over a long trial-and-error period. This is exactly what the state government hasn’t done in Singur and hence the backlash from farmers.
(To be concluded)

Investment ManagementEU
Author: Jiban Chakraborty
5 May 2007 - Issue : 728

Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy and Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, Eastern state of India*
In the backdrop of liberalisation of Indian economy, West Bengal, an Indian eastern state located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal has been moving fast forward to forge greater partnership with EU countries particularly Italy, France and Germany.

By Jiban Chakraborty

Both State Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattachrjee and Commerce & Industry Minister Nirupam Sen who spoke in the Economic Forum of Indo-Italian Synergy organised in the capital of the State Kolkata (Calcutta), under the joint auspices of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), CONFINDUSTRIA, ABI and Italian Trade Commission on February 12-13, 2007, said that in today’s globalisd world increasing economic cooperation among the countries has unfolded new opportunities for faster economic growth. “Italian Prime Minister Romano Podi’s visit to West Bengal with a 400-member strong Business Delegation will not only strengthen our efforts for faster industrial development of the State but also break new grounds in our traditional bond of friendship & cooperation,” Minister Sen said. In the background of Minister Sen’s visit to Italy during September-October 2004 and the wide ranging discussions he had had with the key players in the Italian Economy to consolidate West Bengal’s growing economic relations with Italy, the Economic Forum emerged as an important platform to revisit the areas and identify more areas where scope for greater co-operation and trade relations was possible. Emma Bonino, Italian Minister for International Trade and European Affairs was emphatic that given the policy initiatives of the Italian Government India-Italian bilateral trade will go up from 3.8 billion Euro at present to 10 billion Euro in the next three years. With West Bengal as one of the fastest growing states in India, Italy considers it to be more coveted a destination for investment than Bangalore and Hyderabad. The signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between the Government of West Bengal, Italian Trade Commission, ASSOMAC and CLC Tanners Association and Council for Leather Export on February 12, 2007 for setting up a Tanning Training & Service Centre in the Calcutta Leather Complex (CLC) involving an investment of one million Euro by Italy indicates the Italian preference. Germany’s trade relationship with India that has reached a record level of more than 10 billion Euro (USD 13 billion) in 2006 also shows the growing partnership between India & EU countries. The target of a bilateral trade volume of 10 billion Euro set for 2009 on the occasion of then German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder´s visit to India in 2004 has now been reached three years earlier. With bilateral trade increasing by 38.7 percent in 2006, Indo German trade relations are on their highest level ever. Indian exports to Germany increased by 23 percent to reach 4.2 billion Euro. German exports to India grew by an overwhelming 51.5 percent to 6.4 billion Euro. The key advantages that West Bengal offers are: an investor-friendly government, strategic geographical location; a natural gateway to domestic markets in eastern India, the North East and countries of Nepal and Bhutan; connection to the growing and lucrative markets in South East Asia, the Far east and Australasia; a vast talent Pool and literate, English-speaking skilled workforce at competitive costs; good social and physical infrastructure including world class B–Schools, universities and technological Institutes; lowest rate of attrition; a strong agricultural base with a vibrant rural economy; a highly- developed telecommunication facilities and availability of power at competitive rate. Can there be any better place to invest in? West Bengal beckons for closer economic and cultural relationship with EU countries with a clear vision for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and improvement of the quality of life of the citizens as a means to protection of Human Rights.

Dr. Jiban Chakraborty is the Officer-on-Special Duty to Nirupam Sen, Minister in charge of commerce and industry, Government of West Bengal, Eastern State of India

Coming down heavily on the incumbent Harayana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and accusing him of working hand-in-glove with Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) president Om Prakash Chautala today said that the State may soon experience Nandigram like violence.

He accused the State Government of grabbing the fertile lands by using all wrong means.

Commenting on the amount of compensation paid to farmers, Chautala accused the government of paying far below compensation than market price of the land.

An agenda unmasked
RSS's Tryst with Politics: From Hedgewar to Sudarshan by Pralay Kanungo, New Delhi, Manohar, 2002, pages 314, Rs.625.

THIS book examines the history of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh from its inception till contemporary times. With its policy of exclusion, the RSS has been directly associated with major assaults on the democratic and secular fabric of free India. Its expansion, besides being dramatic, has been clearly based on high levels of planning and organisation, which is rooted in its divisive politics. The expansion of the RSS has been accompanied by the growth of a number of organisations that have developed under its umbrella and have, at least apparently, many faces. Nevertheless, what is normally called the `Sangh Parivar' is actually one family that comes under the umbrella of the RSS. Consequently, by choosing to study the RSS the author focusses on the `brain' of all these Sangh Parivar outfits.

As observed by the author in the Introduction, the RSS is one of the most talked-about and controversial organisations in contemporary India. He sets out to examine the self-definition of the RSS, which has been repeated time and again — that it is a cultural and not a political organisation. Discussing some of the controversies, the author mentions the various references to the RSS as a revivalist, fundamentalist, communal and fascist entity. Similarly, he touches upon areas such as Hindu nationalism and the motives and methods of the RSS. Besides offering an overview, the author discusses the way scholarship has negotiated with the RSS. From a `hidden' organisation to an organisation with a `hidden' agenda, the RSS today stands unmasked as never before.


Full support to Arjun Singh war on Hindu nazis

We not only congratulate Union Minister Arjun Singh's declaration of war on the country's principal Hindu nazi party, RSS, but even assure our fullest support in this holy war. But our fear is this "war" is lacking in sincerity.

This "war" may please the Muslims and a section of Christians but will not help end the Hindu nazi persecution of these "minorities". That is why we say the Arjun Singh war lacks sincerity because it is just to please the "minorities" and nothing more. The problem posed by the RSS is much, much deeper than that.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is not a physical object to be fought and finished. It is a thought representing India's most dangerous and diabolical enemy against which the country's Bahujans, comprising over 85% of its population, have been waging a over 3,000-years-old life and death war but without much success.

Defeat of Budhism: This poisonous thought is not confined to just the RSS. It is in fact the thought of India's ruling class itself. To be precise, the upper castes (Hindus or Aryans, 15%) who became rulers with the help of this thought.

The war between the alien Aryans (Hindu) and the non-Hindu native Bahujans started with the advent of Budhism which the Aryans killed. But the war is continuing even to this day. And it will go on.
But Arjun Singh does not say all this. He simply wants to "weed out" the RSS elements in govt. services and other top positions. Even if he is successful in weeding out these elements will the problem end there?

Gandhi promoted RSS: To repeat, RSS is a thought and this thought is not held only by the RSS people in bureaucracy and other places. Many upper caste bureaucrats, judges, military officers, bankers, teachers, industrial managers etc. are also steeped in RSS thought. The only difference is they may not have the RSS-BJP connection.

In Arjun Singh's own Congress Party and in the Union Cabinet itself there are many with the RSS thought. What is this thought? The other word for this thought is Brahminism. (V.T. Rajshekar, Brahminism, DSA-2002).

Halt The Dangerous Metamorphosis Of The Republic

THE results of every general election have an important bearing on the consolidation of the Indian republic. The outcome of the 14th general elections, however, will have an additional import. These will decide whether the politically rightward directional shift that has been put into motion during the last five years would be accelerated or retarded, if not reversed.

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