Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dalit Bharat Victimized

Dalit Bharat Victimized

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - One Hundred Sixty SEVEN

Palash Biswas

This is Dalit Bharat today, persected! Victimised! Evicted! Killed!

Sangh Pariwar wants Buddha`s blood for Nandigram Genocide. But it has been always justifying gujrat Genocide. After Kalingnagar and Nadigram, latest name of the killingfield happens to be situated in the saffron ruled empire of Maharani Vasundhara Raje, the Ramp Queen Goddess Annapurna. Well, Dausa is not a SEZ vanue. But the victims are the same who belong to the majorty enslaved communities in a Zionist Brahminical Global Post Modern Manusmriti state! Nandigram, Kalingnagar and Dausa villagers dared to resist the statepower. The result is the same. Buddha has not resigned. Thogh he has accepted the mistake and his responsibility. Naveen Patnaik does not speak vernacular like poet Buddha and Orriss as a state is not resisting as Bengal. So, partying with Pasco, Patnaik has every right to wipe out all good achievements of his great father. He did not resigned. Neither Buddha went to Nandigram, nor Naveen to Kalingnagar. Why should be Vasundhara expected for a Durbar on margine. her majesty belongs to a really Royal Family! She has not resigned. She won`t. Sangh Parivar justified Narendara Modi and Kalyan Singh respectively for Gujrat Genocide and Babari Mosque demolition. It is not blaming the Maharani. Though , the Sangh Parivar sees emergence of Hindu unity in UP results and Mayawati`s social engineering!

Well, Rajasthan government on Wednesday invited the leaders of the agitating Gujjar community to hold negotiations with its representatives. At least 16 people were killed on Tuesday in clashes between policemen and Gujjars who were demanding their inclusion in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category.Gujjars are up in arms against the state government for its failure to fulfil an election promise to recommend their case to the Centre.A cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje decided to resolve the current crisis through dialogue.
The chief minister said, "My doors are always open to the leaders of the community to find an amicable solution to their problem."

"I will not permit anti-social elements to fan the violence and they will be dealt with the iron hand," she said.

NEW DELHI: The BJP on Tuesday appeared divided on the police firing on Gujjar protesters at Dausa with a senior leader calling for an investigation, contrary to the party line that appealed for calm. "It's not the question of which party is in power... I strongly condemn the police firing there.

There should be a high-level inquiry," BJP vice-president Sahib Singh Verma told reporters.
His comments came barely minutes before spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad gave the BJP's official reaction from the same podium.

"The incident is unfortunate. It's sad. We express our condolences... We are not condoning it either. We appeal for calm," Prasad, who neither condemned the police firing nor demanded a probe into it, said.

JAIPUR: Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Minister K L Gurjar and five Gujjar MLAs of the ruling BJP on Wednesday offered to resign in wake of the agitation and violence on the issue of grant of Scheduled Tribe status to the community.

The MLAs were Hargyan Singh, Dataram, Prahalad Gunjal and Atar Singh Bhadana.

The minister said that he, along with four MLAs, were at the party office here to hand over their resignations to state BJP president Mahesh Sharma.

Another BJP MLA Nathu Singh Gurjar, who has also expressed his desire to step down, was on his way to Dausa, badly hit by the ongoing stir.

When contacted, Sharma did not have immediate comments and said he was looking into the matter. "I will go and see what is wrong with them," he said.

Earlier in the day, the MLAs held a closed-door meeting in the state capital to discuss the issue in the aftermath of quota agitation and violence which has claimed 14 lives so far.

"We have talked to Home Minister G C Kataria and Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on this crisis and expressed our views,' Nathu Singh Gurjar said.

See these articles:
Conversion should be banned
Dr T.H. Chowdary

The competitive proselytization and conversion activities between these MNCs are becoming evident in the form of a number of churches each set belonging to a particular or different sect of Christianity (7th Day Adventist, Southern Baptist, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Pentecost, Methodist etc.) with sumptuous funds somehow garnered.

The day the Buddha and Babasaheb Ambedkar smiled

BY A STAFF REPORTER | Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11:28:43 IST
Close to one lakh members of backward tribes vowed allegiance to Buddhism on Sunday

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Babasaheb Ambedkar smiled again after 50 years. On Sunday, May 27, close to one lakh members of the Dalit community and 41 other tribes gathered at the Mahalaxmi Racecourse to
turn their backs on an oppressive life and let a sense of freedom wash over them.
Early Sunday morning, jeeps, vans and trucks drove into the racecourse grounds where the people in the vehicles began to alight. Hundreds soon swelled into thousands and thousands swelled into tens of thousands. The number eventually touched the One Lakh figure. They came with their families, families of tens and thirteens. They came on their own, lone figures chanting Buddhist mantras under their breaths, but not alone in their quest. Those about to embark on a new journey altogether were accompanied by those who had already gone down that path, the former dressed in their burnt saffron robes and the latter, in pure white.
“My father turned to Buddhism in 1956, when Babasaheb Ambedkar first gave his directive,” said Anil Bhende, proprietor of a passport office in Malad. “I have been born and brought up a Buddhist. We have all come here together to give moral support to the others who are about to be converted and welcome them into the fold.”
A hundred and fifty monks were present to give their blessings to the new devotees. Cutting a striking picture in their orange robes, they filed up to the stage in a silent line, where they were joined by the eminent Buddhist leader Rahul Bodhi. Besides the Dalit community, 41 other groups were present, traditionally belonging to the government OBC classification. The process of conversion began at five in the afternoon, when everyone was seated on the grounds. Once one has made the shift of loyalty to this faith, the process itself is simple: taking an oath of allegiance. The crowd chanted Buddhist mantras after Rahul Bodhi and then took their vow.

Home Rule: West Bengal is special zone for Left Front


KOLKATA: The CPM’s insistence regarding withdrawal of the provision related to direct land purchase by SEZ developers in the Centre’s SEZ Act of 2005 is gathering steam each passing day. Yet, in the state’s own SEZ Act that was promulgated in 2003, the Left Front government had kept a similar provision itself.

In Chapter IV of the West Bengal Special Economic Zone Act, the state government had empowered the developer “to purchase land or to acquire legal right and title independently, in respect of land which is proposed to be developed as a Special Economic Zone”.

The state Act has not been amended yet. However, CPM is flexing every muscle to ensure that the central Act gets amended. Pressure from four Left parties on the Congress-led UPA government is so intense that the Centre is now remodelling the SEZ Act and by taking advantage of this, West Bengal government has for the time being decided to go slow on developing SEZs in the state.

West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has recently announced that his government would prefer to develop a chemical hub in and around the port town of Haldia and also sough consent of all the political parties in the state in his effort to develop the proposed hub. Mr Bhattacharjee, in a letter to the political parties, also urged them to select site for the proposed chemical hub.

The Board of Approvals (BoA) has in principle approved two multi product SEZs by the New Kolkata International Developers Private Limited, a company by the Salim Group of Indonesia with an investment of Rs 1,25,00 crore.

The BoA has also approved in principle three proposals from the Videocon RealtyAnd Infrastructure Limited for setting up two multi-product and one electronic SEZ. All these decisions were taken in the BoA’s meeting held on October 6, 2006.

Convention to bring anti-SEZ agitations under one umbrella

May 30, 2007, 9:45 GMT

Kolkata, May 30 (IANS) A West Bengal based civil liberty group will hold a two-day convention here from June 2 to bring under one umbrella agitations across the country against land acquisitions for industrialization.

'Over 1000 social activists who are continuing their movements against land acquisition and special economic zones (SEZs) in India will join hands with us,' Gana-Unnayan O Jana-Adhikar Sangram Samity (People's Welfare and Rights Association) spokesperson Aditi Chowdhury told IANS.

'Activists from West Bengal, Orissa, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tripura, Jharkhand and other states will attend the convention,' Chowdhury said Tuesday.

She said the main aim of the convention is to bring the anti-SEZ agitations in various parts of the country under a single umbrella and raise a united voice against land acquisition for industrialisation.

'Well-known social activists like Arundhuti Roy, Mahasweta Devi, Medha Patkar, Debabrata Bandhopadhyay, Ulka Mahajan and many others would address the convention followed by a public rally,' she said.

Jamait-e-Ulema Hind leader Siddiqullah Chowdhury, who will also participate in the convention, said the state government should call an all-party meeting to discuss issues regarding SEZs in West Bengal.

'In the convention we will raise demands for scrapping the SEZ Act 2005 and the abolition of the Land Acquisition Act 1894. People at the grassroot level should decide such land acquisition issues and the actual path of development,' he said.

Mayawati empowered!

In Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati was on Tuesday authorised by the BSP state executive office-bearers to decide on the party's choice for supporting a Presidential candidate.
At a meeting here, the officer-bearers unanimously authorised her to take final decision on the matter and also passed a resolution in this regard, a party release said here. The national executive of the party had on May 25 authorised Mayawati for taking a decision in this regard.

The BSP supremo, whose party holds the key to the next Presidential election, held talks with Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week and has promised a decision after consulting party MPs and MLAs in the coming days.

Dalit Christians in India protest
Mission Network NEws (press release), Grand Rapids - 11 hours ago
India (MNN) -- At least 3000 Christians, Dalits, and rights activists from across India joined together to protest against the "silence" of the government ...

Dalit question, lately, has acquired a new currency post Mayawati’s thumping victory in Uttar Pradesh. The mass conversion, hence, must be seen within that context. The Dalit movement in the state is no longer what it used to be, primarily because of lacklustre leadership and the fact that larger political parties wanted to co-opt the Dalits into their fold. The Republican Party of India (RPI), the vanguard of Dalit politics in the state is in shambles, having broken into several splinter groups.Mass conversions of Dalits are not new in Maharashtra. Since Ambedkar himself embraced Buddhism, this has been a regular practice, almost a tradition. It has great symbolic value, enunciated by Ambedkar himself, who used it as a rejection of Hindu society, in which Dalits, the lowest of the castes, have suffered for many millenia.

Sunday’s mass conversion ceremony where people from 42 nomadic tribes embraced Buddhism is the biggest such exercise among Dalits. For the massive congregation, it was also a significant day because it marked the completion of the 50th year of Dalit leader BR Ambedkar’s baptism into Buddhism.

Dalit youth tortured in Agra court premises

Agra: In a shocking incident, A dalit youth was assaulted by the lawyers here in premises of district court, Sahara Samay sources said.According to the channel, Vinod, was tied in a tree and his head was partly shaved. Lawyers assaulted him for more than an hour and Some of them also spiting on his face. All this took place on the campus of Agra district sessions court. Most of the persons involved in the incident were lawyers.

The Bar Council of India has taken a serious note of the incident and sought FIR details.

According to reports, it was a minor difference of opinion between Vinod (22) and Ravindra Singh. The latter happens to be the brother-in-law of Vinod's elder brother Tej Singh and claims to be a lawyer. Senior superintendent of police (SSP), Agra, Hariram Verma, quoting information gathered from the police sources by early evening on Tuesday, said that Rawindra had short-listed a girl and wanted Vinod to marry her. But the latter was not ready for it. Ire over the refusal, Ravindra allegedly overpowered him with the help of some associates.

Shiv Sena threatens Hindi-speaking farmers

Mumbai: The Shiv Sena party workers today threatened Hindi-speaking farmers of dire consequences if they did not leave the land for Marathi farmers. The Shiv Sainiks claimed that the Hindi-speaking farmers were sowing their vegetables in gutter water and this could lead to health hazards for the nearby regions.

Earlier this week, activists of the Raj Thackeray led Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) attacked the Hindi-speaking people at the examination conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). At least nine MNS workers have been detained in connection after the incident.
The examination was for the aspirants in Class-III posts such as motorman, driver and engine assistant. The MNS activists, who were upset over the absence of Marathi candidates at the centre, demanded that outsiders or the non-Marathi should be barred from appearing in this examination.

DLF to invest Rs 3500 cr for acquiring land
Economic Times - 32 minutes ago
PTI [ WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2007 07:30:51 PM]. NEW DELHI: Real estate giant DLF Ltd, which aims to raise up to Rs 9625 crore through the country's largest IPO, plans to invest Rs 3500 crore of the proceeds for acquisition of land and development rights in ...
DLF to raise Rs. 9625 crore through public offer Hindu
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Economists meet to decide global benchmark for happiness
Daily News & Analysis - 1 hour ago
PTI. LONDON: As countries try to outdo others in terms of development numbers, a congregation of world's renowned economists, including India-born Nobel laureate Amartya Sen and representatives of World Bank and United Nations, are devising a benchmark ...
GDP passe, happiness index in Times of India
GMI, the new measure for happiness? Times

The Rajasthan government Wednesday formed a cabinet committee to meet with militant leaders of the Gujjar community and work out a peace formula, a day after 14 people were killed in an upsurge over Gujjar demands for better job and educational opportunities.Meanwhile, the national highway that connects two important tourist destinations Jaipur and Agra, part of the famous Golden Triangle that includes Delhi, still wore a deserted look. Burning tyres, stones and bricks scattered along a stretch of over 20 to 30 kilometres near Patauli, are witnesses of Tuesday's violence.On the other hand, reports from Lucknow say that The Uttar Pradesh government today asked the western districts in the state to be on alert in view of the agitation of Gurjars in Rajasthan.Members of the Gujjar community came out on roads in places like Saharanpur and Meerut but the situation was under control in the state. Police today fired in the air to quell protestors who torched several government offices in Bayana town of Bharatpur district as Gurjars intensified their agitation for inclusion in the Scheduled Tribe category.

The decision to set up the four-member committee was taken at a cabinet meeting held here in the afternoon.Tuesday's violence saw police and Gujjars, a largely farming community that rears cattle, clashing in Bundi and Patauli near Dausa. Wednesday also got off to an explosive start with protesters torching police posts in Atal Band area of Bharatpur town, about 175 km from here, and in nearby Deeg.However, the situation in Bundi and Patauli districts was normal with protestors agreeing to cremate the bodies of those killed in Tuesday's clashes, Kataria said.

Protests over granting tribal status to the Gujjars has started to spread to new areas.The protestors Wednesday burnt two police posts in Bharatpur district and torched government vehicles in Jhalawar, the chief minister's constituency. Two buses were also reportedly torched near Bairath on the Jaipur-Alwar route.

Indian Army personnel have been deployed around Patauli on Jaipur-Agra highway, the place that witnessed worst of the clashes Tuesday.

Though the government claims to have made some traffic diversions, people are not taking the route. Even the bus service between Jaipur-Agra has been suspended.The rail traffic between Jaipur and Agra has also been diverted as rail tracks were uprooted near Bandikui, near Dausa.

The Gujjars claim to be a tribal group subject to thousands of years of discrimination. Untouchables, the lowest strata, and tribal groups benefit from India's affirmative action scheme, the largest in the world, but the issue is explosive when employment and education are at stake.

Gujjars represent more than 10% of Rajasthan's 55 million population, and are near the bottom of the hierarchy - but not low enough to guarantee easy access to quotas. "Gujjars benefit from some government affirmative action schemes," said Chandra Bhan Prasad, a writer on caste and himself a dalit or untouchable. "The problem for the Gujjars is that they face too much competition from rival farming castes. They want an easier competition, from the lowest castes such as dalits and tribals, and therefore agitate to be socially downgraded. But their claim has no social, cultural or historical validity."

On the other hand,The apex Singh Sahibs (clerics) of the Sikh community on Tuesday rejected the apology from the Dera Sacha Sauda and warned its chief Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh against imitating the practices of any faith across the globe. The announcement came late in the evening after the Singh Sahibs deliberated the letter from the Dera chief that contained an apology to Guru Gobind Singh. Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti quoted the "Gurbani" (religious scriptures), saying that even the Guru, who was bountiful in pardoning, would not accept anything from a person whose spirit did not reflect a mindset suitable for a religious way of life. Before taking the decision, the Singh Sahibs met representatives of various Sikh organisations and an all-religion delegation, led by social activist Swami Agnivesh.

1993 Mumbai blasts: TADA court sentences two for life
Zee News - 7 hours ago
Mumbai, May 30: The TADA court on Wednesday sentenced two persons convicted for their role in 1993 Mumbai serial blasts for life. Dawood Phanse, the only convict in the case who met underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, was awarded rigorous imprisonment for ...
1993 Mumbai Blasts: Dawood Aide, Another Get Life (LEAD) NEWSPost India
Landing agent gets life, avoids death sentence due to age Daily News & Analysis

Bush's Quiet Idealist
Spiegel Online - 3 hours ago
By Marc Pitzke in New York. Robert Zoellick has been designated the new president of the World Bank following Paul Wolfowitz's departure.
Ex-Trade Envoy Is Bush’s Choice for World Bank New York Times
Robert Zoellick to head World Bank Moneyweb

Israel vows to keep hitting Gaza militants
CNN International - 1 hour ago
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel's government said Wednesday that a cease-fire with Palestinian militants is not on the table, and its military will continue to target militants in Gaza.
Fatwa against Indian army aid to Kashmir mosques
Reuters India - 1 hour ago
By Sheikh Mushtaq. SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - An influential Kashmiri Muslim cleric has issued a fatwa against using money from the Indian army to renovate mosques and shrines, saying only Muslims could carry out such work at holy places.
Fatwa against Operation Sadbhavna Hindu
Fatwa issued against army in J&K

Iraq: Who Are The Kidnapped Britons?
Sky News - 1 hour ago
A Canadian firm has confirmed that it employs the four British security guards who were kidnapped with their British client in Baghdad.

Microsoft waves in Minority Report -style computing era
Register - 4 hours ago
By Bill Ray ? More by this author. Microsoft launched Surface Computing last night, and with a new computing paradigm - the table-top.
Microsoft to unveil coffee-table-shaped computer
Bill Gates showed surface computer table demo in ‘06 iTWire

Consumer durables flying off the shelf? Not exactly
Daily News & Analysis - 16 hours ago
NEW DELHI: Sitting in our living rooms, reading the papers that say the economy is galloping at 8.3% a year, seeing it shine, learning of Wal-Mart’s entry - one would think India is consuming voraciously.
Leftists harden opposition to Wal-Mart Reuters India
Leftists step up opposition to Wal-Mart

Maoists blast hydel plant control room

VISAKHAPATNAM: Maoists blasted the main control room of the hydel power generation plant at Donkarai in the agency area of Visakhapatnam district late on Tuesday night. An eight-member naxalite team, which came from Orissa, blasted the control room after ordering the employees to clear out. An Assistant Engineer suffered injuries when shards of glass hit him, according to B. Sreenivasulu, SP of East Godavari district.

KOLKATA: Clashes between a mob, stated to include Bhutanese refugees of Nepali origin, and Indian security forces continued for the second day on Tuesday along the India-Nepal border in Panitanki area of West Bengal's Darjeeling district. The crowd tried to break through a security cordon and enter India in a bid to move into Bhutan. The security forces, comprising the police and the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) fired several rounds in the air after a baton-charge failed to disperse the large group of people that attacked them with stones and allegedly tried to set ablaze a Customs office.

Tension since Monday

There has been tension in the area since Monday following attempts by people to enter the country after passing through a bridge across the Mechi river that separates the two countries, Raj Kanojia, Inspector General of Police (Law and Order), told The Hindu . Many of those involved in the two-day violence are from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)-administered camps in eastern Nepal for Bhutanese refugees. More than 40 security personnel were injured in the clashes and 32 persons arrested, a police officer said.

Plea to solve problems of agriculture

New delhi: Andhra Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy on Tuesday urged the Central Government to make a conscious effort in shifting people from agriculture to other sectors while at the same time ensuring growth in production and productivity in the sector. Taking part in the 53rd meeting of the National Development Council, Dr. Reddy said while over 60 per cent of the population were dependent on agriculture, its contribution to GDP was 20 per cent. He said if the economy grew by over 8 per cent over the last few years, agriculture contributed 2.3 per cent.

The Chief Minster said since mid-1990s there has been a deceleration in agriculture as against the rapid growth of the services sector. He said while the Centre has earmarked funds for urban renewal, unless the urban-rural divide and the agriculture-services divide is not addressed, the problems of agriculture would remain. Dr. Reddy, who headed a sub-working group, said Andhra Pradesh had enhanced allocation for animal husbandry, fisheries and poultry and suggested that other States replicate success in the fisheries sector achieved by Andhra Pradesh.

Posco to use self-developed technology for Orissa plant
30 May, 2007 l 1833 hrs ISTlIANS
Write to Editor

BHUBANESWAR: South Korean steel major Posco on Wednesday said that it will adopt its self-developed FINEX technology for its proposed $12 billion Greenfield integrated steel project in Orissa, coming up under the largest foreign direct investment in India.

"This technology will make Posco-India steel work most competitive in Indian steel sector," Posco-India CMD Soung-Sik Cho said.

It is the innovative, future generation of steel-making technologies as replacement of the blast furnace method, which so far has been evaluated as most competitive among steel making technologies in the world, the company said.

FINEX eliminates the first step in the steel-making process of sintering and coking and allows the direct use of low-cost ore fines and coal, bringing down overall plant installation and operational costs.

The new technology also reduces pollution, producing significantly less sulphur and nitrogen oxide than current furnaces.

The Indian plant will be the world's first steel mill of the company outside South Korea to use FINEX on a large scale, Posco said.

Moreover, FINEX can better utilise the Indian iron ore which contains high alumina as compared to the blast-furnace technology, and thus is expected to substantially reduce the proposed amount of swapping of iron ore required for the project.

Posco, one of the world's biggest steel makers, signed a deal with the Orissa government in June 2005 to set up a plant near the port town of Paradeep, some 120 km from the state capital, by 2016.

The firm started working on the development of the new technology in 1992. It celebrated the successful completion of a plant commercialising FINEX in Pohang steelworks on May 30, in the presence of South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and more than 1,000 dignitaries from all over the world including a team of officials from the Orissa government.

Its total investment into R&D in order to develop and commercialise FINEX process was approximately $596 million.

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