Friday, October 30, 2009

Arya-Brahmanical forces wants to reserve 100% jobs in services for themselves

National Issues And Speeches
"The Arya-Brahmanical forces wants to reserve 100% jobs in services for themselves, thats why they are sabotaging the reservation system and bringing towards its end"

Reservation is the tool provided by the con stitution to interfere within the system. Most of the people who had got into service through reservation don't know this fact Most of the intellectuals arc of the opinion that reservation is provided only to get service and nothing else. Once our intellectual get's into service, they forget everything. So there is a need of a elaborate discussion on this subject. These were the views expressed by Mr.Waman Meshram, Na tional President. BAMCEF. while concluding the ses sion of fourth Delhi state convention which was or ganized at community center. Karol Bagh. New Delhi on 15lh October 2002 (Dussera Day)

Speaking further he said that most of the in tellectuals or employees knew that after every 10 years the reservation gets extended for another 10 years. But they don't know which reservation gets extended. There are two types of reservation. One is political reservation and other is related to service or employment. After every 10 years the political reservation gets extended, but our employees thinks that the reservation in service gets extended. Article 330 and 332 only gets amended after every 10 years. Even our advocates arc unaware of this development, what to talk of other employees or common man? The Arya Brahmimcal toilet papers also propagates that the reservation in services has been extended for 10 years. Even prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyee annouched in his speech on 15th August that the res ervation has been extended for another 10 years. His speech is listened by crores of people, wheareas my voice is listened by 500 delegates attending this con vention. Also these 500 delegates after listening the speech even don't propagate it in field. They keep the views with themselves. That is the problem. Reservation is getting ended day by day. But our people arc totally unaware of it. They don't know how it is going towards end. What conspiracies had been played and is being played to get it sabotaged, our people are not knowing. If the beneficiaries of reservations are not knowing the root cause of sabo taging the reservation, how they will stood against the enemies who are playing the conspiracies.

Our people also don't know about their ori gin and their own history By knowing history one will come to know who is the creator of reservation and who is the destroyer of it. In 1982 there was some anti-reservation movement in Gujarat I went there for addressing some program. One of the professor present in the gathering approached me and asked me that Gandhiji had given us reservation, but I am not getting why the people in Gujarat are demonstrat ing near the statue of Gandhiji and that too against the reservation. I told him that the people sitting infront of the Gandhiji's statue are not mad. they are doing write thing, because they know their history. They arc well aware that Gandhiji was the pioneer of anti reservation movement Gandhiji was the first person who went for fast for opposing the political reserva tion which Dr. Ambedkar snatched it from the Britishers. The fast resulted into creating nationwide public opinion in favour of anti-reservation and also in favour of Gandhiji The demon who has been awak ened today is the same demon which was awaken by Gandhiji There are three types of reservation. One is political reservation through which 119 SC/ST MP's gets elected in the parliament and also 1050 MLA's get elected Second is reservation in services. Third is the reservation in education, specially professional education Speciality among all these three types of reservation is that the political reservation is get implimcntcd cent percent. The reservation in services and educated is not implemented. Ther^e is not any demand from the society to extend the political reser vation, but still after even 10 years it gets extended to further 10 years. Because this political reservation helps in creating stooges, which can dance to their tunes.

There are hundreds of constitutional judge ment/provisions, but not a single rule even atter 54 years of independane had been made for implement ing reservation. There is only executive order. There is no act If there could have been any act, then there would have the provision of punishment for non-imple-mcnting the act There is a provision of punishment for roberry. murder, but still the roberry or murder had not stopped till date. As far as reservation con ccrned. there is no act, then hofv it yvill get imple mented or how anybody will get punished. All the executives arc knowing that there is no rule or act made in the constitution for non-implementing the res ervation, then why should we worry? Why he should implement it. if there in no provision of punishment? There are hundreds of examplcs of how these Arya Brahmins had sabotaged reservation and brought towards its logical end Previously there was vacancy based roster, which was benefiting SC/ST/OBC people. In this system whatever the posts it may be. but it was divided as per reservation percentage meant for SC/ST/OBC & General. Since this system was benefiting the indigenous and more and more people were getting benefit of it.

Soon our enemy changed the vacancy based roster system into post based ros ter system. In this system every post is assigned to particular category and for getting one SC seat, there should be atleast 8 scats of employment. Among 8 seats, the 7th no. will be given to SC category and 13th one to ST category If there are less than 7 ap pointments at a time, not a single one will be given to SC/ST This way they are play ing the conspiracy. Previously all the 7 seats were distributed among SC/ ST/OBC and General. But by this new 200 point ros ter system only general condidates will get benefit, and not the Indigenous one. Also there is 50% job reservation for 15% general category people. But by this 200 point roster system this 50% reservation will rise to 75 to 85%. Mulnivasi Bahujans, who consti tutes 85% of the population will get 15% reservation. They had also cancelled reservation in single post. They had also given the decision that their will be no reservation in super specialty courses, military, judi ciary areas. Our enemy has one typical answer for every question and that is The candidates are not available and those who are available are no suit able". Now they had even crossed this limit. There was one recent-example in Delhi Subordinate ser vice selections Board's(DSSSB) appointments. DSSSB had brought new circular say ing that the mi grated people will not get any benefit of reservation in Delhi. There was one candidate who originally be longed to Uttar Pradesh but now settled in Delhi. He belonged to Chamar caste He applied for the teach ers post and ranked in the General list. He was among the toppers of General candidates But still he did not get selected as teacher.

The reason that was told was while filling up the application form the candidate had declared himself as Chamar and that too of Uttar Pradesh, so he is migrant from UP to Delhi. Since he is migrant, he will not get any reservation benefit. So he will be considered as general. But he will also not get the general seat, though he has ranked himself in the general list, because he has declared himself as Chamar in the application form So he is neither a Chamar by caste nor he is considered in general list. So who he is Is the question before us.

Last year prime minister Atal Bihari declared in parliament to fill up 3 lakh 57 thousands backlog vacancies. When this issue was brought up for dis cussion in the parliament. Mr Ram Jethmalani was a law minister. One of the parliamentarian asked a simple question to Jethmalanijii that what is the deadline he had put to fill up the backlog vacancies To this Jethmalaniji said that he have not yet thought of it. That assurance is still on the record of parliament and to our information till date no vacancy have been filled out of 3 lakh 57 thousand vacancies. But the reality is something else. The rulling caste conspiried something else and propagated something else in the media. Before this rule there was no 50% ceiling on reservation word in the constitution, but by taking our names Atal Bihari very smoothly introduced the "50% ceiling" word in the constitution and the supreme Court ruling had changed it into constitutional provision and now has became mandatory for one and all.

There is provision of reservation in Bihar state for most Backward classes. But there is no reserva tion at cenral level jobs for most backward classes, as center has not prepared any list of most Back ward class There is almost 10 crore population of most Backward classes throughtout India among the population of 102 crore of India The population of America is 25 crore. So almost half of the population of America is the population of most Backward classes in India In Maharashra State these tribes are called under the name of NT.DT. VJNT.

One new development had arisen and that I came to know from one of the full time activist from Kerala. He passed on the information that the state Government had excluded the names of 5 castes from the scheduled caste list of Kerala. The state Govern ment is not the authentic authority to exclude any body's name from the list. There is congress Govt. in Kerala. Same is the government in Delhi. Our people are nearer to congress. They are fan of congress. Our people elected the congress Govt. in Delhi and now inturn they are ending the reservation system itself on which the SC/ST/OBC people are standing. The Delhi Govt. had brought back new policy. They had observed that more than 9.5% people of Delhi is the migrant one. And those people who had migrated from other developed states are awakening the soci ety, which will be dangerous to them in coming fu ture. So they came out with new policy. They had brought the new circular that the other state SC/ST/ OBC people will not get the reservation benefit in Delhi and resident of Delhi will be considered to those who had came to Delhi before 20/09/1951. So it is an unimaginable task as there was no documentation in 1951 and if by any chance it would have been there, then one will not get it after 52 years. Our enemy is very clear. They don't want to give reservation to the residents of Delhi as well as to the migrants. So there will be 100% reservation of seats for the general cat egory candidates. And the Mulnivasi Bahujans will get nothing. So 100% reservation will be there for 15% general people. So where we are? All the forth coming generations will become handicap and indi rectly will become slave of Arya Brahmins.

So it is the duty of every Mulnivasi Bahujan to awaken their co-brothers on this particular issue and form their own strength to fight against their pre determined enemy. 

Creating people who can think, is a sort of revolution. BAMCEF in last 20 years, has created such people. This is its greatest achievement
Mr. D.K. Khaparde, National Presidentof BAMCEF presided over the inaugural session. In his presidential address, he said, why we chose to invite Dr. Yogendra Yadav as a chief guest. Because we want to have dialogue with the intellectuals of our society, working in different fields. But the scope of our dialogue is not unlimited. It is limited to only those communities, who are part of bahujan samaj.

Referring to Dr. Yadav's suggestion of having dialogue with other progressive people, he told him that when Jotiba Phuley fomed Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1871, Justice Ranade wanted to join the Samaj. But Puuley did not allow him, though Ranade was progressive. Phuley told Ranade to preach his progressivism to brahmins, his caste men. Phuley said that our people are borned progressive, hence they do not need to borrow progressivisrn of brahmins.The same situation exits even today, about the so called upper caste socialists and marxists. They are less egalitarian and more castist. Hence dangerous.
Maharashtra is big centre of the so called upper caste socialists. They conducted combined movement of Dalits and women under one banner. It did not benifit I ho Dalit women. Instead, it damaged them. Because the dalit educated boys started marrying brahmin girls. Thus it damaged the interest of educated dalit girls.We have experienced this from close distance. We know how these socialists finished Ambedkarite movement in Maharashtra. Hence, we tell our people that these so called egalitarian upper caste socialists / marxists, are rogues and hence most dangerous people.

Refering to suggestion of Dr. Yadav that we should not talk only about bahujan empowerment, but entire countrie's empowerment, Mr Kahparde said that, we have defined the 85% oppressed castes as bahujan samaj and are talking about their interests and empowerment. Is it not the empowerment of the country? In our opinion, these 85% oppressed castes only, represent the country in real sence. Brahmins keep on talking about all people, Sarvajana. But in reality they work only for narrow brahminical interests. Where as when we talk about bahujan samaj . we talk about aspirations and interests of 85% people of the country. After 20 years of our efforts, we have created some handul of people,who can think. The philosophers have said that creating persons svho can think, is a revolution of sort. We have brought this| revolution in the society. This is our greatest achievement.

He further said that the brahminical force were treating Gujarath as expreimental land. Whatever policy they wanted to apply in the country, they first were, experimenting on bahujan samaj of Gujarath Experiments of new medicines are done on animals In the same way, the brahminical forces were treating the SC/OBC and muslims of Gujarth as animals. Anti reservation movement was first started inGujarth only which created conflict between SC/ST and OBCs. Can now they launch such anti-reservation movement against in Gujarth. Has incidents of communal riots against muslims reduced? This is the change that has come in Gujarth, because of constant efforts of BAMCEF in last 10 years of so. This is the achievement of BAMCEF. But this change is not limited to Gujarath alone. It is visible in the entire country. Take example of U. P. In U.P the SCs and OBCs are now thinking of coming together, whether their leaders come together or not. A dialogue is going on among them. We will have to encourage this dialogue and ideological churning.

Talking about third force in the country.Mr. Khaparde said that such a third force has not emerged yet. It is in the process of making.The indications of emergence of third force are visible today throughout the country, especially inU.P. The United Front or the so called third front is not the third force. The third| force is the force of the oppressed castes, which is yet to take a concrete shape. But it is in the process of emerging. Today brahminical forces are in govt. as well as in opposition. But the politics of the country will take real shape, when the bahujan-vadi people will be in power, as well as in opposition. Politics is the mirror of the society. Whatever is happening in society, its reflection comes in politics. Hence, it is necessary first to bring change in the society, so that a change can reflect in politics. BAMCEF is engaged in bringing awakening among these oppressed communities, who do not at all think, despite the movements of Phuley-Shahu-Ambedkar. But now these communities have started thinking. So the ruling castes have become frightened. The oppressed castes are in process of thinking and awakening only. They are yet to begin their action. Still the ruling castes are frightened. But when we begin our action, what will be their fate. The condition of our people is such that unless you repeat same thing 10-20 time, they do not understand. This is the condition of even educated people. Hence, if we want to prepare the people ideologically, we will have to put ideas before them in clear langage, so that they identity, their enemy and friends very clearly. Hence that stage has not come to have dialogue with progressive and equality based organisations of upper castes. The tragedy of our people is that, they have produced good administrators, doctors, engineers and scientists, but not good leaders and good preachers. Why because, we have not yet prepared our society capable of thinking.

Talking about economic aspects, he said some times back, a conference of dalit stuednts of J.N.U. was held to discuss economic development of SCs. I want to tell all such people, that this talk of economic development is frutile unless, we launch the struggle for annhilatipn of caste and take the struggle to some decisive stage. Then only, we can imagine about our economic development. Because, our economic development is connected with our struggle for annhilation of caste. BAMCEF wants to put together all the 6000 pieces of castes of bahujan samaj and make one whole of these pieces. This can not be done, without bringing ideological change in them. But for this purpose. we need a dialogue among these 6000 pieces. We began this process of dialogue 20 years ago.Now this process is getting hastened and to day we need to convert this Sanvad (dialogue)into Susanvad (fruitful dialogue). This is our priority. Hence, we can not have dialogue with others, unless our priority is over.

BAMCEF is not a platform of narrow thinking people. We have a broad goal and broad vision. BAMCEF is trying to give a point of view, a vision to the oppressed communities. Maharashtra, from where the movement of Phuley-Shahu-Ambedkar began, was, countered by brahmins, For that, they used Shivaji, brahminised his image and through it countered the movement. BAMCEF has now launched a campaign on this issue and the tesults are encouraging.The Marathas and OBCs of Maharashtra, who. Were brahmanised by brahmins, have now started realizing their mistakes and are now coming forward to join the forces of change. This broad vision is a gift of BAMCEF.

Mr. Khaparde further said that Marxism-Socialism may be the ideology of equality. But it has its own limitations. Babasaheb always used to say that we are poor, because-we are backward. Unless we remove our backwardness we can not get rid of our poverty. We have a example of Jagjivan Ram. He became rich out of politics. But upto end, he remained chamar-untouchable. Even Congress teated him like untouchable, used him and threw him out. Hence our struggle is against annhilation of caste. Our priority is Phuley-Ambeclkarism, which is the ideology of caste annhilation. Marxim-socialism is-secondary to us. We can make use of marxism-socialism at a opportue time. But that stage has not come yet.

At the end, he said that BAMCEF is an organisation of intellectual class of oppressed castes. We want to first prepare this intellectals ideologically, develop some basic understanding in them and through them prepare the entire bahujan samaj for the movement. Since 20 year, we are doing this. We succeeaded to certain extent. But the results are before us now. The results are broad and huge. If we do our job with more speed, I am confident that in coming 25 years or so, we can bring revolutionary changes in the country, which will be visible to every body and entire world
The Backward class didn't recognise themselves as Shudras is the root cause of their mental Slavery

Elaborating the basic cause of organizing the convention Mr. Waman Meshram said that or ganizing a convention is not the objective before the organization. BAMCEF had its specific objec tive behind organizing, any type of program or con vention and that objective is to establish the nation wide network BAMCEF had chalked out a broad networking programme and had applied specific strat egies to implement it. For example, the convention has been organized in Bhopal and we are discuss ing the problems of those people who are residing in 6.5 lakh villages. It means that there is a wide gap of communication between the people who had gathered here in the convention and the people who are residing in villages. Unless and until the gap is filled up, none of the movement is going to get success or rather it cannot be established. HENCE, BAMCEF had planned to spread its social net work in all the villages were the indigenous are re siding. Geographically India is divided into 583 Districts, 5500 Tahsils and 6.5 lakh villages. In the first phase, the network will spread in almost 550 districts by the year 2004.

The first phase program was started in 1.999 and will complete in 2004. Bv this time, the network will also spread in 2000 Tahsils. The second phase will start from 2005 to 2009. Thus, there are two-phase programs each of 5 years. In the 16th national convention which was organized at Patna(Bihar) in 1999. the field-work was done in 24 States and 140 Districts Out of these, delegates from 23 states and 119 districts participated in the convention. The persons who says that your ideology, objective, programs are good, but are not physically with us we don't con sider them with us. This is the principle we had kept for us. The next 17th national convention was organized in the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. For this the fieldwork was done in 24 states and 226 dis tricts of India. Out of these, delegates from 24 states and 191 districts participated in the convention. Thus, there was a rise of network in 72 more districts within a year. In the year 2001, the 18th national convention was organized in the heart of India, New Delhi For this convention, the field work done in almost 300 districts and in 26 states. In this convention, there was a participation of 276 districts of 26 states. So there was a rise of 85 more districts. In the forth coming 19th national convention at Patna, planning has been done to do the fieldwork in 450 districts For this almost 70 full time workers are already in the field. One full time worker is supposed to work in 3 new districts So new 2 10 districts and earner 276 districts will constitute the participation of 486 districts in the Patna convention If the networking program is continued with the same speed then by 2004 BAMCEF will be established in 550 districts and 2000 Tahsils. By this strength we will be able to generate almost 5 crore rupees Also, by this time the no. of full timers will reach upto 550. Almost 2 crores will be spend on these full timers This will be the first phase of the program. This strength will be the foundation of the program for the second phase. In the next phase by the year 2009, the network will spread in 5 thousand Tahsils By 2007. it willTeach to 50 thousand blocks and by 2009. the network will be spread in 6 lakh villages. Like this, all the units will get activated The planning which we had made, unless and until it is implemented with respect to time, it will be of no use. So to check our strength and access ourselves, the state conventions are or ganized regularly. This is a part of geographical net working.

The second program is of the social networking. We had started special campaign to awaken the most backward castes within Scheduled castes. This year we had planned to organize 8 state level tribal conventions. Two conventions had already over and by November 2002 Six, more will be or ganized. The Other Backward Class constitutes of three important sections of most backward class, backward class and the converted minority class. All these sections are included in the OBC list of Mandal commission. For the most backward class two days national convention has been organized at Lucknow on 27th and 28th September. This year's national convention at Patna will be of five days In these five days, one day will be Hilly devoted for the other backward class and also one complete day convention will be for converted minorities. This will help in establishing and strengthening our social net¬work. To have more impact on social networking the national level convention of Indigenous Doctors, Advocates, Engineers, Officers and Pensioners had been organized in Kolkatta on 9th and 10th August. Previously we were organizing only one national convention, but this year we had organized four na tional level conventions. One can easily imagine how the geographical as well as social networking pro gram of BAMCEF had speeded up. So, conven tions are basically organized to train the caders and to form a nationwide organization of the indigenous people.

BAMCEF had not only stop with these pro grams but simultaneously is developing the media of indigenous people. The propagation media includes Print media, Electronic media, Traditional media, and vo'cal media. The most powerful among this is Elec tronic media. So BAMCEF had planned to estab lish its Electronic media and already put two retired Doordarshan directors committee had been formed and instructed to submit the report by Dec. 2002. The report will include the information regarding when can be the channel will get start, how much finance will be required, what will be the technical and manpower requirement etc The committee will identify the problems and will come out with full re port by Dec. 2002. If the networking program reaches to 6 lakh villages and if two activist are cre ated within a village then there will be a force of 12 lakh people and almost 3 lakh activist from district levels are with them, then the force will be of 15 lakhs. Out of these if one activist prepares 15 near est people to him then the force will be of 90 lakh and if earlier 15 lakh are added, then it will become a force of 1 crore 5 lakh people by 2009 So we will be having 1 crore 15 lakh people to read our newspapers. To cope up with the requirement of these people their will be need of almost 100 dailies. We should have one daily running in 5 districts and there should be atleast 1 lakh readers The work of print media is going to start by Dec. 2004 from New Delhi. We should also have our own traditional me dia. Arya-brahmins had made our people to listen and listen. We should utilize their already created listening capability of our people and should start our own traditional media and start propagating the stories of our fore fathers. For this traditional media the people's literature, their culture, behavior and fore fathers stories can be collected and can be propa gated so as to reach our people. For this we had already planned to open up one research institute.

The fourth media is the vocal media For this almost 10 lakh people youths will be trained with some information and will be send in different parts of the country. If the 10-lakh people are creating atleast one new activist then in a day 10 lakh people will get prepared.
All this geographical, social networking and creation of our own media will create a force(power) and strength, which will be cumulated and will be utilized at proper time. This will be our battle of in dependence. We don't believe in the 1947 indepen dent movement. It was not ours, but it was the move ment of arya-brahmins to establish their supremacy After 1947, one foreigner had left and another foreigner(Arya-Brahmins) had replaced it The other foreigner propagated that India had become inde pendence, which is not true. Still we are the slaves of arya-brahmins and we have to become indepen dent. So, the preparation is for the independent movement. Or biggest problem is that we expect quick results. We think that this is the problem and it should be get settled by evening. We think that by evening we should get respect, self-rule etc. We think that we should be liberated from our slavery. But it is not going to happen. We are not prepared for the same. Some of us may be prepared, but as a society, we are not. To remove this unprepared ness we had initiated the program of networking. For making the desired goal of networking a success, the zonal, state, national conventions are organized.

Speaking further on the topic Mr. Waman Meshram said that We are not forcing the other backward class to believe that they are Shudras. Our first and foremost appeal to them is that atleast they should try to know that they are shudras. The other backward class person who identify himself as Shudra, directly or indirectly he accepts the Varna system. The OBC should have the information about who had made them Shudra. Today the biggest problem is that they don't have any information re garding this. For the same the said topic was de cided to debate and discuss so that the mental block age is minimized and the networking is increased.

In one of Jhe program in Saharanpur, I said that the OBC's don't believe that they are shudras The Brahmins had made them shudras. Some Saini caste(OBC) people were sitting between the mass. They immediately stood up and one doctor asked me why I want to make the OBC's Shudras. For them I replied that whom I am to make you shudra. It is the right of arya-brahmins and not mine. To be come Shudra is a matter of social status and all the dharmashastras had given this right to Brahmins. I am only saying that the fourth Varna people in the Varna system are shudras. I asked them that the Saini people believed that they are backward, but have you ever tried to know what is the reason of your backwardness. Have you given a thought over it ?. Rashtrapita Jotirao Phuley gave the concept of Shudra-atishudra Vs. Shetaji Bhataji. Though he was less literate but still he was identifying himself as a Shudra. But it is very strange that today's intellec tual class don't realize the truth that they are shudras. You even don't know that Brahmins had made your social status as Shudra. Rashtrapita Jotirao Phuley realised that he was shudra in 1848 but even after 150 years, our people are not recognizing the truth

Dr. Ambedkar devoted the book "Who were the Shudras" to Rashtrapita Jotirao Phuley In the Preface page Dr. Ambedkar write that this book is devoted to the greatest Shudra of India, Jotirao Phuley, who realised that social change shall pre cede before political change. As Jotirao Phuley was knowing that OBC's are Shudras, same was the case of Dr. Ambedkar. But it is very pity situation today that even after 150 years we don't know that we are Shudras. The backward class don't recognize their backwardness even they don't have any infor¬mation regarding this. So unless and until they have information, how they will realize their backward¬ness. That means those people who want to make the OBC recognize their backwardness, should pass on the relevant information which is given in all the Dharma Shastras that they are shudras.

In the Bihar state, one can see that some of the barbers put the title of Sharma. Also, there are organizations like "Kshatriya Kurmi Mahasabha", "Kshatriya Yadav Mahasabha", "Kshatriya Mali Mahasabha" etc. Now when you recognize your self as Kshatriya then the problem arises that then you can't recognize yourself as 'Backward'. Unless and until you recognize yourself as backward, you will not get reservation benefit. If you want reserva tionthenyou can't recognize yourself as Kshatriya. The Kshatriya word is attached to backwards like a . "tail. The backwards realize that by putting the title they are just like Brahmins or equal to Brahmins. But Brahmins don't recognize the backwards as Brahmins. They recognize them as Shudras. Also the Kshatriyas don't recognize the backwards as Kshatriya and same is with Vaishyas. Chief Minister Narendra Modi of Gujarat belongs to Ghisadi caste. The people of this caste are doing the business of making OIL. Our people should have social infor mation rather than bookish information. One of the caste which is in Scheduled caste, the same caste is in the list of OBC in Andhra Pradesh. In Delhi, Rajasthan and Bihar the Koli caste belongs to Sched uled caste. But in Gujarat and Maharashtra the same caste is in the list of OBC. Among all states Bihar is the state where 6 castes people says themselves as Baniya. Hence I am repeatedly saying that most of the backward class people believes that they are Brahmin, Baniya, Kshatriya and Vaishya. That is the reason why the backward class people were de prived of reservation for 42 years in Independent India. When the backward class people are not in a position to identify themselves as Backwards, how will they get the reservation rights The backward class people are neither Brahmins, Khastriyas, Vaishyas nor Scheduled caste or Scheduled tribes. Then in the Varna system the only Varna left is the Shudra Varna. Hence there is no doubt that they are Shudras.

Chanakya killed Nand through Chandragupt. After that the Purans were written. In Purans it is written that there are only two Varna left. One is Brahmin and the other Shudra. If except Brahmins all are shudras then from were Shudras had came is the question that is raised before us. Dr. Ambedkar in his book "Revolution and counter revolution" and in the chapter Philosophy of Hinduism in it had writ ten one story. Parshuram had killed the Kshatriyas 21 times. But it is a very strange situation to under stand. If the Kshatriyas were killed for first time, who were left for the last 20 times is the issue to be analysed. In the Dharma Shastras it is written it is written that when the Kshtriyas were killed their wives became widow. These widow Kshataraniyas went to Brahmins and made a compassion that the Earth cannot be left without Kshatriyas, so please born Kshatriyas from us. Brahmins listened to their pity and thus new Kshatriyas were borne. This is the documental proofs written in the Brahmanical Dharma Shastras. If this thing is true and the situa tion is applied today, then the so called backwards who call themselves as Kshatriyas are the sons of illegitimates (rascals/bastards) Hence it is the duty of every individual to make aware the OBC's and provide them information.

Another reason why the OBC's don't rec ognize themselves as Shudras is that the scheduled caste people considers themselves as Shudras Dr. Ambedkar in the book "Who were the Shudras" had written that OBC's are Shudras He had also written a separate book on "Who were the untouch ables". This means that Shudras and Untouchables are different. This concept was very much clear to Dr. Ambedkar. But the same is not clear with their followers who proudly says that they are the follow ers of Dr. Ambedkar. Also those who were know ing that they are not shudras, don't share their think ing with others. Those who were Buddhist and re ject the supremacy of Brahmins, these people were forced in the fold of untouchables. Those Buddhist who accepted the terms and conditions of arya-brahmins were forced in the fourth Varna as shudra As the untouchables were identifying themselves as Shudras, so OBC's were not considering themselves as shudras This resulted in a wide gap between OBC's and SC/ST's instead of any polarization

When the Brahmins were calling the back wards as Shudras, there was a quick reaction from OBC's and this resulted in a great movement of OBC's in the past. Brahmins analysed the situation and understood that the reaction is due to the word Shudra, so it needs to be changed. So the Brahmins stop calling backwards as Shudras. The reaction was also stopped. Though Brahmins stop calling back wards as Shudras, but they don't stop recognizing backwards as Shudras. As soon as Brahmins stop calling the backwards as Shudras, there was no re action from Shudras and as there was no reaction, there was no rise of movement of OBC's And ulti mately the OBC movement get collapsed

Arya-Brahmins instead of calling the backwards as Shudras, they start calling them as "'Hindu". By saying Hindu there is no recognisation of any abuse. Instead of any negative reaction the reaction was turned up in a positive way to Brah mins. And as the time passed away the equation of Brahmin and OBC's was materialized in modern India. Independent India There was a unwritten compromise between these two groups and that was, The state rule will be handed over to OBC's and the OBC's will never claim for the central rule in Delhi. For example, when Chowdhari Charan Singh, a Jat (OBC) left the Janta party, Congress gave support to become the prime Minister. As soon as Chowdhari Charan Singh-were sworn as Prime Min ister, Congress withdrawn their support. When the reason of withdrawing the support was asked by Charan Singh, Mrs.Indira Gandhi replied that the support was only fro becoming Prime Minister and not for running the government, so we had with drawn it.

Sharad Pawar(OBC) was the mem ber of Congress working committee When he tried
to speak in the Congress working committee, he was thrown away from the meeting. These persons Chowdhari Charan Singh, Sharad Pawar. H D.DeveiiOwda did not followed the unwritten
compromise hence were thrown away As alreadv Brahmins were calling the backwards as Hindu in stead of Shudra. so there was no! any chance of ami reaction against another Hindu The rulling castes. though they don't identify themselves as Hindu) Until now since there was not any reaction from Shudras, the Brahmins were getting support of 52 % OBC's and hence were easily in a position to capture Delhi Also this resulted in non-recognisation of backwards
as shudras. They start recognizing themselves as Hindu. But by saying Hindu, can the social status of Backward class is put to an end. By saying Hindu to ourselves we have to give our consent for the Brah min dharma. Indirectly you are accepting the Varna system. If it is so then your social status of Shudra is not going to be changed. This means that the back wards are remaining as Shudras even though they call themselves as Hindu. This creates the mental slavery to accept the Brahmin dharma. Brahmin never identify themselves as Hindu. When in 12th century the Brahmins were defeated by Mugals, they offered the name of Hindu(the defeated people) to Brahmins, but they straight away refused the name and said that they had also defeated the indigenous people of India, so they are not defeaters. That's why Brahmins refused to pay the Jijiya tax which was implemented by Mugals in India. But today they are propagating the slogan "Say proudly that we are Shudras" in the backward regions and not in their own areas. Because they are in a need of a force to demolish the Babri mosque and they are in a minor ity(3.5%). So as a force they want to utilize OBC's(52%). In the warfare when the OBC force is won, indirectly the Brahmin dharma is won. Take the example of Gujarat. On one side the OBC's, SC's are burning the houses of Muslims and at the other end Muslims are burning the houses of SC's and OBC's. But the SC's and OBC's are fighting between themselves and this helps Brahmins to cap ture the Delhi rule. Muslims are the converted people from SC's/ST's and OBC's. So all the indigenous brothers are fighting between themselves. Both the Congress and BJP utilize the SC's and OBC's for their own interest.

Our problem is, if the information that the backwards are Shudras is not reached to OBC's then how they will recognize themselves as Shudras. When there is no information then how there will be awareness. If there is no awareness then the organi zation will not be developed. If there is no organiza tion then form where will be the Action? When there will not be any action how there will be a revolu tion9 So all the problems are inter linked. Though the problem is seen as a small problem but it is not the small one; IF it is thoroughly analysed then one
can understand that this problem is the biggest ob stacle in the revolution. So this problem will have to be sorted out and it will be possible only by providing information to the backwards so that they can recognize themselves as Shudras and indigenous and a nationwide movement can be developed.

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