Monday, October 12, 2009

Apartheid Aesthetics Of Untouchability

Apartheid Aesthetics Of Untouchability

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - One Forty Eight

Palash Biswas

The Board of Approvals on Wednesday gave final clearance to 15 Special Economic Zones but deferred a decision on the Navi Mumbai zone promoted by Reliance Industries chief Mukesh Ambani and Anand Jain.
The Board took up 23 cases, which had already got in principle approval, for final clearance.

The decision on the Navi Mumbai SEZ was deferred due to some land issues. Apart from Navi Mumbai, a decision on the Suzlon SEZ was also deferred.


Congress and CPIm allign to have a Kulin Brahmin as the First citizen of India in Raisina Hills!Till yesterday Somnath Chatterjee seemed to be the front Runner. Another Kulin Brahmin from West Bengl replaces him as soon as Jyoti Basu`s name floatd. CPIM ditched the nonogenerian patriarch of so called Indian Communist Movement. The party denied him the opportunity to be the first Communist Bengali Prime minister! The Nation wanted the Kayastha from East bengal Zamindari origin. But he was not a Brahmin!Mulahyumm Singh Yadav has been reduced literally to dust.Rumors are rife in UP that this same trick has been resorted to in the latter phases of the election. A secret/clandestine tacit understanding of transferring his votes to the BJP, wherever anyone can defeat Mayawati, the rumours claim.That is one of the reasons attributed to the BJP's seat-graph rise.This clumsy and confusing gimmick seems to have proved costly. UP results have to decide who becomes the next President! Since neither Sangh Parivar nor washington DC have anything against this Great Warrior of HINDU ZIONIST regime, UPA played the card well whatever may be the results in UP!

Meanwhile,the Supreme Court h0as reserved its order on the Centre's plea to refer the issue of 27 per cent quota for OBCs in elite educational institutions like IIMs and IITs to a Constitution bench.A Bench comprising Justices Arijit Pasayat and LS Panta asked Solicitor General GE Vahanvati and senior advocate Harish Salve to compile questions put forward by various contesting parties to be considered by the larger Bench.The court said there is overlapping of points on the questions formulated by the contesting parties.The Solicitor General and Salve will sit together to make a compilation of it and place it before the court on Thursday.

All the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), barring Ahmedabad and Bangalore, have published their admission lists for candidates belonging to the General, SC and ST categories.On Thursday, the government lifted the freeze on admissions at IIMs and other institutions after a meeting between HRD Minister Arjun Singh and the Left Front.As part of the agreement, there will be another list of OBC students if the Supreme Court gives the go-ahead for OBC quotas after its hearing on May 8.

What an aesthetics of Untouchability which is nothing but apertheid! A leading Indian painter nerly lost his home and other properties after failing to appear before a court trying him for hurting religious sentiments by painting "Mother India" as a naked woman.Maqbool Fida Husain's paintings have often depicted revered Hindu gods and goddesses in the nude, sparking criticism from nationalist parties and activists. A decade ago, radicals even attacked his Mumbai home.The painting at issue in the latest controversy shows a naked woman in front of a wheel resembling the one used in India's national flag. The names of some of India's states are written across her body.A similar composition of a sari-clad woman with a wheel -- a Buddhist symbol known in Hindi as the dharma chakra -- in the background is used to portray "Mother India" in many patriotic publications.

After targeting the Shilpa Shettys and Richard Geres, India’s newly energised culture police got its hands on the country’s best-known painter, with police pasting an attachment notice on the door of Husain’s south Mumbai flat.A Hardwar judge had ordered attachment of all his properties in India after the 91-year-old artist ignored several summons in a case relating to his nude paintings of Hindu goddesses and a notional Bharatmata. Mumbai police received the April 13 order last week.

Husain’s nudes are said to have offended sensibilities — the argument used recently by a Rajasthan magistrate to issue an arrest warrant against Hollywood actor Gere for kissing Shilpa in public in Delhi.

It was after widespread protests by Hindu rightwing groups for Hussain's depiction of Bharat Mata and Krishna a part of the Mission Kashmir series to raise funds for the earthquake victims.

Stand up for Husain, friends tell fraternity

India Shining Sensex Ruling classes serve well Mother India! Mortgaging Freedom and Sovereignity! Deculturalising is the motto and demographic rearrangement with eviction of Rural Inida is the agenda! Destruction of Indigenous production system and economy, culture and economy are the best symptom of a RISING SUPER Power!

Preparations are on to send a man into space in the next eight years though government has not yet sanctioned the prestigious project, Lok Sabha was informed.

''An Indian manned mission (to space) is under preparation. Government has not yet sanctioned the mission. But plans are being made to send a man to space,'' Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office Prithviraj Chavan said during Question Hour.

He said the project was estimated to cost Rs 9,500 crore.

The mercury hovers around the 40-degree mark, but the youngsters of Meerut are ready to brave the heat. They are ready to reconstruct a historical journey; to walk down a path created by brave men and women before them over a century ago. Their slogan: 'Chalo Delhi.'

Pranab Mukherjee has been a member of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund, of the World Bank, of the Asian Development Bank, and of the African Development Bank. In 1984, he chaired the Group of 24 attached to the IMF and World Bank. Between May and November 1995, he presided over the SAARC Council of Ministers Conference.

Now it seems to be the FULL Circle! From top to bottom we have to get a Comrador`s Polity! Dr Ashok Mitra wrote in his autobiography that since 1990, the Finance Minister Of India is being appointed by World Bank, IMF and Washington Admininistration! We know that dr Manmohan Singh is a US plant in the US Global order`s Indian colony! Just think! What a cOMBINATION!

Pranab, the President! Manmohan, the PM! Chidambaram, The FM! Sonia, the UPA chairperson! Kamalnath, Ahloowalia, Narendra Modi, Hudda, Deshmukh, Vasundhara, nabeen Patnaik And Buddhadev Bhattacharya!

We have to investigate in depth what lies behind the Himalayan Blunder! Who actually stopped Basu!And who is stopping him once again!

Pranab Mukherjee is well veresed in VEDAS. He recited Durga stuti in the parliament! He is the man who hates the dalits, BC, OBC, minorities and tribals most! CPIM banks on uppercaste Bengali nationality. With Saurabh Ganguli being irrelevant , they need a greater Bengali Icon to maintain Brahminical supremacy! More over, Pranab is the man who killed Congress in Bengal! LET HIM GET INTO RASHTRAPATI BHAVAN, THERE WON`T BE ANY CHALLANGE FROM OPPOSITION IN WEST BENGAL!

Thus, CPIM sacriced the Speaker!

Despite being Number Two in the INDIRA cabinet, this gentleman has adjusted well with the Global order and Post modern Manusmriti as well as HINDU Nation Agenda. He fulfilled the tasks given by Sangh parivar as the chairman of Parliamentary standing Committee to pass anti dalit anti minority bills during NDA rule. He was the man behind dual citizenship Act which deprived bonafied Indian citizens, the Bengali dalit Refugees of Citizenship. Since the law enacted, a deportation drive against all Bengali speaking underprevileged people scatterd all over India is on.Pranab has declared ambition to evict all Bangals out of India as he is a Ghati belonging to Birbhum!

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has started holding consultations with the Left and other political parties about the next President, Rajya Sabha MP Sitaram Yechuri said in New Delhi on Wednesday.

"General secretary Prakash Karat met Prime Minister Dr Singh three days ago and the two held consultations on the issue. The prime minister is also talking with other parties. We want someone who has impeccable secular credentials," he said.

When asked if Somnath Chatterjee would be the Left's candidate, Yechuri said that the party has not yet applied its mind and the issue would be deliberated on after the Uttar Pradesh election result is out.

Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee and Rajya Sabha Chairman Bhairon Singh Shekhawat have been keeping a low profile, but their interest for the presidential nomination has been debated upon by the media.


The Sting of Untouchability
When he was still at school, he felt the sting of ‘untouchability’. He could not sit with the other students of the class. He had to drink water only when others poured it for him; and even then he had to cover his mouth with one hand.

The boy could not understand why.

These insults and pain they gave him self a very deep impression on the young boy’s mind. The boy felt ‘untouchability’ was a black mark on Hindu Dharma; he made up his mind to remove it.

Fighting was in his very blood. The Mahars had the soldier’s blood in them. Father sakpal too had served in the army.

Even from his boyhood Ambedkar had a mind of steel. Once it was raining very heavily. The boy Ambedkar said the would go to school. His friends said, "These are empty words, how can you go in this heavy rain?" In the downpour, the boy did go to school and that, too, without an umbrella!

The National Geographic sheds some light on one of the detestable flaws in the Indian social system. A portion of the article states

To be born a Hindu in India is to enter the caste system, one of the world's longest surviving forms of social stratification. Embedded in Indian culture for the past 1,500 years, the caste system follows a basic precept: All men are created unequal. The ranks in Hindu society come from a legend in which the main groupings, or varnas, emerge from a primordial being. From the mouth come the Brahmans—the priests and teachers. From the arms come the Kshatriyas—the rulers and soldiers. From the thighs come the Vaisyas—merchants and traders. From the feet come the Sudras—laborers. Each varna in turn contains hundreds of hereditary castes and subcastes with their own pecking orders.

Untouchability, The Dead Cow And The Brahmin

By B.R. Ambedkar




The policy or practice of political, legal, economic, or social discrimination, as against the members of a minority group: segregation, separatism. See include/exclude.
Computers and the Apartheid Regime in South Africa
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

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Untouchability refers to the social practice of ostracizing a (usually) minority endogamous group by regarding them as "ritually polluted" and segregating them from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate. Prominent examples of this practice include the ostracization of the Dalits and "Arzal" castes in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the practice of Apartheid in South Africa , the segregation and discrimination of the al-Akdham in Yemen, and the Japanese Burakumin undercastes.

Untouchability: What the tsunami couldn’t wash away

The dalit survivors of the tsunami were reportedly thrown out of relief camps, barred from using makeshift toilets, and given stale food. What will it take to wash away this powerful and destructive caste order that is so firmly rooted in Indian society, asks Chandra Bhan Prasad

The death and devastation caused by the tsunami didn't drown the spirit of India and its citizens. India's quick relief and rescue missions despatched to neighboring countries despite grief back home, has earned the country a new distinction – that of a responsible, humanitarian nation-state. India’s refusal to accept foreign aid has put the country in the ‘givers’ club, a distinction hitherto reserved for Europe or North America.

Also see:

In the Footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi:
India's Curse of Untouchability
by Linda de Hoyos
Printed in the American Almanac, September, 1988

Apartheid, policy of racial segregation formerly followed in South Africa. The word apartheid means “separateness” in the Afrikaans language and it described the rigid racial division between the governing white minority population and the nonwhite majority population. The National Party introduced apartheid as part of their campaign in the 1948 elections, and with the National Party victory, apartheid became the governing political policy for South Africa until the early 1990s. Although there is no longer a legal basis for apartheid, the social, economic, and political inequalities between white and black South Africans continue to exist.

The apartheid laws classified people according to three major racial groups—white; Bantu, or black Africans; and Coloured, or people of mixed descent. Later Asians, or Indians and Pakistanis, were added as a fourth category. The laws determined where members of each group could live, what jobs they could hold, and what type of education they could receive. Laws prohibited most social contact between races, authorized segregated public facilities, and denied any representation of nonwhites in the national government. People who openly opposed apartheid were considered communists and the government passed strict security legislation which in effect turned South Africa into a police state.

Before apartheid became the official policy, South Africa had a long history of racial segregation and white supremacy. In 1910 parliamentary membership was limited to whites and legislation passed in 1913 restricted black land ownership to 13 percent of South Africa's total area. Many Africans opposed these restrictions. In 1912, the African National Congress (ANC) was founded to fight these unfair government policies. In the 1950s, after apartheid became the official policy, the ANC declared that “South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white,” and worked to abolish apartheid. After antiapartheid riots in Sharpeville in March 1960 (see Sharpeville Massacre), the government banned all black African political organizations, including the ANC.
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In the Indian caste system, a Dalit, often called an untouchable,or an outcaste, is a person who does not have any varnas. Varna refers to the Hindu belief that most humans were created from different parts of the body of the divinity Purusha. However the term Dalit is a absoultely insulting term and it has extremely low perception. The fact that the educated Indians who happen to have Dalit background now realizing that, the term Dalit is absoultely misleading, as it gives credentials to the utmost inhuman Hindu caste system. Therefore the Dalit term is not being used by most of the enlightened, educated generation of downtrodden Indian population. It is observed that Dr. Ambedkar never used the demeaning term "Dalit" in his writing refering to his own people- so called untouchables.

However it is important to understand the historic past. The part from which a varna was created defines its social status for issues such as who they can marry and what jobs they can do.[1] Dalits fall outside varnas system and have historically been prevented from doing any but the most menial jobs.[1] (However, a distinction must be made between lower-caste people and Pariahs.) Included are leather-workers (called chamar), poor farmers and landless laborers, scavengers (called bhangi or chura), street handicrafters, folk artists, clothes washers dhobi etc. Traditionally, they were treated as pariahs in South Asian society and isolated in their own communities, to the point that even their shadows were avoided by the upper castes. Discrimination against Dalits still exists in rural areas in the private sphere, in ritual matters such as access to eating places and water sources. It has largely disappeared, however, in urban areas and in the public sphere, in rights of movement and access to schools[2]. The earliest rejection of discrimination, at least in spiritual matters, was made as far back as the Bhagavada Gita, which says even they (along with women and despicable foreigners) are not barred from enlightenment.

Pranab Kumar Mukherjee (born December 11, 1935, West Bengal, India) is the Foreign Minister of India in the Manmohan Singh government. The leader of the Indian National Congress in the 14th Lok Sabha, he is known to be a competent party apparatchik, "a prominent Gandhi family loyalist who did not win a popular election until 2004[1]".He has a degree in law from the University of Calcutta and has been an advocate and college teacher at some time. He also holds Masters degree in both History and Political Science, and an honorary D. Litt.
Pranab Mukherjee was born in Mirati village near Kirnahar town, District Birbhum, West Bengal, on December 11, 1935, the son of Kamada Kinkar Mukherjee and Rajlakshmi Mukherjee. His father was active in the Congress party from 1920, was a member of AICC, and West Bengal Legislative Council (1952-64), and President, District Congress Committee, Birbhum (WB)[2]. He also went to prison for more than 10 years for his opposition to the British rule. He attended the Vidyasagar College, Suri (Birbhum), under Calcutta University.
Pranab Mukherjee has a parliamentary career of nearly four decades, having first become a Rajya Sabha (upper house) member from the Congress Party in 1969, (re-elected in 1975,1981,1993 and 1999). In 1973, he joined the cabinet as Union Deputy Minister, Industrial Development, rising through a series of cabinet posts to become the Finance Minister of India between 1982 and 1984. In 1984, he was rated as one of the best five Finance Ministers of the World according to a survey of Euromoney magazine[3]. His term was noted for India not withdrawing the last US$ 1.1 billion instalment of an IMF loan.

He served as foreign minister for the first time from 1995 to 1996 in the PV Narasimha Rao cabinet. In 1997 he was voted Outstanding Parliamentarian.

He was also president of West Bengal state unit of Congress in 1985.

Jyoti Basu

Chief Minister of West Bengal
In office
Preceded by Siddhartha Shankar Ray
Succeeded by Buddhadev Bhattacharya


Born 8 July 1914
Calcutta, West Bengal
Political party Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Residence Kolkata
Religion Atheist
As of January 27, 2007
Source: [1]

Jyoti Basu (born July 8, 1914) is a Communist politician from West Bengal, India. Basu is a Politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), and, as the Chief Minister of West Bengal from 1977-2000, was India's longest-serving Chief Minister.

Basu was elected to the Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1946, contesting the Railway constituency. When the Communist Party of India split in 1964, Basu became a prominent leader of the new Communist Party of India (Marxist). In 1967 and 1969, Basu became Deputy Chief Minister of West Bengal in the United Front governments.

Between June 21, 1977 and November 6, 2000, Basu served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal for the Left Front government. In 1997 Jyoti Basu seemed all set to be the consensus leader of the United Front for the post of Prime Minister of India. However, the CPI(M) politburo decided not to participate in the government, a decision that Jyoti Basu later termed a historic blunder. H.D. Deve Gowda from the Janata Dal instead became Prime Minister.

Basu resigned from the Chief Ministership of West Bengal in 2000 for health reasons and was succeeded by fellow CPI(M) politician Buddhadeb Bhattacharya. As of 2006, Basu holds the record for the longest-serving Chief Minister in Indian political history.

The 18th congress of CPI(M), held in Delhi 2005, re-elected Basu to its politburo. On September 13th 2006, Basu entreated the CPI(M) to allow his retirement, but was turned down.

AIIMS apartheid, cricket to class


New Delhi, May 6: In the country’s top medical college, Sateesh Meena is not allowed to dine or play cricket with upper caste students. Neither, he says, is any other Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe student.

Daily life at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences resembles that in the country’s feudal outbacks and Apartheid-era South Africa, a government committee has discovered, confirming findings reported by The Telegraph.

“Some would just get up and walk away when I would sit at the table (in the mess),” said Jiten Dash (name changed, like Meena’s), according to transcripts of conversations the panel had with SC and ST students.

The committee interviewed 25 reserved-category students — half their total number at the institute — of whom almost all said they were told “not to play basketball or cricket by the upper caste students”. “Football and volleyball (that the upper castes don’t fancy) were the only sports we were allowed to play,” Meena said.

The committee claims “enough evidence” that the discrimination is “linked” to the “proactive role the AIIMS administration played” in fanning anti-quota sentiments on campus.

During last year’s anti-reservation agitation, AIIMS authorities had allowed student protesters from other institutions, too, to gather on the campus. No other central institution did so.

Most of those the committee interviewed alleged the teachers ignored Dalit students in class and deliberately failed them in exams, especially the practical tests.

“Even in internship, they are harassing (us)… now they are threatening us about the exams that are coming,” a medico complained against teachers. “Last year, out of seven students… six were failed — nearly by one or two marks.”

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had personally intervened to set up the three-member committee, headed by University Grants Commission chairman Sukhdeo Thorat, after this newspaper reported the campus discrimination.

The panel confirmed the finding that reserved category students were bullied into vacating their hostel rooms, leading to an SC/ST ghetto being formed on two floors of Hostels 4 and 5.

Each of the 25 interviewed said that despite a ragging ban, they were humiliated when they had joined. “They would call us to their rooms and order us… ‘tell us 10 reasons why you should get reservation… if you don’t we’ll beat you’,” one of them said.

“These incidents happen every year. Whenever a new batch joins they are treated like this,” a general category student confirmed.

The authorities ignored repeated complaints from the SC and ST students, encouraging their tormentors.

One Dalit boy who tried to join general category students in a game of basketball was thrashed, the committee noted. Another boy was told to “get out” by the cook when he walked into the mess where the upper castes dined.

The committee said the institute, despite requests, “has not taken any initiative to arrange remedial coaching in English, basic courses or any other spheres for SC/ST students as is required by central government educational institutions”.

Unlike many other central institutions, it lacks a grievance cell for SC and ST students. The committee has recommended that AIIMS set up an “equal opportunity office (EOO)”, answerable to the institute’s governing body and not the hospital administration.

Ambedkar: Remembering an iconoclast
[6 May, 2007 l 0028 hrs ISTl Shashi Tharoor]

It’s always distressing to read of violent incidents surrounding petty attempts to desecrate statues of Dr B R Ambedkar. It happened again last month, around what would have been his 116th birthday. No Indian should tolerate such vile behaviour, least of all when the disrespect is shown to such an extraordinary Indian.

It is difficult today to imagine the scale of what Babasaheb Bhimji Rao Ambedkar accomplished. To be born into an ‘untouchable’ family in 1891, and that too as the 14th and last child of a poor Mahar subedar in an Army cantonment, would normally have guaranteed a life of neglect, poverty and discrimination. Not only did Ambedkar rise above the circumstances of his birth, but he achieved a level of success that would have been spectacular for a child of privilege. One of the first untouchables ever to enter an Indian college, he became a professor (at the prestigious Sydenham College) and a principal (of no less an institution than Bombay’s Government Law College). One of the earliest Indian students in the United States, he earned multiple doctorates from Columbia University and the University of London, in economics, politics and law. An heir to millennia of discrimination, he was admitted to the bar in London and became India’s James Ma-dison as the Chair of the Constitution Drafting Committee. The son of illiterates, he wrote a remarkable number of bo-oks, whose content and range testify to an eclectic mind and a sharp, if provocative, intellect. An insignificant infant scrabbling in the dust of Mhow in 1891 became the first law minister of a free India, in the most impressive Cabinet ever assembled in New Delhi. When he died, aged only 65, he had accumulated a set of distinctions few have matched; only one remained. In belated recognition of that omission, he was conferred posthumously in 1990 the highest award his country has to offer — the Bharat Ratna.

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Daily Excelsior... WorldApertheid still lives JOHANNESBURG, Oct 27: In scores of settlements dotted in the middle of nowhere across the breadth of South Africa, Apartheid still ... - 40k - Cached - Similar pages

WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Trent Franks, a Republican who represents the 2nd District of Arizona in the U.S. Congress, today (May 1) introduced an historic resolution on Untouchability in the United States House of Representatives. The resolution, when passed, will be the first official statement of Congress that Untouchability is an unacceptable practice in any modern democracy and that the United States Congress should do all within its power to ensure American Business and the United States Government are not discriminating against Dalits in their programs, hiring, and funding.

Nanci Ricks, Smita Narula, T. Kumar, Kumar Swamy, and Joseph D’ Souza testify before the Human Rights Caucus
The resolution was introduced on the 200th anniversary of the enactment of William Wilberforce-sponsored bill abolition the cross-Atlantic slave trade in the United Kingdom.

The resolution was introduced shortly after a briefing with the Congressional Human Rights Caucus entitled “Untouchables : The Plight of Dalit Women” with testimony from DFN President Nanci Ricks ; Joseph D’souza, international President of the DFN ; Kumar Swamy, South India director of the All India Christian Council ; Smita Narula, Executive Director of the Center for Global Human Rights and Global Justice at the New York University School of Law ; and T. Kumar, Advocacy Director Asia & Pacific, Amnesty International.

The panel has also suggested that committees in AIIMS at every level — dealing with student, faculty or administration issues — have SC/ST members.

The committee last evening submitted its final report to health minister Anbumani Ramadoss.

Asset-stripping notice against Husain over nudes

Jagjivan- paradigm of dalit consciousness
Central Chronicle, India - 4 May 2007
He brought the agenda of empowerment of dalits and abolition of untouchability at the centrestage during India's struggle for independence, the Congress ...

Forum flays CM for practising untouchability
Newindpress (subscription), India - 21 Apr 2007
“The government is practicing untouchability by transferring Dalit officers to remote places for their non co-operation towards its poltical activities,” he ...

Practicing untouchability: Six months imprisonment awarded, India - 18 Apr 2007
A special SC/ST court in Sirohi district has sentenced a woman to six months imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1000 for "practising untouchability" at a work ...

Untouchability slur on VB academics
The Statesman, India - 14 Apr 2007
... lodged a complaint with the university authorities stating he was facing discrimination and untouchability from his superiors in the department. ...

India's untouchable millionaire
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 5 May 2007
The Hindu concept of untouchability was abolished in 1950, but the challenge of eradicating prejudices dating back thousands of years has defeated ...

Tehelka (subscription) Independent Hooray!
Tehelka (subscription), India - 2 hours ago
... work” — fighting for the rights of eunuchs, against feudalism and untouchability, and attending to the villagers who line up before him seeking help. ...

Mission Network NEws (press release) Dalit minorities march for fairness in India
Mission Network NEws (press release), Grand Rapids - 30 Apr 2007
''Christians and Muslims of Scheduled Caste origin experience the stigma of untouchability within their religious communities and in civil society. ...

Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Vijay Kumar Malhotra has categorically rejected the Election Commission of India's directive that the party should apologise for making and releasing the controversial CD which could have sparked off major riots in Uttar Pradesh had it been allowed to be circulated, and thereby consolidating the Hindu votes in favour of the party in the just concluded state Assembly elections.

Terms associated with the Dalit

Dalit is not a caste name but a group of oppressed and exploited castes. The word Dalit in fact covers all oppressed caste groups like Lohar, Kumhar, Sunar, Teli, Maniar, Julaha, Mali, Jhimar, Mallah, Bheels, Vairagi, Jogi, Vyas, Dakaut, Khatti/Badhai, and almost all propertyless and oppressed people. But as against its actual meaning, the term Dalit is deliberately and mistakenly being used as the latest and currently most politically correct of many terms used for the former "Untouchables" of India only. Offensive terms used mostly in the past include chura, bhangi, neech, kanjjar, and mirasi. Whereas the terms chura and bhangi are profession-based terms for scavengers, they can serve as general terms.

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