Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yes, Netaji, CR Das and Fazlul Huq Could Have Changed The History of This Subcontinent

Yes, Netaji, CR Das and Fazlul Huq Could Have Changed The History of This Subcontinent

Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and Time - SEVENTY FIVE

Palash Biswas

I must say thanks to News From Bangladesh to continue the debate with web casting the rejoinder by Mohammad Abdullah, USA. I respect the free and sovereign Bangladesh. I know that the Bangladesh media and intellegentia play a historical role to sustain nationality Bengali. I also believe it is Bangladesh which represents Bangla Nationality , not the Bengalies in India. But we share a common history, culture, heritage, language, folk. We have different geopolitics, different versions of history, culture and language, different citizenship and different religion. But all these things may not wipe out the current which united us in destiny. I don`t represent India as I am an Indian. I believe that Abdulla Bhai also do not represent Bangladesh in the same way. In a globanised world how you may restrict informations and opinions, perhaps he knows better!

I have not supported Sunil Pal`s claim. I never faced such a case. I wanted some feedback and forwarded his letter to general readership as I forwarded the article by Mohmmad Abdullah.

I am not talking on behalf of Mr pal. Let him answer. I am writing my personal opinions and feelings as well.

Yes, I agree with Abdullah Bhai that Netaji, CR Das and Fazlul Huq could have written a different history of this subcontinent. I am glad that he recognises these leaders at least and they are lucky enough to be spared of abuses. It is not because of Gandhi and Nehru, please go through the minutes, it was against the interests of ruling classes in Bengal, had Netaji or Fazlul Huq played key role in this sub continent. It was Netaji who as a mayor made Jogendra Nath Mandal a councillor in Kolkata Corporation. Azad Hind Fauj considered Hindustani as national language which is common in Hindus and Muslims. Muslims and Women got proper representation in Azad Hind Fauz. In the same way Krishak Praja Party fought to defend the rights of tillers Hidus as well as Muslims. The Hindu tillers were mostly dalits ie Namoshudra, Pod and rajbansh, etc.The most of the Zamindars were Caste Hindu, but Fzlul saheb compromised with them. The dalit Hindus not only supported fazlul Huq and Najibulallah , they also ensured the entry of Dr ambedkar in the Constitution Assembly of India, electing them fro bengal while he was defeated by Congress in Maharashtra, his home state. Hence , with the betrayal to this dalit base, Muslim league emerged. Huq sahib lost the opportunity to be a national leader as he betrayed the underclasses. Caste Hindu leadership in Bengal revenged well as the Hindus of the Dalit base in East Bengal were evicted and scttered all over India. It hampered the national dalit movement in India.

I would rather like to know the role of the third party apart form caste Hindu leadership and Muslim league in partition. Would anyone enlighten me?

Abdullah Bahi says there is no minorty persecution in Bangladesh. What about the medi reports in Bangladesh? How do you negate the white paper published by Shahriyar Kabir and the literature including Lajja (Taslima Nasrin) and Ethenic Cleansing (Salam Azad)?

What do you say about enemy property law with different name?

Abdullah Bhai seems to have no respect for India or Indians. Is Bangladesh an isolated land from the rest of the world? He abuses our national leaders. Evaluations is alright whatever it is, but no one should be allowed to call names. I hope Bangladesh media also publishes what we write. Do the Bangladesh writers, journalists and intellectuals not write across the border. I am proud of Bangladeshi Novels, short stories and poems. I am proud of Meer Musharraf Hussain, Akhataruzzaman Ilius, Shamsur Rahman, Rahat Khan, Selina Hossain, Humaun Azad, Kabir Choudhari, Nirmalendu Gun, Jahanara Imam, Shahriar Kabir and other writers and journalists of Bangladesh.

My citizenship of India does not come in between my existence as a Bengali. Abdul Bhai is dividing the Bangla nationality once again while he says `stupid' Indians may not inherit nationality Bangla. As a learned man he is not able to distinguish citizenship and nationality based on language and culture. It is sad. He seems to have lost the vision to tolerate hard facts.

Yes, we have not a free media like you and it is also true that we stupid Indians have no forum like News from Bangladesh. It does not mean that Indians are not allowed in Bangladesh media. I thank all Bangladeshis who read me and try to interact including Abdullah Bahi.

He sounds as an angry young man and what he says, he does not mean at all. Or he does not understand what he says. He is not ready to read or listen to other stories, other versions. Is it democratic?

Nevertheless this dialogue and debate are necessary to know and evaluate our truth. At least, I don`t know the complete truth as all documentations are guided by some or other interests everywhere. I want to know the truth and hence I don`t suppress any information. I forward every bit of it to the readership general. It may sound very rough but rough most is our partitioned destiny. It is bitter, cruel and stunning but I believe we must know all the facts and every version of truth to get the ultimate truth which is denied systematically hitherto.
Yes, Abdullah Bhai! I used to ask my father and I ask even today the refugee leaders in India why they left their home in East Bengal. Why they left their Bangla Nationality, culture, land and property, it surprises me also. I agree that East Bengal did not face the massacres as both parts of Punjab faced. Partition victims from Punjab were rehabilated immediately on war footing. They were paid compensation. They have got representation in the polity , so a Punjabi refugee Dr manmohan singh Heads the government of India. Lalkrishna Adwani became deputy primeminister. While the refugees from East Bengal are considered as Bangladeshi nationals and an eviction drive is on against all of them in India.

I realise that the exodus began due to a minority psyche created by caste Hindu leadership of Bengal who did not want to provide any space to under classes including majority Muslims of Bengal. Undivided Bengal would have been ruled by Dalit Muslim combination, thus, they partitioned India. Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru and Suharawardi and the British Empire, but we underplay the role played by Caste Hindu leadership who are no less responsible for partition as well as refugee persecution in India.
The refugee influx from East Bengal began with the minority psyche created by caste Hindu polity and politics and still continues and will be continued for infinite time. We know the minority psyche in India as Muslims have to support the Ruling party or front enmasse to sustain themselves without any gain .
We know well the use of minority card. I have witnessed this during riots in different states and places in India as a professional journalist and I always wrote against this.
I wrote my Meerut experience in a novel to expose the geography and history and industry of riots in may long story UNKA Mission in Hindi. The story was published only in a little mag with limited circulation. I wrote several short stories based on my experiences during riots in North India. I have a Short Story collection with my name ANDE SENTE LOG in Hindi. I wrote my novel Amerika se Savdhan in Hindi which has been published widely in Hindi.
I am trying my best to write in Bangla but I have no space as I oppose their interests. Not only this, I am professionally damaged when I shifted in Bengal. I am not going to elaborate this. I always expose the caste Hindu scientific system.
I wrote the novel in Bengali TAHADER MISSION and it is Pending in Bangla Academy for years. No publisher is ready to publish it.

Yes, our State language in India is Hindi. We were driven out of Bengal. Simply for practical reasons we had to learn in Hindi to communicate with local populations. We learnt different languages in different places. Hence we have no right as a Bengali on our own mother tongue and culture rooted in east Bengal, is it? We know different languages but we should not be deprived of our mother tongue. And we are deprived. Refugees have no chance to be educated in mothre language out of Bengal. Bengal government is quite apathetic. Really, Cast Hindu leadership of Bengal is engaged only to sustain their Power limited in Bengal. So, no body was interseted while India was waiting a Bengali Red Star in its sky. Prime Minister Jyoti Basu as PM could help us, though the communists are well known betrayers.

The refugees had to leave East Bengal whatever may be the case. I am sure it is not beacause Noakhali Riots or Direct action in Kolkata in 1946 as Abdullah Bhai says correctly that Hindu minorities are still living in Bangladesh and the Hindu population there seems to be no less than ten millions. It does not mean all Bengali refugees are criminals and communal. It does not mean the `self styled refugees' have no right to launch a movement to defend civil and human rights.
I am afraid while Abdullah Bhai refers to refugee movement he means the Sngh Parivar sponsered anti Bangladesh movement based in Kolkata. I am afraid that he is quite unaware of ongoing refugee movement elsewhere in India which has nothing against Bangladesh and Pakistan. Simply we fight for our life and employment, our biotic sustenance as Indian citizens. The crime seems to be that even after full six decades we did not forget our language , culture and history. So we are identified as bangladeshi. While we talk as with our idenetity rooted in Bangla, Abdula Bahi says we have no right.
I don`t think that Bangladesh thinks in the same way as Abdullah Bahi thinks.
I understand his wounds. But I myself am wounded. We were imposed upon an unwanted civil war and Bangla nationality itself is victimised all over this subcontinent as Bagdad, Palestine, Kabul, Darfur have been victimised . I called for unity in resistance against corporate, feudal imperialism and Cast Hindu or Fundamental ruling classes. I do never mean a Greater Bangladesh or merger of Bangladesh in India. It is not possible. It is not ethical. But divided in different geopolitics we satnd united as Bangla Nationality. My late father, `the terrorist self styled' refugee and peasant leader, an ex communist believed this lifelong.
At least, in this matter I inherit my father`s opinion.

Muslims suffer in India as we the Hindu refugees suffer. Muslims and refugees have no opportunity. I don`t mean Jyoti Basu or Buddhadev, Mrinal sen or Sunil gangopadhyaya. I mean the dalit refugees scattered all over India.

As Abdullah Bahi says , it is not true that all Indians are that stupid. The Caste Hindus know well how to defend their interests. Only we, the refugees, the under classes and Muslims in general are stupefied to sustain them in power. Eighty percent of Muslims in West Bengal depend on agro sector and they vote en masse as the left Front rule continues for over thirty years. And the indiscriminate land acquisition is targeted against Muslims all over the state. Nandigram is the tip of an iceberg.

Bengali Refugees had to leave their home as leaders like Fazlul Huq, Mujib and Maulana Bhasani could not stop them to be entrapped in caste Hindu trap.
Religion is quite irrelevent today. I am not against any religion. Post modernism and globanisation turminated religion, culture, language and ideology en masse. It is well expressed well in Iraq while the Muslim brotherhood has become irrelevent. It has become irrelevent in Palestine, too.
Well, religion has become a trump card in power game in South Asia. It has become topmost instrument in India where Sangh Parivar dictates terms. It is the same case in Bangladesh as the secular and self styled democratic Awami leage alligns with Khilafat.

As far as faith is concerned, the Hindus are not that conservative as they happened to be. Hinduism is not regularized . Neither it is disciplined in any way. Without praying or worshipping, being an anarchist or atheist no one cease to be a Hindu. Caste Hindu Bengalies are so pragmatic in Bengal as they choose their in-laws among the brilliance of under calsses sabotaging any possible resistance. Thus, they drove out the supporters of Fazlul Huq, Najibullah, Mujib, Bhasani , Jogendra Nath Mandal and Ambedkar, not only from East Bengal but out to different landscapes and humanscapes wiping them out of the history and geography of United Bengal.

We claim the roots, not the land.

Inter caste marriages and marrying daughters to Muslim suitable boys are taboos no more. It is said that the Hindus were afraid of marrying daughters to Muslims. Beef eating is also quite in vogue among the higher income groups. Thus, it is not the religion, which divided the United India. It is and only it is the Politics. Muslims ruled India at least for seven hundred years but the society was never divided. Divide and rule policy was adopted since Sannyasi Vidroh aganist East India Company. The Babus wrote history and literature accordingly.
I am not a student of Jadunath Sarkar nor I am limited to the study of RC Majumdar. Rather I follow the line of Irfan Habib, Romila Thapar, Lal Bahadur Verma, Sumit Sarkar, Tanika sarkar, Shekhar Pathak and Ram Chandra Guha. I realize that administration and land management, post and road links are run in line with Sher Sah. Akbar, the great and Sher shah are relevent even today. I know that Aurangzeb was not as communal as he is portrayed.

Abdullah Bahi not only the Muslim Rule, the Ancient History happens to be mutiliated by Myth, Religion and Manusmriti and sacred books.

We have to investigate all these things. I appreciate your aggresive analysis.
Hope that you would respond soon. I still hold back some more vital points.

I am forwarding your rejoinder to readership general and I expect others to contribute in the debate in case it is allowed to go on.

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ISSN 1563-9304 | Poush -335 1413 BS, Sunday | January 14, 2007
Click here to print this article in News from Bangldesh

Rejoinder to Biswas-Pal

Thursday January 11 2007 14:16:21 PM BDT

Mohammad Abdullah, USA

Mr. Palash Chandra Biswas has responded to my note at NFB. He came up with some answers with opposite diameter as previously presumed by me. Assuming that standard I had to use harsh and tough language against such communal elements. A similar response also has been received from Mr. Sunil Kumar Pal in my mailbox. Since I do not prefer to respond personally to any of these two communal fellows, thus, I am sending this rejoinder for both of them to NFB.

I (hereafter MA) am responding to their (hereafter PCB first, and then followed by SKP) word-to-word or section-to-section in this rejoinder. I trust they are diametrically opposite as what these two fellows are presenting in the Bangladeshi forum.

PCB: I am not irritated to read our respected friend Mohammad Abdullah`s reaction on my article, `A Phone Call and A Letter From London' webcasted by News From Bangladesh. Rather I am ashamed of myself that our friend compares me with a personality like Bapu.

MA: I know nothing about the stranger Bapu. However, I do know about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a well known communally motivated king making leader of the stupid people of India. This mediocre fellow became Bapu to many stupid Indians. He is never Bapu to me or any Bangladeshi.

PCB: My friends as well as foes know well my stand on Gandhism and Sangh Pariwar. Whatever may be my opinion , the man who was not a general nor a head of the state or enjoyed any position in the establishment, is respected by the people worldwide. I may not have any wildest dream to dare experimenting with truth. I am sending this article to readership general as I sent the letter written by Sunil Pal. I hope, we would know many more facts to understand the destiny we bear.

MA: M. K. Gandhi is revered in India so much ONLY that fanatic Indian had killed him. Being a non-political king-maker he lost the life making stupid remarks throughout the life. When understood his mistakes it was too late for him to overcome them. An average to below average person became the heart winner of the Hindus of India. Since he was shot dead, he became a GREAT HERO.

PCB: I was stunned to hear and read Mr sunil Pal`s experience as I know nothing about this. We Bengali refugees have no such experience outside Bengal. I am not biased. Niether I supported Mr Pal`s claim. Mr Abdullah is right that I am a poor writer and have not as much as wealth as he possesses. I did not call Mr Pal. He called me. I am a keen student of history and I just posted the matter to wider readership to get feedback to understand the relevent facts. I am thankful that despite condemning me in a very rough manner, Abdullah Bhai gives some facts which I never knew. It is other part of the story which is never highlighted in India.

MA: Either PCB or SKP is a self styled REFUGEE. Essentially it is by choice and not by intrinsic manner that happened. For example, today I may be refugee in a foreign land if I do choose not to return to Bangladesh. Further if I claim that Bangladesh has driven me out in a foreign land then obviously I become a self styled refugee in that foreign land. It is a surprise that being a student of history one does not consider two sides of the coin. Is PCB only a reader of Jadu Nath Sarkar? In general, the communal fellows are single-sided readers and propagators. They do not like to hear about the other side of the coin with the pre-determined mind. I did not condemn PCB but became obvious per self confession. This is a deep analytical result.

PCB: I am against minority persecution in Bangladesh as well as in India and anywhere in this world. I also condemn the role of caste Hindu leadership of Bengal who wanted to dislodge Muslims and dalits from power and they supported the partition, not the Muslim dominated East Bengal. What Shyama Prasad did, I don`t support. I understand the role of Jinnah and the role played by Gandhi. I am speaking about the role of the third party, the victims, the Hindu as well as Muslim underclasses.

MA: No one persecuted the minorities in Bangladesh. If Bangladesh persecuted the minorities then today Bangladesh would have been cleaned from the minorities. Constitutionally they are secured and preserved with many of them in the Government organizations at the high chairs.

How many minorities in West Bengal are in the high chairs? Could these minorities go outside India with an Indian Passport? Could these minorities receive education from all institutions in West Bengal? Several minorities of Bangladesh have come to the Western Hemisphere with Bangladesh Passport. They had received higher education both at home and abroad. In West Bengal being at least 28% (as of today) of the West Bengal population how many Muslims could get education and leave India for abroad, Mr. PCB? If PCB realized who preferred the partition then why BANGLADESH is blamed for persecution? The Hindus of Eastern part of Bengal chose to leave for India before and after 1947. No one force them to leave their soil. Simply these Hindus did not want to live with their majority Muslim counterparts.

Often Jana Sangha and later Hindu Maha Sava propagated that they do not want to live under the Muslim majority environment as the presumed democratic platform will be adopted to run the administration. If PCB understood the role of Jinnah or Gandhi then only Gandhi would not become BAPU for him. Invariably Jinnah would be Quaid-e-Azam too. Similarly Shyma Prasad Mookerjee would have been recorded in a criminal book who advocated the migration of the Hindus from Eastern Bengal since 1944.

I wonder how this traitor became a cabinet member of Sher-eBangla A. K. Fazlul Huq? Of course Huq was a so-called friend of Ashutosh Mookerjee and considered his son a benevolent chap. Because of this attitude Huq was pushed to the drain by the Muslims as well. He never got upper hand in providing leadership of the sub-continent which he should have deserved in the first place. Thus, the Muslim League crown was snatched by Jinnah.

PCB: I welcome other opinions and facts however harsh may be. I am not contradicting Mr Pal or Mr Abdullah. Both of them describe the facts in accordance with their viewpoint. I am not communal and if I visit shonadanga, I would ensure that there communal harmony may sustain. I may play a role of a truth finder.

MA: Bengal as a whole could have been a much developed country by now. But the communal Hindus aided in creating partition of the land by sending Jinnah to Pakistan. Sly Jinnah ate the cream of the yogurt. Look at his life long career in law practices. He never lost any case while Gandhi or Nehru gave up practicing profession because they were failure. In the table the card of Jinnah became sole transparent for partition which Nehru and Gandhi approved in the first place. Shortly thereafter Gandhi realized his mistake and urged for proper share of Pakistan when Nehru unilaterally stopped the payment. Communal Gandhi was always a communal.

Not only this, he was a hater of the Bengali-speaking people. For example, he forced to step down Subhash Bose from the Congress President position in 1938. Gandhi launched unhygienic propaganda against this non-communal leader as Subhash Bose was liked by the Bengali speaking Muslims and Hindus alike. Had this leader been alive today we would have probably seen partition of Bengal though the Muslims voted for Pakistan in 1946. Voting for Pakistan was a BARGAIN for the Muslims if the Hindus did not want to live with the neighboring Muslims.

Another perspective of the game may be viewed as: had Chittaranjan Das been alive then also there would have been no partition. Partition was accelerated by Nehru, Gandhi, Shyma Prasad, Rajendra Prasad, Ballavbhai Patel and many other communal leaders from the chunk of the diehard Hindus.

Gandhi cleverly worked with the Bishwa-Kobi-Raj-Guru Rabindranath Tagore to get his title fixed up as MAHATMA circa 1930. Further Gandhi acquired approval of HINDI as the STATE LANGUAGE in post independence of India from the same communal Poet Laureate Bishwa-Kobi-Raj-Guru circa 1934. Find out how much communal both Mahatma and Bishwa-Kobi-Raj-Guru were? Weren’t (or aren’t) they known globally?

PCB: The people victimised could not tell their story. First person version of the partition story is still absent in Bengali and Indian History and Literature. It is not documented at all. Every bit of documentation is sponsered by the ruling classes in the subcontinent which do not reflect the suffreing of the masses.

MA: Invariably the observation of PCB is naïve and may be true. However, just see how civil engineer Tathagata Roy has put together lately. Communal sponsors present this kind of history ad did Jadu Nath Sarkar when he viewed the Moghol era. But Sarkar forgot that Moghols were not live as the foreigners and did not loot India. Rather they got mixed up with the Hindu Rajput blood which Aurangazeb carried and his descendents carried thereafter. The bottom line is that the Moghols or the Pathans or the Tughlaks became pure Indian within a generation or two. They never advocated looting as the British did. Did any Hindu understand this feature of the Muslim out comers?

Yet Bankim Chandra Chatterjee coined communally Anadamotth which Bishwa-Kobi-Raj-Guru appreciated as the foundation of Bengali Literature. What a definition of literature from a Laureate? Sarat Chandra Chatterjee wrote: Baangalee chheleyra Musholmaan (not Musolmaan) chheleder sathey football khelchhey.

What is the definition of Bangalee chheley and Musholmaan chheley while the foot ball game was going on in Hooghly? Were the Musholmaan chheleyra foreigners while speaking the same language as their opponents? What kind of plot of the story is this coined by Sarat Chatterjee? Is it a LITERATURE or communal motivation to discredit the converted Muslims? Remember, I am a converted Muslim.

PCB: As far as the language of the gentlman from USA equipped with far better English is concerned , I don`t mind. He abuses everyone. So what if he calls my late father a terrorist and an Indian Agent paid for anti Bangladeshi activities. The man who had been arrested for his participation in Bhasha Andolan, the mother of Bengali Nationality movement, against Pakistani regime, is termed as anti bangladesh. I have not to comment.

MA: I fail to comprehend as how a Bhasha Andolon participant becomes loyalist to another country? What Bhasha we are talking about? Isn’t Indian State Language is HINDI while the State Language of Bangladesh is Bengali? Why the father of PCB had allegiance to another country and language? If such a father was involved with the Bengali Nationality movement then he should have remained Bangladeshi. Isn’t it a simple logic? The way the REFUGEE MOVEMNET was coined and described the interpretation goes as obvious TERRORIST for such a person.

PCB: As far as I am concerned , I never criticise aesthetic sense and opinions of any person.

MA: Invariably a generous concept that deserves appreciation.

PCB: Let me clear , My late father had a heart always bleeding for the land he had to leave due to the tragedy which is well described by our friend while he portrayed the other dimentions of the story. Well, Muslims as well as Hindus, most of them did not want partition were victimised by the ruling classes. He never disrespected either Pakistan or Bangladesh. Well, he never accepted the political border imposed upon divided Bangla Nationality. His lifelong struggle may sound meaningless to a non resident Bangladeshior NRI, but he supported his lot the underclasses deprived of civil and human rights. He led peasants` revolt. Hence, Abdullah bhai sees him as a terrorist. He may rewrite the history , welcom.

MA: No, Mr. PCB I did not see him as a terrorist only because of his involvement with the peasants. Invariably you mentioned about the REFUGEE MOVEMENT as well. Also you stated about his crossing the border illegally and then getting arrested. Again leaving Eastern Bengal was by the choice and not by any other reason for the Hindus. Simply these Hindus did not want to live together with the majority Muslim neighbors despite living for over seven centuries since 1204 A.D. The father of PCB adopted suspicious policy to justify patriotism which is the last resort of a scoundrel.

PCB: I want to inform, as a peasant leader, despite his commitment to the refugees he could not hate Muslims. He worked among the riot victims in Assam as earlier as in 1960 as a communist leader. The party was against any communist leader from outside to visit Assam. As PC Joshi , The General secretary of Communist party of India disowned Telengana as well as dhimri Block movements , he was disillusioned. After his Assam visit, he was ousted from the party. He visited the Muslim Victims in the riots of Meerut, Bijnore and Gonda and he also opposed sangh parivar and its fascist politics. Though Atal Bihari as a Jansangh President in 1969 assured him to raise the issues related to Bengali refugees from party forum. On atalji`s initiative, he joined Jansangh in 1969 and was invited in Mumbai National Convention where he was not allowed to speak for refugees. He immediately left the party and thereon, opposed Sangh Pariwar .

MA: It is crystal clear as who joins the Jana Sangh Party. Atal Bihar Vajpayee is a known communal for decades. The father of PCB seems to be a victim of the diehard communal leaders of modern India. It is not a surprise but a usual practice among the rivals within a party as long as visibility is concerned for any topic during the convention.

PCB: For me, I respect the freedom and sovereignity of Bangladesh> I respect the committed intellegentia and media in bangldesh. I respect Bangla and Indian nationalities. I assume that I have the heritage rooted in this dual nationality. I also have respect for Pakistan and other free nations worldwide. I only emphasise that the global imperialism has made us sick and we suffer fro Demntia.

MA: It seems like benevolent comprehension for PCB. The bottom line for PCB is that he is a part of the stupid Indian nationality which has a bastardized language as the State Language which was advocated by the Poet Laureate Bishwa-Kobi-Raj-Guru since early 1930s. However, Bangladesh has a language that is well established by the Bangladeshis at UNO since October 1973 when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman first delivered speech in Bengali language as Bangladesh became the member of UNO that day. Remember, India has still problem in digesting events either in Pakistan or in Bangladesh. Get the VISA APPLICATION FORM of India and see how much extraneous information is required (not necessary) for a citizen of Pakistan and a citizen of Bangladesh to visit India. Compare this form with the counterpart form of Bangladesh.

Further compare the same form with the counterpart form of Pakistan. See how three forms look side by side containing the questions and items required for a visitor. Invariably this is not the case for other nationals to visit India. Yet India is the largest democratic country in the world having either half or more than half of the provinces or territories always remaining under the Presidential Rule. This is nothing but Hindu hypocrisy.

PCB: Let the informations flow independently. We may disagree and even oppose. The readers are adult enough to judge the facts. We have not to dictate.

MA: PCB is right if democracy prevails.

PCB: I only object that Abdullah Bhai is trying to tell editors not to publish anything which he thinks is against Bangladesh. I know, the editors in Bangladesh are better from those in any part of the world who know their job very well and may not be dictated.

MA: Invariably the underlying comprehension is true. However, if I do see any communally motivated architecture in the Bangladeshi forum then invariably I’ll pull out the counter stick to control the situation for the global readers. Eventually I intend to insist to remove such communally motivated scoundrels from the civilized arena.

PCB: I am not like some Indian and Bangladeshi writers who have commercialised anti Islam opinions and sensul sex activities.

MA: Could PCB describe his motivation as how and why he arrived in this forum? What is the actual agenda of PCB in this forum? What items PCB is bringing to this forum? Is anything new for the readers from Bangladesh or around the globe? To note, I just tolerated first several postings of PCB. When he brought Sunil Kumar Pal in the scenario only then I had to come to the playground to encounter these communal elements in this forum.

PCB: Abdullah Bhai should recognise secular and democratic forces active in this subcontinent.

MA: I am much better with Mr. Abdullah. It is very difficult for me to comprehend as how Hindu India is a secular country with a puppet Muslim named President and a pro-Hindu Sarderjee Prime Minister. This show is nothing but hypocrisy as Indira Gandhi coined such a philosophy. She used Vice President Hidayetullah as a pawn to get reduced or subsidized rate petroleum or gasoline from the Muslim Arab Sheikhs dominated Middle-East. It is a matter of utter surprises that Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister and Hidayetullah as the Vice President visited together using the same aircraft the Arab capitals to secure the flow of the liquid fuel for India. Use of Muslim puppets in India is not new in this way. I can provide several examples of this kind. Is this type of hypocrisy resulting from diehard secular and democratic forces in India?

PCB: I am in favour of constant dialogue among differnt people of this subcontinent as they have no role in the artificial tention and wargame of ruling classes. In a new world, this subcontinent has to be united , I firmly believe. I am grateful that at least a section of Bangladeshi media including NFB and The Independent provides me the opportunity to address Bangladeshi audiance. I am used to write for little mags and I don`t write for entertainment.

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