Saturday, September 19, 2009

Refugee News

Refugee News

Syria Bars Iraqi Refugees, Crisis Worsens
The Associated Press - February, 12 2007
Syria, the last Arab country welcoming large numbers of Iraqi refugees, is closing the gates and leaving Iraqis with almost no place to go.
Comfort in a Cold Place
Time Magazine - February 8, 2007
The escalating violence in Baghdad has sent an exodus of Iraqis to neighboring countries, including Sweden.
Iraq Translators Face Closed Door U.S. Immigration Policy
Fox News - February 7, 2007
The refugee crisis in Iraq has left thousands of translators, aides to Americans, fleeing persecution to an unwelcoming U.S.
U.S. faced with a mammoth Iraq refugee crises
The Mercury News - February 7, 2006
The lack of participation and funding from the U.S. government has led many pressuring the administration to take a more active approach.
Iraqi Refugees Turn to Prostitution
CBS News - February 7, 2007
Many women in Syria are forced to sell their bodies to support their families.
In London, on a ’Long-Term Lease’
Reuters - February 1, 2007
Refugees forced to leave home in Iraq hope to return to their normal lives.
Iraq exodus brought boom, but Jordan stems flow
Reuters - February 1, 2007
Deprived refugees live in fear of deportation as Jordanian authorities are trying to stem the flow of new migrants.
’I can’t live in Baghdad any more’
Reuters - January 31, 2007
Two million Iraqis have fled aboard to escape violence and sectarian bloodshed.
U.S. under pressure to stop saying no
Reuters - January 31, 2007
U.S. Congress has begun pressuring the Bush administration to open the door to Iraqis, especially those who support the U.S.
As Iraqi refugees flee, let’s not forget Vietnam
USA Today - January 31, 2007
The Administration must to allow more Iraqi refugees into the U.S. as the situation continues to escalate.
Building a Future for Heathrow’s lost children
Reuters - January 29, 2007
The local Hillingdon authority in Britain demands more funding to provide housing for Heathrow’s lost children.
They Are Refugees. Who Are We? (8 Letters)
The New York Times - January 28, 2007
Readers’ emotional responses to the article on Coach Luma Mufleh and her “fugees” reiterates the significance of the “melting pot” history of the United States.
Thailand’s Kraisak Calls for Jobs for Burmese Activists
The Irrawaddy - January 26, 2007
Former Thai Senator Kraisak Choonhavan called on the interim Bangkok government on Thursday to open up opportunities for Burmese “democratic activists” to work in Thailand at the opening of USCRI’s Bangkok office.
Rich or poor, a million Iraqi refugees strain the hospitality of Jordan
The Guardian - January 24, 2007
Jordanian hospitality and tolerance begins to wear thin as the influx of Iraqi refugees increases.
Iraq’s Refugees
Washington Post - January 22, 2007
The Iraq refugee crisis is exploding and the administration has been slow to recognize the problem and slower to respond.
Refugees Find Hostility and Hope on Soccer Field
Warren St. John, New York Times - January 21, 2007
In Georgia, a soccer team made of refugees fights the city mayor to keep their boys soccer program and field.
Senators Denounce Bush Policy Limiting Refuge for Iraqis
Rachel L. Swarns, New York Times- January 17, 2007
Senate lawmakers criticized the Bush Administration for failing to provide refuge in the U.S. for the most vulnerable Iraqis.
Iraqi Refugee Crisis Seen Deepening: Help for Displace Urged at Hearing of Judiciary Panel
Ann Scott Tyson, Washington Post - January 17, 2007
Iraq is one of the fastest-growing refugee crises in the world yet the U.S. has allowed only 466 refugees since 2003.
Few Iraqis are able to find sanctuary within the U.S
Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times- January 17, 2007
Advocates for refugees, and some American officials, say there is an urgent need to allow more Iraqi refugees into the U.S.
Former Iraqi Translator Tells of Threats
Larry Margasak, Associated Press - January 16,2007
A former Iraqi Translator for US forces testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the growing Iraqi refugee crisis.
Anti-terrorism Restrictions Eased
Suzanne Gamboa, Associated Press - January 12, 2007
The administration is shifting policy to allow refugees who aided armed groups and considered terrorists to seek asylum or resettle in the U.S.
Administration Offers Plan to Ease Rules on Asylum
Rachel Swarns, New York Times - January 12, 2007
The Bush Administration seeks legislation that would provide relief to refugees and asylum seekers who have been denied because of antiterrorism laws.
Battling Deportation Often a Solitary Journey
Karin Brulliard, Washington Post - January 8, 2007
The lack of legal assistance for immigrants, including children, has caused many to be unfairly deported from the U.S.

Conservatives Decry Terror Laws’ Impact on Refugees
Darryl Fears, Washington Post - January 8, 2007
Conservative critics say the Bush administration’s board use of “material support” has denied asylum to individuals who fought alongside U.S. forces.
Kenyans close border with Somalia
BBC News - January 3, 2007
Kenyan authorities recently deported more than 420 Somali refugees and closed its borders.
Will We Leave Iraqi Allies Behind?
David Ignatius, Washington Post - January 3, 2007
The U.S. has a moral commitment to assist the Iraqis who risked their lives and families to be America's allies.
Few Iraqis Are Gaining U.S. Sanctuary
Sabrina Tavernise & Robert F. Worth, New York Times - January 2, 2007
The Bush administration needs to address the lack of a significant refugee program and urgent need to allow Iraqi refugees into the United States.
We Can’t Ignore Iraq’s Refugees
Edward Kennedy, Washington Post - December 30, 2006
The increasing number of Iraqi refugees demands an overwhelming need for temporary relief and permanent resettlement to the U.S.
Bipartisan Effort to Draft Immigration Bill
Rachel Swarns, New York Times - December 26, 2006
Democratic lawmakers and their Republican allies are working on measures that could place millions of illegal immigrants on a more direct path to citizenship.
Refugees shut out by war on terrorism
Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times - December 22, 2006
Refugees and U.S. allies who were forced to help terrorists groups are being denied asylum due to the “material support” law.
Old Allies, Tagged as Terrorists
Anna Husaraska, Washington Post- December 16, 2006
New anti-terrorist laws are keeping refugees out of the U.S. who fought for democracy, considering it “terrorist activity.”
Iraqi exodus could test Bush policy
Michael Kranish, Boston Globe - December 11, 2006
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis might seek refugee states in the U.S., putting pressure on the Bush administration to liberalize immigration policies.
At State, the News Needs No Muse
Al Kamen, Washington Post - December 8, 2006
The Department of State has been lobbying UNHCR to process the current influx of Iraqi refugees. The only problem: The U.N. is too underfunded and understaffed to handle this situation.
Uneasy Havens Await Those Who Flee Iraq
Hassan M. Fattah, New York Times - December 8, 2006
Refugees fleeing violence in Iraq face hardships in neighboring Syria and Jordan.
A Role for Syria
Kenneth H. Bacon, Washington Post - December 6, 2006
Syria’s resources have been stretched thin by over 750,000 Iraqi refugees. The U.N. and U.S. need to work with Syria to ensure it keeps accepting them.
Turning refugees into ‘terrorists'
Anna Husarska, International Herald Tribune - December 4, 2006
The new Congress needs to address the issue of ‘material support:’ denying asylum to refugees who have fought for pro-democratic groups, because that is considered ‘terrorism.’
’Nobody? Just you?’ Few lawyers aiding children facing deportation
Cara Anna, Associated Press - December 2, 2006
More immigrant children seeking asylum face deportation because the lack of legal representation in court.

TV and Radio Coverage

Against the Grain
January 9, 2007 - KPFA
Interview with USCRI Director of International Planning and Analysis Merrill Smith on the Campaign to End Warehousing. Listen to the interview...

National Public Radio - December 12, 2006
Interview with Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration Ellen Sauerbrey on the Iraqi refugee crisis. Read more...

Somali Refugees Hang on to Hope in Camps
National Public Radio - November 8, 2005
Extremist Islamist groups are targeting Somali refugees in Kenyan camps as potential recruits. Read more…

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