Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Re: Terror attack in Srinagar linked to Troop withdrawal demand

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:
Dear All,

The timing of the terror attack in Srinagar, when a bomb exploded in a Police Van, near the Srinagar Prison at the time of Iftar, calls for analysis. Those who are even minutely aware of the current political consensus would agree to the following.

Irrespective of Political party affliations, across the spectrum the demand is that, with the clear downturn in the militancy & the succesful conduct of the elections, there is a growing demand for the downscaling of the overwhelming military presence across the Kashmir Valley.

More than 500,000 troops continue their presence in Kashmir.

I was recently in Srinagar & this was clearly the central point of discussion & consensus ranging from the National Conference & the Peoples' Democratic Front to the Communist Party of India to the seperatists in the Hurriyat.

Consider the following facts:
1) The seperatist movement is clearly on the wane.
2) The last elections showed a voter turnout of 65%.
3) The option of accession to Pakistan is too abstract as there is no guarantee of a Pakistan itself.
4) An Independent Kashmir, will require either the US or China to guarantee it's survival.
5) There is no question of another partition of India, either on religious or ethnic lines & this our principled position on the Kashmir conundrum.
6) The only viable option is for the Line of Control (LOC) to be declared as the International border, formalising the current ground realities.
7) The above will reduce tensions on the Indo-Pak front & will finally pave the way for a South Asian Union (SAU), thus finally uniting the Peoples' of South Asia.
& 8) Unfortunately the above is not possible till we have a Pan-South Asian anti-Imperialist struugle for the freedom of the entire Sub-Continenet from the American-Israeli-Nato jackboots & the occupation of Afghanistan & the interventions in Pakistan & India & this is true for the entire region.

Thus the terror attack in Srinagar is to maintain the troop buildup & have the dastardly attack has been committed by the agent provocateurs aligned to the Imperial-Zionist strategic gameplan for the region.

In Solidarity with the struggling Peoples' of South Asia.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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